I held my pussy open in front of the webcam. I felt like a fool once again sitting there at my piece-of-shit computer with my legs spread and my tits hanging out desperately trying to make enough money to pay the mortgage that was five months overdue. I must have been crazy thinking a forty-something-year-old broad like me with saggy tits, stretch marks and a used up twat could compete with the teen sluts offering up their perfect little asses and pert little tits for every pervert with two bucks to whack off to.

Me, bitter? What makes you think that? The sound of a door creaking and slamming shut let me know that the one person watching my preview "show" had left. BeaverMan415 was still there, but I didn't count him. He was always there. He popped onto my channel a couple days after I first started this pointless effort to make some money, and, since then, every time I was online he was there. I'd never heard a peep out of him, gotten a single message, or (most obnoxiously) earned a single token from him. I'd ask him at least ten times a day if he wanted to go private, but never got a response. Fucking loser.

While I was deciding between waiting to see if anyone else showed up or going to take a dump, the tinkling sound of someone entering my virtual room perked me up.

'wut u do?' PussyLvr69 wrote in the message window.

"I do it all, pussy lover," I said into my headset in as sexy of a voice as I could manage at ten o'clock in the morning. "I have different outfits and toys, anything you want, lover."

'fuck ur ass wit dildo while u piss,' he typed back.

Goddammit. They never just wanted something normal. I'd refused to piss on cam several times already, but I was getting to the point where I couldn't afford to be precious with what little dignity I had left.

"Oh, yeah, pussy lover, I'll fuck my horny ass for you--"

"Holy shit, Mom! What the hell?"

A cold jolt of panic shot through me when I heard my son's voice behind me. I slammed my legs closed and covered my tits.

"Why aren't you at work?" I screamed.


"Again! What the fuck?"

"Hey, at least I'm not sitting around jacking it to porn all day like you!" He stomped off toward his room.

"Jesse, you get back here!" I scrambled for something to cover up with. I heard my son's bedroom door slam at about the same time as the door on the computer slammed. So much for Pussylvr69 and my one decent shot at making a few bucks today.

I wrapped the towel around me that I keep nearby in case I squirt and marched down the hall to Jesse's bedroom. I barged right in.

"Mom! Get out of my room," he yelled, slumped on his bed about to light a cigarette.

"If I don't come up with six-hundred and fifty dollars by next Monday this ain't gonna be your room any more. Yeah, that's how close we are to being foreclosed on, sonny boy."

"Jesus, Mom, go put some damned clothes on."

I was so spitting mad I didn't even care if anything was showing.

"And now you go and get your ass fired! The only skill you got is pumping gas, and you can't even fucking do that right!"

"At least I had a job," he shot back and lit up.

"What do you think I was doing in there, huh? I was trying to make some money to pay for the goddamned roof over your ungrateful head."

"Give me a break, Mom, you're fucking disgusting. I saw what you were doing."

"And do you know what? Men pay to see me do it. Yeah, perverted fucktards like you, who can't get a real woman, shell out good money to see what I got."

I slammed his bedroom door, then slammed my bedroom door. I heard Jesse leave at some point. Eventually, I went to the kitchen for a drink.

I didn't bother to get dressed. What difference did it make? Jesse was right, I wasn't much better than a whore. And a lousy whore at that. Couldn't even pay my goddamned bills. I opened the refrigerator to find that the six-pack of Natty Ices I'd bought the night before were gone. That thieving little fucker.

I fetched the half-empty bottle of cheap vodka from the back of the broom closet where I kept it hidden. That boy had been driving me to distraction for the past eighteen years, but I still loved the bastard. He'd always had his daddy's good looks, but lately I could see it in him more like a man instead of a boy. I thought this daddy and me would be together forever. Those were some wild days back then. Back when I had a body men would fight to get their hands on.

My first swig of vodka went down hard, but it felt good by the time it hit my belly.

I woke up on the sofa some time the next morning. The empty vodka bottle was on the floor and Jesse had apparently thrown one of our tattered old afghans over me. I was still naked underneath. There was peanut butter stuck in my hair. My head was twice too big for my skull and I had to piss like a racehorse. If this wasn't rock bottom, I was pretty damned close to it.

It was slow going, but I got myself cleaned up and put together. I sat in front of the computer for a long time before getting up the ambition to turn it on. I had on a lacy red bra with holes for my nipples to show through, and a matching pair of crotchless panties that I got from Frederick's of Hollywood. I logged in, checked my balance ($46.75), and clicked the "Available" button.

'You look sad today, Monique.'

I stared at the text in the message box for a few seconds not quite grasping what I was seeing. The message was from BeaverMan415.

"Oh, um, no, I'm not sad. It's just that I'm so super horny right now."

'You don't have to pretend,' BeaverMan415 wrote.'Who was that in your doorway yesterday?'

"Don't worry about him," I said dismissively. My heart was racing at the possibility of making some actual money. This guy wouldn't be spending all his time in my preview room if he didn't like something about me. "Let's talk about us. Should we go private?"

'Mabye. Who was he?'

"It was just my son. He wasn't supposed to be home, but...oops!" Come on, I had to get this guy in a private show. "What would you like me to do for you, BeaverMan?"

'Is your son there now?'


'I'll pay 50 tokens to see him looking at you dressed as you are now.'

It could never just be something normal, could it? "Too bad he's not here."

'100 tokens.'

Holy shit. I stared at the message on the screen. A hundred bucks just for letting my son look at me in this trashy outfit. It was crazy to even consider it. But a hundred fucking bucks.

"Give me a minute." I took off my headset, put on my robe and went to Jesse's bedroom.

He was still asleep. I knew this was a bad idea, but I had no choice. I nudged him awake.

"Leave me the fuck alone," he growled into his pillow.

"Jesse, wake up, I need your help. A man wants to pay me a hundred dollars for you to look at me in my underwear."

"Are you still drunk?"

"No." I tugged his arm. "C'mon it'll only take five minutes and we can make an easy hundred."

"I don't want to see my mom in her underwear."

"You saw me naked last night, didn't you?"

He didn't have a smart answer for that. He turned his head and looked at me with one bleary eye. "You do realize how fucked up this is."

"I know. They're all a bunch of demented freaks online, but if we don't get this money you're going to be sleeping under a railroad bridge next week instead of in a nice cushy bed."

"Uuuugh, okay, okay. Five minutes, that's it."

Jesse followed me back to my room wearing just his boxers and a wife-beater. If I'd only known then what we were getting ourselves into.

I sat down and put my headset on. I cringed a little when I noticed that all my "tools of the trade" (dildos, bottles of lube, a few butt plugs, etc.) were s**ttered around in plain view. Fuck it, nothing I could do about it now.

"Hi, BeaverMan, look who I found."

'Welcome back, Monique. I'm glad to see you have company. Requesting a private session...'

The computer made a happy warbling sound that I'd only heard twice before.

"Monique?" Jesse scoffed at my stage name. "You are so lame."

I hit mute. "Just be nice and play along. Let's get this over with." I pasted on a big smile and clicked accept.

The screen shifted and reconfigured itself. I had one window where I could see myself with Jesse standing next to me, and another window that was black. BeaverMan415 apparently didn't have a webcam, or he didn't want to be seen. Probably for the best.

"We're ready on this end," I said into my microphone.

There was the sound of coins dropping into a slot and 100 tokens were racked up to my account. It was all I could do to keep myself from squealing out loud.

"All I have to do is look at you? That's the deal?"

"That's it, son."

"Okay,Mom." He wasn't taking this seriously at all.

I took a breath. "Here goes." I opened my robe slipped it off my shoulders and sat back.

"Whoa, wait a minute." Jesse covered his eyes and turned away. "You said you'd be in your underwear. You didn't tell me your stuff would be showing through everywhere.

I quickly hit mute again.

"Don't fuck this up, Jesse. He could complain and get his money back or even get me kicked off the site." I suddenly felt very self-conscious exposed in front of my son the way I was. "It's not like you haven't see a naked woman before. Just pretend like I'm one of those sluts you're always running around with."

I put my smile back on and unclicked mute. "Sorry about that."

'Is there a problem?'

"No, my son is just a little shy about seeing me like this for the first time."

'Show off your bra for him. Then do the same with your panties - front and back.'

I nodded and fixed my hair to stall for time.

'And I want to see him watching you the whole time.'

"We got it. Here we go."

I adjusted the camera, then had Jesse sit down on the edge of my bed as I positioned my chair across from him. He didn't look too thrilled, but he wasn't resisting. I began moving my shoulders in a sensuous way. I ran my hands up to my chest and cupped my breasts. Jesse watched me without expression. I brushed my fingertips across my nipples, bared by the peek-a-boo holes. My son's eyes followed my motions. I played with the shoulder straps a little and went back to tweak my nipples again. I didn't know what else to do so I moved to the next stage.

I stood up and swayed my hips a little. Jesse probably couldn't see much through the slit in my panties except for a few curls of hair down there. I toyed with the waistband, acting like I was going to pull them down, but not going through with it. I moved my hand over the front of the panties, trying not to make direct contact with myself. After a minute more of this sort of teasing, I turned around.

My ass used to be my best feature. It wasn't what it used to be, but it was still a pretty respectable butt. I continued my best imitation of a stripper sway and displayed my backside to my son. He could probably see a fair bit of butt crack through the opening in my panties. I'd done a lot of humiliating things in my life, but never in front of Jesse. I hoped that he understood I was doing this for him more than I was for myself.

When I thought I'd done enough, I got back into my chair and turned to the computer again.

'Very nice. Did that make your son hard?'

"He wants to know if you got a hard-on?"

"No!" Jesse insisted a little too strongly and moved his arm across his lap.

"Yes, I think looking at his hot mommy gave him a nice big chubby."

"Mom, shut up," he whispered angrily.

'Ask him to take it out and show it to you.'

"He wants you to take it out," I relayed to Jesse.

"I'm not letting this guy look at my dick. No fucking way."

'I want to see your mother looking at your dick. 50 tokens.'

I hit mute. "Jesse, 50 bucks just to whip it out for a minute. So what if some guy in his parents' basement in Cleveland can see it. Just do it." Unmute.

"Hey, BeaverMan. My, my, you are a naughty boy. I can't believe you're making us do this. It's so bad." The sound of coins dropping made me giddy inside.

Jesse stood up, but seemed reluctant to go further.

"Don't be bashful, son, let Mommy see that nice cock of yours."

He made a sour face that luckily couldn't be seen on camera. I gave him a look that told him he better do what I wanted or there'd be hell to pay. He rolled his eyes and fished his penis out through the opening in the front of his boxers.

I was surprised to find a strange tingle run all over my body. I've seen more than my share of cocks over the years, and I didn't expect to have any more of a reaction to my son's dick than I would to any other part of him, but it was having an unexpected effect on me.

Jesse was only half hard, his thick shaft curving downward, his fat cockhead hanging heavy at the end. I obviously knew he wasn't a little boy anymore, but I never imagined his cock being that big and...manly. I didn't like the way seeing his junk was making me feel. I was his mother -- it wasn't supposed to be like that.

'How do you like your son's cock?'

"Oh, it's so big and sexy," I gushed, trying to ooze sensuality.

'If I wanted something fake, I would be watching porn. Be real.'

I knew even as I was playing it up that I was coming across like a bad porn actress.

"Okay, ehm, well...I do like it." For the first time in a long time I felt myself blushing. "It's pretty big, which is good. For me, size does matter. I haven't seen a strong, young cock in a while, so that's nice. You've got an impressive tool there, son."

"God, Mom," he cursed under his breath.

"Take your balls out, too."

"He didn't ask for that."

"I know, but you should do it anyway." I didn't admit that it was mainly because I wanted to see them. "Fifty bucks should at least buy some balls."

Jesse scooped his nutsack out of his shorts and let them dangle there in the open. I wondered if BeaverMan was stroking his cock to all of this.

"Lift your dick up so we can see them," I told my son, sounding more like a proud mama than an online sex worker.

I was actually surprised when Jesse did as I asked without complaining. I figured he'd be running out of the room by now. I got a good look at his balls. They were hanging loose, and apparently he kept them shaved clean. I'd never seen manscaping like that in real life, and I had to admit it had a certain appeal. I couldn't help thinking how nice they might feel against my cheek. I shook my head, trying to remember this was my son's dick I was looking at.

"Beautiful balls, son. I bet the girls love sucking on those, don't they?"

"Yeah, whatever, Mom." His annoyance with me was thick in his voice.

'Monique, touch your son's penis.'

"He wants me to touch it," I said to my son and almost started reaching for his cock.

"Fuck no," Jesse protested. "This is getting too weird."

'50 tokens to let your mom touch your penis.'

I looked up at Jesse, silently pleading with him to take the money.

"A hundred tokens," Jesse countered, leaning in close to my headset to make sure our voyeur could hear him.

'For 100 I want to see your mom give you a handjob.'

"It's one fifty for a handjob, buddy."

My head was spinning a little as they carried on this rapid-fire negotiation. I'd lost control of the situation. No one seemed to even consider that I might not agree to any of this.

'Very well, 150 token.' Coins dropped.'I'll make it 200 if you cum on your mother.'

"Two hundred it is," I cut in, worried things might escalate beyond the crazy place they'd already arrived at. "C'mere, big boy. Let Mama get her hands on that big thing of yours."

Jesse looked at me and ran his fingers through his sleep-matted hair. He seemed a little confused by what just happened. He was apparently realizing that he'd gotten himself in deeper than he'd intended. I was afraid he was about to come to his senses and spoil the deal. I was also disturbingly worried I wouldn't get a chance to touch my boy's enticing cock.

"Don't worry about it, honey," I said, trying to reassure him. "Hell, I'm sure you were going to jerk off this morning anyway, this'll just save you the trouble."

"So you're okay with me blowing a load on you, Mom?"

I would normally have expected him to say something like this to me as an accusation, but there was a certain amount of tenderness in his voice that almost made it seem like he cared about what I thought.

"Two hundred," was the only explanation I could give him.

He shrugged and stepped closer. I reached out and took a firm hold of his cock, wrapping my hand around his thick shaft. I wondered if he noticed how much my hand was shaking. I began stroking him and he quickly grew fully hard. It seemed impossibly strange to be touching my son in this way, but at the same time it felt perfectly natural. I had a warm tingle in my chest.

"How's that?" I asked in my seductive online voice.

Jesse just grunted noncommittally.

"You like the way Mommy touches your big-boy cock?"

"C'mon, do you have to say that shit?" he rasped under his breath.

I didn't have to talk dirty, but I was hoping it might earn us an extra tip at the end of the session. Plus, I had to admit, I was actually getting turned on for the first time since I'd started showing off my cooch online.

"I never knew my son had such a big beautiful cock." I'd suspected as much, but it was perversely gratifying to be able to confirm it in the flesh. "And look at those sexy balls."

I cupped my hand up under his nutsack and fondled his loose-hanging balls. Absolutely delightful. Every mother should be allowed the privilege to play with her son's cock like this at least once. I'd jacked off a long line of dicks over the years, but this was the first time it felt special for me.

"Mommy wants your cum," I vamped. "Are you going to shoot your big load all over Mommy's tits?"

Jesse looked down, his eyes focusing on my nipples poking out through my frilly bra. He had to be noticing how hard they'd gotten since he first saw them. That warm tingle spread from my chest to a spot down between my legs when I noticed that he was looking at my tits with carnal hunger instead of disgusted contempt. Jesse licked his lips, probably without being conscious of it. I suspected my son wanted to suck my nips. The thought disturbed and excited me in equal measures.

"I let you see Mommy's titties." I jerked my son faster, squeezing his balls as I did. "I let you see my pussy. Now I want to see your cum, baby. I want to see it."

He was rocking slightly in rhythm with my pumping hand. My son was getting close. This was too bizarre. I tried to focus on the fact that it was nothing more than a simple business transaction. Two hundred dollars. Mortgage, electric bill, groceries, gas. Two hundred dollars. A one-time thing just to get by. Two hundred dollars.

"Oh, fuck," Jesse moaned.

I felt my pussy throb when he did that. He was getting off on me jerking his cock, and I was getting off on doing it. Who the hell was I trying to k**? Two hundred dollars? I'd probably have done this for free if given the chance. I'd never thought about my son in an explicitly sexual way before, but now that I had his manly cock in my hands I couldn't imagine why I hadn't. He was young and handsome, a bit rough around the edges, but he had a great body and very kissable lips. I don't know why I'd never considered the stud living under my own roof on any of those long, lonely nights when it was just me and my fingers.

"That's it, baby, cum for Mommy." It was all I could do to resist taking his cock in my mouth and sucking him off. I gave his nuts a gentle twist and jacked him faster. "Give it to me! I want your cum!"

"Shit, Mom...I'm..." His cockhead swelled. "I'm gonna..." He didn't have to finish what he was trying to say. A moment later it was obvious.

A thick, white jet of cum blasted out of his cock and hit me in the center of my chest with a forceful splatter. The warm jizz felt amazing against my skin. I barely had enough presence of mind to grab one of my titties and angle his dick at it. The next spurt shot out and landed on my nipple. I turned my shoulders to offer him the other one. Another pulse of goo squirted onto my frilly bra, but the final shot coated my nipple in that precious pearly cream.

I continued stroking him softly and more cum oozed from his cock and dripped down onto my bare thigh. My cunt was convulsing with desperate desire by this point. If I was with a regular guy I'd be throwing my legs up in the air and shoving that cock deep inside me. But this was my son. I had to make sure I didn't do something that would permanently destroy our already rocky relationship.

"Oh my, you got your cum all over Mommy," I said in mock distress. "What a naughty son you are." I leaned in and rubbed the head of his cock against my cheek, wiping his cum onto my face. "You made such a big, nasty mess."

We heard the sound of the final 50 tokens we were owed dropping, then a creak and a door slamming shut. So much for BeaverMan415. So much for a tip.

Jesse pulled back, yanking his cock out of my hand and tucking it back into his boxers with some difficulty.

"I get half that money," he insisted gruffly.

"No problem." I sat back in my chair, not bothering to close my legs. "Your half should just about cover your share of the bills this month, so I'll just go ahead and put it towards that for you."

His jaw clenched and his eyes flashed with impotent anger. Jesse looked at my cum-covered tits, then down at my lust-swollen pussy peeking through my crotchless panties.

"Sick fucking whore." He spat the words at me and stormed out of my bedroom.

"I love you, too, sweetie!"

I waited until I heard his door slam before I grabbed my biggest dildo and began fucking myself like I'd never fucked myself before.

Somewhere in the back of my head I was calculating how many more times I would have to jerk my son off on camera to get caught up on all our bills. Imagine how much we could get if he let me suck his cock. The thought of Jesse's cock in my mouth was enough to make me cum like the sick whore my son accused me of being. I didn't bother trying to be quiet about it, and I'm sure he heard my orgasmic screaming in his room down the hall.

I sat there limp and satisfied, my son's cum still glistening on the tips of my tits, my pussy dripping, and realized that I had no choice but to convince my son to do this with me again.

I was a shitty mother. I should have felt guilty for exploiting my own son by using him in my X-rated cam show as a way to make enough money to pay our long overdue mortgage bill, but I didn't. A good mother would have deeply regretted doing something as immoral and depraved as that. Although, I suppose a truly good mom wouldn't have jerked her son off until he shot a big load of cum all over her tits in the first place.

Alright, so I was a shitty mother. So what. It's not like anyone was getting hurt. He was eighteen years old and could make his own choices. No one was forcing him. I'm sure he got his jollies out of it. My son could call me a sick fucking whore all he wanted, but he obviously didn't have any difficulty busting a nut for his mother. Even so, just because I didn't feel guilty for doing it, doesn't mean I shouldn't at least feel ashamed for enjoying it as much as I did.

I sat in front of the computer and waited for it to boot up. I had my hair done nice, and my makeup all fixed. I looked like I was ready for a night on the town even though it was only ten in the morning. The computer didn't crash like it usually did during the first few attempts to get it started. The day was looking good already.

As I logged in to the cam site, I adjusted the bustier I had on. It was a cheap piece of crap that I found on clearance at that punky Hot Topic store for k**s, but it squished my tits up so they looked bigger and firmer than they really were. I also had on a black pair of thong panties that turned into pussy floss within a minute after I put them on.

I couldn't resist checking my balance. $313.50. This was what I'd made after the site took its cut. Not bad for a handjob. Just seeing that number was enough to get me wet. All it took was a single, fifteen-minute private session to bank almost half of what I needed to avoid foreclosure for another month. Time to get to work and earn the other half.

A couple minutes after I activated my preview room, BeaverMan415 was there, as usual. I put my headset on and adjusted it.

"Morning, lover," I said, realizing I was using my porn voice. I adjusted to something closer to my natural tone. "Are you going to play with me today?"

I waited, staring at the text message box, but there was no response. In the meantime, a few more visitors had popped in.

"Hi, Thin Willy, what turns you on?"

'u teh 1 that fucks herr son?'

"Ah, no, I don't fuck my son." What the hell? How did he know that I did anything at all with my son? "But I'll fuck this nice big, black dildo for you, if you like." I picked up the toy and licked it seductively.

ThinWilly77 went poof. Asshole. I picked the next name on the list, CraigUK, and tried to entice him into a private show with no luck. This routine went on for the next couple hours. I couldn't lure anyone into going private, but I at least managed to pick up 20 tokens by flashing my twat wedgie and showing off the buxom pin-up girl tattooed on my ass. I was doing better than usual, but this just wasn't going to cut it. I had to make some more money quick or my life would be fucked (or, to be precise, more fucked).

I thought it was odd that three other people asked about my son. I tried not to dwell on the thought of the way Jesse's cockhead swelled just before his cum shot out onto my chest. I shook my head and reviewed the short list of visitors loitering in my preview room hoping for a free peek at something. BeaverMan was still there, not saying a thing.

I took a break and went to the bathroom. I didn't bother putting on a robe as I normally would when Jesse was home, but after what he'd seen yesterday it didn't seem to matter. He was still sound asleep in his room anyways. The lazy bastard.

The one advantage of the pussy floss underwear is that you don't have to pull them down when you take a piss; it's easier to just pull them to the side. I had a good long pee, wiped and went into the kitchen. It was too early for a drink, but I checked to see what we had anyway. No beer; I'd polished off the vodka the other night; and the wine box was sitting in the recycle bin. I checked the cabinet over the stove and found a nip bottle of cinnamon schnapps. I looked at the time on the microwave. 11:54. Close enough. I cracked the top and downed it in one shot.

"Jesus Christ, Mom. Put some fucking clothes on. I don't want to see your wrinkly old ass first thing in the morning."

If I had been a good mother, my first instinct would have been to cover up. I didn't bother.

"Then when do you want to see it?" I wasn't able to get a laugh out of him with that. "And, by the way, it's first thing in the afternoon, you lazy prick."

Despite his apparent distaste for seeing his mom's half-naked body, he couldn't resist checking out my boosted up tits and barely covered snatch.

"Whatever." He got the milk out of the 'fridge and grabbed the box of Lucky Charms. "How would you like it if I walked around here with my dick hanging out all over the place?"

"Be my guest." I tossed the empty mini-bottle into the sink on top of the pile of dirty dishes already there. "Mommy thinks your little dinky is cute, honey, you should show it off more," I teased, using my baby voice.

I had to admit that it was getting me kind of hot to be showing off my pussy hair right there in the kitchen with my son stealing glances at it when he thought I wouldn't notice. Or maybe it was just the cinnamon schnapps making me feel warm all over.

"Listen, we have to talk. Don't roll your eyes at me, this is serious."

"I know what you're going to say, and I already told you I'm going to look for a job today. Lay off, already."

"That's good," I said as I sat down at the table across from him. "But I wanted to talk about something else."

"Okay, what?" His eyes lingered on my artificially ample cleavage.

"About what happened yesterday."

"Let's not and say we did." He looked down into his bowl and resumed shoveling.

"We made a pretty good chunk of change out of it."

"I made it, you kept it."

"Don't be a douche. You know what that money is for. And I damn well did my part to earn it."

"You weren't bringing in shit shaking your ass for the camera until I joined in."

"Alright, I can't argue with that." It was impossible to gauge which way he would go on this, so I just came out with it. "And that's why I want you to do another show with me."

"Listen, you know what's at stake. You obviously couldn't have been too disgusted by it all or you wouldn't have blown your wad as fast as you did yesterday." He didn't have a snarky comeback for that. "You only have to put up with it for fifteen or twenty minutes, and we'll get to keep the house. Plus you get a free handjob out of the deal. What's so bad about that?"

"Okay, look, I understand that we need the money. But I'm only doing this until we make enough for the mortgage payment, or I get job, whatever comes first."

"That's all I'm asking."

"And I want a cut. If you're going to pimp me out like this, then I at least want to be able buy enough whiskey to forget that I my own mom is jacking me off for a bunch of faggot pervs."

"If that's how it has to be. Twenty-five percent sound fair?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"You do realize by taking that money for yourself that we're only going to have to do more shows to make up the difference."

"I'm getting a job today, so it won't matter."

"All right, then, let's go. It's show time, sonny boy."

"Right now?"

"You've been staring at Mommy's tits all this time, you must be good and hard by now."

"Damn it, what's with the mommy crap? I'm not fucking twelve years old, you know."

"I know, but the pervs pay extra for it."

I led my begrudging son to my bedroom and set things up. We would start a group show as soon as we raised 300 tokens. It only took about five minutes of teasing and enticing before the tokens started coming in and more users started appearing and staying. Even ThinWilly was back. We were stuck around the 200 token mark until BeaverMan415 finally stepped up and donated 100 to the cause, making him the high bidder.

My tummy was all aflutter. I was trying not to acknowledge how much of that excitement was from the anticipation of getting my son's cock back in my hands. A good mother would have stayed focused on the money, not on the impending cum bath she was about to get from her handsome boy.

I started the show by playing acting like I was a stripper for Jesse. I sat him down and seductively moved my body in front of him. The questions from the peanut gallery started right away, and I had to field them while I did my thing.

"Yes, he's my real biological son." I danced around between Jesse's outstretched knees as he sat there looking stoic. "His name is...Cody." He shifted uncomfortably as I squeezed my titties through my cheap lingerie. "He's 18, I'm 44." I wiggled my butt at "Cody" like an over-the-hill lap dancer. "No, we're not going to fuck. Mommy's going to give her baby boy a nice handjob instead." I faced him and gyrated my way through a little bump and grind routine. "C'mon, Cody, take it out for Mommy."

Jesse, with clenched jaw, shucked his boxers down and kicked them aside. His cock stood straight up. He could act like he wasn't enjoying this all he wanted, but that hard-on was telling a different story. "That's right, Dark One, my boy does have a nice big cock." It made things a lot easier not having to pretend to be turned on like I did when I was doing one of these shows alone.

Over the next ten minutes, I got him out of his wife-beater, leaving him completely naked, and I stripped out of my bustier. My saggy boobs didn't look as impressive without the support, but I got a kick out of being topless in front of Jesse. His stubborn demeanor slowly shifted to curious lust as the show went on. I got on with the main attraction before we began to lose any customers. If they stayed to the end they were more likely to throw in a tip.

I knelt down between Jesse's legs and took his cock in my hand. It was hot and hard. I was too nervous yesterday to fully appreciate it, but he really did have a fantastic tool. I always knew my boy would one day become a man, but I never expected to experience it in such a hands-on way. I tried to ignore the ache of desire in my pussy.

"I love stroking my baby boy's cock. Does that feel good, Je...Cody?"

"Yeah," he grunted. I nudged him and gave him a look. "Yeah, Mom, I like it when you jerk me off." He wasn't making any effort to sound convincing, but at least he said the words.

I stroked him in various ways, changing hands or grips every so often. I played with his balls, squeezed his cockhead, and rubbed it against my cheek once. I could tell by his breathing that he was getting close.

"Does everyone want to see my son cum all over his mommy's titties?"

There was a chorus of agreement from the half-dozen spectators. The image of them all beating off in front of their computers flashed through my head and gave me a little thrill.


I looked and was surprised to see that it was BeaverMan who dissented.

'Have him jack off into your mouth.'

My heart jumped when I read that. BeaverMan was high bidder, which traditionally meant he was entitled to a special request. And, I was sure there would a nice bonus from him if we did it.

"They want you to cum in my mouth." I watched closely for Jesse's reaction, hoping he would go along with it.


"There's a special request for you to jerk off into my mouth, so..."

I continued to move my hand up and down his shaft as he worked the proposition through in his head. He didn't seem immediately repulsed by the idea, but he wasn't leaping at the opportunity either.

"You're okay with that?" he asked, sounding like he couldn't believe I would even consider doing something so profane.

I shrugged like it was no big deal. "Not like I haven't done that sort of thing before."

"But not with..." He was probably too close to getting off to want to argue me out of it. "If you're cool with it, then why the fuck not?"

He stood up, grabbed his cock and started jacking himself off. I suddenly felt a little intimidated kneeling in front of my son as he loomed over me with his angry prick just inches from my face. I became keenly aware of just how big he really was, both in stature and in cock size. If he decided to push me down on the floor and fuck me, there wouldn't be much I could do to stop him. My heart raced.

"You want me to cum in your mouth, Mom?" he demanded, sounding more pissed off than turned on.

"Yes, I want my baby boy's cum."

"I'm going to fuckin' do it, Mom." This came across almost as a threat. "I'm really going to fuckin' shoot my load right in your slut mouth."

"Do it, baby. Mommy wants your cum." I wondered if he could tell that I really meant it.

He put his hand on top of my head and stroked faster. His eyes flicked between my face and my naked tits. I pulled on my stiff nipples, hoping that would encourage him.

"Open your mouth."

I tipped my head back and did as he ordered. Jesse moved in closer and angled his hard-on so that his cockhead hovered just above my open mouth.

"I'm going to cum, Mom!" His tone was less harsh, more aroused. "You ready?"

I knew he was giving me a chance to back out before it was too late, but I had no intention of missing what might be a once in a lifetime opportunity to taste my own son's cum.

"Give it to me! I want it!"

I opened wider, stuck out my tongue, and saw his cockhead swell. I knew what that meant! Suddenly, my boy was pumping spurt after spurt of his warm load straight into my mouth. My head swam with the scandalous reality of the moment. It was one thing messing around in front of the camera and pretending like I was in some cheesy porno, but it hit me hard in that moment that I was about as far as you could get from being a glamorous porn star. I was nothing but a struggling single mother down on her knees forcing her son to empty his balls down my throat. Jesse was right; I was a sick fucking whore.

"You like that, Mom?" He continued beating his cock above my face, pouring even more jizz into my open mouth. "You like swallowing my cum, Mom? Fuckin' eat it!" Jesse squeezed out the last few drops, then wiped his dick off on my chin.

I tried not to think about the inexcusable thing I'd just done, and instead concentrate on doing whatever I needed to do to bring in a few more tokens, which might at least make my filthy transgression worthwhile.

I moved close to the camera, letting my warped viewers see that my mouth was full of my son's seed. I hadn't actually swallowed any of it, but his taste was strong on my tongue. The smell of him was intoxicating. I closed my mouth and swirled it around some before letting much of it dribble out from between my lips and drip down onto my tits. I sucked some of it back in, and opened again to show that I still had a substantial supply of sperm to play with.

Some of the viewers dropped out of the room. I assumed they had blown their loads and were done. At least one dropped a five-token tip before leaving. Gee, thanks, big spender. As I juggled my son's load around on my tongue for the camera, I was very aware of Jesse standing over my shoulder watching. I wasn't expecting this. I figured he would escape out of there as soon as he could after delivering his cumshot. I didn't want to turn and look, but I was pretty sure he was still stroking his cock as he watched me play with his cum.

Once I'd done everything I could think of, including spitting Jesse's semen into my palm and slurping it back up, I went ahead and swallowed what was left in three gulps. I opened up to make sure everyone knew I had genuinely eaten all of my son's big glob of jizz.

Comments of praise and adoration flooded my message board.

"Thanks everyone!" I croaked into the microphone, my voice sounding gurgly from the coating of sperm it had just received. "That's our show for today. If you liked seeing a desperate mom swallowing her horny son's creamy load, be sure to show it with a nice big tip."

The sound of coins dropping into a slot machine sounded a few more times as the room cleared out. I was beginning to feel very self-conscious about being naked except for my floss thong with Jesse standing right next to me. BeaverMan415 was the last one left. I grabbed a towel, dabbed the cum off my chin, and then covered my naked tits with it. BeaverMan still remained.

"Did you enjoy the show?"

There was no response for about half a minute.

'You two up for more?'

I was still feeling the unresolved emotional turmoil over what I'd already done, and wasn't sure I ever wanted to do another show with my son at all, but it wouldn't hurt to at least hear what he had in mind. I looked to Jesse.

"I'm just waiting around to see how much money the final total is." He stated this like he needed some kind of excuse to still be standing there next to his slut mom.

"He wants to know if you're up for another show."

"It's always something else with you, isn't it?" he accused. "You drag me into this perverted freak show, then you keep trying to pull me in deeper." He hadn't said no. "I don't even think I could work up another one right now if I wanted to." The fact that he was still sporting a full-blown hard-on gave me no doubt that he would be able to perform again if he wanted to. I'd almost forgotten about the wonders of teenaged cock.

'Monique, 100 tokens for you to masturbate.'

"Oh, no problem there, Beaver Man!" I was excited about the easy money.

'I want you to masturbate to orgasm, and I want Cody to watch you.'

I didn't have a problem with the orgasm part, I was already a good part of the way there already based on the way my clit was pulsing under my micro-thong. But I didn't know if I could do something like that in front of Jesse. Sure, I'd just eaten his load of cum, but this seemed somehow different.

"He says-"

"Yeah, I can read it," Jesse interrupted gruffly.

He looked at me with a slight scowl, his eyes dark with what felt like contempt. I felt like he was depending on me to draw the line, hoping I would set down some sort of clear boundary somewhere. I wanted to be strong enough to do that for him, whether out of some shred of moral conviction, or, at the very least, out of humiliation and fear. Instead I gave him a slight nod.

Jesse leaned in toward my headset. "One fifty."

'Agreed, providing your mother uses a dildo to fuck herself as she masturbates.'

"Sounds like fun," I chimed in, my overly-chipper voice betraying my nervousness.

'There will be a bonus for you, Cody, if you can manage to cum again on your mother.'

I set up a one-on-one private room. BeaverMan arrived and transferred the 150 tokens. I put the towel aside. There was still some of Jesse's cum smeared on my tits. Picking through my nearby toy collection, I selected Old Faithful. It was the one dildo I'd had before I started doing cam shows. After many years of practice with it, I knew it was the single piece of equipment I could rely on to get me off no matter what.

With a deep breath, I turned my chair and faced Jesse. He stood only a few feet away, naked and holding his prick patiently. My stomach felt like I was a schoolgirl who'd just undressed in front of her boyfriend for the first time. I hadn't experienced that kind of giddy shyness since I first started going out with Jesse's dad. I teased the tip of the dildo over my nipples.

"I feel weird about doing this in front of you," I admitted when I found myself unable to open my legs.

"You've been doing it in front of them for the past month," he argued waving a hand toward the camera mounted atop the monitor. There remained a subtle sting of derision in his tone.

"But they were never standing right here in front of me." I couldn't help noticing again what a nice body my son had - those muscles in his arms, and those broad shoulders. "And I never changed their diapers."

"I'm sure half of them would be happy to pay you for that." He always had a way of making me laugh, even when he was trying to be mean to me.

I opened my legs. "Should I leave these on?" I asked, referring to the flimsy strip of fabric masquerading as underwear.

"Might as well take them off." My boy wanted to see me completely naked.

I slipped the loops of string down my legs and sat back. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment before his gaze drifted down to my crotch. I spread my legs for him once again, and snaked my left hand down into my thick patch of pussy hair.

Hesitantly, I sneaked a finger down through my dark thatch and into my slit. I jumped when my touch brushed past my sensitive bud. My clit had been hard since Jesse caught me half naked in the kitchen, and it was primed for action. My hand and my bush kept Jesse from seeing much of anything down there, but he was staring intently between my legs as he slowly worked his leaking erection.

"Don't laugh at me," I instructed as I gathered some of my slick juices from just inside my pussy hole and spread it up the length of my slit to my waiting button. From the look Jesse gave me it was clear that he hadn't had any intention of laughing. I think he wanted to see this almost as much as I wanted to do it.

I began toying with my clit, rubbing my finger along the side of it; direct contact would have been too much for me to handle. I ran my finger over the top of my protective hood of flesh, feeling the rigid root of my pleasure beneath. I rubbed my fingertip along the opposite side and goosebumps appeared on my arms.

"This is too weird." I said to break the awkward silence in the room. "I can't believe we're doing this."

"No weirder than what we just did," he argued absently as he stared.

"Maybe." I slipped my finger down and pumped it in and out of my hole a few times. "For some reason this seems more intimate, if you know what I mean."

"If you say so." His hand moved deliberately up and down his shaft.

I could tell he was pacing himself. I was fascinated by way he handled his own cock. Every motion was calculated to maximize his pleasure; nothing wasted. He'd obviously spent a lot of time experimenting and finding exactly the right technique. Then he'd spent more time perfecting that technique. I suppose he could have made the same observation about the way I worked my pussy.

"Here goes," I said and moved my dildo into position.

I spread my lips apart to expose my sopping wet hole. Jesse's rhythm faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered. I pressed the rounded tip of my toy against my opening and it entered me with only a slight amount of pressure. As the dildo filled me up, the atmosphere took on a whole new vibe.

It was nice to have something hard inside me, but it was a flesh and blood cock that I wanted, not a chunk of plastic. Sure, I had sucked a few guys off here and there recently, but it had been almost a year since I'd been good and properly fucked. With my son's cock almost within arm's reach, I naturally thought about how much better it would be if it was him sliding up into me at that moment instead of a rubber toy. A part of me rebelled against even entertaining such an awful fantasy, but that part wasn't in control just at the moment.

I moved the smooth shaft in and out, feeling the uneasiness of performing such a private act in front of my son diminishing under the heat of my increasing arousal.

"That feel good?" Jesse asked, surprising me. It was the first time he'd spoken during one of our shows without me prompting him.

"Yes," I purred. "It feels real good to fuck myself while you watch." I said this in a way that it might sound like I was playing to our voyeur rather than stating the honest truth. "Are you having fun watching Mommy play with her pussy like this?"

He swallowed before answering. "Yeah. All kinds of fun," he answered flatly.

I could tell he was trying not to let on how much he was enjoying the show. Sure, I may be his mother, but I was still a woman. He could insult my bush all he wanted, but underneath all that hair was a hot, wet pussy. Jesse couldn't get away from the fact that he was my son, but that didn't stop him from being a man.

It was usually a breeze for me to get myself off, especially when I was using a dildo, but I didn't know if I could concentrate with Jesse looking at me. His daddy used to ask me to masturbate for him all the time - he loved watching me make myself cum. I had to fake it the first few times until I got used to doing it in front of him. I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and remembered those crazy days.

I'd fucked more than a few guys before I met Austin, but right away it was different with him. That first night we did it, when he took me out to the lake and laid me down in the grass, was the first time a man had made me cum just with his cock. With all the other guys, if I wanted to orgasm, I had to finger my clit while they were fucking me. Austin was different. That boy knew how to fuck a woman.

"He says to open your eyes," Jesse's voice cut into my daydream just as I was starting to feel it. "He says he wants you to watch me watching you."

I nodded and looked at Jesse. Everything seemed a little dreamlike, and I was feeling flush from the memory of his daddy's cock sliding into me that warm night so many years ago. I couldn't decide if Jesse looking so much like his daddy did back then made this easier or more difficult for me.

Jesse did as our voyeur instructed and watched me pump my dildo in and out of my pussy. He'd been a back-talking smartass with me for the past couple years, but the look on his face just then was one I hadn't seen for a long while. It was the same face I would see when he was little and he'd tell me I was the best mom in the world or that he loved me "this" much. Did he still love me now that he knew I was probably the skankiest mom in the world?

I couldn't look at his face any longer, and let my eyes slip down to his cock. What a beautiful thing it was. A lot of women say they think cocks are funny looking or even ugly. I always found them fascinating. My son's penis was no exception. And to see him hard and stroking it only made it more appealing. He reached down with his left hand and began playing with his balls as he jerked off. So fucking hot.

"That's it, Mom, fuck that thing good." He said this almost under his breath. It wasn't being said to me, or for the benefit of our customer, he was doing it for himself. He was really into watching me masturbate. Things started getting all dreamy again.

"Shit, Jesse, I think I'm going to cum." I didn't let my surprise distract me from the path I was hurtling down. I fucked myself faster. "I'm definitely going to cum."

"Go for it, Mom. Fuckin' do it." He was jerking faster, too.

"Almost there...oh...oh." I began strumming my clit madly as I fucked myself and everything suddenly came to a crashing apex. "Shit, baby, Mommy's cumming! Fuck, yeeeees!"

I bounced around in the chair as the excitation raced outward from my pussy and enlivened every part of my body. I grunted and groaned and gasped through a set of happy spasms. My son was watching me orgasm. It never had occurred to me in all the years that I was raising my boy that he would ever see me like this.

As my body settled down, Jesse stepped up to me. His knees pressed against the insides of my open thighs. He was holding his balls and beating his cock hard.

"That was fuckin' crazy," he muttered over me. "That was God damn fucking insane. Uuuhhh."

As he let out his moan, he angled his cock down and began shooting his load onto me. The target he chose was the no-man's land between my tits and my pussy. He fired spurt after spurt all over my belly. All over the belly that he had grown inside for nine months. I couldn't believe how much cum he still had to give after filling my mouth less than ten minutes earlier. I wondered what other sexual surprises my son had to offer.

Jesse stood where he was, head bowed. His chest rose and fell as he caught his breath. I sat quietly, holding my dildo deep in my pussy. A large gob of cum hung from the tip of Jesse's cock for a moment before falling and landing just below my belly button. The sound of coins dropping indicated that we'd earned our bonus. A door creaked and slammed. We were alone.

Jesse didn't move. His breathing had steadied. His knees stayed pressed between my legs. His cock remained hard enough to fuck me...if he wanted. He opened his eyes, took in my saggy tits drooping to each side, the faded scars standing in jagged rows along the lower swell of my tummy, and my scraggly tuft of pussy hair. He flicked his dick at me, delivering a final spattering of cum droplets across my chest. The love was gone from his face.

He stepped back and turned away looking for his boxers. While he pulled them on, I slid the dildo from my pussy and covered up with the towel once more.

"How much?" he asked as he turned his t-shirt right-side out.

"Hold on, let's see." My voice sounded small and unsure. "Five thirty-five total." I wanted to high-five him when I tallied the number, but I didn't think he was in the mood for it.

"How much is mine?"

"After the site takes its cut...about a hundred and twenty. Not bad, eh?"

"It'll fill up the truck and get me drunk enough to forget this ever happened." He really knew how to be cold when he wanted to. He'd never met his father, but they had that in common. "How do I get it? Do they wire it to us, or something?"

"They do payouts once a week into my PayPal account, and then I have to transfer it to the checking account. The next pay day isn't until Tuesday."

"That's three fuckin' days. I want my money now."

"What do you want me to do? Pull it out of my ass?"

"Just give me my cut out of our bank, and keep my share when it comes in."

"We have eight bucks in the bank right now. You're gonna have to wait."

"This is some serious bullshit, right here!" He kicked my dresser, knocking over some of my crystal unicorns perched there. "A good whore at least knows to get the money up front."

"Well, then I guess I'm not a very good whore, am I?"

I ran the razor carefully along the inside crease of my thigh, cleaning away the shadow of stubble that was there. Jesse had refused to do another show until he got his first pay off. It took him less than twenty-four hours to spend it all. We'd done a couple more performances over the past few days. We'd just about made enough money for the mortgage payment that was three months overdue. I opened my legs a little wider to reach the sensitive area down low.

Jesse walked in without bothering to knock. He didn't seem overly surprised to see his mother sitting there with her legs spread and her pussy hanging out. My first instinct was to close my legs and cover up with my robe, but when he stepped to the toilet and pulled his cock out of his boxers I realized there was no point in bothering. It was strange to think that my son had seen my pussy enough by this point that it was becoming almost normal for us. It gave me a shamefully good feeling inside

His eyes were on my pussy. I knew he was just trying to get a rise out of me, but there was that old thing about truth in jest that nagged at my conscience.

I pretended like I didn't notice; acting like I didn't have the urge to spread my lips open for my son and watch him get hard over me.

"My mom...the perfect role-model." He shook his head and walked out.

"Don't forget that we have a show scheduled for tonight!" I called after him.

"Whatever," he replied disdainfully from his bedroom.

I stood at the sink splashing water on my crotch to rinse away the mess and fought the desire to masturbate right there and then. I didn't want to risk Jesse knowing how turned on I was by our little encounter. I'd save my horniness for the cam. Who knows, maybe I could earn a few extra bucks for a real orgasm instead of a faked one. Either way, I couldn't help scolding myself for looking forward to tonight's show with my son as much as I was.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I sat in front of the cam wearing my new semi-sheer black and white corset thingie with suspenders and thigh-highs getting more pissed off by the minute. Our show was supposed to start at 9 o'clock. It was nearly 10:00 and Jesse wasn't home yet. I'd tried his cell phone every five minutes for the past hour, but he wasn't picking up. We'd had over forty perverts ready and willing to pay good money to see a desperate mother give her surly son a handjob, but one by one they'd begun looking elsewhere for cheap thrills. There were about fifteen guys left, and they weren't going to stick around for much longer.

The sound of Jesse's truck pulling into the driveway gave me an inkling of hope that we might be able to salvage the night and pull in at least a few bucks. I tried to calm myself as I heard his heavy work boots clomping loudly across the kitchen floor. He went right past my open bedroom door without so much as a word.

"Hey!" I yelled, hitting the mute button for my headset. "Get back here!"

"Wha tha fuck d'ya wan' now, bitch?" Jesse stumbled back to my doorway and stood there unsteadily.

"You're drunk!"

"I'm not drunk, yer drunk!" He laughed at his own idea of a joke.

"I wish. We've got a show scheduled for right now!"

"Oh, shiiit, I f'rgot all 'bout it." He took a couple loose steps into my room. "Mommy wants ta jack off my big hog again, eh?" Jesse grabbed his crotch.

"What I want is to make enough money to live in this shithole for one more lousy month."

"Don' be mad, Mommy. I'll help ya make yer hooker slut money." He fumbled with his belt buckle and dropped his pants.

I was even more pissed now that he was home, but I was going to at least try to make something out of it. I took a deep breath, put my headset back on, and started up the group show room. I only got eight people to join, plus BeaverMan415. At least it was something.

"C'mon, Mommy, lemme see them big saggy tits ya got there." Jesse pulled the strap off my shoulder and one of my boobs fell out. He grabbed it, handling it roughly in his calloused hand. He'd never touched me like that before. "Mommy's got some nice ol' titties, don't she?"

It looked like the show was starting. I had no choice but to play along and try to make the best of it.

"Yeah, baby boy, you like Mommy's titties, don't you? Bet you'd like to for me to let you suck them."

"Hell, no! What kinda sick fuck d'ya think I am? I ain't suckin' on them dried up ol' things." He struggled to push his boxers down.

I helped him, freeing his half-hard dick. I grabbed it, hoping he wasn't too wasted to get it up. I began stroking him and he let out a drunken giggle. The good news was that I could feel him getting hard in my hand. The bad news was that I also heard a couple customers leaving while I worked my son's hard-on up to full steam.

'We've seen this all before.' BeaverMan's message appeared in the text window. 'How about something new?'

"Like what?" I asked into my microphone, as I continued to rub Jesse.

'50 token if you suck him off.'

I hated myself for hoping he would suggest exactly that.

"Cody," I saw that his eyes were closed as he stood swaying next to me. "Cody! Someone offered fifty for me to give you a blowjob."

"Then what'r'ya waitin' fer, bitch? Suck it!" He pushed his dick rudely toward my face.

I guess he was too drunk to bother negotiating for his dignity like he usually did. Or, maybe he wanted it as much as I did. I tried not to think about it too much and leaned over to take the head of his cock between my lips. A strange sensation washed over me as I crossed yet one more line I never imagined I would. I actually had my son's penis in my mouth. What the hell was wrong with me? I leaned in further, taking in as much of his cock as I could manage. Mmm, nothing felt wrong about that. Nothing at all.

I'd sucked plenty of dicks in my life, but this was different. It wasn't just because Jesse was my son, though that was a major part of it, but more that I really wanted it. I never minded giving blowjobs, but there were only a few men in my life that I got a thrill out of sucking. It turns out that my boy was one of them.

Jesse may have been too drunk to appreciate what was happening, but it didn't really matter as far as I was concerned. I took him deep into my mouth and worked his cock the best I knew how. I used my tongue, my lips, and just a hint of my teeth to give him the kind of pleasure most men only pray for. God, it felt good.

"Oh, yeah," he drawled, putting his hand on top of my head. "Mommy knows how ta suck a cock a doodle do, don' she?" He got even harder in my mouth. "I bet my mommy sucked alotta dicks ta get this good at it."

I nodded just to humor him and took him deeper. I relaxed and felt the spongy knob of his cockhead slip into my throat. It had been a while since I'd attempted that and gagged after a few seconds. I caught my breath and took him all the way down until my nose pressed into his curly mess of pubic hair.

"Shiiiit, that's some serious cock swallowin', Mom. Yer jest a straight up cocksuckin' whore, aren't you?"

"Yeah, that's what I am," I gasped as I came up for air. "I'm your whore, baby boy. I'm your cocksucking whore of a mother. And all I want is your big dick." It may have sounded like I was playing it up for tips, but I meant every word of it. As appalled as I was with myself, I was right back on my son's cock in the next heartbeat and loving every inch of him.

Jesse didn't say anything more after that. All he did was clumsily stroke my hair and watch me pump his stiff cock with my mouth. I took a moment to lick and suck his balls, which got an unscripted moan out of him. I'd done it more for me than him, but I was happy that he enjoyed it anyway.

"Who wants to see my son cum in his mother's mouth?" There was a chorus of enthusiastic encouragement from the relatively small audience that was still on hand for this i****tuous transgression of nature. I was so into sucking Jesse's cock that I wasn't even thinking about the money at that point.

I played with his loose-hanging balls as I worked my mouth up and down his shaft. Each time his cockhead hit the back of my throat my pussy clenched in response. I wanted his cum, but I didn't want it too soon. My lips skimmed along the length of my son's erection, feeling every subtle contour with each quickening pass. I knew none of his inexperienced girlfriends had ever been able to treat his cock with the kind of loving devotion that no one but me could offer him. I was confident that not only was this the best blowjob my boy had ever had, but it was likely to be the best he ever would have. It was a shame that he probably wouldn't remember it the next day.

He had become quiet as I worked him using my well-practiced oral skills. I risked an upward glance and saw him looking down at me as I bobbed steadily on his cock. Our eyes met. His were on the glassy side, but there was a longing need there that I dearly wanted to fulfill. I'd forgotten that the camera was watching us until I heard the computer jingle with the sound of an incoming contribution to my cause. I didn't bother thinking about the virtual collection of masturbating onlookers and instead stayed entirely focused on my boy's hard penis and soft balls.

Jesse made a humming sound that told me he was getting close. I doubled my efforts and sucked even harder. He put his hands on either side of my head and began fucking my mouth. It was almost delicate at first, but it quickly built to a more aggressive pace, each thrust sending his cockhead farther than the one before. It was a good thing I was versed in the art of deep-throating or he would have easily choked me out with his insistent cock.

He grabbed my head tight, curling his fingers into my hair, and gave one last heaving shove. My nose banged against his abdomen and my chin hit his swinging balls. The first two spurts shot straight down my throat. I was able to pull back just enough to catch the rest of his explosive orgasm in my mouth.

"Ahhh, yes!" he yelled out in triumph of his accomplishment. His cock continued to flex and spill more hot semen onto my tongue. My son's sharp tang flooded my senses and I was once again transported by the impossible reality that I was tasting my boy's cum.

I eased his hard-on out from between my lips and looked up at him. I opened my mouth and showed him the thick mass of pearly goo on my tongue. His grin faded into confusion. I remembered our audience, and turned to the camera and showed off my mouthful of spunk for them to appreciate. The sound of coins dropping told me my efforts were at least worth something.

"Why ya gotta do that?" Jesse grumbled. He stumbled a couple steps back from me. "Ev'rybody a'ready knows whatta dirty slut y'are, so why ya gotta prove it all a time like that?"

I swished his seed around in my mouth, then swallowed it down in two gulps. I opened up to show him and the others that I'd taken it all.

"I am a dirty slut, Cody. Your mommy is a dirty slut for her son's cum. You love it when mommy eats your creamy cum load, don't you?"

His confusion took on a darker shade. I couldn't tell if he wanted to fuck me or slap me.

"Cody...? This's fucked up," he mumbled and pointed at me. "You are fucked up."

I didn't think he'd said it loud enough to be heard, but I hit mute on my mic just in case. He turned and headed for the door, almost tripping as he tried to kick his pants off from around his ankles. The sexual high I had felt a few moments earlier was replaced by the low-down truth of what I was doing. Jesse and I hadn't been exactly close over the past few years, but there was a better than good chance that this would ultimately drive us further apart. Maybe in ways that could never be fixed.

The cha-ching noise pulled me out of my head and I got off my knees and back up into my chair. BeaverMan had sent over one hundred tokens instead of the fifty he'd offered. Did he enjoy the blowjob that much, or did he just feel bad for me? Either way I wasn't going to turn it down. I said my farewells, checked my balance, and shut down for the night. The show raked in just over two-hundred all together. After the site took its cut, and I gave Jesse his share, I made a little less than I could have earned for a shift at a McDonald's register or straightening up clothes at Walmart - of course, that's assuming I hadn't been fired from both those jobs in the past year. I needed a drink.

I got dressed. If I hurried I could probably get some drunk old man to buy me a couple shots with the hope of getting into my pants. I pulled on my denim skirt and didn't bother with panties. I was so wet that I'd just soak through them before I was halfway to the bar anyway. I didn't want to admit to myself how horny sucking my son's cock had gotten me. With any luck a few tequilas would erase some of the least for a little while.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I woke up curled on my bedroom floor, a pile of dirty laundry for a pillow. I had no recollection of how I got there. I was naked from the waist down, and my head ached like it was being squeezed between two boulders. From the way my mouth felt like the inside of a lint trap, I had to assume I'd accomplished my mission of getting someone to buy me drinks the night before. I rubbed my eyes until they were slightly less blurry. This was a mistake. It allowed me to see something stuck to my leg.

I peeled off the used condom from the inside of my upper thigh and tossed it aside. I should have been more disgusted, but I was in too much pain for any real emotion one way or the other. The condom brought back the memory of two biker guys. The smell of weed and leather was a potent aphrodisiac to a certain type of woman at last call.

Memories surfaced of being bent over the hood of a car (probably my own) in the parking lot of the bar while the bikers took turns. I could hear echoes of my crazy laugh and my challenges to them to fuck me harder. I winced as I shifted and became aware of one particularly sore area. It would seem that one, or both, of them made use of my back door. I wasn't above using a dildo up my ass every now and again when I was feeling in the mood, but Jesse's daddy was the only man I'd ever let fuck me in the butt. Ah, well, I guess I got what I was asking for.

I shuffled to Jesse's room and checked in on him. He was face down on his bed. He'd managed to get his shirt off, but his boots were still on and his pants were bunched up tight around his ankles. I just stood there staring at the smooth swells of his naked rear end. Even when fully relaxed, the strong lines of his muscled back stood out as alluringly as ever. I wanted to cuddle up beside him and go back to sleep, but I was too filthy for that. As I worked my way toward the shower I tried not to acknowledge the real reason I didn't do it was that I knew I was in no condition to handle the rejection of being thrown out of my son's bed.

Even after a shower I still felt less than human. I booted up my computer, but it crashed on the first try. When it locked up on the second attempt I decided it was trying to tell me something. I grabbed a tissue, wiped up the cum that had leaked out of me (guess they had just the one condom between them), and got dressed in the most serious outfit I had. I'd bought it for court the year before, but it would do. I grabbed my purse and headed out to find a real job.

After four hours, three applications, and no apparent interest in hiring me for anything, I headed home before I ran out of gas and ended up stranded. I was tempted by the Thunderbird Lounge on the way home, but knew none of the bar dregs would waste any of their government check buying this old broad a drink in the light of day. Jesse's truck was gone when I got home.

Back in my bedroom I stripped down to nothing. I looked through my tired collection of cheap lingerie and slipped my bathrobe on instead. I didn't bother tying it. I sat down and got the computer in gear on the second attempt. I logged in to the cam site hoping to hustle up at least fifty buck or so. After an hour I hadn't even broken the fifteen dollar mark. Might have been because I wasn't feeling the least bit sexy, much less horny. The guys might be a mob of basement trolls, but they can sense when you're not into it at all. I tossed the headset aside and logged off.

I found myself in Jesse's room. The smell of dirty laundry and cigarette smoke hung in the air along with his unique aroma. A mother always knows her son's smell. I poked around until I found a half-smoked joint. I sat down on his bed, picked up one of the cheap plastic lighters from his window sill and took a few hits. He'd probably give me shit for smoking his weed, but he was going to give me shit for something no matter what, so why not this?

I lay down on his dirty sheets and wondered when he'd changed them last. I didn't really care. I liked being in his dirty bed. I smiled when the image of his naked butt came to mind. My body relaxed as the weed began to work its magic. More thoughts of recent guilty pleasures teased me. Was it only yesterday that I had been on my knees sucking my boy's cock? I hadn't felt anything that good in a long while. Even when he was choking me with that b**st of a dick, it still felt good to me.

My robe was open. My fingers confirmed that I was already wet. I spread my legs and slipped a finger inside. I needed to get fucked. Not like in the parking lot last night, or with one of my many toys, but fucked by a lover. Fucked by someone I cared about, who wanted to make me feel good and who I wanted to please right back. I tasted my fingers. The flavor of my pussy was strong, but there was an underlying hint of a stranger's semen. I should have been repulsed by that, but it only turned me on more.

I worked my pussy and tits with increasing intensity after that. I writhed on Jesse's bed, imagining he was there watching me. I finger fucked my hole, rubbed my clit, and pulled my nipples to the point of pain. With no one home I was free to make as much noise as I wanted. It started with moans and turned into cries of pleasure.

"Fuck me!" I said aloud to my son's empty room. "Tell me you want to fuck this pussy! Say you want it! You want Mommy's pussy? You want to fuck Mommy's pussy, don't you? Fuck me! Fuck me, Jesse! Fuck your mother's pussy, Jesse! I know you want it! Shove that big cock in Mommy's cunt, baby! Fuck me! Jesse! Oh...fuuuuuuck...!"

The words seemed to take what would have been a normal orgasm and tripled it. I kicked and twisted and brutally milked my cunt for every last sensation I could force out of it. When I finally went lax the silence was almost surprising. No squeaking bed, no sloppy slapping noises, no desperate screams. Just my rasping breath and my thumping heart. Oh, God. What had I unleashed?

On some level the thought had been lurking underneath it all, but I'd never allowed myself to face the possibility that I actually wanted to fuck my own son. Not only had I finally admitted it, but I screamed it at the top of my lungs. It was a stupid thing to do. What if Jesse had come home during that insane performance and heard me? Maybe that's what I wanted. Shit. This was only supposed to be a way to make money. It wasn't supposed to turn into this. Between the pot and my orgasm, my mind was too fuzzy to properly make sense of what I was feeling or doing.

The memory of how Jesse's cum tasted in my mouth intruded on my s**ttered thoughts. I knew I would taste him again soon, and that alone gave me a nice tingle around my clit that spread up inside of me. I knew I had to do something to fix things before Jesse ended up hating me to the point where he never wanted to have anything to do with me again. He knew I was exploiting him. I was the one person he should be able to depend on not to do that. But at the same time, he wanted it. He didn't like that he wanted it, and he took that out on me by treating me like crap, but it wasn't his fault. And his balls felt so soft and silky against my tongue. I imagined him squatting down over my face and lowering those beautiful balls down into my mouth. I didn't remember anything after that.

When I opened my eyes it was dark. There were no lights on anywhere in the house. No sound. I sat up and felt something strange. I found the switch on the desk light clamped to Jesse's headboard. I looked down at myself and immediately realized what that funny feeling was from. I was covered in dried cum.

There was a big patch on my left tit, and almost as much again trailing across my belly. My pussy hair glistened. I ran my fingers through it and found that my bush was crusty with hardened jizz. It appeared that Jesse had come and gone, so to speak, while I was asleep. Based on the evidence, it looked like he must have kneeled between my legs, jerked off while looking at my naked pussy, then sprayed his load all over me.

There was no point in being mad at him. Yes, it was a violation of sorts, but one that I'd all but invited. Hell, I was practically naked in his bed. I couldn't blame him, but I was still a little upset. My fingers went from my sticky pubes down to my wet lips. I was upset that I had missed it. My hips responded to what my fingers were doing. What might have happened if I had woken up while my son was jerking off over me? My stiff clit felt good under my circling fingertip. Maybe he did fuck me while I was out. It would have been possible. My cunt was right there for the taking. Maybe he only pulled out at the last second and blasted his cum all over my tits and tummy. No. I wouldn't have slept through that. I would have known if my boy's cock was inside me. I could smell the sweet odor of his dried semen. My spasm almost forced me into the fetal position as I made myself cum quicker than I wanted. Another orgasm followed immediately on the heels of the first, so at least there was that consolation.

I eventually pulled myself off of Jesse's bed, arranged the blanket and pillows, then went to the kitchen to heat up a can of soup. I didn't bother closing my robe or cleaning away any of Jesse's crusted cum from my body.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After three hours in front of the cam I was feeling worn out. My hip was getting sore from holding my legs open so much, and my pussy was swollen from overuse. The only upside was that I'd managed to make myself cum twice, and the proceeds for the afternoon reflected my customers' appreciation for seeing something real. Or it could have been that each time I'd cum I was talking about how I wanted my son "Cody" to fuck me. Either way, I was up eighty bucks.

I took a break, had a nice long piss, then went and poured myself a store-brand diet cola. I looked through the cabinets and all my usual hiding places for something to spike my soda with, but came up empty. I texted Jesse: 'Show @ 9 tonite.' I didn't get any response.

I'd heard him stagger in late last night after I'd gone to bed. He bugged out this morning while I was in the shower. He was avoiding me. I had no idea if he just couldn't stand to look at me, or if he was ashamed of what he did to me while I was asleep. Maybe a little of both.

By a quarter of nine there was a decent crowd gathered in my preview room. I chit-chatted with some of the feistier fellows, telling them about me and my son, and the things we were going to do to each other in the show. I had on my frilly bra that had holes for my nipples to poke through and the matching crotchless panties - the same outfit I wore the first time I gave Jesse a handjob for the camera. I could feel how wet I was with anticipation without even having to touch myself.

It was a big relief when I heard Jesse pull up. I listened to his heavy footsteps as he came toward my bedroom. They sounded steady. He stopped in my doorway and I turned, trying to look as enticing as I could in my cheesy outfit. Jesse looked at me, trying to gauge my mood.

"Guess we're doin' this?"

"Gotta pay them bills somehow," I answered apologetically.

He looked me over, his eyes lingering in all the places a man's gaze should. He nodded and went to his room. I let everyone know the show was about to start and got things ready. Jesse came back after a few minutes in a clean pair of boxer briefs and nothing else. The bulge of his package looked big. I could wait to make it bigger.

The two of us worked the crowd until we hit the 300 token threshold, then started the show. We began with some teasing, but that only lasted a couple minutes. I soon had my son's cock in my hand, and I was able to get him hard in a matter of a few strokes. He was reading what the guys were saying and sometimes answering their questions. It was the first time he seemed to be almost willingly participating. I was surprised when he grabbed one of my tits when a viewer requested it. He did it again a minute later without being prompted, running his thumb gently over my hard nipple. It felt really good, but it would have felt better if it was his tongue instead.

Jesse stood next to me and I tugged his cock casually, playing to the camera. I tickled his balls and touched myself. No one was leaving the room early tonight. Without anyone offering a bonus, I leaned over and kissed the head of his dick, then ran my tongue around it a few times. Jesse didn't protest or pull away. I took this as permission to go further.

I eagerly took my son's cock into my mouth and began sucking.

"Okay, so I guess we're doing this now," he muttered half to himself.

From the way he said that it made me think he didn't remember that we'd already done this once before. I was a bit disappointed that I hadn't made a stronger impression (even though he was drunk out of his mind), but at the same time I was excited that I was able to give him another first time. I decided to risk a little dialogue.

"You like that? You like the way Mommy sucks your big cock?"

He looked down at me and didn't say anything. I could see he was torn between hating my tawdry efforts to pander to the crowd, and the genuine pleasure he was receiving from me.

"Yeah, Mom, you're a real cocksucker. Now shut up and swallow my dick."

I did as I was told, taking him all the way down my throat.

"Holy shit," he breathed in awed appreciation. This was all new to him, so he had no idea I was such an accomplished deep-throat artiste. I was sure none of his white-trash floozies could give him that. "Do that again and the show will be over pretty damn quick," he warned.

I released his long, hard shaft and gave his balls some oral love. I licked and nibbled the delicate flesh of his hairless scrotum. I tongued one of his balls, then took it carefully into my mouth, sucking and tugging on it lightly. I made sure my head was turned so the paying pervs could see everything I was doing.

"Mommy loves her boy's beautiful balls," I said, meaning every word of it. "How does that feel, Cody?"

He made a sour face at hearing me using his "stage" name, but it quickly faded as I ran my tongue under his balls and gave his taint a few tantalizing swipes.

"It feels pretty awesome, Mom." It didn't sound like he was making up anything for the sake of the camera either. "I want to cum in your mouth...and all over your face. Suck my cock, Mom."

The last was said with honest desire, not the harsh contempt I was used to hearing from him. I took his cock back into my mouth and went to work using my best technique. It was less than a minute before I heard his first involuntary moan. Seconds later his cockhead swelled against my tongue and began spewing warm semen against the back of my throat. I wanted to take it all in my mouth, but I forced myself to pull back and let him defile my face with his last few spurts. I'd always found the facial to be degrading and something that had to be done for the sole enjoyment of your man, but I had no qualms about taking Jesse's load on my face. If felt like more of a privilege than an insult. I milked out one last drop and licked it from the tip of his darkly reddened tip.

I leaned into the camera, letting the voyeurs see the mess he'd made on my nose, cheeks and lips. I then opened my mouth and did the show-swallow-show routine. When I was done, Jesse held out the towel for me to clean off with. I just shook my head, preferring to stay messy a bit longer...for the sake of the camera, of course.

"You got Mommy all horny," I said with an exaggerated pout. "You want to watch Mommy play with her pussy?"

"Yeah," he responded thickly.

I leaned back in my chair and opened my legs. "You like seeing Mommy masturbate her horny pussy, don't you, son?" I parted slit of the frilly panties, exposing myself to him and the viewers.

He nodded, seemingly unable to speak. I began toying with my clit and caressing my pussy lips. Jesse stared intently. I spread my lips apart, leaving nothing hidden. At that he took hold of his cock, still wet with my saliva, and began pulling at it. "Show it to me," he whispered barely loud enough for me to hear. "Show me your pussy, Mom."

I did just that.

The adoring look on his face made me feel good all over. I know what I was doing was wrong in every way imaginable, but these fleeting moments of connection with him were worth violating all the rules of propriety. There was a love there that was otherwise denied to me. No matter what hateful things he said to me for whatever reason compelled him, I would always know that buried underneath the venom was the primal love that every son has for his mother. If sucking his cock and spreading my cunt was my only way to tap into that feeling then so be it.

We watched each other masturbate for a while, neither of us ruining the moment with words. We were both going easy on ourselves. This wasn't a race to orgasm, but rather a prolonging of a rare pleasure few mothers and sons ever share. Jesse reached over and lightly pinched one of my nipples between his thumb and the knuckle of his forefinger. He gave it a little tug with a slight twist. I pulled the frilly bra down, letting my tits sag naturally. My son cupped one of my breasts, massaging it with a steady hand. He was doing it purely for his own pleasure, but I was getting just as much, if not more, out of it as he was.

"Je...ah, Cody?"


I reached over and hit mute. "Jesse, I was thinking that we could make a lot more money if..."

"If what?"

"If maybe you licked know, down there?"

He glanced down at my pussy and the dark clouds were back in his expression.

"Did someone make an offer?" He looked at the message window to see for himself.

"No, but I seriously think we could double our profits if we kicked it up a notch." I could tell he wasn't buying it.

"You're k**ding, right?"

"The more money we bring in, the more you put in your pocket." I desperately wanted to convince him any way I could. "You know your insurance is coming due on the truck next month. You're going to need at least three-hundred bucks if you want to keep your baby on the road." That seemed to stir him.

"Jesus fucking Christ," he swore. Jesse stood there holding his cock, working through it all. I knew he was trying to convince himself there had to be another way, but in the end he gave in to the easy money right in front of him like I knew he would. "Okay, fuck it, whatever."

"I'm going to play it up, so just go along with it and don't get your panties in a twist." I un-muted as he shot daggers at me with his eyes. He could be upset at me all he wanted, as long as I got what I needed. "Looks to me like my boy wants to know what Mommy tastes like."

I slid two fingers inside myself and drew them out. I let the camera see that they were loaded with a thick coating of my sex honey. I reached up and touched them against Jesse's lips. I was hoping he'd open up and suck my fingers, but I had to settle for smearing my juices over his closed lips.

Turning to the camera, I said, "Any of you want to see my son lick his mommy's pussy for the first time?" There was a chorus of eager affirmations in the text window. "Okay, then, put your money where his mouth is," I quipped nonsensically. It did the trick. The tokens poured in.

I leaned back in my chair and patted my pussy while looking up at my son. "Why don't you come down here and give your mama a juicy kiss?"

Jesse braced, probably reminding himself that he was doing this for his precious pick-up truck, and knelt down between my wide spread feet. I teased my clit and lips enticingly as he contemplated my pussy.

"You know you want it, son," I cajoled him softly. I pulled the hood back away from my hard clit. "Put your mouth right here and give Mommy a nice little suck."

He leaned in, then hesitated.

"Or would you rather taste this?" I spread my vagina open. "You want to slip your tongue in there? Right into the place you came out of?"

He backed off suddenly. I'd said the wrong thing. His face was a storm of conflicting emotions.

He swept out of my bedroom, his hard cock bouncing wildly in front of him as he went.

I should have waited until he had a few drinks in him before trying that stunt. I took a deep breath and turned to face the anonymous angry mob. Most demanded their tokens back, which I regretfully did, but a few were willing to accept an alternate show involving a lot of ass-to-mouth dildo action. I managed to make it through, but my heart just wasn't in it.

Beaverman415 was the last one to leave. He'd been silent the entire night, and exited the room without a word.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Even though the last show had taken and ugly turn, we still made enough to put us only two months behind on the mortgage. That was something at least. I juggled my tits for the three lurkers in my preview room, pulling one of my floppy jugs up and licking a nipple as seductively as I could manage after more than an hour of trying unsuccessfully to lure someone into a private show.

I slumped back in the chair dejected. I certainly wouldn't pay good money to see my sorry ass go through the motions, why would they? An electronic door slammed to confirm my thought.

Jesse hadn't come home last night after he'd freaked out and left in a huff. His mouth had been so close to my pussy I could almost feel it. I tried not to think about the sensation of his warm breath down there. Just when it seemed like he was okay with what we've been doing, he came to his senses and realized how disgusting it really was. How disgusting I really was.

I suppose that should be the normal response when a son is confronted by the idea of sex with his own mother. I knew perfectly well it shouldn't feel as natural to me as it does. I should be just as repelled by the thought of performing oral sex on my own son, and letting him cum in my mouth. I should be horrified by the notion of letting him eat my pussy. And I should be locked up for imagining the things that I do late at night when I'm all alone in bed. I definitely had to put a stop to this somehow.

Jesse's bedroom door was locked. That hurt. I tugged on the padlock that hung from the hasp he'd crudely screwed into the door jamb when he was fifteen and didn't want me snooping in his room. It was probably around the time he started smoking weed. He had no idea then that I'd be more likely to steal it for myself than lecture him about saying no to d**gs like any decent mother would. I was going to lose him for sure. If I did, I would hit bottom fast and I would hit it hard. Maybe so hard I wouldn't be able to get back up this time.

I had to find another way. I'd rather risk losing this run-down old house than losing my only son. He was all the family I had left and I was pushing him away. I was no better than my own daddy had been with me, only I was worse. Not only was I using my son for my own sick pleasure, but I was making money off of it. Jesse had every right to hate me.

He didn't come home again that night. I was getting worried. He wasn't answering my calls or texts. I started getting scared he did something stupid, or got himself into trouble. I fought the temptation to go down to the Thunderbird and troll for drinks. I wanted to be home if Jesse came home or called.

I tried to find ways to make the time pass, but I could feel every minute grinding by. I wrote out ten-dollar checks to the electric, gas, and cable companies. I figured if I at least paid something they might not shut me off. I did some laundry. I cleaned up around the house, though it didn't seem to make much of a difference. I spread my pussy a few times in front of the camera, but that only made me feel lower, especially when I couldn't pull in more than a couple tokens for my pathetic efforts.

When I heard tires on the gravel driveway, I just about passed out. I prayed it wasn't a cop car coming to inform the next of kin. The familiar sound of Jesse's boots across the kitchen floor saved my life. I was in my bedroom in nothing but my shelf bra. I quietly got up and closed my door. I didn't want him to see me naked and possibly set him off all over again. I listened as he passed by, undid the padlock and closed his bedroom door behind him. I didn't move, keeping my ear pressed to my door.

After a shower and some more rummaging around in his room, he left. He knew I was in my room, but he never said a word. I would have felt better if he had at least called me a filthy slut on his way out. The faint scent of cologne tickled my nose. I listened until the sound of his truck became indistinguishable from the sounds of the night crickets, then sat back down in front of the webcam and became instantly annoyed with myself. Just knowing Jesse was in the house had gotten my pussy as wet as a horny virgin on her wedding night.

I grabbed my double-dong, filled my cunt with one end, then curled it down and plugged the smaller end into my lubed up asshole. I grabbed the curve of the flexible rubber toy and hate fucked both my holes simultaneously to a punishing orgasm that was better than I deserved. I was left feeling like a piece of garbage, but I managed to earn twenty bucks for my troubles.

I flipped off the computer without even bothering to log out of the site and headed for the shower.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Three hours later I was sitting on the sofa with my feet tucked up underneath me watching TV. I was surprised when Jesse showed up. I didn't think he'd be home before midnight, if at all. I hadn't bothered to get dressed after my shower so I was in nothing but my robe. I pulled it closed and cinched it tight.

Jesse was in the kitchen, but I didn't hear him moving around. Was he just standing there? After a minute he came into the living room and stopped. There was that cologne again.

"You look sharp," I said hoping to start us off on a good note. "Big date tonight?"

He scoffed. "That's what I thought." He held up a twelve-pack of Natty Ice. "I owed you."

I smiled and tried not to get all gushy over this, but the fact that he was thinking of me was almost enough to make me cry.

"A whole twelve-pack? And a fancy date? Since when did you become the big spender?" I teased gently.

"Hit a scratch ticket for two hundred yesterday." He crossed the room and took a seat in our ratty lounge chair. He tossed me a beer and took one for himself.

"Thanks, honey." We both popped them open and took a drink. The sparkly coldness felt oh so good going down. "You're home awfully early. How did your date go?"

"It didn't." He took another long swig. "Jimmy had these two chicks lined up and he got tickets to that concert over at the stadium. I got the one named Shawna."

"That's a pretty name."

"Yeah, she was hotter than I thought she would be, knowing Jimmy's track record." He swallowed the rest of his beer and opened another. "Great fuckin' rack."

I didn't like how much I enjoyed that he was willing to talk like that with me. "So what happened?"

"She was all over me on the ride there. We were making out. She had her hand down my pants and I was feeling her up every which way. There was no way I wasn't getting laid for sure after the show." He glanced over at me and probably noticed my nipples poking up under the thin material of my robe. "Anyway, we're all having a great time, then halfway into it these two skanks go off with some guy who says he can get them backstage. That was the last we saw of them."

"Dumb bitches," I sympathized, knowing full well that I had pulled that trick a time or two myself when I was a hot young thing. "Their loss."

"Whatever," he grumbled and guzzled down the rest of his second beer.

"Toss me another," I said as he went for his third. I was no lightweight, but with nothing in my stomach I was already feeling the start of a buzz.

We drank and watched TV for a few quiet minutes. I had no idea what I was looking at, just feeling Jesse's presence with me was all that was on my mind.

"So...I don't know," he spoke up after a time, clearing his throat. "Did we have a show scheduled for tonight or anything?"

"No. Nothing." I wasn't sure if this was the right time to tell him I'd decided that we weren't going to do any more shows together.

"We could do one...if you want." He was doing his best to seem nonchalant about it. "Make a few bucks..."

"Naw. I've been sitting in front of that damn camera for half the day."

"Fine, whatever. You're the one always squawkin' about how we need the money," he said defensively. "Guess we don't need it that fucking bad after all."

"It's not that, Jesse, it's just..." My voice trailed off when I realized what was going on. "Your little cockteaser left you with a serious set of blue balls, didn't she?"

Jesse just glowered at me from his chair.

"We don't have to bother with a show, honey." I didn't want to say what I knew I was about to say, but I couldn't stop myself. "I can just give you a blowjob right here, if that's what you want."

My heart hung suspended in midair for a second. His reaction was just as I'd feared it might be. He slammed his beer down on the coffee table, causing it to foam up and overflow all over the place.

"God dammit!" He was up out of the chair and heading for his room. "Why do you have to be so fucked up like that?" Jesse punched the wall as he went, leaving a deep dent.

He stopped and stood in the threshold between the living room and kitchen. I held my breath, not knowing what he might do next. I was so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. After a moment the tension drained out of him. He turned and came toward me. I half expected him to hit me. I had it coming.

Instead, he just stood next to where I was sitting - his head bowed; his eyes closed. I followed my only instinct and wrapped my arms around his legs from where I sat and hugged him to me, my cheek pressed against his flat belly. I held him tight. He stood there and let me hold him. Soon, I felt something against my shoulder. I knew what it was, but I moved my hand there to make sure. My fingers traced the contours of my son's erection bulging in his tight jeans.

I lowered his zipper. He made no protest. I tried to get his penis out, but there was too much in the way.

"Take your pants down, Jesse." I looked up at him. "Let me suck your cock for you."

After an agonizing pause, he undid his belt and lowered his pants. I freed his hard-on and took him into my mouth. I was instantly overcome with a sense of complete satisfaction. Suddenly all was right with the world, and I didn't have a single problem worth worrying about. My lips were fastened tight around my son's penis as I felt him push deeper. This wasn't like the vulgar cocksucking I had performed for the camera, but rather a loving indulgence for our mutual pleasure. My hands found their way to Jesse's firm ass and I pulled him into me.

He stroked my hair as I sucked him. It was gentle, absent any resentment or rough disrespect. Jesse reached down and cupped one of my breasts over my robe. He massaged it tenderly, then found my stiffened nipple and pinched it lightly through the thin fabric. Somehow this felt more intimate that when he fondled my bare breast the day before. I sucked him harder to show him how much I appreciated his affectionate attentions.

The TV was still going in the background, but all I could hear was the increasing heaviness of his breathing and the slurping sound of my cocksucking. I felt some drool running down my chin, and even that turned me on.

"I liked how you licked my balls last time," Jesse said quietly. There was a nervous tremor in his voice that was unlike him.

I responded to his desire without hesitation, licking and sucking his balls with willing thoroughness. When I swabbed my tongue over the base of his scrotum he responded with a moaning sigh. I ventured further and dabbed my tongue across the space beyond. He shifted slightly in an effort to give me more access to that area, and I stretched my tongue as far as I could manage, knowing that I was only a fraction of an inch from his asshole. I'd never licked a man back there before, but I instinctively knew that if Jesse wanted it I would happily do it for him.

"That feels good, Mom." He let me tongue him down there a little longer, then pressed his cockhead against my lips. "You want me to cum in your mouth?"

I nodded as I took him all the way into my throat.

"You like eating cum, don't you?"

I pulled back and sucked in enough air to answer him. "I like eating your cum."

"Fuck, that's nasty," he said. I glanced up at him and was gratified to see he was saying it with a smile rather than an angry scowl. I returned the smile before filling my mouth with his cock once again.

We fell into a steady rhythm and were soon rounding the home stretch. Jesse rocked slightly in harmony with my bobbing head. He made encouraging sounds while my staccato moan was muffled by his thick cock pumping in and out of my throat.

"Oh, fuck, Mom!" he exclaimed in a strangled cry. "Suck it...don't stop...suck me!"

He backed his cock off and spewed his warm semen into my mouth.

"Don't swallow it...don't..." He couldn't finish as his body shuddered with the power of his orgasm and more of his seed spilled onto my tongue.

He grunted and shook a few more times, his cock pulsing with each spasm, and then he was quiet for a few moments. He pulled his penis from between my lips, and I waited not knowing what was next. He looked down at me and stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"Let me see," he said simply.

He'd seemed so put off by this when I did it before in front of the camera, but I did as he asked. I opened my mouth and displayed his load covering my tongue and pooling at the back of my throat. His thumb traced over my lips as he gazed down at me.

"That's gotta be the sexiest thing I've ever seen. My own mother with a mouthful of my cum." He shook his head in disbelief. "You like how it tastes?"

I nodded.

"You want to eat it?"

I nodded again.

"Go ahead, Mom, let me see you swallow it."

I was in no rush. I took it down a little at a time, savoring each swallow and taking great delight in the lustful look on my son's face. I opened up and showed him that I'd finished it all.

"God, you are the nastiest bitch I ever seen." It was said as a compliment rather than an insult.

For a moment I thought he was going to lean down and kiss me. My heart leapt at the possibility, but instead he took a step back. He was probably coming to his senses now that he'd busted his nut. I expected him to tell me what a filthy slut I was and leave me there feeling like the piece of shit that I truly was. I certainly wasn't expecting what actually came next.

"Open up your robe," he said in an even tone that showed how confident he was that I wouldn't argue. I paused, not convinced I'd heard him right. "Go ahead."

I pulled the sash, untying the tight knot that held my robe closed. One half of it fell away, revealing my nakedness underneath. I slowly pulled back the other side, exposing myself completely. Jesse's eyes roamed over my sagging tits, the middle-aged roundness of my belly, and settled on my thick tuft of curly hair.

"Spread your legs."

I knew I would do what he wanted, but he must have noticed my questioning look.

"I want to see your pussy, Mom," he offered as an explanation. "Show it to me."

I had no reason to deny him. He'd seen it before. I was actually eager to show it to him again, if that's what he wanted. I opened my legs, knowing he'd be able to see my wetness leaking freely. I knew he enjoyed watching me masturbate, so I assumed that this was where we were headed. My clit ached to be touched, but I waited for him to ask for it.

He stared at me down there for a long while. I was dying to know what was going through his head.

"Spread it open," he whispered. He looked up, meeting my eye. "Like when we're doing a show."

I didn't know how much more of this I could take. I half suspected I might cum for the first time in my life without having to touch myself. I leaned back on the sofa and with unaccountably nervous fingers peeled my outer lips apart, opening myself up to my son. My clit jutted out, and my lips were thick with engorged excitement. I oozing trickle of pussy juice sluiced out of my spread hole and ran down the crease of my ass to stain my robe.

"You have a great looking pussy, Mom," he said with a sincerity that made my cheeks flush warmly. "I never thought a woman your age could have a cooch that look that good, but damn."

I bit my tongue for a moment, thinking through what I was going to say to make sure it wasn't something that would upset him. "Thanks, honey. I'm glad you like it." I got an added thrill when he crouched down to get a better look. "Want me to masturbate for you?"

He considered my proposal, and shook his head. "Naw. I think I want something else."

Jesse went forward onto his knees and the next thing I knew his face was between my legs. I squealed with surprised delight as he kissed the center of my pussy. Maybe it was the beer, but I felt dizzy seconds later when his tongue snaked up between my labia lips and found my clit. I was transported to a new level of unreality. My son was eating my pussy.

I'd spent most of the last few night fantasizing about this as I fingered myself alone in bed, but for it to actually be happening was almost too much to take in all at once. I held his head, afraid he might change his mind and pull away. I was beyond happy when he hooked his arms under my legs and gripped my thighs with his rough hands, pulling me tighter against his mouth. He was into it and not even thinking about stopping before he'd gotten everything he wanted.

"Oh, Jesse, that's good," I groaned. "It's all yours." I was losing track of what I was babbling, but I wanted him to know how wonderful he was making me feel. "My pussy is all for you."

His tongue worked over my clit with a fluttering quickness that set every nerve of my body on notice that something incredible was coming. I was dismayed when he abandoned my clit, but this was soon replaced by elation when I felt his tongue circling my opening. The sloppy wet noises of him lapping at my juicy hole was the most erotic sound I'd ever heard. At just the moment I had to have it, I felt his tongue dart inside me. It couldn't go too far, but it was enough for me to feel it. His probing tongue sparked a new cascade of scintillating sensations throughout my whole pussy. I wasn't going to last much longer.

Jesse moved his mouth slightly to the side and sucked on one of my shaved outer lips, taking it into his mouth, holding it tight for a moment, then releasing. He repeated this with my other fat outer lip. Next, he was up at my mound, nuzzling his face in my generous patch of pubic hair. I loved the way he was taking me all in.

"How did you get so good at eating pussy?" I blurted out as I subtly tried to ease his mouth back onto my clit.

He gave my nub a single, teasing lash of his tongue. "You really want to know?"

"No...I honestly don't long as you keep going..."

"You ready to cum, Mom?"

"Yes!" I practically screamed. "I want to cum so bad, honey. Make me cum!"

"Make who cum?" he asked, looking at me over my neatly edged muff with a sly grin.

It took me a second to grasp what he was fishing for.

"Make Mommy cum, honey. Suck Mommy's cunt and make me cum!"

With that he gladly went back to work. And I wasn't just playing up his ego - my boy really did know how to eat a pussy. I was expecting the clumsy fumblings I remembered enduring from boys his age when I was a teenager, but he was better than any man I'd been with. Part of it might have been because he was my son, but all I knew was that he was treating my pussy with more caring respect than he had ever shown me.

Jesse was getting his face right in there, not holding anything back. He seemed to be enjoying it almost more than me, which was close to impossible. I humped myself against his mouth, trying to match the cadence of his rapidly swirling tongue. He was able to lick and suck at the same time in a way that had me practically levitating off the sofa. I resisted the natural inclination to let my eyes roll back, and instead focused on watching my son eat me. The sight of his head between my legs only enhanced the exquisite pleasure he was delivering with his mouth. Even if this never happened again, I would always hold onto the memory of him going at my cunt like a starving a****l.

"Oh, God...Jesse...I'm going to cum! Oh, sweet fuck, yes!" I held his head tighter, willing him to keep doing exactly what he was doing to my clit for just a few more precious seconds. "I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum on your face!"

In the split second between saying those words and the start of the most intense orgasm I'd experienced in recent memory, I realized there was something Jesse didn't know about me. It was too late - he was going to have to learn the hard way.

I let out a barking scream, every muscle locked into a hard clench, and a sense of super-charged euphoria seized my entire being all at once. There was no way for me to stop my body from what it was about to do in response to this.

A gush of warm liquid spurted from my pussy and hit Jesse in the face. He backed off a little only to be doused in another jet of lady cum even bigger than the first. My son sputtered and coughed as more of my ejaculate was forcefully propelled from my cunt straight at his chest. I bore down and pushed out the last of my orgasmic fluids, which surged out of me in a viscous upwelling of still more pussy juice. After soaking the sofa, the carpet, and my son from head to crotch, I collapse back onto the sofa. I was drained - literally and figuratively.

"What. The fuck. Was that?" Jesse wanted to know. He sounded more incredulous than upset.

"I'm sorry, honey, I should have warned you. Sometimes I squirt like that."


"Only when I'm really super turned on." I was having a hard time catching my breath. It felt like my pussy was buzzing and my whole body was vibrating along with it.

"Holy shit, Mom, that was fucking weird."

"I'm sorry...I didn't know it was going to happen until it was too late."

"You don't need to be sorry." He licked his lips, trying to taste more of me. "That was intense. I liked it."

"I haven't squirted like that in a while." I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my boy drenched in my sex juices.

"I guess you must have been really super turned on then?"

"The evidence speaks for itself." I reached for my beer and gulped down what was left in the can. "But, yeah, that was about the best head I've ever had."

He didn't want to let on, but I could tell he was proud of himself when he heard that. He pulled his soaked shirt off and mopped his face with it before throwing it aside. The smell of my cunt was heavy in the air around us.

"I should probably say I'm sorry for the other day..." He looked suitably guilty as he spoke. "For what I did while you were sleeping."

"I appreciate the apology," I nudged him playfully with a foot, "but I kind of took it as a compliment. Not every forty-something year old broad has a hot young stud around who wants to jerk off to her naked body."

"So, you won't mind if I do it again...right now?"

"Be my guest," I said and shrugged out of my robe, leaving me completely nude before him.

Jesse stood, moved closer until he was almost over me and began beating off. God, he looked beautiful doing that to himself. I ran my hands up and down my body as I marveled at the strength and girth of his erection. After fondling my breasts for a few moments, I lifted one up to my mouth. I circled my areola with my tongue, then sucked on my nipple.

"Whoa, I didn't know you could do that," Jesse said with quiet admiration.

"Your mom has a lot of tricks you don't know about."

"That's for sure," he agreed and stroked faster while I let him watch me suckle my other tit for a time.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked, knowing what the answer would be.

"Better make it fast," he joked. "I have a big head start."

I slid a hand down to my pussy. It was still saturated with slick wetness and almost too sensitive to touch. I did anyway, being careful not to contact my clit directly.

I never knew that just masturbating with someone could be so gratifying. I'd always been of the opinion that if there was a dick within reach that it should be inside me. Why waste time jacking off instead of having sex? But I was learning how intimate sharing this with normally private act with another person could be. It was nice to be able to just relax, take in the sexy sights, and pleasure myself in a way that only I could.

"You look real hot rubbing your pussy like that, Mom."

"Not as hot as you look stroking that huge cock of yours."

He liked hearing that, but tried not to show it. I watched his balls flying back and forth beneath his pumping fist and listened to the slapping sound it made with a perverse kind of joy.

"I'm almost there," he grunted.

"Where do you want to cum, honey?"


"How about right here?" I spread my pussy open. "Want to cum on Mommy's cunt?"

"Hell, yeah!"

"Do it, honey. Shoot your big load all over Mommy's dirty cunt."

"Is that what you want, Mom? You want me to jizz on your hairy cunt?"

"Yes, baby!" I spread my legs wider, and pulled my lips farther apart. "Cum right on Mommy's cunt hole! Give it to me!"

"Fuuuuck! Ahhhhhh!" His cock lunged at my open pussy and a jet of cum lanced across the few intervening inches between us and hit my clit with stinging force. He continued jerking for all he was worth, coating every part of my cunt with spurt after spurt of warm cock cream. It felt beyond amazing. When he was finished, he flicked his dick and sent the last few drops through the air to land on my tummy.

"That was perfect," I moaned and immediately resumed masturbating myself.

My touch slid easily across my freshly sullied lips and up to my waiting clit. Jesse watched in a post-orgasmic daze as his own mother fingered herself in front of him using his cum as a natural lubricant. Even though I could still taste his sperm in my mouth from earlier, I had to have more. I brought my fingers up and sucked them clean before quickly going back to my cunt.

"Watch me cum," I said as I writhed helplessly. "Watch Mommy make herself cum!"

"That's it, Mom, work that pussy," Jesse said unexpectedly, encouraging my shameless debauchery.

That charged me up even more. "Your cum feels so good on Mommy's cunt."

"That's it, Mom, get those fingers up in there. Fuck that pussy good."

"Suck my tits, Jesse!" I begged suddenly. "Please, suck Mommy's tits!"

I expected him to refuse again, but he quickly moved into position, grabbed one of my boobs to stop it from flopping around, and took my nipple into his mouth. Fireworks went off in my brain as he sucked hard - exactly the way I wanted him to. After only a few manic seconds, he switched to the other one and that sent me hurtling over the edge.

My body went hot all over, and suddenly I was in the grips of another blue ribbon orgasm. There wasn't much left to squirt, but I felt a warm flood flow out of me and stream down along my asscrack. Jesse continued to suck my nipples in turn as I came down from my high, giving them a softer treatment than he had when he was driving me toward climax. I'd never have guessed he would be such a considerate lover from the way he'd been treating me lately.

As I lay there on the sopping wet sofa, limply stroking my son's hair while he nursed contentedly on my breasts, I reconsidered my decision to stop doing cam shows with Jesse. As wrong as it all was, I didn't think either one of us was ready to give it up just yet. We both needed to explore whatever this was further.

I stood in Jesse's bedroom looking down at his sleeping face and trying to talk myself into going back to my own bed. He'd been avoiding me the past couple days, but not in a mean way. I think he was having trouble coming to terms with the idea that he had performed oral sex on his own mother. And, I must say, it was a hell of a performance. It wasn't fair of me to take advantage of him the way I was. He was eighteen and full of hormones. Boys that age have sex on their minds around the clock, and with me all but putting my pussy on a platter made it nearly impossible for him not to give in to his teen urges.

I knelt next to his bed. It was the same bed I'd tucked him into almost every night when he was little. That is, the nights I wasn't out at a bar or some party. There'd be a bedtime story, or a quick tickle game, then a kiss and a goodnight. Those days were most certainly gone. I reached through the flap in the front of his boxers and took out his cock. It was soft and warm. It was my son's cock. I was his mother, and he was all I had.

Leaning forward, I took his flaccid penis into my mouth. I shouldn't have done that. Tingles flowed over me. I should have been in bed sleeping, not obsessing over my boy's irresistible prick. I suckled him softly, using my tongue to explore his most sensitive areas. I needed to stop what I was doing and leave before he woke up. He stiffened in my mouth and I reveled in the glorious sense of fulfillment that gave me. I continued to gently mouth his growing member, helpless to resist it.

Just when he was at his fullest, he stirred. I stayed still, holding his cock in my mouth, breathing shallowly through my nose. I braced myself for the stream of angry, abusive words, but instead his hand settled lightly on my head. I resumed sucking him and heard a drowsy noise of appreciation from him. I carefully sought out his balls and maneuvered them into the open through the slit of his boxers. I massaged them lovingly as I sucked his cockhead.

He wanted this, and I wanted it. Maybe it was more honest to say I needed it. The important thing was that it made us both feel good. Sure, we each had our share of guilt afterward, but in the moment there was nothing better. And no matter how hard Jesse tried to fight it, he needed it just as much as I did. I understood how ashamed he must feel for having the kind of sexual desires he had for me, his own mother. Suddenly having an opportunity to act on those desires was a lot for him to deal with. There was also his fear of humiliation if anyone ever found out what we were doing. But there was no way anyone could know about this. This quiet moment in the dead of night. My son's stiff cock prodding at the back of my throat. My hand tenderly cupping his balls.

Jesse tensed and silently pumped his semen into my mouth. There were no words between us. Nothing needed to be said. I gratefully swallowed his offering. I sucked until nothing more came, then I sucked just a little more. I kissed his loose balls, and nuzzled my nose in his pubic hair while his cock softened against my cheek. He patted my head like I was a good little puppy.

My heart ached, and I didn't want to leave. I hated myself for being so needy, but I gave in to my desperate impulse. I climbed into Jesse's bed and cuddled against him. His body was hard and strong, even at rest. I wondered if his satisfaction was turning to hate as I lay there trying to calm the anxious beating in my chest.

He put his arm around me and pulled me tight against him. I refused to let any tears fall as all the tension left me in a calming breeze of relief. I fell asleep feeling completely safe for the first time in a very long while.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was naked except for a pair of high heels that were too uncomfortable to walk in but perfect to masturbate in. The webcam was pointed down low. I had my legs spread and was working a sparkly, multi-function dildo in and out of my pussy. It was loud; buzzing and churning as I worked it in and out. It felt good, but I wasn't in any real danger of cumming. That's when a pair of welcomed hands settled on my shoulders.

"Morning, Mom."

"Good afternoon, young man. Sleep well?"

I continued using my dildo on myself, enjoying the exhibitionist thrill of my son watching over my shoulder.

"Slept good. Had a nice dream." He kissed my neck from behind.

That made me feel warm all over. And just like that I was suddenly in danger of cumming.

Jesse watched the main shaft of the knobby sex toy slide in and out of my slick hole while one of the rubbery off-shoots bobbed and hummed against my clit.

"God, Mom, you are one horny bitch." It wasn't said as an insult this time.

After watching me fuck myself some more, he reached down and took a hold of one of my tits. I couldn't stop the moan that escaped my throat. I clicked the vibrations up to the next speed and worked my pussy a bit faster. Jesse fondled my tit with relaxed confidence. He knew I was his to do with as he pleased. I wondered if he fully understood just how far I would let him go with me.

His fingers found my nipple. His touch circled my areola lightly, as if reading the braille of my arousal. He pinched the stiff nub, twisting and tugging with just the right amount of pressure. His other arm came over my left shoulder, his hand easily finding my unattended breast. I was on the verge of sensation overload -- both physical and emotional. I didn't deserve to feel this good.

"Jesse...I'm going to cum..."

"Cody," he whispered into my ear, then took my lobe between his soft lips, "remember?"

"Yes...Cody...Mommy's going to cum. You like watching Mommy make herself cum, right?"

"Love it," he confirmed and squeezed my tits harder. "Do it, Mom. Fuck that hot pussy."

"I'm doing it, Cody. I'm fucking my pussy. Watch me fuck my dirty fuck hole for you!"

His lips settled on the side of my neck again as he pulled my nipples with perfect cruelty. That did it for me. I let out a keening cry and jammed the plastic cock forcefully into my cunt. Jesse gripped my tits tight and rode out my climax with me like a cowboy on a bucking bronc.

My body went slack in the chair as I laughed and panted in post-orgasmic joy. I heard a half-dozen rapid-fire cha-chings coming from the computer, but could barely wrap my dazed head around what that meant. I'd forgotten that this was all in front of the camera.

One of Jesse's hands reached further down, gliding over my tummy. He combed his fingers through my bush. His other hand held fast to my tit. I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay like that for at least another hour. I wasn't holding onto the dildo any longer, and it eventually vibrated its way out of my pussy, dropping to the floor with a loud thud. That got a chuckle out of the two of us. Once it started banging itself against one of the wheels of my chair I knew the moment had to come to an end.

Jesse released me, and I leaned down to retrieve the errant toy. By the time I had it switched off, he was already out the door.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There were less than a dozen items in my grocery cart, and after a quick tally I was trying to decide which items I had to put back. I really needed to stop being too lazy to cut coupons.

"Well, hello there!" an unfamiliar but ridiculously cheery voice greeted me. I glanced up to see Cherie Sheppard smiling at me and looking like she'd just stepped out of a fashion magazine,. "Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in ages. Our boys played baseball together. You remember me, don't you?"

Did I remember her? She was a freakin' local celebrity, how could I not remember her? Cherie's husband was the most successful lawyer around, and for the last five years was one of our town's leading selectmen. Cherie hosted a public access cable show for the Chamber of Commerce where she interviewed local business owners each week. Not to mention that she had a business of her own: a chi-chi boutique on Main Street. I went in there once a couple years back, but I fled as soon as I figured out that the cheapest thing in the place was more than I could earn in a month.

"Cherie, hi, how are you?" I chirped back, foolishly trying to match her obviously fake enthusiasm. I did my best to ignore the feeling that I looked like a complete schlep next to her.

Cherie was the only woman I'd ever seen in real life that could be described as statuesque. Even at her age, she retained the firm skin and natural beauty of a much younger woman. I wanted to sneer and chalk it up to her having had work done, but there was none of that "something's not right" look women get when they have plastic surgery. Her boobs were another matter. Those fantastic double-Ds had to be store bought, probably at the insistence of her obnoxiously rich husband.

I hated to admit how jealous I was of her hair. She was a natural brunette with expertly applied highlights in just the right places. It was done up in a sophisticated, businesslike style that most women only ever managed after an hour in the salon, but I wouldn't be surprised if Cherie woke up in the morning looking like that. Her cosmetics were professionally applied with a light hand; just enough to enhance her already lovely features, but not enough to look like she was trying to hide something. Her straight-off-the-runway silk blouse and couture skirt seemed out of place for the grocery store, but they looked so good on her that I couldn't imagine her wearing anything else.

"So, how's Jesse doing?" she asked as if we were old friends. "What's he up to?"

"Oh, you know, just sort of doing odd jobs right now." My mind was struggling to figure out a graceful way to escape from this. "He's going to be going to school soon," I lied.

"Isn't that the worst? My Jeremy is away at Princeton, and I miss him more and more every day. They grow up so fast, don't they? It seems like just yesterday they were making double plays together. I miss that, don't you, Darlene -- it is Darlene, right?"

"Darlene, yes." I must have looked like a deer in the headlights. What was Cherie Sheppard doing getting her own groceries, anyway? Didn't she have a maid or a cook to do that sort of thing for her?

"I'm sorry, I meet so many people that sometimes I get everyone's name all mixed up." She twirled her fingers around her head to indicate how crazy it made her. Somehow she even made that gesture seem elegant. "What are you doing now? You're not busy, are you? Let's pop across the street to that cute little café and have a cup of coffee together. That sounds fun, doesn't it? We can catch up." She leaned in and lowered her voice to a stage whisper. "Did you hear about what Danny Tate's mom did?"

All I could do was shake my head dumbly as the Cherie steamroller relentlessly plowed over me.

"It's settled then." She looked around until she spotted someone in a store uniform. "Arthur, could you be a dear and have these bagged up for us?" Cherie asked, motioning to our carts. "We'll be back to pick them up in a jiffy."

"Sure thing, Mrs. Sheppard, I'll take care of that for you right away."

Wow, I didn't even know that was a thing.

"Thank you, Arthur." Cherie hooked her arm in mine and led me toward the exit. "Such a beautiful day, we don't want to waste it in a dingy old grocery story, do we?"

As we took our seats at a little table on the café's outdoor patio, I couldn't help feeling underdressed and under make-upped. My hair was a mess, my clothes weren't decent enough to put in a Goodwill box, and my eau d'Ivory Soap definitely didn't stand up to the top shelf perfume that Cherie was wearing in the middle of the goddamn day. It's not like I had anything against the woman, I actually had always admired her in a way, but we hadn't ever exchanged much more than passing pleasantries at the k**s' baseball games.

I left the chit-chat mainly up to her, chiming in with an occasional "uh huh," or "really?" I felt like an idiot for having nothing to contribute, even after getting the story of Danny Tate's mother's affair while she was on a trip to Key West with "the girls." When the other couple on the patio finished their scones and left, Cherie fixed me with a curious look. She took a sip of her coffee, set it down carefully, and cleared her throat.

"I suppose you're wondering why I really wanted to talk to you alone."

"Um...I guess I am, if it's not catching up about the boys."

"Well, it is in a way, Darlene. Or should I say...Monique."

That name was like a cold knife stabbing straight into my chest. My stomach knotted, then knotted again. She didn't just use my fake webcam name, did she? No, impossible.

"My stars, you're pale as a ghost." She smiled, clearly enjoying the effect the grenade she just dropped in my lap was having. She reached over and put her hand on mine. "Yes, darling, I'm afraid I know your little 'secret.'"

My mind raced but went nowhere. How did she know? What did she know? Did she hear a rumor from someone? Was Jesse telling people what we were doing? All it would take is one slip while he was drunk and angry. Oh God, I was on my way to prison. This was it. This is what I get for being an idiot. How could I have been so stupid? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"Cherie...I...I don't know..."

"Relax, Darlene. Breathe." Cherie signaled the waitress. "Can we get a glass of ice water, please?" She waited for the girl to leave, then squeezed my hand. "Does PowerCouple69 mean anything to you?"

Her words sounded like they were coming to me from a long way off. I tried to grasp at what she was saying. Yes. PowerCouple69. I recognized that.

"'s a screen name."

"Yes it is."

"I've seen it before," I struggled to think. "In my private shows...recently"

Cherie nodded with a knowing smirk. "My husband and I were both born in '69, and it also happens to be one of our favorite sex positions. Darlene, we're PowerCouple69." She leaned back in her chair and let that sink in.

The waitress arrived with the ice water, and I grabbed for it. My mouth had never been so dry. After a few gulps I was feeling only slightly more grounded.

"This can't be happening," I muttered.

"Oh, don't be like that. I find it to be a rather fortunate situation." Her voice was no longer a cheery chirp, but had taken on a more sensual tone. "Keith is a big fan of yours. Or, more accurately, of you and your son."

"Oh, God," I moaned. I was already making plans in my head for me and Jesse to flee the state.

"Keith and I have watched several of your shows together, and I found them extremely arousing. I have to confess that it's led to some amazing sex with my husband. I don't mind telling you that he hasn't fucked me that good in over a year. I wanted to thank you in person."

"" This was too much. The classiest, most successful woman in town was telling me she not only watched me committing i****t with my son online, but that she got off on it? This was everything I had dreaded and convinced myself could never happen. There were thousands of cam sites, and millions of cam girls -- what were the chances that someone I knew would ever stumble on mine? Obviously better than I'd thought.

"Yes, I owe you a big thanks. I'm a very sexual woman, Darlene. As much as I love my husband, he simply hasn't been able to keep up with my level of desire lately. I need a lot of sex to satisfy me. I thought things would pick up between us when Jeremy went away to college, but it was just the opposite. At least until we found your webcam."

"I only started doing it for the money," I tried to explain. "I never meant for Jesse to get involved, but...I don't know how I let that happen." Was it my imagination, or were Cherie's nipples hard under her blouse? Yes, they definitely were.

"Don't feel like you have to apologize to me, dear. I understand." She put her hand on my knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Trust me, I understand."

"I'm sorry if I'm not making much sense," I said, looking around for my purse. "I guess I'm kind of in shock, and I...I don't know what. I should probably go."

"That's fine, but before you do let me ask you something. You said you're doing this for money. What's the money for?"

"Our house. The we don't get foreclosed on. We're still two months behind." I was babbling.

"What's your monthly payment?"

"Nine-hundred dollars. A little under nine-hundred, actually."

Cherie took out her checkbook, wrote out a check, ripped it neatly away from the rest and slid it in front of me. It was made out for a thousand dollars, but there was no signature. The words "consulting fee" were written on the comment line.

"As I said, my husband is a big fan, and his birthday is coming up. If you and Jesse come to our house this Saturday night and put on a private show for us, I'll sign that for you."

I didn't dare touch the check, but I couldn't take my eyes off it. A whole month's mortgage payment for one show. I shouldn't even have been considering it, but how could I not?

"I...I don't think Jesse would do it. I mean, I'm almost sure he won't."

"I suspect you have ways of convincing him." She leaned in close and patted my thigh suggestively. And, damn, did she smell good. "All mothers know how to get their sons to do what they want."

"I can try, but..."

"Perfect." She took out a twenty and tucked it under her saucer before standing up and slinging her Louis Vuitton over her shoulder with practiced grace. "We'll see you Saturday night."

And just like that I was watching her shapely ass, sheathed in a designer skirt, swaying out of sight through the café I picked up the check before the wind could take it, folded it, folded it once more, and tucked it away. Taking this offer would put me one step closer to truly being the whore that Jesse always accused me of being. But not taking this deal could also lead to me being the homeless person I always feared I might become.

I knew I'd made my decision when I realized I was already trying to figure out the best way to convince my son to perform a live sex show for the richest people in town...PowerCouple69.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jesse came home through the kitchen door and caught me masturbating for the second time that day. I was leaned against the counter, surrounded by grocery bags, my hand working fast between my legs. It wasn't because I was doing a cam show, or because I was horny, but only because I needed to work off some stress. Jesse shook his head with amusement when he saw me.

"Fuck, Mom, you know you're going to go blind if you keep that up."

"Sorry, I didn't hear you pull in." I turned away from him and drew my pants up from around my knees.

"Hey, don't stop on my account." He got a beer out of the fridge. "I don't mind the smell of hot pussy first thing when I walk through the door." He grinned at me as he popped his beer and sat down.

I went back to putting away the groceries. "Any luck finding a job?"

"No one's hiring anywhere in this shitty town." He was keeping a close eye on my ass as he drank his beer. "Where'd you get the money for all this?" he asked, meaning the groceries.

"You're not the only one who can hit the lottery." The truth was that when I returned to the store they had bagged up what was in Cherie's cart along with what I had. Apparently she'd phoned them, put it all on her account and told them I would be picking up everything. I hated to take her charity, but I'd given up my right to stand on pride the day I accepted money from strangers to jack my son off all over my face.

"We doing a show tonight?" he asked casually. "I'm dead broke again. Could use some cash."

"We could," I said, knowing he wanted to do a show for more than just the money. "But there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Here it comes," he grumbled and took a swig. He was probably expecting some sort of guilt-laden lecture. I pulled out the check, unfolded it and put it on the table in front of him. "Cherie Sheppard? Jeremy's mom?"

"I ran into her at the store."

"Is she still a stone-cold MILF?" He looked up at me with a lewd grin. "You know, a mom I'd like to--"

"I know what it means. And, yes, she's as much of a MILF as she ever was."

He looked at the check again. "Why the fuck did she give you a check for a thousand bucks?"

"Here's the thing," I sat down, "she knows."

"Knows what?"

"What we're doing on the webcam."

"Oh shit." The wheels churned in his head. "She only heard about it, or seen it?"

"Seen it. Along with her husband."

"The big shot mayor guy?"

"Selectman, but yeah."

"If she's trying to blackmail you, shouldn't you be giving her the check?"

"Cherie didn't want to blackmail us, she wanted something else."

"Like what?"

"She wants us to do a show for them. A live their house."


"I swear. She said they're fans, and it's her husband's birthday, and they're going to pay us that thousand to go over there Saturday and, I don't know, do what we do on camera."

"Jeremy's mom? No way, that is too fucked up."

"You were friends with Jeremy, right?"

"Not really. We were on the same team, but I always thought he was some kind of queerbait."

"Anyway, she was serious about the offer."

"And you told her to shove it up her cunt, right?"

"No. I didn't exactly give her an answer. I said I'd check with you."

"Mom, don't tell me you're actually thinking about doing this."

I heard the anger building in his voice. "It's a thousand bucks," I argued. "A full house payment. We could make more with this one show than we could doing three or four online."

"You are fucking unreal." With a backhanded swipe he brushed the check off the table onto the floor. "You would humiliate yourself, both of us, in front of those rich fucks just for that?"

"We wouldn't be doing anything we hadn't already done in front of the camera for who knows how many strangers."

"You don't get it, do you?" He stood up and threw his beer violently at the kitchen sink. "Just when I was starting to think that maybe your weren't the pathetic pig of a whore I thought you were, you pull something like this!"

Before I knew what I was doing, I bolted out of my seat and smacked him hard across the face. "I'm not trying to pull anything! I'm trying to do the best I can for you!"

"More like for yourself!" he yelled. "You can't get anyone to fuck that stretched out old cunt of yours, and you get so hard up that you go after your son's cock like some kind of psycho slut!"

With that he was back out the door. His spinning tires kicked up a hail of stones that pelted the side of the house.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The night was cool and strangely quiet. Wispy clouds slipped across the dark backdrop of the sky high overhead. I was nervous, but also full of eager anticipation.

I rang Cherie Sheppard's doorbell. Saturday night. Show time.

Her house was huge; a mansion compared to the shack I called home. Their monthly landscaping bill was probably more than my mortgage payment. It must have been nothing for her to write me that thousand dollar check. I dipped my finger into my back pocket for the third time to make sure I had remembered to bring it.

I took Jesse's hand and held it tight. He didn't react, but it was enough for me that he was there at my side. The last three days had been rough, but I'd managed to get him to come along. He pulled the same routine he usually did that night after I'd told him about the offer and didn't come home. I would have been worried, but I had been too out of it to think straight. When he came home the next day he didn't speak to me. What he did do was slam a lot of doors to let me know he was still mad at me.

The next day I tried to draw him out. I was avoiding going on cam because I wasn't sure how I felt about the possibility of Cherie or her husband watching me. I did, however, set it up to look like I was doing a show and began using one of my toys (one of the bigger ones). I made a lot of noise, moaning and saying all sorts of dirty things out loud. I wanted Jesse to hear me and know what he was missing out on. It only took a few minutes before I spotted him in the reflection of my dresser mirror, lurking at my doorway. He massaged his hard-on through his underwear while he watched me make myself cum, then skulked back to his bedroom. At least he shut his door without slamming it.

Later, I waited until he was in the bathroom shaving, then went in wearing nothing but a bra, thong, and high heels. I dropped my skimpy panties, sat down, and had a nice long pee. He pretended he was ignoring me, but the bleeding nick on his chin told a different story. When I finished, I wiped my pussy, flushed, checked my make-up in the mirror over his shoulder, adjusted my boobs, and left him standing there with a chubby in his shorts.

That evening I was on the sofa watching TV. I still had the thong on, but no bra or heels. I was wearing my robe, but hadn't bothered to tie it closed. On his way to the kitchen, Jesse noticed me sitting there with my tits hanging out. He made himself a sandwich, came into the living room and sat down. He never hangs out and watches TV with me unless he wants something. I noticed his eyes flicking toward my naked boobs every few minutes. I let my hand drift down and casually tickled my pussy through the fabric of my neon pink panties. I knew he was hard, and I could feel him wanting to yank my thong aside and shove his tongue in me. Instead, he pushed himself up out of his chair suddenly and headed out, unable to stand the teasing any longer.

"I'm going to head to bed in about ten minutes," I said before he was out of the room. "Leave your door open if you want a blowjob before you go to sleep."

He paused. Then without looking at me shook his head and disappeared down the hallway. His door slammed. Ten minutes later I turned the TV off and headed to my bedroom. I was only slightly surprised to see Jesse's door standing open. My heart did its little pitter-patter thing, and I went in quietly. By the cloud-shrouded moonlight I could see he was naked. His erection stood out prominently in the pale light. I dropped my robe and climbed onto his bed.

"Does this mean you're not mad at me anymore?" I asked softly.

"Mom," he growled with exasperation, "if you want to suck my cock, then shut up and do it."

"You want me to suck your balls first?"

"Do whatever the fuck you want." He threw his arm over his eyes like a petulant c***d and waited.

I sucked his balls for him, licked his taint a little, then swallowed his cock. I was in no hurry and made it last as long as I could. I rubbed my bare tits against his naked thighs. I was tempted to turn and get into a 69-position with him, but I didn't dare push my luck. After making love to my son's cock with my mouth for about fifteen minutes, the blowjob turned into a face fuck.

Jesse firmly held my head and thrust himself angrily into my mouth. He was being too rough for my liking, but I let him get out his frustrations. His fit of brutality was forgiven the moment his thick gouts of cum began filling my mouth. His warm essence slid down my throat, and I knew he'd be ready to hear me out in the morning. I settled in alongside his sweaty body and let him play with my tits until he drifted off to sleep.

The following day was a stressful series of discussions, arguments, bribes, insults, threats and compromises. It helped my case that I never bothered getting dressed, which gave me the advantage of making my points while wearing nothing but an open robe. The constant distraction of my tits and pussy put him at an unfair disadvantage, but I wasn't in the mood to play fair. When he finally caved in and agreed to do the show, I rewarded him by spreading my legs right there in the kitchen and letting him go to town on me with his mouth. Admittedly, it was a reward for me as well, but I had earned it after winning my hard-fought campaign. We ended up in my bed that night, and there was nothing stopping me from mounting his face and enjoying my first 69 in several years. So, after all that, why was I standing there on that porch having second thoughts?

Cherie opened the door and could barely contain her excitement at finding me and Jesse on her doorstep. She was wearing her hair up in a different style, but she still looked like she just stepped out of the salon. Her Chanel suit was white with red accents. It was conservative enough, but failed to completely hide that rack and those long, silky legs of hers. She must have noticed me gawping at her outfit.

"Sorry, about this," she apologized as she ushered us in. "We were shooting a segment today and things ran long. I'm so happy you two decided to come!" She kissed me on the cheek. "Hello, Jesse." Her eyes devoured my son with hungry lust. "So good to see you again."

"Hey, Mrs. Sheppard," he mumbled uncomfortably.

"Oh, please, you're not a little boy anymore." She couldn't resist glancing at his crotch when she said this. "Call me Cherie."

She led us through the marbled foyer, past a showcase living room that looked like it had never been used, through a kitchen that probably had more square footage than my entire house, and into a media room that looked out over a perfectly manicured lawn surrounding a swimming pool in the shape of a tropical lagoon with several wooded acres beyond. If I didn't feel like poor white trash before, I sure did after that.

"Keith, our guests have arrived," she announced as we entered the sparsely furnished room. There was what must have been at least an 80" screen on one wall flanked by an array of speakers. An open expanse of floor space ended in a set of four wide seats of black leather with cup holders set in the arms. Behind that was a raised platform with six smaller but equally luxurious seats. Keith looked up from the bright screen of his latest-model smartphone and smiled.

"Ah, welcome," he stood and held out his hand. "Monique and Cody."

"Darlene and Jesse, actually," I corrected with more than a little embarrassment and shook the hand he had offered. I'd seen him once or twice at the k**s' baseball games, but we'd never spoken.

"Yes, of course." He held his hand out to my son. "Jesse."

"Sir." They shook hands.

"Good grip you got there, Jesse. One thing my son never managed to get right." This wasn't said with any sort of malice, but Cherie clearly didn't like hearing anything remotely negative being said about her Jeremy. "You played a helluva second base," Keith said with boisterous charm as he settled back into his seat.

He was in dress slacks and a crisp white shirt. His tie was loose, but hadn't been taken off even though he was home. His hair was a little thinner on top than it was the last time I'd seen him, but he was still a handsome man. He wasn't in the kind of physical shape that Jesse was, though he was quite fit for a guy his age. Keith had clearly been an athlete at one time himself.

"I'm going to go change," Cherie announced. "Why don't you offer our guests a drink while I'm gone?" She flashed me a lascivious look before turning to go. Her perfume decided to remain behind to see what happened next.

Keith was back up out of his seat. "You look like a scotch man to me, Jesse."

"Just a beer...if you have it." I'd never seen him this polite. I could get used to it.

"I'll take you up on that scotch," I chimed in.

Keith wagged an approving finger at me. "A woman who knows how to live."

He pressed a spot on the wall and a hidden panel sprung open to reveal a small bar. He took a fancy bottle of beer out of a mini-fridge and tossed it to Jesse. I didn't recognize the label. Keith got down two tumblers from a glass shelf, dropped three cubes of clear ice into the glasses, and filled each halfway from a bottle of Glenlivet 21. He handed one to me and I took a sip. I never knew that alcohol could feel like velvet going down. It seemed strange drinking without the burn, but this was something else I could easily get used to.

"Jeremy playing college ball?" Jesse asked, taking a swig of his beer.

"Naw. He tried out, but it was a no go. He was a decent first baseman, but he never put in the work to elevate his game. He just wanted to play, never wanted to practice. Natural talent can only get you so far."

I couldn't help thinking about how different life would be for me and Jesse if I had married a man like Keith. Sure there was the money, but with a guy like him for a father Jesse could be at Princeton now instead of competing for jobs with i*****l immigrants. We spent the next little while talking about nothing in particular. I found a new way to feel like more of a failure with each passing minute. I was feeling about as unsexy as I thought was possible, then Cherie returned and it got even worse.

Her long chestnut hair was no longer up in a tight knot. It spilled over her bare shoulders in a cascade of perfect curls. She was decked out in a black gown that was lace across the bodice and sheer everywhere else. The lace was delicate enough for us to make out the impressively large disks of her dark areolas. The flowing folds of her gown did nothing to hide that she was wearing a tiny black thong underneath. She did a spin as three pairs of awe-struck eyes leered at her.

"Someone's been out shopping," Keith commented with mock displeasure.

"You like?"

"I haven't seen you looking that hot since last Tuesday," her husband joked as she went to his arms. With his drink in one hand he grabbed her ass with the other and gave it a hearty shake. "What do you think of your friend's mom, Jesse? Not bad for an old lady, eh?"

"Not bad at all," he said with a stunned look on his face.

Okay, I was officially feeling like a cheap gutter whore at that point. I'd gotten my share of lustful looks from Jesse, but nothing quite like the one he was giving her. Although, seeing Cherie in that exquisite lingerie had started something stirring in my own nether areas, and I wasn't even into women, so I couldn't really blame my son. I slugged back the rest of my drink and wondered if I'd get a chance to see those huge nipples without the lace in the way before the end of the night.

"What do you two need to get started?" Cherie asked, clearly eager to get things moving. "Some pillows? A chair?"

"Pillows, maybe," I answered with a shrug. I hadn't thought this through. The nerves in my stomach were kicking up. Was I actually going to go through with this? Performing a live sex show with my son in front of these people?

Cherie sent Keith off to fetch some pillows and arranged herself in one of the big leather seats. I took the unsigned check out of my back pocket and held it out to her. She had to have noticed how much my hand was shaking.

"A wise man once told me to always get paid up front." I tried to make it sound casual, but I don't think I pulled it off.

"Of course. Business first, then pleasure, right?" She opened a compartment in the arm of the seat and rooted around until she found a pen. She signed the check and gave it back to me with a smile just as Keith returned with three fat throw pillows from the living room that looked like they could have been brought home from the store that afternoon. He dropped them on the floor in front of where his wife was sitting and took the seat next to her.

"Okay, so..." My heart rate was climbing steadily as I tucked the check away. "Should we just get started, or...?"

"We're ready whenever you are," Cherie said in a sensually soothing voice that could have melted chocolate on a cold day.

I motioned for Jesse to come next to me. "You okay?" I whispered.

"I shouldn't have let you talk me into this."

At least he was keeping his voice low enough that they couldn't hear. I undid his belt buckle.

"There's a thousand bucks in my pocket right now."

"This is way beyond fucked up, Mom. Seriously. Jeremy's mom and dad are right there."

I kissed his cheek, then lowered his zipper. "As soon as you put your big cock in Mommy's mouth, you'll forget all about them." I went down on my knees and tried to pretend we were at home just like it was any other show.

I slid Jesse's pants and boxers down. His cock was completely flaccid. Nerves. As much as I enjoyed his hard cock, I also kind of liked seeing him in this state. But, as cute as it was, this wasn't what we were being paid for. I kissed his drooping shaft and teased the tip of his cock with my tongue. I heard a playful giggle coming from the seats, but tried to ignore it. I ran my hands up my son's strong legs and took his soft penis in my mouth. On one level I was freaking out about doing this with people sitting ten feet away watching, but on a deeper level that illicit sense of indecent satisfaction reminded me that everything would be okay. I felt Jesse's cock begin to thicken, and I became sure that everything would be more than okay.

In no time I was giving my boy a proper blowjob. He was as hard as he could be, and I was eagerly sucking him off like it was any other day. When he began responding to my rhythm with slight movements of his hips, I knew he was starting to loosen up also. When he bent down to set his beer on the floor, I pulled away from his hard-on for a moment and took a breather.

"Mmm, you have a magnificent cock, Jesse," Cherie said.

"Ah, okay, thanks, I guess," Jesse sounded as unsettled as I felt getting feedback that way. We were used to reading messages from a text box, not hearing the voices of our audience.

"Maybe you could suck his balls a little bit, Darlene. That would be nice, wouldn't it?"

Neither of us answered. I was annoyed at being directed like that, but I was thinking of doing that next anyhow. A full month's house payment, and then some. I lifted Jesse's prick and went for his clean-shaven balls. I heard that lilting giggle again and knew our customer was getting her money's worth.

I licked my son's balls top to bottom. I then sucked the left one, taking it gently into my mouth, tugging lightly once I had it. I moved to the other and did the same. A dribble of pre-cum dripped onto my forehead, giving me horny chills all through my body. I needed to taste that.

As I took his dripping cockhead between my lips once again, Cherie spoke up.

"I hope we're going to get to see some of that sexy mommy-body of yours, Darlene."

I'd been naked in front of people on many occasions in my life, but none of those times were anything like this. I had been half-hoping I could get away with staying dressed for this show, but it didn't look like that was going to fly. I continued sucking cock while fumbling with the buttons of my blouse.

"Feel free to take off your shirt, too, Jesse," she added seductively.

Jesse pulled his t-shirt off over his head without any ceremony. Cherie made approving noises at the sight of my boy's well-toned physique. I tried to ignore the jealousy and focus on how proud I was of him. He might not have accomplished much with his life yet, but my boy had plenty of assets worth of admiring. Just because my lips were wrapped around one of those assets didn't take anything away how I felt.

I let my shirt fall away behind me, then unclasped my bra. I had made sure to wear my one matching bra and panty set, but I didn't suppose they cared much about that. My tits dropped as my bra came away. I'd never worried about my boobs not being big enough, but being in the same room with Cherie's bodacious set of fun bags had me somewhat self-conscious.

"You two make such a sexy pair," Cherie complimented with another one of her sexy giggles.

I risked a glance toward the row of theater seats and saw that the armrest between PowerCouple69 had been lifted out of the way. Cherie was leaning on her reclining husband's lap. She had his cock threaded through the fly of his pants, and it was hard. Long and hard. It stood up straighter than any dick I'd ever seen in my life. Keith's cock was pale, and smooth, and uncut. I hadn't encountered many intact foreskins over the years, but I always found uncircumcised cocks gave me a bit of an exotic thrill. I suddenly regretted having Jesse's penis snipped without giving any real thought to what I was actually doing. I just assumed that was what was supposed to be done.

Cherie's hand gripped her husband's shaft loosely and moved up and down with leisurely strokes. Keith still had his drink in one hand as he watched his own private i****t show. I would have ungenerously described him as looking like a lecher if I wasn't the one performing the vulgar acts of debauchery that were casting him in such a light. Meanwhile, his wife was looking like a feline sex goddess lounging next to him in her sheer black gown with those gorgeous tits on the verge of falling out of their lacy cups.

I stopped looking at them and concentrated on sucking cock. I got into a steady rhythm, and soon Jesse was with me. His hand was on my head where it belonged, and I was able to feel like this was going better than I had feared. His cockhead tapped against the back of my palate. I took in a long breath through my nose, then went down on him. His cock slid into my throat as I took his entire length.

"Oh, shit, yes..." It was Keith's deep voice. "Look at that, hon, all the way down."

"I don't know how she does it," Cherie responded with wonder. "Such a talent."

I pulled back and felt excess saliva drooling down my chin and dripping onto my tits. I took my son's cock all the way again. I can't say it's the most pleasant experience for me, but I couldn't resist doing it knowing how much Jesse liked it. I also enjoyed impressing our patrons. At least there was one thing I could do that Cherie Sheppard couldn't.

After one more deep-throating plunge, I resumed sucking. I must have looked like a real pig, slobbering spit all down my front, but I guess some folks think that's sexy.

"Jesse," Cherie piped up again, "when you cum, can you do that thing where you jerk off into your mom's mouth? We love that, don't we, darling?"

"I do like it. Sexy as hell." He took a sip of his scotch. "Cherie won't let me cum on her face like that."

I heard a light slap. "Don't go telling on me like that," Cherie protested.

It struck me how relaxed the two of them seemed with all of this. It made me wonder if they'd done stuff like this before. Maybe they hired different people from town to put on a kinky show for them every weekend. Last Saturday it was three lesbians with strap-ons, the weekend before that was a midget orgy. You never can tell how perverted people are just by looking at them. Of course, not many people would guess that I was jerking and sucking my son's cock behind closed doors either, so I wasn't one to judge.

"Fuck, Mom, I'm gonna cum," Jesse hissed. I knew he was able to perform in front of a camera, but I hadn't been sure how he'd do in front of real people. Looks like I had nothing to worry about.

"Give me that cum, baby," I said, my voice raspy from having just been throat fucked. "Mommy wants all your cum."

I tipped my head back, grabbed my tits, and opened my mouth wide. Jesse gripped his spit-covered cock and began jacking it over my face. He looked straight down at me with focused intensity, and I held eye contact with him as his cockhead battered against my lips. His mouth tightened into a grim line and the first warm spurt landed on my tongue. The strong scent of his sex filled my nose and I wanted more of him. My boy jerked two more shots into my mouth, then lifted his cock enough to lay one across the bridge of my nose and up onto my forehead. The rest of his load was liberally distributed on my cheeks and chin.

"Fuck, yeah," Keith remarked with appreciation. "Look at that, babe. Don't you want to try that?"

"Settle down, cowboy," Cherie teased her husband, then spoke to me. "Show it to us, Darlene."

I turned, with mouth gaping wide, and tilted my head down so they could see the wad of Jesse's semen gathered on my tongue. Doing this on camera had been no big deal, but showing off in front of two people sitting so close was more humiliating than I had expected.

"Swallow it, Darlene," Cherie instructed delicately, stroking her husband's cock more firmly. "Swallow your son's cum nice and slow for us."

I did as I was told. It helped that I was able to lose myself for a moment with something that I truly loved doing. I tried to shrug off the humiliation by telling myself it was what I'd be doing anyway if Jesse and I were at home. I took down half his load, opened to show what was left, gulped down the remainder, then proved to everyone that my mouth was empty. My son's thinning jizz trickled down my face, some of it dripping on my tits and some on my pants.

"Very nice!" Cherie gave us an appreciative golf clap.

As she did this, Keith's hand slid over her shoulder, and grabbed a handful of tit. Cherie shrugged the strap off her shoulder and let the cup holding her left breast fall away. Jesse and I remained stock still, both mesmerized by the lovely sight we were being treated to. Cherie was clearly enjoying the attention as we marveled at the full roundness of her porcelain flesh. Her areola was everything it had promised to be. It was deep brown and as big around as the bottom of a 40-ounce beer bottle. Her nipple was a small rounded nub at the center that Keith was gently tugging between his thumb and forefinger. The way her boobs jiggled in his hand, I was forced to admit that they weren't store bought after all. Those babies were all natural. I never wanted to suck another woman's tit as much as I did right then.

Keith leaned over and whispered something to his wife. She nodded.

"Jesse, is your mom as good a cocksucker as she looks?"

Jesse cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, she's real good, I guess."

"She looks real pretty with your cum all over her face, doesn't she?"

"Uh huh." He glanced over at me a bit sheepishly. "But she always looks pretty to me."

It was all I could do not to bust out in tears right there in front of everyone.

"Aww, now isn't that just the sweetest thing." Cherie leaned over and licked the tip of her husband's cock. "Now don't you think such a good son should return the favor?"

Jesse shrugged, looking at me again for an indication of what to do.

"Don't be shy, son," Keith pitched in. "We saw you eat your momma out on one of your shows the other night. You both seemed to like it just fine."

"At least get more comfortable and take your pants off, Darlene," Cherie suggested as casually as if she was telling me to have another cucumber sandwich at a ladies luncheon. "Maybe if you spread that hot pussy for all of us to see Jesse won't be able to resist."

I stood up and undid my jeans. I was very aware of the cum still on my face, but since no one had offered me a towel I assumed it was how they wanted me. I pulled my pants down and stepped out of them. Everyone was watching me and I noticed how quiet the room was. Shouldn't there be at least some music playing? I turned my back to PowerCouple69, and slid my panties down, bending over as I did. Might as well show off my best side while I had the chance.

"Your old lady has a grade-A caboose, son," Keith said polishing off his drink. "She ever let you tap that sweet ass?" He received another slap from Cherie for that, but she appeared just as curious to hear the answer.

"No," Jesse answered quickly. "We don't do that. Have sex, that is. Well, what I mean is, we don't fuck, know, fool around a little."

"Oh, I don't believe that for a minute." Cherie sat up and pulled out her other boob, giving them both a squeeze and a shake. "That can't be true, Darlene. Please tell me you're not holding out on your poor son like that."

"'s true. We haven't had sex as far as actual intercourse goes." I sounded like an idiot. "Not just that we haven't, but that we're never going to. We just mess around enough to make what we need to pay the bills. It's all just for the camera," I lied.

"Okay, if you say so," Cherie conceded, sounding like she didn't believe me. "Now how about spreading that pussy like you do on your webcam?"

I sat down on the floor facing them and opened my legs. Cherie leaned forward with a leering sparkle in her eye. It made me suspect that this show was as much for her as it was for her husband's birthday. She was using both hands to tweak each of her nipples, alternately caressing and twisting them as she watched me. Keith was tending to his own hard-on and was managing to look surprisingly sexy doing so. I reached down and spread my lips apart, exposing myself to my audience.

"Look how wet she is," Cherie said nudging her husband. "And I can see how hard her clit is from all the way over here." Her legs rubbed together suggestively and I knew she was feeling almost as horny as I was. The image of Cherie's face between my thighs suddenly popped into my head, and I can't say it bothered me any.

"What do you think of your mom's pussy, Jesse?" Keith asked point blank.

"It's good." Jesse couldn't help looking down as me holding myself open on the floor. "'s pretty great. Not what I ever expected, but...yeah, it's really awesome."

"And you're telling me you have access to a piece like that and you haven't dipped your wick yet?" Keith's hand had found its way around behind Cherie and he was massaging his wife's crotch. "You gotta get on that, son."

"No," Jesse scoffed. "Messing around is one thing, but there's no way I'm fucking my own mom."

It was the right answer, but I didn't like hearing it.

"Jesse has girls lining up to fuck him, he doesn't need my old pussy for that," I added. "Plus, fucking my son is too far over the line, even for me." It was hard to make a convincing argument as I sat on the floor showing off my dripping cunt hole to everyone there.

"What if I made it worth your while?" Keith proposed.

I hesitated, but Jesse answered right away. "No. Sorry."

Keith whispered to Cherie. She looked surprised, but then nodded in assent. Keith stood, his long, hard cock bouncing enticingly, and headed out of the room. "Please excuse me a minute while I go slip into something more comfortable." With a sly wink he left.

"He's incorrigible, isn't he?" Cherie said as she stood.

I wasn't sure if she wanted me to keep holding my pussy open. I relaxed a little and began rubbing it lightly. She seemed to enjoy that.

"You have to forgive him, you see..." she shimmied out of her gown leaving her naked except for a pair of heels and that tiny black g-string, "it's been a while since he's seen a son fuck his own mother." She walked purposefully to Jesse, her spectacular tits swaying with each step. "It all started innocently enough." Cherie ran the tip of her index finger along the top of Jesse's hard-on. "Then one day Keith came home early and caught Jeremy humping me out by the pool."

She looked down at me to see my reaction. I was shocked, to say the least, but I was also beyond turned on by the idea that this sophisticated lady, who was such a pillar of the community, was having i****t with her own son. Not only did it make me feel like less of a sick pervert, but also helped me see that Cherie wasn't the perfect role-model that everyone in town held her up to be. She was just as fucked up as the rest of us.

"I thought my husband was going to kill us both," she went on with her story, moving to stand in front of me where I sat. "But, instead, he pulled out his cock and told us to keep going. Jeremy and I had had a lot of good fucks before that, but having his father watch made us both cum harder than ever."

Cherie squatted down in front of me. As the tiny swatch of fabric over her crotch pulled tight against her pussy, it became evident to me that she was completely shaved down there. Jesse was still captivated by her sumptuous tits as I stared between her legs. She reached down, ran her fingers up the length my pussy lips from my hole to my clit. I wasn't expecting her to touch me like that, but I can't say I minded very much. She brought her fingers to her nose and sniffed. She smiled at my scent, then licked her fingers. Seeing her taste me sent goosebumps up my back.

"If you really haven't fucked your son yet, I would highly recommend it." She stood, turned and strode back to the plush seats. Her ass didn't show a single sign of her age. How many hours did she have to spend on the elliptical to keep it looking so tight?

Cherie curled up on the leather, eyeing the two of us like we were the prey to her horny cat. I continued to toy absently with my clit, while Jesse shifted uneasily next to me. No one spoke and the silence was becoming awkward. More semen dripped from the point of my chin and landed on my belly. What had I gotten myself into?

Keith returned in animated style, all smiles and gestures of greeting. He was wearing a short robe, and I assumed nothing else underneath.

"You let them in on our family secret?" he asked his wife as he sat down.

"They know all about how you like to watch your son fuck his mother."

"God help me, I do at that." He leaned over and kissed her passionately, feeling up one of her breasts as he did. He then turned his attention back to us. "My wife hasn't been the same since her boy went away to school. We were hoping you two could help us get by until Jeremy comes home for summer break. What do you say?"

Jesse looked at me, expecting me to take the lead this time.

"I...I wish we could, but...we never intended to have sex...not like that." I didn't sound the least bit confident in my convictions, and Keith knew it.

"I'll match what Cherie's already paid you."

I admit that sent a tingle through my clit. We could be caught up on the mortgage by tomorrow. But, from the look Jesse was giving me, I knew I couldn't take it.

"I'm sorry. Handjobs and blowjobs are one thing, but that..."

"I'm guessing you're behind on your electric bill, too, right? What if I sweetened the pot with enough to get you squared away with that as well?"

I bit my lip. It was more than tempting. But could I let myself sink that low? Was I really so desperate that I would fuck my own son for the entertainment of these two deviants just to pay a few bills?

"Tell you what," Keith said, "why don't you two step aside and discuss it privately. Another thousand dollars and whatever you're behind on your electric for you two to fuck while my wife and I watch."

I think he was getting off just as much on the negotiation as he was over the possibility of seeing me bang my son. I got up off the floor and went to the corner of the room with Jesse.

"Mom. Seriously?" Jesse began in a scolding whisper.

"I know, I know. It's just that it's a lot of money. We'd be almost all set."

"You don't believe that shit about Mrs. Sheppard fucking Jeremy, do you?"

I thought about the look in her eye as she shared her confession. "Yeah, I do. Apparently rich folks can be just as messed up as anyone else.

"But we're still saying no."

"Hold on, let's make sure we've thought this through." I took a deep breath and glanced over at our customers.

Cherie had her husband's cock out of his robe, and he had his hand down the front of her g-string. I wondered if Jesse didn't agree would they be willing to at least fuck me? They wouldn't even need to pay me. God, I was too horny to be making any kind of rational decisions.

"Listen, here's the thing," I went on, knowing I could be about to send Jesse into a rage. "It's something that we're probably going to end up doing eventually anyway."

Jesse's mouth literally dropped open. I didn't wait for him to gather his wits before continuing.

"I mean, let's face it. I want to fuck you, and I'm pretty sure you want to fuck me. You do want to fuck me, don't you?"

He looked away, exasperated that he was being pinned down like that. "Okay, fine. Yes, I want to fuck you, Mom, but that doesn't mean I should do it. Or that I want to do it in front of these freaked up fuckers."

"Honey, I know this isn't the best time or place, but I really want you inside me. I've been thinking about you every night." I moved closer, my spit and cum spattered belly touching his. "I think about wrapping my wet pussy around your hard cock and making love to you. Making you feel so good. I want to cum on your cock, Jesse. I know that's not something a mother should ever say, but I can't help it."

"Fuck, Mom," he growled in frustration at my words and the closeness of my naked body. His stiff cock pressed against my hip. I sensed that he wanted to kiss me, but was holding back. "Can't we just do all that at home?"

"We could," I grazed an erect nipple over his chest, "but if we do what we both want to do here, we don't have to bother with that damned webcam anymore. We'd be practically all paid up, and we could get respectable jobs. We could suck and fuck each other just because we wanted to, not because we had to do it to make money. That sounds nice, doesn't it?"

His hand slid up my back. My son looked into my eyes, struggling with his dilemma. I knew better than to speak and instead pressed my body tighter against his.

"God, Mom, I want to fuck you so bad."

"And you can, honey. Right now. You can fuck me right here, if that's what you want. Mommy wants you deep inside her cunt."

That must have been the final straw. Jesse kissed me hard on the lips, not even caring that there was still some of his own cum lingering there. He took my hand and we walked back to our spot in front of PowerCouple69. Cherie stopped sucking Keith's cock and looked up with gleeful expectation.

Jesse cleared his throat. "Throw in our phone bill and you have a deal."

"Ha! You drive a hard bargain, son." He looked down at Cherie with her face in his lap. "I don't know, dear, this is getting expensive."

Instead of saying anything, she dipped her head down kissed his balls and looked up at him, her eyes shining with pure desire.

"Tell you what, stud, I'll meet your price, but for that much money you have fuck my wife when you're done with your mom."

Jesse looked at me with the hopeful expression he always got when he wanted something but was sure I'd say no.

"Would you like to fuck Mrs. Sheppard, Jesse?" I asked, doing all I could not to let the envy leak into my tone. I wrapped my hand around his hard shaft. "Do you want to put this in Jeremy's mom?" I knew Cherie would love hearing it phrased that way. "She misses her son's cock and needs yours inside that beautiful bald cunt of hers."

"Yeah, of course I want to," he said to me, trying to keep his voice low but I was sure they could easily hear him. "But what about you? Are you okay with that? I mean, right in front of you and all?"

I gave a little shrug that said it wouldn't bother me as much as I knew it probably would, and kissed him. "As long as I get you first, I'm okay with whatever you want to do." I squeezed his cock lovingly to reassure him. I had been telling the truth when I said I wanted to fuck him, but it was just as true that I really wanted that money.

He took one more look at those amazing breasts, those toned thighs, and the mystery of an unconquered pussy barely hidden by that tiny scrap of a g-string. He licked his lips nervously and nodded. "Fuck it. If you don't care, then I'll definitely hit that."

I knew it was nothing more than boyhood lust driving him. All I could do was hope that there was more behind his desire when it came to me. That little knot in my stomach was there because I was worried that once he'd had her, why would he want my broken down old ass? It wasn't like Cherie was a perfect Playboy model, but given the choice between the two of us any guy with at least one working eye would pick her. But, there was nothing I could do about it. I was what I was, in the body God gave me, and that's all there was to it.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Cherie squealed in her happier than thou way that she had. She pulled down her alleged panties, finally exposing that bald cunt I had alluded to earlier. As expected, it was as elegant as the rest of her. It looked like a team of specialists had been at work waxing, smoothing and primping her pussy to be camera ready at a moment's notice. Her vulva practically glowed. For the first time in my life I honestly regretted not having a cock.

"Ready for this?" I asked Jesse and gave him a couple strokes, once again impressed by his staying power.

"Only one way to find out." He had a hungry look about him that I was confident was all for me.

"I don't know which way I want you," Cherie chirped. She checked with Keith.

"Whatever you want, babe."

"Let's start with Darlene on her back, head up towards us...yes, just like that. Okay, Jesse you get down on top of your mom, but hold yourself up so we can see down between you and watch your cock going in and out of your mother's pussy."

I was hoping Cherie wouldn't spook Jesse talking like that, but he did as she instructed and laid his body atop mine, lifting himself and locking his arms. I loved the way his triceps bulged in that position. My strong, handsome boy. This was the moment I'd been fantasizing about for weeks. I made an effort to calm myself and make sure I was in the moment. I wanted to experience every bit of this and know it was real.

"I guess I've been wanting to do this for a long time," Jesse said, hovering over me, the tip of his cock brushing the inside of my thigh. "I hated that I kept thinking about fucking my own mom, but I couldn't stop. I'm sorry about the way I treated you because I was angry about how fucked up I thought I was. I know I treated you like shit, and--"

"Jesse," I interrupted, "it's okay. We don't have to apologize. Just stop talking and fuck me."

He hesitated for a moment longer, his eyes looking into mine.

"I love you, Mom." With that, and the slightest forward shift of his hips, he was inside me.

My son's cock was in my pussy. I was fucking my own son. My baby boy that I had raised, cared for, and worried over. The same little guy I had played Candy Land with, cooked for, and spanked for being naughty. He was all grown up now. He was a man. He was a man with a fantastic cock that was moving deeper inside me one slow agonizing inch at a time. He was a man who honestly loved me in a way that no one else ever could.

Nothing else existed. My entire world became nothing more than my son's body and my own. His cock and my pussy. His rock-hard cock inside my achingly wet pussy. I hooked my ankles around his legs and tightened my inner muscles, trying to draw him in faster. I wanted to possess the whole of him, take him in, envelope and absorb him. I'd never known this kind of sublime torture with any other man. Not even his daddy.

"All the way in, Jesse," I gasped despite myself. "I want it all. Everything."

He sadistically maintained his glacial pace, entering me by tiny degrees, feeling his way past every contour of my inner embrace. The carnal euphoria his cock evoked throughout my body threatened to overwhelm me. I reminded myself to breathe as I felt another inch of my son filling me. This was so wrong. So exquisitely, sinfully wrong. And so fucking incredible that I couldn't understand why all mothers didn't do it. Every mother deserved to know the supreme pleasure of taking her son inside her once again. Back into the place where his life in this world began. The first time it was pain and struggle, but now it was nothing but pleasure and adoring acceptance.

Jesse pushed himself into me as far as he could go. I grabbed his ass and held him tight between my legs.

"Oh, that's nice," I moaned, clutching at his manhood with my cunt muscles.

"This is so weird," Jesse whispered above me. "In a good way. I can't believe we're doing this." He pressed into me, flexing his cock within my intimate grip. "It's different from when I fucked other girls before. Your pussy feels amazing, Mom."

I wanted to cry and scream and laugh all at the same time. "It's your pussy now, Jesse. Whenever you want it. This is where your cock belongs. Here inside Mommy's pussy."

His hips began moving in small circles. His cock shifted inside me. Even just those subtle motions would be enough to make me cum. But I wanted more. And so did my son.

"Fuck me, Jesse. Fuck me the way you always wanted to."

He pulled back and pushed himself softly back in. The next thrust was a little harder, and the third even more so. His body was urging him to take me with all the denied passion that had been building over the years.

"That's it, Jesse, fuck me. It's your pussy. Fuck it as hard as you want."

He took this to heart and stopped holding back. He pulled most of the way out and rammed himself deep. Oh God, it was too good to fully wrap my head around all at once. My boy's cock was better than anything I'd ever known. He pulled out in another long stroke, then rammed home again. My whole body jolted with the shock. I can't express how happy I was that my son knew how to fuck like a man. I was in no mood to make love, I wanted to be taken hard and ravaged. I dug my fingernails into the soft flesh of his ass, spurring him on.

"You like that, Mom?" He asked as he aggressively sunk himself into me again. "You like getting fucked like this?"

"Yes, Jesse. This is how I want you to fuck me. Don't stop..."

I knew there was no chance that he would stop, but I needed him to know how much I wanted this. I didn't want him thinking I was only doing this for the money. It was important for me that he understood that I would have been this way with him even if there was nothing else to be gained. I meant it when I said my pussy belonged to him. My whole body was his. My whole self. My son owned me.

"I always knew how much of a slut you were, Mom." His punishing thrusts came faster. "I knew how you went to bars. Fucked guys in back seats of cars. Sucked them off in the men's room or a back alley." He was hurting me with his angry thrusts, but no more than I deserved. "I knew that about you, and I hated you for it."

"I'm sorry, Jesse," I said through the pain. "No matter what bad things I did, I still loved you."

"You'd come home drunk...pass out somewhere...," he grabbed a fistful of my hair, "sometimes your tits would be falling out...or your pants were halfway down."

"I'm sorry..."

The sound of his flesh pounding against mine became louder as he went on.

"My cock would get so hard when I'd see you like have no idea, Mom." His sweat dripped down onto my face and chest, mingling with the drying cum he'd covered me with earlier. "I'd jerk off to your tits...I would pull your panties down and look at your hairy pussy...sometimes I could see cum leaking out from the last guy you just fucked."

I didn't want to hear this, but I had to let him get it out. "I'm so, so sorry..."

"I put my fingers inside you, Mom. I did that...and I fucking got off on it. I came so fucking hard, Mom. What kind of sick fuck does that to his own mother?"

"It's okay,'s not your fault...I'm sorry..."

I wanted to hug him and cry with him and make it all better for him.

"I hated myself for doing that." He was breathing hard, but he wasn't letting up fucking me rough and fast. "But then I started wanting you to come home drunk...I wanted you to pass out so I could touch your tits...and smell your pussy...and finger fuck you while I jacked off."

I didn't know how much more I could take. Despite the pain he was inflicting, I felt myself building toward orgasm. I wrapped my legs tighter around my son and held on.

"That doesn't matter now, Jesse." I was barely able to speak. "It's okay now..."

"I took pictures, Mom," he confessed, his voice tight and filled with self-loathing. "I spread you open and took pictures of your cunt while you were passed out. I jerk off to those pictures every fucking night."

"It's okay, I forgive you, Jesse. We both did a lot of bad things, but now we can forgive each other. I love you, Jesse. I love you so fucking much."

"I wanted to fuck you, Mom. I wanted to so bad, but I never did. I could have, but I didn't. I wanted it to be my cum inside you instead of some stranger's."

"But now you are fucking me, sweetheart. You're fucking me so hard. You're inside me and I can feel your cock."

"I'm sorry, Mom. I'm sorry for all the bad shit I did to you..."

I was going to have rug burns on my shoulder blades the next day, but I didn't care.

"I want you to cum inside me, Jesse. Is that what you want?"

He opened his eyes and looked down at me. I hoped he could see the love, and forgiveness and acceptance in my face. His jaw relaxed. His brow became smooth. He took a gasping breathe, as if coming up for air after being submerged for too long.

"Yes," he whispered.

My heart was full to bursting.

"Then do it. Cum inside me, Jesse. Cum in my pussy. Fill Mommy's cunt with your cum."

His face twisted in a sudden grimace of ecstasy. He slammed his cock into me and released all his frustration, anger, guilt and shame deep into my womb. I accepted all of this from him with the kind of unconditional love I could have for no other person in this world. Ours was a primal act of atonement more than it was one of sexual union. Nonetheless, there was no denying the orgasm I was having in that same moment was more powerful than any I'd ever experienced.

Jesse continued fucking me long after he had spent himself. I went on matching his thrusts, knowing I was only moments away from another crest. My second climax crashed over me, and I pushed on breathlessly toward a third.

"Make me cum again, Jesse," I pleaded, half because I wanted another and half because I wanted to make sure he knew how good he was making me feel with his cock.

He pushed all the way inside and fucked me without pulling back at all. It was phenomenal, and exactly what I needed in that moment. I came twice more like that, one directly on top of the other. I'd had multiple orgasms before, but never at the same time! I said a little prayer, asking that Jesse would want to keep fucking me after tonight was over.

I became aware of a panting series of screams building above my head. I twisted to see, only just remembering that we had an audience, and saw Cherie and Keith both slouched low in their leather seats. They were naked, sitting side by side, and masturbating wildly. Keith had a firm hold of his shaft with one hand, and was grasping his balls tightly in the other. He was beating off like a madman, his face bright red. Cherie's feet were planted flat on the floor, her legs spread wide, two fingers of one hand buried up her asshole, and three fingers of the other pounding away at her pussy.

Jesse kept his cock inside me -- it hadn't wilted in the least -- and we watched PowerCouple69 pleasure themselves in a reckless frenzy.

"Wow, look at her tits go," Jesse said.

"No k**ding," I marveled along with him. "And it looks like Keith is going to crush his own balls to pulp."

Just as I said that, a jet of cum launched from the end of his cock and hit him in the face. He opened his mouth in hopes of catching the next spurt, but it fell short, landing in his graying chest hair. He licked his own semen from alongside his mouth as he pumped the rest of the cum from his balls, letting it spill down over his fist in a pearly stream. That's when Cherie hit her high point.

She was a screamer. Nothing was held back for modesty's sake. She fucked her fingers hard with both holes, humping her hips up into each downward thrust with vigorous energy. Her wailing cries filled the room, leaving no question that she was cumming. Cherie pulled her three fingers out and began rapidly slapping her pussy. She was aiming for her clit, and abused it mercilessly as she rode out the tail end of her intense orgasm. When she finally relaxed I was transfixed by how wet and swollen her pussy was. After everything I'd just done, how could I still be so fucking turned on?

"Jesse, I..." There was no need to finish what I was going to say. He felt me moving under him and began fucking me again. It only took a half a dozen long, slow strokes for me to cum again. This one felt different than the earlier ones; deep bass vibrations rumbling all through me. I pulled my son down against my chest, wanting his whole weight on top of me.

I'd just been through the most powerful experience of my life, and yet it didn't seem real. That house was a dream, those people were imagined, my boy's hard cock planted fast in my cum-filled cunt only a fantasy. I wasn't me. It wasn't my life. It couldn't be. Yes, I could be a slut at times, but this wasn't who I was. I wasn't the kind of person who would fuck my own son, my own flesh and blood, and do it in front of practical strangers for money. There was no way this was real. But somehow I knew it was. And I didn't want it any other way.

Jesse kissed my neck softly. "You okay, Mom?"

"More than okay." I kissed him back. "You?"

"I feel...light. Like we're floating." He found my lips with his. "I want to fuck you every day for the rest of my life."

Hearing that was even better than when he used to hold his arms wide and tell me he loved me "this" much. If I was being honest with myself, I was thinking the same thing as he was, even though I knew it couldn't last. He'd eventually grow tired of fucking his old mom and return to girls his own age. But, until then, getting fucked every day by my handsome son sounded just fine to me.

"Bravo, you two!" Keith applauded. "I'm sure Cherie would say the same, but it seems her mouth is full at the moment."

Cherie had leaned over and was sucking the cum from the end of her husband's cock as it was quickly going soft. Her fingers still toyed delicately with her plump lips and clit. I was sure that she had to be as sensitive down there as I was at the moment.

"I haven't heard my wife cum that loud since Jeremy went off to school," Keith chuckled and gave one of her lovely boobs and squeeze and a jiggle. Cherie took her mouth off of his floppy dick long enough to say something I couldn't make out. "What d'ya say, champ? The old girl is ready for that stud cock of yours whenever you are. It's okay if you need a few minutes to recover."

Jesse pulled out of me, much to our mutual regret, and looked down at his cock. He saw what I saw: he was still as hard as when he first put it inside me. If the d**g companies could bottle that kind of staying power, the world would certainly be a happier place.

"I think I'm good to go," Jesse told the man whose wife he was about to fuck, then looked down at me and in a lowered voice asked, "You sure you're okay with this, Mom?"

"I won't deny that I'm going to a little jealous, but I want to see you fuck her almost as much as you want to do it. Hell, if I had a cock I'd bang her myself!"

He grinned at that and kissed me quick on the lips one more time. "You guys have a towel or something for me to clean up with?"

"Hon?" Keith said. "Can you help the boy clean up a little?"

Cherie stood, a voracious glimmer in her eye, and went to Jesse. She knelt down in front of him and began licking his slick cock.

"That's it, hon, get all his mom's pussy juice cleaned off her son's big hog."

I watched with fascination as this otherwise classy woman performed her depraved act of perversion with my son. I had to admit I loved the idea that she was tasting my pussy and Jesse's cum at the same time. I couldn't wait for the opportunity to try that for myself when I got him home and all to myself. She was clearly enjoying it as well, if the sounds she was making were any indication. It was all Jesse could do not to throw her down and jump her right then.

"Hey, Darlene." Keith's voice snapped me out of my trance. He patted the seat that his wife had vacated. "Come sit here where the view is better."

I got up off the floor and took the seat next to him. I suddenly became more conscious of my nakedness for some reason. He was right, though, the view was much better.

"So, you're enjoying your birthday present so far?" I asked, feeling the strange need to make conversation.

"Oh, hell, yes. Best I can remember." He patted me on the thigh. His hand was soft and warm and not at all unpleasant. "But this is more for her than me really. To tell you the truth, she's been talking about wanting to fuck your son for quite some time now. This is a fantasy come true for Cherie. When she found you two on the internet, she just about lost her mind." He chuckled and his hand moved higher.

"I guess it turned out good for everyone," I said, not knowing what else to say.

Keith was a good looking guy, and under normal circumstances I'd be happy to mess around with him, but I'd just made love to my son for the very first time. Sure, he was about to fuck another woman, but he'd at least asked if it was okay first. Would he be upset if I did anything without asking? Jesse looked up, saw what was going on and gave me a wink. That was permission enough for me. I opened my legs. Keith acknowledged the invitation by sliding his hand up to my pussy and slipping a finger in my gooey hole. Damn, that felt good. Especially while watching Cherie's ass turn in little circles as she finished giving my son's cock a thorough tongue bath.

"All clean," she announced.

"Thanks, Mrs. Sheppard."

This time Cherie didn't correct him and ask that he use her first name. This was Mrs. Sheppard's fantasy, not Cherie's.

"I want you to fuck me just like you fucked your mom." She lay back and spread her legs for him. "Think you can do that?"

"I'll try my best, Mrs. Sheppard."

Keith's thumb worked over the hard nub of my clit. I reached across and took his limp penis in my hand and worked it gently in my grip in a vague attempt to resuscitate it. It seemed impossible that I was still as horny as I was after the incredible series of orgasms my boy had given me.

I watched Jesse get down on top of Cherie, his cock as stiff as ever. That odd sense of pride swelled in my chest again. That was my son. My lover. The jealousy I expected to feel wasn't there. I was happy for him; gratified that he was going to have an opportunity to enjoy the fabulous body of the woman beneath him. If anything, I was jealous of him.

As my son eased his big cock into Cherie's wet cunt, I felt Keith's prick getting firm in my hand. This was turning out to be a much better night than I had expected, and I was shamelessly looking forward to whatever came next.

I sat next to Keith on the luxurious entertainment loungers, the leather still warm from Cherie's body. Cherie was on her back on the carpeted floor beneath my son as he prepared to mount her. All of us were naked by that point. Keith slowly stroked his stiff cock as he watched his wife about to be taken by my virile young man. I perfectly understood his perverse anticipation. I, too, stroked myself as I looked on. My son's shoulders and triceps bulged enticingly as he held himself over his mature partner. I could only just see the thick length of his shaft for a moment as it descended between them and found its way into the wet embrace of another woman.

The burning jealousy I had expected didn't materialize. I knew Jesse wanted this, had fantasized about it, and so I wanted him to have it. His body rose and his hips plunged. Cherie cried out in sublime agony. Yes, my son was making love to another woman right in front of me, but he was still all mine. I was secure in knowing that I would have him again, and what he had with me was more than what he could possibly have with anyone else. I slipped two fingers into my pussy, matching my strokes with Jesse's thrusts and tricking myself into feeling like it was me he was fucking. God, he looked good.

"Your boy really knows how to handle a woman," Keith said, reminding me he was there. "But I guess he had a good teacher." He patted me on the knee and let his hand rest there.

"Was Cherie a good teacher for your son?" I leaned against him, wanting to feel naked skin against mine.

"She was at that. It's a strange thing to admit, but I loved seeing my son fuck his mother. They tried to hide it from me at first, but I figured out something was going on pretty quick." He chuckled. "Once it was out in the open, I'd find the two of them going at it all over the house just about any time of the day."

Cherie was already changing position. Jesse had pulled out and she was turning over to get on her hands and knees. I met his eyes and he gave me a sheepish grin before plugging his cock back into Mrs. Sheppard's voracious cunt.

"And all you ever did was watch them?" I asked, bringing my hand up to fondle one of my tits.

"At first." His sweaty palm moved from my knee and up along my thigh. "Cherie wanted us both at the same time one night, and so we started having threesomes together after that." I spread my legs a little wider as his hand got close. He recognized the invitation and gently caressed my moistened pussy lips with one of his baby-soft, well-manicured fingers. "The old girl liked that a lot."

"I'm sure she did."

Cherie was looking at us with a salacious grin as Jesse pounded her from behind. Each time he slammed himself home, her whole body jolted. Cherie's boobs looked even bigger as they dangled beneath her, swaying lewdly with each shock of my son's cock forcefully penetrating her.

"You and your son must have liked it, too," I continued, hoping he would put his finger inside me soon.

"We did." I could almost see his memories playing across his face. "We sure did." His finger entered me and a happy shiver raced up my spine. "I also learned a thing or two."

"Like what?" I was only half listening to him as I pushed myself down, taking his finger in deeper while I watched his wife drop to her elbows to better brace herself against the vigorous fucking she was being treated to by my boy."

"For one, I learned that Jeremy is what they call bisexual." He withdrew his finger much to my disappointment. "One night we were all going at it like any other night, and next thing I know my son is sucking away on my pecker. I'd never seen his mother so fired up before, and it felt alright to me, so I let him go ahead with it." He gave me a measuring glance. "I hope that doesn't put you off."

Cherie was switching it up again. She got Jesse on his back, then squatted over his face. He didn't hesitate for a moment and went right at her pussy with gusto, licking and sucking her up, down, and sideways.

"Put me off? Just the opposite. I find it very arousing when a man is secure enough to enjoy sexual pleasure from another man. It was very open-minded of you to let your son suck your cock like that."

"I never did anything with a guy before that, but once it was happening it suddenly wasn't a big deal for me anymore." His finger moved lower, wiggled into the crease of my butt, and found my asshole. Very nice. "After a time, I gave it a try myself."

"You gave your son a blowjob?"

"I did." Keith's finger, wet with pussy juice, circled my anus, teasing me. "It wasn't my thing at first, but I got to where I liked it pretty good. Jeremy's prick isn't as big as your boy's there, so I got to where I could just about swallow the whole thing down."

"Cherie must have loved watching her men suck each other off."

"Drove her wild every time." He pushed the tip of his finger into my asshole. "We even got so we did it sometimes when she wasn't around."

"It must have been a nice bonding experience for the two of you." His fingertip felt good, but I had a fierce need for something bigger than one of my fingers in my pussy. My hand went back to my neglected clit, only intensifying rather than relieving my growing arousal. "Did you ever take it further?" I wrapped my free hand around his hard-on as I watched his wife lower herself onto my son's cock reverse-cowgirl style. "Did you and your son ever fuck?"

His finger was still in my asshole, and he didn't answer. I assumed he was distracted by the same lascivious sight as I was. Cherie rode Jesse's cock like a pro, his thickness stretching her pussy tight. He put his hands on her ass, spreading her full cheeks apart. Damn, that woman even had a classy looking asshole.

"In case you're wondering," Keith finally spoke up, "Cherie wouldn't mind if you wanted to come sit on my lap for a bit."

It wasn't a difficult decision for me. Seconds later I was straddling him and guiding his cock into my pussy. I was well lubricated with my own juices as well as Jesse's spunk, so he slid into me with almost no resistance. Cherie looked over her shoulder just in time to see Keith's hard prick disappear inside me. It had been a long while since I'd fucked another woman's husband while she watched. It felt just as good now as it did then.

"Does your wife let you fuck a lot of other women in front of her?"

"She's brought a few home for us to play with over the years." His hands settled firmly on my hips, pulling me down on his cock as far as I could go. "Anniversaries and birthdays, mostly. Her sister a few times."

"Your wife lets you fuck her sister?" I'd heard him well enough the first time, but it gave me a nasty thrill to hear about the depravity these pillars of the community indulged in on a seemingly regular basis.

"It was her idea from the start, but I never put up a fight. Her little sister is even hotter than Cherie if you can believe it." Her reached around and fondled one of my saggy tits, reminding me of how less-than-hot I was. "But don't tell her I said that."

His cock felt good as I worked myself up and down on it, but he couldn't fill me up the way that Jesse had when he was inside me. I was hoping that my boy wouldn't be too worn out after all this to fuck me again when we got home. I had the frightening sense that I was going to want him between my legs every day from now on. I hadn't become obsessive about a guy since I was a teenager, and I didn't like myself when I got like that. I didn't know how long this strange affair might last with my son, but as long as he wanted me, I was his.

Cherie spun around on Jesse's cock so that she was facing me. I leaned to the left, allowing Keith to get a good view of his wife impaling her cunt on my son's big cock. Cherie hungrily watched her husband's prick disappear again and again inside me as a mixed stew of sex juices drooled out of my pussy and ran down over his balls. From the immodest sounds she had been making throughout, I was sure she'd had at least two orgasms so far and was close to a third. I began rubbing my clit as I fucked Keith's uncut cock in an attempt to hasten my next climax.

"Come on, baby, make Mother cum," Cherie moaned, closing her eyes. I didn't like that she was calling herself mother while she fucked my boy, but at the same time I understood that she was thinking of Jeremy. "Mother's pussy loves you...Mother's pussy loves her baby's cock." She leaned down and smothered Jesse's face with one of her pillowy tits. "Suck my milk, baby."

Wow, she was into this mommy thing deeper than I would have guessed. I can't deny that the conflation of my maternal feelings for Jesse and my carnal desire for him was a potent aspect of what made sex with him more exciting than any other man I'd been with, but Cherie seemed to be embracing it on a whole other level. I was creeped out and a little bit envious at the same time. Even so, I was more than happy to enjoy the sight of my son suckling those gorgeous tits while I rode a hard cock and worked my stiff clit toward what promised to be a fantastic orgasm.

Jesse grabbed Mrs. Sheppard's ass with both hands and thrust upward, lifting her off the floor with him.

"Oh, yes, cum inside me! Fill me up, baby. There you go, give Mother all your nasty sperm. Empty yourself into Mother's loving cunt."

Seeing his wife orgasming yet again on Jesse's cock while begging him for his cum must have done it for Keith. His fingers dug into my hips and he grunted helplessly as he unloaded his cock into me. Cherie looked up at me and blew a stray hair out of her face. We exchanged knowing smiles, acknowledging that we each had a pussy full of cum that by society's rules shouldn't be there. She continued to watch as I brought myself off through a combination of rubbing my hard clit and riding her husband's prick.

After everyone had a chance to catch their breath, Cherie slowly lifted herself off of my son's spent but unflagging cock.

"Sweetheart," she purred, looking meaningfully at her husband. "I could use some help cleaning up." She then lounged back on the floor, opening her legs suggestively. Her tummy flexed and a small blog of Jesse's cum appeared at the threshold of her vagina.

"Of course, my dear." Keith moved me aside unceremoniously, slid off the chair onto his hands and knees and crawled to his wife's used cunt like an obedient hound. After sniffing between her legs for a moment, he began lapping at her cum-soiled pussy. I found the whole thing to be repulsively hot in its own way.

Jesse slowly made his way up next to me. He toyed with his cock absently while he watched another man suck his jizz out of the woman he'd just fucked. I was hoping he'd touch me, but he kept his hands to himself.

"Think we can get out of here now?" he asked in a whisper.

"Wait until she cums one more time, then I think we should be good to go."

Cherie had another screaming orgasm while grinding her crotch in her husband's face. Jesse and I began getting dressed and were glad not to hear any protests. Keith fetched us a neat little stack of twenty crisp new hundred-dollar bills from somewhere. His limp cock was shiny with the drying juices from my pussy.

As we said our goodbyes, Cherie was still on the floor languidly fingering herself. It was obvious that she'd be demanding further satisfaction from her husband after we were gone. It had been a worthwhile encounter, both financially and otherwise, but Jesse and I were happy to be out of there.

We were halfway home and he hadn't said a word to me. I gave up trying to figure out what was bothering him and decided that if he wanted me to know that he'd tell me. I was too tired to ask and deal with the argument it would most likely cause. He turned off the road onto a dirt track. I had no idea where we were going, but knew I'd find out soon enough.

Tree branches sc****d at the sides of the truck as we worked through the mud and ruts that only a 4-wheel-drive vehicle could navigate. Suddenly, the thick forest gave way to a grassy slope that led down to the lake. I'd never seen it from this side before. The bright reflection of the moon rippled on the surface both cold and inviting. Jesse reached behind my seat, retrieved a half-empty bottle of Jack Daniels stashed there, and got out of the truck. He went and sat down on the grass and took a long swig. I gave him a moment before I got out and joined him.

He handed me the bottle as I sat down. I took a slug, enjoying the familiar burn. It was a few minutes before he spoke.

"This is where I lost my virginity," he confided. "Jenny Sullivan." Another drink. "She barely moved, didn't make a sound, but I'd finally fucked a pussy for the first time. When I got home, you were passed out face down on the hallway floor. I lifted up your skirt, that tight denim one you always wore, and pulled down your panties. I rubbed my cock on your ass and stuck two fingers in your pussy. For some reason you were always really wet down there when you were passed out."

It wasn't easy for me to hear this, but I let him talk.

"You started moving around and moaning. You'd do that sometimes. I jerked off while I fingered you, then came all over your ass." He turned to me with a strange look in his eye. "I came harder playing with you like that than I did fucking Jenny." He chuckled, shook his head, and downed another swig before holding out the bottle to me.

I had another swallow, not knowing how to respond to what he'd said.

"I'm sorry, Jesse. I..."

"Don't, Mom. It is what it is. You're fucked up. I'm fucked up. At least we're fucked up together, right?"

"That's something, I guess."

He stared out across the quietness of the lake. "You have fun tonight?"

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be," I hedged. "I liked what you and me did together. When this all started, I never planned on us going that far with each other, but I'm glad it happened. It felt really good to have you inside me, Jesse. I know that's not something a mom should ever say to her son, but it's true."

"What about Keith? Did it feel good to have him inside you?"

Ah, there it was. I should have been able to figure that out on my own.

"It wasn't like with you. It was just a cock, like any other."

"You've had a lot of cocks, haven't you, Mom?"

"What do you want me to say, Jesse? You know I have. Your mom is a drunken slut. Is that what you want to hear?"

"I don't know. Maybe." He took a long pull on the bottle, then lay back, looking up at the stars. "I hated that you were like that, but I also got off on it. I would lie in your bed sometimes while you were out and jerk off thinking about what you might be doing. Sucking a guy off in the stall of a men's room? Humping some dude in his truck in the parking lot? Gang banging a bunch of guys on a table in the middle of the bar? It was like my resentment gave me permission to abuse you - like you deserved it for the way you acted. I felt like a scumbag most of the time afterward, but it didn't stop me from doing it again the next time you'd come home and pass out. In a weird way, I always kinda hoped you'd wake up and catch me in the middle of doing it. Don't know..."

"I probably should be mad at you about doing all that to me, but I'm not." I settled back next to him, wanting to touch him but not yet daring. "In a way I suppose I deserved it. I can't really blame you."

"You should." Her turned on his side and put his hand on my tummy, giving me goosebumps. "But the thing is, back then thinking of you getting used by other guys got me hard. it's different."

"Different how?"

"I don't want you fucking other guys any more, Mom." His hand moved down to my crotch. "Did you mean it when you said your pussy belonged to me?"

"Yes." I could barely breathe all of the sudden.

He squeezed me through my jeans. "Then the only cock I want in this pussy from now on is mine." He looked straight into my eyes and it was clear how serious he was. "Understand?"

I nodded. "Yes. Your cock is all I need, Jesse. It's all I want." I surprised myself with this declaration, especially because I knew in my core that it was true. I was more than happy to be a slut for my son's cock, even if it meant not fucking another man for the rest of my life.

"What do you want right now, Mom?"

I didn't even have to think about it. "I want you to fuck me," I said in a breathy rush verging on a sob. "But first, I want you to kiss me."

He leaned down and did just that. As our kiss became increasingly passionate, his hand worked my pants open. I helped him pull my jeans down as quickly as I could. There was an urgent need to have him inside me.

"Fuck me, Jesse! Your mother needs your cock - only yours. I want you in my pussy."

He rolled on top of me and with a single hard thrust he was in. Right back where he started.

"There it is, Mom! You like that? You like having your son's cock deep in your whore cunt?"

"Yes! I love it. I love being your whore, Jesse. Fuck me, baby. Fuck me hard!"

Contrary to my frenzied pleas, he did just the opposite. After that first punishing thrust, he drew back and pushed himself into me nice and slow. He was feeling every inch of himself as he penetrated me. His ragged breath was strong with whiskey. I clumsily worked open the buttons of my blouse with one hand as my son gently worked his cock in and out of my pussy. I gripped my son tight between my legs. As soon as my tits were exposed, he latched onto one of my nipples and began suckling. I ran my fingers through his hair, keeping his face pressed to my chest.

"You like fucking your slut mommy, don't you?" I whispered. My skin tingled when he nodded and grunted his affirmation. "I've had so many cocks in my pussy, I've lost count." He thrust himself into me to the hilt upon hearing that. "I'd spread my legs for any man willing to buy me a drink. Your mother isn't just a whore, baby, she's a cheap whore."

I felt his teeth sink into my nipple. The pain felt good. He rammed his cock home, then held it deep inside me for a few moments before giving it to me again a little harder. I had fucked a lot of guys in my time, but never had I given myself over to one of them so completely as I did with my son. Even with his daddy I always held a little something back. Not with Jesse. I was powerless to deny him anything, whether it was my body or my whole self - he truly did own me. I was his and would never be anyone else's.

"I gave my pussy away to anyone who wanted it, Jesse, but now it's yours. Only for you. Your cock is all I want from now on. My pussy is all yours."

"And what about your ass, Mom?" he growled as he gave me another punishing thrust.

"My ass?"

He pulled out suddenly and rolled me over in the grass. I was once again taken with how strong he was. Even if I didn't willingly give him my pussy, there was no doubt he could take it whether I wanted him to or not.

Jesse roughly spread my ass cheeks open and spit. His warm saliva oozed down over my asshole and I knew what was coming. I'd taken it in the ass on many occasions, but rarely because it was something I wanted. As I felt the head of my son's cock circling my anus, I couldn't wait to feel him enter me. For the first time in my life I was actually eager to be assfucked.

"You want to put your cock in my ass, baby?"

"I never been with a chick slutty enough to let me bang her asshole." He pressed his cock against the spot he wanted.

"You're with Mommy now. I'm your slut." I pushed myself back against his probing hard-on. "You can have my asshole whenever you want it."

I relaxed myself and his spit-slicked cockhead popped into me. There it was - nice! I grabbed at fistfuls of grass as he pushed his thick cock into me.

"Fuck, that's tight," he blurted out and kept pushing. "I've been wanting to do this for so long."

"Is it as good as you thought it would be?"

"Better." He eased himself forward as far as he could go. "You want me to cum in your ass, Mom?"

"Yes," I gasped. "Fuck Mommy's asshole good. Fill my ass with your cum, baby!"

He pulled back and I heard him spitting again. His cock slipped back into me with almost no resistance. It was uncomfortable, but there was nothing I wanted more at that moment than to have my son behind me living out his fantasy of fucking my asshole. I'd barely come to terms with the reality that earlier that same night I had consciously made love to him for the first time, and already I had him in my ass. I regretted all the lonely years I'd suffered through. If I'd only known my boy wanted me, we could have been together like this ages ago. All I could do now was try to make up for lost time.

Jesse pushed himself to the root and slowly drew back. His hands pushed my cheeks apart and I assumed he was intently watching his stiff prick gradually disappear into his mother's asshole by the thin light of the moon. I hadn't been able to give him much growing up, but at least I could give him this. It felt good knowing I was finally able to make my son happy.

"You like that, Mom? You like getting fucked in the asshole by my cock?"

"I love it, Jesse. Your cock feels so big in my ass, but I love it. I fucking love it."

The earthy smell of the ground filled my senses as he pushed my face into the grass. I normally hated it when a man got rough and manhandled me, but Jesse could do whatever he wanted with me. I owed him that much at least.

"I'm gonna to make you scream," he said in a menacing voice. He pulled most of the way out, grabbed a handful of my hair, and slammed into me hard.

"Ahhh! Do it, baby. Fuck my ass." It hurt, but not in an entirely bad way. "Fuck my asshole as hard as you want!"

He took me at my word and began pounding into me. Every dozen strokes or so he would spit down onto his pistoning cock to provide a minimal amount of lube for what he was doing. This was mixed with an occasional yank on my hair, pulling my head back and eliciting a cry of gratified suffering. My body jolted with each forceful thrust. His strong hand gripped my shoulder, giving him the leverage he needed to give it to me as hard as he was. I was having trouble getting my breath, but that didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was that my boy got what he needed. And right then he needed my ass.

"Give it to me!" I cried out. "Fill Mommy's ass with cum! Fuck my asshole!" Despite my words being somewhat strangled, the way his efforts intensified let me know he understood everything. He was giving me the reaming of my life, and I didn't want it to end.

His fingers dug painfully into my flesh, and his cock felt like he was ripping me open. Tears flowed across the bridge of my nose and fell into the dew-moistened soil. I screamed.

Jesse slapped my ass hard. "That's right, you fucking slut, take it! Take my cock in your ass like the whore you are!"

There was more screaming. Most of it was mine, but some of it was his. My world was becoming swimmy and disjointed. I realized I couldn't take any more and I was about to pass out. I drew in a breath for one last scream when the pounding suddenly stopped.

Jesse was buried as far in my ass as he could humanly go, every muscle in his body tensed. There was a moment of perfect silence, then a guttural yell of passionate release that echoed across the still waters of the lake. As the reverberations of his a****l cry faded, he relaxed. His fingers became loose, his touch soft. The pain subsided as if it never existed. I couldn't feel it, but I knew my son's cum was deep inside me. A profound tranquility settled over me. Not even the nagging sting of the mosquito on my arm could stir me to move. I just wanted to stay there with my face in the grass and my boy's cock in my ass for as long as I could.

I felt Jesse's lips touch the back of my neck. It was the softest, most loving kiss I had ever known.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning, I woke up in my son's bed. When he got me home, he took me straight to his room and fucked my pussy again. A few hours later, I was awakened by his cock sliding into me from the side. He quickly blew his load, then rolled over, leaving me to finish myself with my fingers. And I did so without the least bit of bitterness - it felt wonderful masturbating with his warm body slumbering next to me.

His back was still to me when I awoke. I lay there caressing his ass, tickling a finger along the length of his butt crack. I was hoping he'd wake up and give me a good-morning fuck, but he was out cold. As I headed for the shower I could feel crusted cum on the insides of my thighs, with more oozing out of my pussy and ass with each step I took. I loved it.

The hot water woke up all the parts of me that were still asleep. After drying off I went to my room, but instead of getting dressed I turned on the computer. Due to some sort of cosmic miracle the thing booted up successfully on the first go. Even after all the fucking and sucking I'd done the day before, I was still horny. And just because we had enough now to catch up on most of our bills, we still needed money.

I logged in, waited until I had a few early-morning masturbators assembled in my virtual lobby, then began playing with myself. I angled the camera down, spread my legs wide, and fingered myself. I was less worried about putting on a decent show than I was making myself feel good. As I traced soft circles around my clit, I closed my eyes and replayed the images of yesterday in my mind. Cherie and Keith were a fun couple, and it was hard to believe that a classy pair like that had fucked around with their own son, but my thoughts kept returning to Jesse. As strange as it may sound, I think I was falling in love with him.

Remembering the way it felt when he first entered me, and then last night when he took my ass, I was moaning my way through a fantastic orgasm in no time. I could hear the ka-chings coming from the computer, but I didn't bother counting them like I normally did. It was just money now, not the difference between keeping my house and being out on the streets.

I teased my pussy and wondered if we had any booze around.

"Keep the noise down," I heard from behind me. "It sounds like a fucking whorehouse around here." Jesse was standing in my doorway rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Is that morning wood, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Both." He came to me, leaned down and kissed my lips. His breath was sour, but it didn't bother me in the least. I took hold of his cock. "Blowjob?"

"How 'bout you set up a room and we give 'em a real show?"

It seemed silly that my hands were trembling as I quickly did as he suggested. "All set."

"Get my cock wet with your mouth, then turn around and bend over."

I spit on his cock, sucked him as deep as I could a few times, and spit again. I stood, leaned against the chair and bent over in front of the camera. The usual cast of characters had paid to see the show, plus a few new customers. PowerCouple69 wasn't there, but BeaverMan415 was in attendance. Was that friggin' guy online and jerking off around the clock?

Jesse caressed my pussy lips with his cock, adding more natural lube to the head. He homed in on my opening and with a confident thrust he was once again inside me. I suddenly felt whole again, complete. My son had always been a part of me, but I never fully understood what that truly meant. To have him back inside of me was to reawaken every instinct I had as a mother and a woman in one integrated sense of being. Fucked up, I know, but that's where my head was at as my boy pounded his cock into my dripping wet cunt.

My sagging tits flapped loosely each time my son drove his cock into me. If I was with anyone else I'd have the decency to be embarrassed about all my stuff hanging down and flopping around like that, but with Jesse I was able to relax and enjoy the carnal sensations without being self-conscious about anything. He knew who I was and what my body had been through, and he chose to be with me like this anyway. Yes, Cherie's nipped and tucked body might be better to look at, but mine was better to fuck.

Jesse spread my ass cheeks and spit. His saliva landed near my asshole and he used his thumb to smear it all across his intended target. Goosebumps rose across my back.

"Did you like getting fucked in the ass last night, Mom?"

"Mmm, yes. I loved it."

"Yeah, I noticed you didn't have any problems takin' it in the shitter." He shoved his thumb in my asshole. "You musta had a lotta cocks up your ass over the years to take it so easy."

"I have," I confessed, knowing it was what he wanted to hear. "I'm a fucking slut, baby. A slut who likes to get fucked in the ass by any man who wants it."

"My mother is the biggest whore I've ever fuckin' known." He began pounding me harder, the fingers of one hand gripping my hip while he screwed his thumb around in my butthole as deeply as he could manage. I flexed my muscles, clasping onto his cock and thumb as tight as I could. "Oh, fuck, yeah. You want it, don't you?"

"I want it," I panted. "I want your cock, Jesse. I want you to fuck me, and fuck me, and fuck me!" I came fast and hard. It came on so quickly I almost didn't have any warning. It was amazing the effect he could have on me. No other man ever made me feel that way, and it was strikingly obvious that no man ever could.

"That's it, cum all over my cock, bitch! You know you love it! Fuck my cock!" Jesse rode me hard as he pumped me full of cum. The choked noises of satisfaction he made as he poured his orgasm into me gave me a sense of misplaced accomplishment that I nonetheless clung to.

He pulled his thumb out and slapped my ass. "Great way to start the day off, Mom." He drew his cock out, leaving me achingly empty. "Thanks for the wake up fuck."

I sat down at the computer feeling a bit lightheaded as he strode out toward the bathroom. I was happy to see that we had raked in close to our highest total to date for a single show. Not bad for an impromptu early morning performance with no foreplay. I began working the crowd, trying to wheedle a few more bucks out of them before they all left, and that's when I noticed BeaverMan was gone. He had apparently left in the middle of our first online mother/son fuck session? Odd. Maybe he was upset that he didn't get to goad us into it with bribes. Whatever, no time to worry about that twisted loser now.

By the time I logged off I'd gotten our total up above our previous best. I headed to the kitchen for coffee. Jesse looked up from his bowl of cereal as I put the kettle on the stove.

"So, what's this now? Are we nudists or something?"

I hadn't bothered putting anything on after the show. I turned around and leaned against the counter, folding my arms in a way that boosted my boobs up and made them look bigger.

"You have something against seeing tits and pussy whenever you want?"

"No, but you should wear clothes once in a while so I have something to rip off of you before I fuck your brains out."

"Hmm, my son the romantic."

"Let me see it," he demanded.

I bent my knees and pulled my outer lips apart knowing what he wanted without thinking twice about it. I had pushed most of his creampie out of me on-camera for the guys, but there was still a little of his cum glistening around my fuck hole.

"Damn, that looks good." His eyes stayed fixed on my open pussy as he scooped a spoonful of Frosted Flakes into his mouth. "That's one fine looking cunt you got there, Mom." He licked his lips. "You got some cum leaking out."

"I know." I released my pussy and took the whistling kettle off. "I like the way it feels when it seeps out and runs down my thigh." I sat down at the table and mixed up my cup of instant coffee.

"Fuck, we should have gotten together like this years ago," he said, echoing my own thoughts on the subject. He got up and put his bowl in the sink, leaving it for me to wash. "Before I hit the shower, how about you suck my balls for me." He pulled down his boxers and brandished his nutsack in my direction.

I sipped my coffee, put my cup down, then motioned him over. He pressed his cock against my face and I sucked one of his balls into my mouth. As I licked and sucked, he began jacking off. I lovingly fondled his scrotum with my tongue for almost two minutes before I felt his semen spilling onto my forehead.

"Mmm, nice one, Mom." He leaned down and kissed me on top of the head, his hand dropping down to give one of my tits a quick grope. "Yeah, I guess I can get used to this nudist thing of yours."

Once he'd left, I scooped the jizz from my face and let it drool off my fingers into my coffee. I stirred and took a sip. Tasty. I wondered if Starbucks would be interested in a new flavor suggestion as I took another long sip.

The next night we were watching a movie and working our way through a 12-pack of Coors. Now that we had some money we could afford the good stuff. I had been wearing a pair of sweats and a blue halter top when Jesse got home, but he had me take those off, leaving me in just a pair of plain, white panties with a small wet spot at the center of the gusset. His phone buzzed. He checked it and smiled.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Mrs. Sheppard. She sent me a close-up pic of her pussy." He turned the screen toward me to prove it. Yup, that was Cherie's twat, alright. "She wants me to come over and fuck her."

I felt a little jab in my gut. "You going?"

"Thinkin' about it."

"Her husband is going to want to watch."

He shrugged. "As long as he doesn't try anything with me." He was texting something back to her. "Wanna come?"

"Was I invited?"

"No. You could suck my cock on the ride over. Make sure I'm good and hard, then wait in the truck for me while I go inside and bang the shit out of her."

"Boy, you really know how to treat a girl," I grumbled sarcastically. "No thanks."

"Or I could just stay home and fuck all your holes for you, Mom."

"I can fuck my own holes whenever I want. Don't need you for that." I hated the way he grinned knowing that I'd much rather have his cock than anything else in the world. "You should go do her, maybe make a few more bucks."

"You just want to pimp me out, is that it?" He stood up, buckling his belt and running his fingers through his hair. That was the extent of his grooming efforts for his evening out.

"Pick up a bottle of vodka on the way home. I'll need something to wash my mouth out with after I suck that bitch's cum off your cock.

His leering expression made it obvious that he liked the sound of that. Jesse came over to me, kissed me roughly on the lips and shoved his hand down the front of my panties. Two fingers plunged into my cunt for a moment. They were gone before I could really begin to enjoy them. He sniffed his fingers.

"Love you, Mom." He sucked my wetness from his fingers and headed out.

Soon as he was gone I fucked myself to a quick orgasm calling out his name over and over again as I did. I couldn't wait for him to come home to me and give me his cock smelling of another woman.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I stood in what passed for our front yard staring at the weeds choking what used to be flower beds. Dry brown grass crunched underfoot as I walked around looking to see if we still had a garden hose somewhere. There were a couple patches of green here and there; maybe I could bring our dead lawn back to life.

It was strange to think back to those early days. I was a newlywed, pregnant with Jesse in my belly. My new husband loved me like crazy. I had a house that was all my own. I was in love, and free, and on my way to becoming a momma. Life was all possibilities. The partying, and drinking, and slutting around were behind me, or so I had thought. I decorated the house like a good little wife, and spent hours on my knees in the dirt planting flowers, shrubs, and even a couple trees. Everything was going to be happily ever after. What a silly fool I was.

I got down on my knees and pulled up some weeds. It looked like I was going to make a silly fool out of myself again.

I was dirty and sweating by the time I heard a car crunching along our gravel driveway. My heart leapt thinking that Jesse had come home early from his new job at the lumber yard. Even though we'd fucked that morning before he went to work, I was hoping he'd be horny enough to take me from behind right there in the front yard. When I turned I saw a black Cadillac Escalade that I didn't recognize.

The engine cut off. The windows were tinted and I couldn't see who was inside. No one got out. I stood, shading my eyes with a soil-covered hand, trying to peer through the dark windows. I couldn't help thinking that it looked like one of those scary government vehicles the FBI or the Secret Service always drove in the movies. I started to get worried and thought about getting inside and locking the door.

Before I could, a man in sunglasses stepped out. He was in his forties, wearing a light-colored suit with shoes as black and as shiny as his Cadillac. His sandy blond hair was slicked back. A class ring with a red stone glinted on his right hand. I felt my gut begin to knot.

A smile came and went. It was a nervous smile: not friendly, but familiar.

"Hey, Darlene..." He took a few steps toward me, but stopped. He took off his sunglasses. I didn't need to see his eyes; the sound of his voice confirmed what I had feared. "Been a while."

"What do you want, Austin?" The chill in my voice was enough to freeze a fifth of Kentucky whiskey.

"I ain't quite sure, to tell the truth." He looked over my shoulder at the house as if trying to remember what it looked like all those years ago when he first carried me across the threshold. "Jesse around?"

"Get the fuck out of here, you piece of shit bastard. Right now!"

"Now, don't be like that. I only came to talk."

"Time for talking is long over. I gave you plenty of chances to make things right, but you up and walked off. Instead of talking you left me. You left your son." I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from letting any tears fall. I wasn't going to give the son of a bitch the satisfaction. "Just because you come rolling up here in that fancy car, wearing a suit, all full of yourself don't mean I gotta listen to shit all you got to say!"

"I don't blame you for being mad at me." He took another step toward me not knowing that if he got any closer I was going to kick him in the goddamn balls. "I suppose I came out here to apologize for something."

I crossed my arms. "Last thing I need is a bunch of empty sorrys from you." Despite my words, I actually wouldn't have minded hearing an apology from him for once.

"See, I've been thinking about you a lot lately and I got to feeling pretty guilty about what I done to you...and Jesse."

"Don't bother." I turned my head and spit. "You leavin' was the best thing ever happened to us."

"I'm not talking about me leaving all those years back." He looked around not wanting to meet my eye. His foot kicked at a clod of dirt, messing up his pretty shoe shine. "I didn't mean for it to go so far as it did."

"What the fuck are you going on about?"

"You see, I was just angry at first. I thought it was only with you, but now I suppose I was also angry with myself some, too. I wanted to find a way to hurt you. To punish you for what you was doing. I had no right to do you like that."

"If you don't make yourself plain in the next three seconds, I'm goin' inside, gettin' the shotgun, and if you're still here when I come back I'm gonna use it."

"I didn't think it'd go as far as it did." There was real anguish in his eyes that I tried not to let get to me. After all these years of hating him, that man still had a way of getting at my heart. "I had to come see you to see if there was a way I could make it up to you, or if maybe me and you could..." His voice caught in his throat.

"I'm goin' to fetch gun now." I turned and headed for the door. "Better git!"

"Darla," he was the only one called me that, "I'm him. On the computer."

I stopped dead in my tracks, not daring to turn to face him.

"BeaverMan four-one-five." My voice was low and tight. "Four-fifteen, you remember? I never could wait till four-twenty." A humorless chuckle followed. "I'm not proud of it, Darla. I saw you doing those things in front of the camera, acting like a whore for everyone to see, and it pissed me off. Pissed me off real bad."

"It was you all along."

"I didn't think anything would come of it, but then took the money to do that stuff."

"That was your son, you sick fuck."

"Our son, Darla. I only suggested it, but you're the one did it."

"You knew I was desperate. That I'd do anything for the money to protect my family. The family that you abandoned."

"And you really think you were protecting your son by swallowing his cock?"

Something snapped in my head. I spun and charged at him. I clawed for his eyes, but he grabbed both my wrists before I could. I tried to kick him in his shriveled balls, but he turned me around, crossing my arms over my chest, and pulled me tight against his body. I hated him with a white hot passion. I hated his good-looking face, hated his nice-smelling cologne, and hated his strong arms wrapped around me again like when we horsed around all those years ago.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I know you was only looking out for the two of you, and I took advantage of that. I wanted to hurt you at first, but then I got to feeling bad, and...I guess I got to missing you."

I tried to drive my heel into his bad knee, the one he hurt playing football in high school, but I couldn't reach. "Fuck you! Let me go!"

"I screwed up, Darla. Back then and now. But I want to make it up to you. And Jesse. I'm doing real good for myself now, and I can take care of you. Despite what I done, I'm a better man than I was when I went away all them years back. I can make you happy, Darla. I swear I can."

He eased up, letting go of my wrists. I stepped away and turned to face him. There was a part of me that had been wanting to hear this from him for so many years. That part was the stupid girl I once was and would never allow myself to be again. I didn't have my shit together by a long shot, but there was no way I was going to let myself fall for his bullshit again.

"So you got all this started," I said in a voice that sounded much calmer than I felt, "and now you come here thinking you can say sorry and I'm going to take you back like nothing happened? You are even stupider than I gave you credit for." I wished I had something to throw at him. "What happened? You see Jesse and me fucking the other morning on the computer and get jealous? Did it piss you off that your boy has a bigger cock than his good-for-nothin' daddy? Or that your old lady cums better fucking your son that I ever did with you?"

I was satisfying to see how my words stung him. Guess I managed to hit a few nerves.

"I get that there's a lot for you to be angry about, and I can't blame you for that. But when you think about it clearly, you're still not in a good spot when it comes to the house and money."

"Jesse's workin' now, so we'll be just fine."

"For now. What happens when he shows up for work hungover and gets fired? What happens when people stop paying to see the two of you screw on the computer? And the Sheppards are going to get bored with you two after a while. You can't depend on them forever."

"What the fuck do you know about the Sheppards?" I took a step back, ready to go for the shotgun for real.

"Oh...yeah, that. Well..." He realized too late that he'd said too much. "Okay, I should have told you about that right off. I messed around with them a while ago. Cherie picked me up at a bar one night and brought me home. This was before they was big shots. Keith watched me and her go at it, then we both did her at the same time. It was a long time back."

"While we were still married?"

The way he avoided answering the question told me what I needed to know. "Me and Keith kept in touch over the years, he's the one got me started in commercial real estate and all. He'd send some business my way now and again over the years. Anyway, when I saw you on the computer, I told him about it. He always had a thing for you. Asked all the time for me to bring you along when we'd get together. Said Cherie wanted you more than he did."

"You fucker," I hissed.

"Hey, c'mon, you made out alright. Didn't you?" He cleared his throat and tried his pitch again. "Maybe you got caught up on some bills, but that ain't going to last. I'm doing real good now and I can take care of you."

"And this time it's gonna last?"

"It'll take some time to work things out, but I believe it can."

"Let me get this straight. You want us to all get together like a happy family so you can sit around and jerk off watching your son fuck your wife?"

"No, it's not like that-"

"What's it like, then? You want me to watch him fuck you? You want to suck your son's cock? That it?"

"No! I said I was sorry about that, and I meant it."

"Were you sorry when you were watching your son cum in my mouth? Were you sorry as you jacked off your little cock while Jesse ate my cunt? Yeah, I bet you were so sorry when you saw how good your boy fucked me that you blew your pathetic load all over yourself."

"Darla, I..."

"I'm not your fucking Darla." I marched across the space between us and shoved him. "I'm not your anything anymore or ever." Another shove pushed him back a couple steps. "It might have been all fun and revenge for you, but it was something real for me. For me and my son." I could have gotten a shot in at his balls, but I didn't bother wasting the effort. "You didn't need to come here to apologize. Matter of fact, I should have tracked you down to thank you. You thought you were fucking with us, but it turns out that it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm happier now that I've ever been, with you or anybody. I love Jesse more than the whole world, and he loves me back in a way no one else can. I don't care that he's my son, or that it all started as a sick joke from a sick fuck like you. We're together now, and he fucks me better than I deserve, and that's all that matters."

Austin looked at me for a long while with those sad eyes of his. There were wrinkles there at the corners that hadn't been when last I saw him. He nodded, slowly put his sunglasses back on, and rubbed his chin in that way he did when he knew he was beat.

"If you change your mind..."

I didn't dignify his proposition with an answer.

"Good seeing you again, Darlene. Take care of yourself. Tell Jesse..." he trailed off, apparently at a loss for what to say. "Anyways, like I said, take care."

He got into his fancy Escalade, backed over the dead grass of my brown lawn, and drove off.

I stood for a moment not wanting to understand everything that just happened. I remembered the pint of vodka in the freezer and moved to head in after it. The approaching crunch of tires on gravel grated at my spine before I reached the door. He was back.

Before I could find a rock to throw through his windshield, I saw that it was Jesse's pickup. All the stress and anger and hate melted away the instant I saw my handsome son get out of his truck and flash me a smile. I managed to wipe the wetness from my cheeks before he noticed.

"Who was that just left? I told you I didn't want you fucking around with anyone else but me." The joking way he said it assured me that he didn't really think I was screwing around with someone behind his back.

"That was nobody," I said as I held my arms out for a hug. "Just some loser selling something we don't want."

Jesse scooped me up in his arms and spun me around. He set me down and kissed me. I was a newlywed again all over.

"Your eyes are red."

"Allergies. Been working in the yard."

He grabbed my ass and pulled my hips tight against him. "You're all dirty, Mom."

"How 'bout you take me inside and get me even dirtier?"

"Exactly what I was thinking."

I squealed as he picked me up, cradled me in his arms, and carried me into the house.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I lay in bed. It was getting late, but I was feeling too relaxed to get up. Jesse had officially moved into my bedroom a while back. I could still feel the kiss he gave me before leaving for work on my lips. I could also feel his cum squishing around inside my pussy. I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with the sex drive of a horny 18-year-old male, but I'd adjusted quickly to fucking at least once or twice a day. Sure, I'd still get sore after the occasional four-fuck days, but that was a good problem to have as far as I was concerned.

I caressed one of my bare nipples lazily as I considered my piece-of-shit computer sitting in the corner. I hadn't attempted to turn the thing on in almost two months. The screen was covered in a film of dust. I should have gotten rid of the damn thing already, but that old hunk of junk held some sentimental memories for me. Silly, I know, but every time I saw it I was reminded of those desperate days when I guiltily accepted bribes to show Jesse my cunt, or suck his cock. If it wasn't for that computer I would never have become a cam slut, and I never would have known how happy I could be having my son as my lover.

I climbed out of bed, and began unplugging stuff. Mouse, keyboard, monitor, power cord. Time for it all to go. Jesse was doing good at his job, and I was taking classes to become a licensed massage ther****t. Things were still tight when it came to money, but I didn't want to be tempted to going back to spreading my pussy online. A big part of it was not wanting Austin, or the Sheppards, or anyone else who might know me, watching me play with myself and screw around with my son. But more than that, I wanted to share myself with no one else but Jesse.

When I moved the keyboard I found a dusty buttplug underneath. I wiped it off, spit on it, and slipped it in my asshole. That would make a nice surprise for my boy when he got home from work.

I finished wrapping up the computer junk, then threw on a long t-shirt before I began hauling everything outside to the trash can. It felt good hearing that crashing thunk as I dumped each piece into the garbage. The monitor was a bit of a struggle, but I managed it with a little sweat. I turned away from the over-filled garbage can and checked on my flowers.

Everything was blooming. Our house might have looked like a white trash shack, but at least we had some color to dress things up a little. I turned on the sprinkler. Instead of just a few patches of green, the lawn now only had a few patches of brown instead. Jesse grumbled about having to do some mowing now, but I think he liked it. I also loved when he came inside all sweaty and smelling of fresh-cut grass. Something about yardwork made that boy fuck like the dickens!

I moved the sprinkler to a better spot, getting a little wet in the process. As I headed back in, I was surprised to see a Fed Ex van come along down our drive. A handsome black fellow got out with one of those big, cardboard envelopes. He spotted me and headed over. What could this be, I worried.

"Mornin', Ma'am. Just need you to sign here."

I couldn't help but notice that carrying around Fed Ex packages apparently kept a guy in pretty good shape. I signed his little computer machine and he handed me the envelope.

"Thanks. You have a nice day."

His eyes flicked down to my tits, and only then did I realize that I must have looked like a contestant in a wet t-shirt contest. I should have covered up, but I didn't bother. Before he turned to go he had himself a good look at my naked legs. This one wasn't shy. I was tempted to lift my shirt and flash my puss. Nope, my exhibitionist days were over when it came to strangers. I didn't need that anymore to make myself feel like I was still desirable. Jesse's cock pounding into one of my fuck holes several times a day took care of that.

Even so, heading back into the house with my envelope I couldn't help bending over to pick up a stray leaf that had blown onto the front walkway. Was it my fault if my shirt rode up in the back enough for that nice delivery guy to see my naked, white ass? Though, to be fair, I wasn't completely naked back there - I was wearing that pink buttplug after all. Modesty is my middle name.

The van didn't pull away until I was inside the house. I wanted to finger my pussy after that naughty encounter, but I wanted to see what was in the mysterious envelope more. The return address was a law firm. Oh shit, someone was suing me.

I opened it and there was a letter and some legal documents. I had to read through everything three times before I was sure I understood what it all meant.

The house had been paid off. The deed was in with the legal documents. According to the letter, the house was mine free and clear. No more mortgage payments. It seemed impossible and I read through everything again before I was willing to believe it.

The lawyer didn't name who the party was that paid it off, but I knew it had to be Austin - or BeaverMan415 as I thought of him now. He said he wanted to make it up to us, and I guess this was his way of doing it. I still hated his guts to the border and back, but at the same time I couldn't deny that if it wasn't for him things wouldn't have turned out how they did. And I was very happy with how things had turned out. Especially once I held that deed in my hand.

I was so excited that I had to celebrate with someone. I pulled on a pair of jean shorts, not bothering with panties, and hopped in the car. I got to the lumber yard and Jesse was able to take his lunch break early. He took me out to his truck where I sucked his cock and balls. The loose sawdust coming off his clothes and hair made me sneeze, but I got a nice load out of him just the same.

I told him about the house being paid off by an anonymous stranger. He pulled me up on top of him when he heard that and fucked me hard. When his roving hand discovered the buttplug in my ass, he fucked me even harder. I should have been more afraid that someone might see us, but I was so happy that I didn't even care. Jesse blew another load deep inside my cunt.

"You are one damn fine motherfucker, boy." I held his face in my hands and kissed him long and lovingly.

"You make it easy, Mom, with that sexy pussy of yours."

I humped his hard cock until I came again, then got my shorts back on and my shirt down from up around my neck.

"Thanks, sweetie, I really needed that."

He slapped my butt as I got out of his truck. "You know I'm going to fuck that slut ass of yours when I get home."

"That's good because this little toy isn't doin' it for me - I need my son's big cock in there."

He just shook his head and smiled as I closed the door and sashayed back to my car. I was so turned on that I had to struggle not to masturbate on the ride home. I wanted to save my orgasms for Jesse. Luckily, I was distracted from diddling myself when I passed the pharmacy.

It reminded me that I needed to pick something up. The cum from me and my son's fuck was beginning to soak through the crotch of my shorts, but not enough for anyone to notice.

As I strolled through the aisles, I spotted Jeremy Sheppard. He had a certain boyish charm, but not the manly bearing of my Jesse. I pictured him sucking his father's dick and had to laugh. He spotted me and there was a flicker of recognition.

"Hello, Jeremy, home from school for the summer?"

"Yeah. School's been great, but it's good to be home."

"I'm sure it is." I plucked a box of condoms off the rack that happened to be nearby and handed it to him. "Say hi to your mom for me."

I gave him a wink and headed off to find myself one of those early pregnancy tests to pee on when I got home...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Publicerad av canadianbbw
1 år sedan
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mmmmmm  such  a super story   you had me hard  allllll the way  through -  hope  to  read more form you 
Very hot!
A bit too long, but very enjoyable.
was really very good....had several tugs and explosions reading it, thankyou !!
The pefect mum
I don't think I've ever read a better written, more erotic tome. Well done.
Kept my attention , Could only put this aside for minutes at a time
Well written. I couldn't stop reading.
Fucking wonderful.
Wow, you really know how to get the juiceis flowing! ! ! 
Oh where can i get a job like this........
Another fantastic story, love all the twists and turns.  Such a turn on !!!!
Great story
Another great written story.....thank you!
Love the way your stories touch on different fetishes 