The Neighbours

I moved into a new house last summer and things got interesting. I'm a single guy, an old-school geek I guess you could say, one whose whole life has been angling that way. I got into comic books as a k** (I especially liked the big breasted female characters even though I was too young to know why), I was in A/V club in high school, I have a college degree in Television Production, and now I have a good job as a Camera Operator/Producer for one of the local news channels here in my mid-sized city. I make enough money to be comfortable thanks to the low cost of living around here. I guess I can thank the harsh winters for that. Those of us who live here also thank the harsh winters for making the summertime extra special, a vivid green explosion of outdoor life that we all try to take advantage of as best we can. We all do it in different ways — convertible cars, motorcycles, bicycles, outdoor festivals, beaches, swimming pools. Whatever your outdoor pleasure, it's probably being done around here. My new neighbors are swimming pool aficionados. They have a nice one, in ground, with a fancy concrete paver patio all around it that gets used almost every day.

Working in TV news usually means lots of hours, and the schedule can be crazy. I've been on the morning shift for a while now, 4 AM until just after the noon newscast. It was a real grind at first, but once my body adjusted I started to like it. I head home soon after 12:30 PM and I've got my afternoons free. In the summertime that's especially nice.

The new house that I mentioned is definitely an upgrade from my last one. It's not too big and not too old; just right for a single guy like me. It's in a nice old-fashioned neighborhood, one where the streets are laid out in a rectangular grid. The houses are back to back in each block. Mature trees in most of the backyards give us all some privacy, but I can see my out-back neighbor's yard and house pretty clearly. My upstairs back window has a nice view of the pool I mentioned — it's a k**ney shaped one that's lit up in the evenings with lights down under the water, giving it a soft glow. With the exception of my own view of it, their back yard is actually fairly private — tall fences and strategically placed Arborvitae trees block the view from their side neighbors, and I think maybe even the houses next to me can't see it very well, due to some big, mature maple trees. But my back bedroom window looks right through a gap in those nice old trees, and my backyard is fairly open to it as well, and that shimmering pool always seems to draw my eye.

When I bought my house two guys from work helped me move in. It was a Sunday, a nice warm early summer day, and Nico was the first one to notice the neighbors.

"Hey, you got some old spunkers, man," he said. "Check it out."

I set down the bed frame I'd just carried into the room and I walked over to the bedroom window where he was standing. I asked him, "What the fuck's an old spunker?"

"Just older folks that still got the mojo, man," he said. "Ain't you ever seen that porn site? Old Spunkers?"

"Unlike you," I said, "I don't sit around watching porn all fucking day."

It was a lie. I watch a lot of porn, and I knew just what he meant about old spunkers when I looked over his shoulder at my new neighbors, seeing them for the first time, the two of them lounging in their bathing suits by their pool. They didn't strike me as all that old, though. They're a married couple, empty nesters named Robert and Lori. He's 59 and she's 51, but they could both pass for younger. I learned all about them over the next few weeks and months. Robert is an architect, has his own firm that does mid-sized commercial work. He rakes in plenty of money from what I can tell, and Lori doesn't work. She was a stay-at-home mom, but both of their k**s are in their mid-twenties now, and both of them moved out of state. Now that the k**s are gone Lori sticks with the stay-at-home lifestyle. I sort of figured that out the next day after I moved in. I got home from work at about one in the afternoon and there she was, wearing a bikini again, sprawled on a lounge chair by her pool, reading a book. Nico and I had already seen the bikini, a red one that looked thick and structured. It wasn't exactly sexy in a swimsuit model kind of way, but the mysterious older-than-me neighbor woman looked more than a little okay in it.

I realized, that week, that she's a serious sun worshiper, and I also realized that geeks like me like to look at bikini-clad women, no matter how old they are. I already knew that, of course, but you get the drift. Part of my fascination was due to the fact that I'd met her, that very first Monday, in the late afternoon, when I was moving some furniture around and unpacking boxes. She knocked on my side door, introduced herself, welcomed me to the neighborhood, and gave me a plate of cookies. That's when I learned her name is Lori, and it's when I first saw the alluring, almost sparkling shyness in her eyes, hiding behind her outward friendliness. She wasn't wearing the red bikini, in case you were wondering. An untucked button-up shirt, capri pants and sandals adorned her, and a subtle perfume scented her.

It was that first Friday when I got the invitation. Lori saw me outside, and she waved at me. She put a long, flowing, gauze-thin cover-up on over her blue and white floral bikini, and she walked toward me, all the way to the back edge of her yard.

"Robert would love to meet you," she said loudly, drawing me nearer to her. "Are you a drinker? Would you like to come for cocktails at seven? We have some nice flavored seltzer if you'd rather."

"Oh. Sure. Yeah, I drink," I said, none to suavely.

And drink I did. Robert and Lori can really put it away. They have a bar just inside the French doors that lead to the pool patio, and holy cow is it well stocked, with at least two bottles of just about everything imaginable. The funny thing is, they never get drunk. They get happy and loose, but they really know how to drink. Old school.

Me, on the other hand, I'm just a thirty-six-year-old k** in a lot of ways, and holding my liquor has never been one of my strengths. After two hours of happy laughter with my nice new neighbors I found myself moving swiftly between the shrubs that separate our yards, wearing the bathing suit that I'd just gone home to put on, with my much too white, much too soft belly on display. And then the three of us were in the water, and the sky darkened to black and the pool glowed from within, and the hangover the next morning felt like my skull was bleeding.

We did it again a week later. It became an 'every Friday' thing, and bathing suits seemed to be the mandatory uniform. It was really enjoyable. I have the social life of a geek, so basically all my Fridays are free, and Robert and Lori are homebodies, too. The three of us hit it off like old friends, and the conversation was effortless.

The only thing I felt bad about was my new pattern of voyeurism. Lori was out on her favorite lounge chair virtually every afternoon that it wasn't raining, and I was often home after work. Of course I had to change out of my work clothes when I got there, and I already told you about the bird's eye view of their pool from my bedroom window. I mean, why wouldn't I take a quick look, or even a longer one, at my friend. It felt nicely reassuring to see her there, and it was always interesting to see what bikini she was wearing and what position she was in -- on her front or on her back, legs up or legs down. I was, you know, just making sure she was getting an even suntan, I guess you could say. That's one way to look at it, right?

Okay, yeah, I get it. It's not rocket science. I was fascinated by Lori's large-breasted fifty-one-year-old body. It's far from perfect, but it didn't seem to matter for some reason. She carries a little extra weight and she's a bit soft and out of shape, and a little bulgy where she probably doesn't want to be, but somehow it all looks womanly and nice. She complains about cellulite that I don't even see, and she frets about not dieting properly. She claims she's swimming more than she's done in the past, for exercise, but I mostly see her reading books while she soaks up the sun, sipping on sugary pink lemonade. That sweet lemonade is good in the evening with two shots of dark rum in it, by the way. I guess what I'm saying is, none of her 'flaws' mattered to me. Not in the least.

I did my best to keep the voyeurism under control, and I'm pretty sure Lori never caught me at it. But she was lying there in full view of my windows, so maybe there was something going on in her head. Looking back on it now, I'm pretty sure she was well aware.

So I mentioned that things got interesting, and after a few Friday evenings, things did.

"Interesting! " Lori said. "Real serious porn, you mean?"

"Yeah, the real thing," I said. "I mean, once it crosses a certain threshold, porn is porn, right?"

"Excellent," Robert said, nodding his approval. "That's what I'm talkin' about. If you're going to make a bucket list, yeah, man, that's the stuff."

"So let me get this straight," Lori said. "You just want to film it. You don't want to be in it."

"Yeah. I mean, it's what I do," I said. "Probably every guy who's a videographer thinks about it now and then. So what about you guys? What's your wackiest bucket list item?"

"Ha!" Lori said. "I've never even told Robert this. I want to kiss a handsome well-dressed Frenchman, a stranger, inside a smoky cafe in Paris. I'm talking a real tongues and moans kind of kiss."

"Nice!" I said. "That's doable! Unlike my wacko idea."

"Very doable," Robert said to her. "I get to watch, right?"

Lori furrowed her brow in surprise. "Would you...want to?"

"I'm going to add 'watching you do that' to my bucket list," he said. "We were thinking about a trip to Paris in the spring, right?"

"Whoa," she said, looking happily surprised. "If I'd known it was this easy I'd have written out my list years ago."

"So Robert, what's at the wacky end of your list?" I asked.

His happy-looking eyes flashed a twinkle and he said, "Nicole k**man. I'll say no more."

"Oooohh!" Lori howled. "For real? Well at least you've got good taste! Do I get that hot husband of hers? What's his name...Keith Urban, right? Yes, please. I'm amending my list." She smiled and turned her attention toward me. "How about you?" she asked, looking me square in the eyes. "Who's your celebrity fantasy?"

"Oh, wow, should I admit it?" I said. "You'll probably laugh. Jane Fonda."

Lori's mouth dropped open and her eyes smiled. "Christ! She's older than me!" she said. "How old are you, anyway?"


"I hate to tell you this, but she's, like, way in her seventies," Lori said. Her eyes were twinkling the way Rob's had been.

"I'm aware," I said. "She's still hot though, right? I think so. I've known about her forever; my mom used to exercise using her routine. It was on an old VCR tape. I used to watch it, when I was a k**."

"Oh my God, yes," Lori giggled. "With the leg warmers? Oh my God."

"It's not that funny, is it?" I said. "I mean, hot woman, adolescent boy..."

"No, it's not," Lori said. "I shouldn't laugh. And she's definitely still a hottie. But the age difference, that doesn't bother you? I thought you young guys would be grossed out by us old gals."

"No, are you k**ding?" I said. I'm sure there was too much flirt showing in my eyes. I'll blame it on the good bourbon. I'm pretty sure Lori blushed, although with her sun-tanned face and the dim light of their pool patio it was hard to tell.

"Wow," she said, shaking her head in wonder. "Bucket lists, huh?"

An unexpected bombshell dropped, right in my lap, just a week later. It was a Friday evening like the others, the three of us sitting at the round table on the pool patio, sipping our drinks, laughing at this and that as the sky darkened beyond twilight. The underwater lights were on and the pool was glowing the way it does. The neighborhood was quiet. After a pause in the conversation, Robert's voice, softly resonant, broke the peaceful silence. I noticed Lori stiffen, looking nervous as he began...

"Lori and I have been talking," he said. "We were wondering if you'd like to check off one of your bucket list items."

"Huh?" I said.

"Filming a porn movie," he said. "We'll be your actors."

The backyard went silent again. Lori's drink was on the table, her fingers fidgeting in the sweating wetness on the outside of her glass. She watched them, her fingers, when she spoke...

"We won't be good or anything, but...we'd be fun and...with your bucket list and everything..."

"Wow," was all I could say.

"It's probably not what you had in mind," Robert said. "We don't look like porn stars, but I'll tell you, Lori's really beautiful when she' know."

Silence again, and in the deepness of it I heard the breath go out of Lori. Her eyes glanced up and met mine, just for an instant, and then they were back on her fingers. My body felt immovable, like stone. I said, "I don't know what to say, you guys. This may be the most generous thing anybody's ever offered me."

"It's not just for you," Robert said. "We think it's exciting, too. We're pretty normal people, and haven't really even thought of doing something like this, but, now that we have, we, uh...have you ever had one of those ideas that won't go away? We're sort of stuck on it, in a good way. Of course we'd have to talk about privacy. The end product won't be yours, it'll be ours. I may even have my lawyer write up some sort of a contract. But it's the experience that counts, right? You'll be in charge, making your movie."

"We've never done any acting," Lori said, her eyes nervously looking at me and not looking at me. "We're good listeners, though, and like Rob said, it's exciting to think about, so maybe we'd be okay."

Before I could answer, probably with something awkward, Robert said, "We know this is kind of an odd thing to do, being neighbors and all, but for some reason we think it's a good idea. You're a good guy and we trust you. It surprises us a little, because we don't know you all that well, but the more we think about it the more it seems like this is...almost fate, you know? Like this was meant to happen. You moving here, and something to spice up our kind of boring lives. Living here alone, without the k**s, it's...I don't know, boring's the wrong word, but we could definitely use a jolt of excitement, and the bedroom seems like a good place to get it."

"Is that where it would be?" Lori asked me, her eyes big and curious, gazing into mine. "The bedroom?"

"Oh," I said, trying to calm my s**ttered thoughts. "Yeah, probably. And maybe,'d be great to use the pool, too. The light's really great out here at night."

Lori looked surprised. "Outdoors?"

"Oh, yeah, I can see it," Robert said. "He's got a vision, hun. We gotta go with it."

"I'm not gonna make a porn out were my neighbors can see me!" Lori said. "Won't there be lights and...stuff to attract attention?"

"Not out here," I said, speaking thoughts as they came to me. "I'd want it to be just that glowy underwater light. One of you could pretend to be a neighbor that sneaks into the yard, for a late night fling. Maybe you're both married to other people."

Robert looked like the idea was a good one. "My wife's away and I'm out for a late night swim, and my sexy next door neighbor shows up out of nowhere."

"Hey!" Lori said. "Do you think about that kind of thing?"

"No!" Robert said. "We're just throwing out ideas."

"Have you met Lisa next door yet?" Lori asked me, gesturing at the house behind the fence and the arborvitaes. "She just had some work done. She went from a C cup to a double D."

"Did she tell you that?" Robert asked, looking interested.

Lori shook her head at her suddenly fascinated husband. "Just a pretty good guess," she said. "What were you guessing? Triple D?" Lori smiled a knowing smile at Robert. He shrugged his shoulders. His smirk gave away the accuracy of her guess.

My mind was spinning with movie related ideas, so I threw some more out there. "If it's a secret affair like that, then it might be silent, with no dialogue, at least for the outside scenes here by the pool. With no extra lights and small cameras we could shoot it really late at night, at like 3 AM. If we're quiet we could probably get away with it, right?"

"So we're doing this?" Robert said. "We're making a porn movie?"

"If you guys really want to," I said.

Lori looked nervous again, but she nodded her head. I could tell she was excited, and conflicted. That was pretty much how I felt, too.

I've made a few documentaries over the years — college assignments and personal projects — so my new basement is full of boxed-up equipment. Microphones and lights, umbrella reflectors and flat reflectors, tripods, stands and cables — it's all dusty and some of it is cheaply made, but it's all workable. Video cameras these days are the same ones you buy to take still pictures; the nicer ones shoot very high quality editable video. I have four of them and a nice array of lenses. Of course, being a proper geek, I have a monstrously big gaming computer with two huge monitors, and a suite of editing software for video work. And yes, if you're wondering, I have an external hard drive that's full of porn. Doesn't everybody?

The work week started and I wondered if I should be in contact with Robert and Lori, or if we'd just talk about things at our usual Friday get-together. I found myself wondering if they were porn watchers, and if they had an interesting sex life, and if Robert had a cock that was something we could work with. I'd never spent much time thinking about men's cocks, but I was starting to worry myself with thoughts of a tiny little limp noodle between his legs, one that didn't want to come out to play in front of the cameras. It's a funny thing, being on camera. People get all kinds of shy. I've seen it happen over and over again at work, but then there's other folks who just seem to light up. I had a feeling Lori was going to be shy, but my overriding thought about her involvement in such a crazy project was one of surprise. I couldn't quite believe she was going for it, and I braced myself for the inevitable shutting down of the enterprise.

Making porn was certainly fun to think about, though, and on Monday, after work, as I changed out of my work clothes in my bedroom, certain aspects of it got stuck in my mind. My curtains were open and Lori was down by the pool. I kept my distance from the window so she wouldn't see me. She wore a big floppy-brimmed hat that day, sunglasses that flashed the sun at me like a signaling mirror, and a black and tan print bikini. It was the style of bikini she always wore, thickly padded and underwired on top, the bottom piece sort of the opposite of skimpy, squeezing her hips in a way that made visible soft bulges above and below. She looked relaxed and comfortable as she read her book. I won't claim it's the first time I'd thought of it, but as I stood there in my boxer shorts I envisioned her taking the bikini off. As she did it, in my minds eye, she smiled at me the way she does. And then the new part of the fantasy was there, as clear as day: Robert was naked too, and she played with his cock and she started to give him a nice blowjob.

The vision held as I watched her, reading her book, a hundred feet away. I pushed my boxer shorts down my legs and they fell to my ankles, and my hand went to my hard cock. I could hear my breath in my quiet bedroom; my mind was alive with fantasy. I was there, just feet away from Rob and Lori, with my camera by my side. I watched the blowjob with the eyes of a film director, feeling confident, but Lori noticed the lump in my pants. She reached for me, and then I was in her mouth, my cock bigger than Robert's. She held his in her hand and she sucked mine like a pro, the way the go-to girl on my hard drive would do it. I stood there alone in my bedroom and I stroked my aching cock until the cum shot out of it, with no regard for the mess I was making on my new rug. In my mind I was cumming in Lori's hungry mouth, her eyes looking up at me. She smiled, and she opened her mouth and showed me the puddle of my cum on her tongue before she swallowed it.

It was a powerful fantasy, and it was clear I was becoming obsessed with my curvy, somewhat plus-sized neighbor. Her comment about her next door neighbor's new double D's made me wonder about Lori's breast size. She's at least that big, and probably bigger. Her proportions make it deceiving, though. Her voluptuous ass complements her prodigious tits, and her softly meaty thighs keep the 'curvy woman' thoughts flowing. Her waist has a nice, subtle hourglass shape to it even though her belly curves outward, in the slightest and softest of ways. None of it is unpleasant. On the contrary — she's a lovely, womanly woman, one who just happens to shop the little bit bigger sizes on the rack.

The next day at work I spent way too much time wondering if a blowjob was something Lori would do. Some women won't. Maybe lots of women won't, and especially older ones, I thought. I certainly couldn't picture my mother or any of her friends giving blowjobs, but Lori was a little younger than them and she seemed more comfortable with her body. The fact that she wore a bikini in my presence every Friday night said a lot, not about her proclivities for oral sex, but about her lack of prudishness.

She was sunbathing again that day, and I jerked off and had to wipe up my rug again. I thought about walking over to discuss the project with her, maybe ask her about blowjobs and other things, but I decided it would be too awkward without Robert there.

When Friday evening finally rolled around I walked over in my bathing suit, with a pad of paper and a pencil in my hand.

"Oh, boy," Lori said. "We're getting serious."

"Looks like a tequila night," Robert said, eyeing the pad. "Margaritas? Shots? Something different?"

"Can we just sip on it?" Lori asked him.


Robert left and was back just a few moments later with an expensive looking bottle, some quickly sliced lime garnishes and three glasses. "Are we writing the script tonight?" he asked me.

"Oh, not really, no. I need to get an idea of the various directions we can go. When I know those things I'll have a better idea of how we can shoot it. guys are...still thinking this is a good idea?"

Robert smiled. "I shouldn't admit this, but our bedroom time has already been more fun this past week. We'd still like to give it a go if you're still game."

A nod was the best answer I could come up with. The whole situation still had me rather tongue tied.

"So what are we brainstorming tonight?" Robert asked. "Are we going with the cheating angle? The hot next door neighbor?"

"Yeah, I think so," I said. "It's a nice simple workable hook. The dialogue can be pretty basic. Unless you guys are naturals we probably don't want too much dialogue."

"Right," Robert said.

We all took sips of our drinks. Not being used to straight tequila, my sip was bigger than it should have been; my throat burned and I felt the heat hit my stomach.

"So I guess...I've got some questions for you guys," I said, picking up my pencil. "I'm thinking about the way porns usually go, the way things get started, and...a lot of times there's oral."

"Ah, the blowjob scene," Robert said. "Yeah, we should definitely do that."

I looked at Lori and she was watching her fingers on her glass again, avoiding eye contact. "So that?" I asked her.

She smiled without looking at me. "I do," she said.

"She's good at it, if you're wondering," Robert said.

I wrote Good at blowjobs on my pad, and I could feel Lori's eyes watching me do it. Goosebumps raised the hairs on my arms. I wonder if Lori saw that, too.

"So," I said, feeling a blushing heat rush through me, "as far as sex positions go, there's, like, missionary, and girl on top, and doggy style, and...a bunch of others."

"Let's try 'em all," Robert said. "I mean, those are the basics, but there's lots that Lori and I have never tried before. To be honest with you, trying some things for the first time with you filming it, I mean, that's pretty hot, right?"

I could tell Lori thought so. Her breathing was audible and her face was noticeably blushed. She still wasn't looking at me.

"Yeah," I said. "I mean, that kind of thing, that spontaneity and excitement, that's what I'm hoping for."

"I know what you mean," Robert said, nodding. "Why don't we not even talk about it now. You can just direct us into different positions when the time comes. Sound good, hun?"

Lori said, "I guess so," but she didn't sound sure of herself. I wondered if she was losing her desire to continue with the project. I had a feeling she might pull the plug at any moment.

"You know, this whole thing is just a crazy idea," I said. "We can just drop it and not talk about it anymore if it's getting awkward."

"It's awkward all right, but it's good," she said, glancing at me shyly. "I need to get pushed out of my shell. Rob's right, with the k**s gone things are... sort of stuck. Thinking about your movie has been fun for us."

"But isn't it nuts?" I said. "Maybe just the thought of doing it is enough."

"Well yeah, it's nuts," she said, smiling, a little more relaxed. "It's a whole new kind of nuts. The exciting kind. I'm liking far." Her expression settled into a subtly flirtatious barely-there kind of smile. I imagined her saying, Now that you know I'm good at blowjobs, don't you wanna see?

"So, I guess wardrobe's not a big thing to worry about," I said. "Rob, you'll just be in your bathing suit at the beginning. That one you have on should photograph okay out here in the dim light."

I made a note of it on my pad, right underneath Sex positions: All.

"Lori," I said, "what do you think. If you were a horny neighbor and wanted to surprise the guy next door during his late night swim, would you be wearing a bikini like the one you have on?"

"Maybe," she said, her shy eyes perking up. "It would probably be a sexier one. But maybe it'd be hotter if she was in pajamas, or lingerie, or, something loungy but sexy. And then she surprises him when she takes it off and she skinny dips and he's in his bathing suit."

"Nice," I said, jotting down the idea. "Do you have clothes like that, or would you need to buy something?"

"I have a sexy bikini that I never wear that she might like, and I can raid my drawers and find some other things for her. Is it silly that I'm calling her 'her'? I mean, she's me, but..."

"No, that's fine," I said. "What she wears needs to photograph well. Some fabrics and colors work better than others. It depends on the lighting and some other things. Ideally I'd do a little test. Set up a camera and have you just stand there, turn and maybe move a little."

"You're the pro," Robert said. "Just tell us what you need us to do."

"Shall we do it?" I said, looking at Lori.

"Oh, wow," she said. "Tonight, you mean?"

Robert smiled and refilled her drink with more of the top shelf straight tequila. "Let's do it," he said, smiling at me. "Wanna go get your gear?"

"Yeah, sure," I said. "It'll be dark soon. Are you comfortable with a wardrobe test out here? The neighbors are still awake."

Lori shrugged her shoulders and nodded without too much conviction. She took a big gulp of liquid courage. "I'll go look through my clothes," she said. "Do you want to be in on it?"

"Let me go get my camera," I said, "and you can show me what you picked out when I get back. Pick a few different kinds of things and we'll see what works."

"No bra, probably, right?" she said, looking me square in the eyes. "I'm picturing her coming over all sort of loose and jiggly."

"Sounds like we're on the same page," I said, smiling at Lori's bashful excitement.

"Loose jiggly neighbors are the best," Robert said.

"Hey!" Lori scolded. "You know, Lisa's new ones aren't gonna jiggle like the real thing."

"I was talking about you, hun. You're a jiggly neighbor too, you know, or at least you will be in a few minutes."

"Oh," Lori said, glancing at me all shy again. Her emotions were delightfully easy to read.

In the dusky darkness I made my way through the landscape shrubbery between our yards, and quickly gathered together a camera, a lens and a tripod from my gear cabinet in my spare bedroom. I went into my bedroom and looked out the back window and I could see a light on in the upstairs across the way. It wasn't a clear view; Lori and Robert's bedroom has lacy curtains at the window, but I could make out two blurry figures, one of them trying on clothes, and then they joined together and I think they were kissing. I wondered if Lori was naked.

I stood there wearing nothing but my bathing suit, talking to my growing boner, telling it to go away. I came to the realization that it was going to be a problem. I could change my clothes, I thought, but that would be an odd thing to do; it was a warm evening and it was still our regular Friday poolside get-together, a time when we always wore bathing suits. I picked up my camera gear and headed for the dark of the backyard, pretty sure I'd be in a less embarrassing state after my short walk.

"You're going to trip on those shrubs and hurt yourself one of these days," Lori said.

I'd watched her emerge from the house when I was dodging bushes in the dark. She was standing there looking smokin' hot in an American flag bikini, probably the sexy one that she'd mentioned, the one she never wears. White stars on a field of dark blue covered her right breast, a little triangle of the same print covered her crotch, and red and white stripes covered her left breast. It was the thinnest of fabrics, nylon or polyester or maybe a stretchy spandex. The dark circles of Lori's areolas showed through it as a conspicuous tease, and her aroused nipples made bumps that were surprising in their exuberance. Bright white strings tied the pieces of fabric to her body; the two triangles that made up the top were spaced wide apart, with nothing but four inches of string across the width of her prodigious cleavage, and there were drooping bow knots at her hips that looked like they were itching to be untied.

"What do you think," she asked, smiling shyly as she surveyed the happy look on my face. "She might wear this, right? It unties and comes right off, really easy."

I set my gear down on the table, watching Lori blush, listening to the breath rush out of her. It was a stunning thing to witness, close up and alone with her. Quite obviously her comment had excited her. She'd suddenly turned shy and her eyes left mine; I realized my cock was hard again and my bathing suit was no match for its muscle. I sat down, but not before her glancing eyes saw the tent I'd pitched from the pole she'd erected. Robert walked out of the house just in time to break the awkward silence.

"That's a hot one, huh, Evan? Now that she knows there's friendly eyes out back maybe she'll wear it once in a while."

My name is Evan, by the way. Evan Puzman. With a name like that, is it any wonder I grew up a geek?

"It's...excellent," I said, taking the opportunity to let my eyes roam freely over Lori's thinly covered voluptuousness. "Definitely porn worthy."

"The see-through part gets me every time," he said. " Are you a tit man, Ev?"

"I've been known to...enjoy them," I said, sounding like a dumb adolescent.

"Try on some of those other things we picked out, hun," Robert said to her.

Lori looked at me, with a growing sparkle of lust in her eyes. "Don't you need to...test me?" she asked.

"Oh!" I said. "Yeah. Wow, that tequila's got me all...thinking wacky tonight."

"Good stuff, isn't it?" Robert said. He sat down at the table and twirled the bottle so he could see the label. "It's from deep in Mexico. Beautiful women down there."

I fumbled with my camera, trying to get it mounted on the tripod without standing up and showing off my boner again. Lori knew what my predicament was and she gave me that shy, mischievous little smile of hers.

I fumbled with my gear and mumbled like a goofball. "I'm gonna have, let me try something...Oh wow, is it warm tonight? I'm sweating."

"Jump in the pool, my man," Robert said. "That's what it's there for."

I didn't need to be asked twice. In order to place my tripod where it needed to be I was going to have to stand up and show myself, but first I needed a cool down. Sweat was trickling down my face and Lori's tits had my cock fully hard. My chair was just a few steps from the water. I tried to make it look like I was in a bent-over-ready-to-dive position as I left my seat and quickly made my way to the pool's edge, but I'm sure I just looked like a whacked-out dork. I splashed in and Robert followed.

"What a beautiful night," he said when his head surfaced. "You coming in, hun?"

"I don't know," Lori said. "Do I need to be dry for the...test?"

"Oh, yeah," Robert said. "Evan, how do you want her, wet or dry?"

"Both might be good," I said. "Then we can come up with a plan for what'll be sexiest for the movie."

"Good enough," Robert said. "Sorry, hun, you can't cool off just yet."

"I'm okay," Lori said, standing next to the table, with her drink in her hand. "I'm more nervous than hot anyway."

"Oh, you're plenty hot," Robert said. "You definitely gotta start wearing that again, and maybe get some more like it, now that the dickhead's gone."

They didn't volunteer the information, so I asked, "Who's the dickhead?"

"I guess we haven't told you about the family that lived in your house, have we," Robert said. "A husband and wife and a little k**. They all screamed at each other all the time. Italians, you know? I shouldn't say that because Lori's half Italian, but, wow, they were somethin' else. He had a big nose and beady little eyes that were too close together. He made Lori uncomfortable, looking at her too much, working way out in the back part of his yard when she was out by the pool."

"He was a creep," she said. "The house was empty for a month before you moved in, so I got used to laying out here again. I can't even tell you how much we wished for you to be a nice guy."

"She was so happy that day she met you," Robert said.

"But we hardly talked," I said.

"Oh, it was enough," Lori said. "A girl can tell."

Robert nodded, smiling. "She was so happy about it I suggested Friday cocktails, we are. Here's a funny story, Ev. When we first moved here our k**s were teenagers. Lori had a bikini that was sorta like this one, small and sorta see-through and way too sexy. She wore it when we were alone, when the k**s weren't home. We used to fool around in the pool when we got little chances like that. Do you mind me telling him this story, hun?"

"I guess not," Lori said, still standing there, leaning her hip against the table, sipping her drink.

"So our son, he was about sixteen I guess," Robert said. "He had a pool party one night. Our daughter was there, and a couple of her friends, but mostly it was boys. It was on a Friday night, a lot like this one, nice and warm. Good pool weather, you know?"

Robert and I were neck deep in the soothing, cool water. I nodded.

"Lori and I were in the house," he continued. "We had the windows open to sort of chaperone things. They were all a bunch of horny adolescents. You know how that was. So we're up in the bedroom, sort of listening, and Lori, with her super x-ray hearing, says, 'Something's happening.' She looks out the window and whispers to me, 'That Williams boy is kissing our daughter.' So I say, 'Why don't you go out. Bring 'em a fresh bag of chips or something. Just to remind them all that we're here.' And then I had an idea. 'Wait,' I said. 'Wear your yellow bikini. That'll get his mind off of her.' "

I said, "Is that the one that was—"

"The see-through one, yeah," Robert said. "Totally sexy. Wicked, wicked awesome bikini."

Robert's mind drifted and his eyes looked dreamy.

"Jeeze, Rob," Lori said, looking a little embarrassed. "Maybe I should see if I still fit in it. I'm pretty sure I don't."

"We'll go shopping," he said, with a twinkle in his eyes. "So I don't know why she did it, but she put it on. You never did tell me why," he said, turning his attention back to Lori. "Was it seeing your daughter get kissed? Did it stir up your hornies?"

"What are you, a psychiatrist now?" Lori said. She was on the move, stepping toward the edge of the pool. She sat down and dangled her legs in the water. "I don't know, maybe it was something like that. I don't remember exactly. I do remember putting that bikini on, though. It felt like a...sort of a bold move, you know? Dangerous. I remember it exciting me."

"It was really something," Robert said, sounding proud. "Here's this forty-year-old with a body like Kate Upton, wearing her sexiest see-through bikini, walking out amongst a crowd of bathing suit clad adolescent boys. I was watching from the upstairs window. I loved every fucking second of it."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Our daughter was horrified," Lori said, smirking embarrassedly at the memory of it. "She said something like, 'Mom! What are you doing!', and everybody got really quiet. I've never been on stage before, so I don't know if it's like that, but it was a really bizarre kind of thrill."

"What did you do?" I asked her.

"I walked around and straightened up the snack trays, and I made a few trips in and out of the house, picking up empty soda cans for the trash."

"It's probably the wiggliest bikini I've ever seen," Robert said. "Top and bottom. And the see-through was top and bottom, too, but not in the pussy part. You could sort of see the crack of her ass right through it, though, and man did that ass wiggle."

"Oh my God, was it that bad?" Lori asked. "Those poor boys."

"Poor boys?" Robert said. "I guarantee you every single one of them remembers that night, to this very day. Guaran-fuckin-tee it. That was one of the best nights of their adolescent lives."

"What happened with your daughter, and that boy that kissed her?" I asked.

"She started dating him, and she married him," Lori said, smiling.

"He started dating her is more like it," Robert said. "When you see the mother you have a pretty good idea of how they're gonna grow."

"Hey!" Lori protested. "Are you talking about what I think you're talking about?"

"Tits, hun. They're important to a boy."

Lori lowered her face into her hand. "Oh my God," she said.

The sexy conversation hadn't allowed me to totally eradicate my erection, but it was down to a swollen state that I convinced myself was something I could be proud of. Guys are supposed to be proud of having a decent sized cock, right? At least the full-on tent pole had gone down. Being away from home with nothing but a bathing suit on was beginning to seem problematic.

Robert and I got out of the pool and Lori tossed us each a towel. She was standing again and the tossing motion made her tits move. My mind turned it to slow motion, like those old soft-core Playboy videos of the Playmate washing a car. I've got a box of those in my basement, too.

Much to my relief, my cock mostly behaved. I still had a half-state erection, swollen and enlarged, but hanging low. I dried my suit with the towel as best I could, so it didn't cling. There was a noticeable lump there, but I could live with it. I started setting up my tripod where I thought I'd get a good angle of view.

"Ready to be a sex-pot, hun?" Robert said. "You look every bit as hot as you did at that pool party."

"Yeah, right," she said, sarcastically. "How long's it been, eleven years? They're not a girl's best friend, you know."

Robert looked my way. "Evan. Is this a sexy woman, or what?"

"Oh. Yeah," I said too timidly, wishing I had the courage to tell her how boner-worthy she was.

"Would you be making this movie if she wasn't?" he asked me.

"Yeah, but...this is way better," I said. Lori and I made eye contact and we both smiled shyly. "Rob," I said, using his nickname for the first time, "let's try this without those downstairs lights on in the house. Maybe just leave a dim one on in the bar. And switch off these patio lights, too. I want to do a test with just the light from the pool."

"You got it," he said.

He dashed into the house, leaving quiet in his wake. The night was fully dark, with just a hint of twilight in the western sky. I adjusted my camera settings while Lori sat nervously at the table, sipping her drink. Her bare feet fidgeted a little, mostly just her toes, wiggly little things with dark red nail polish on them. Lights went off in the house, one by one, and then the patio was suddenly darkened, lit only with the subtly moving glow from the underwater pool light.

"Wow," I said. "I like it. I think it'll look good."

Lori looked around at the new atmosphere, and I saw her look at the neighbor houses, to see what they could see.

"What do you think," I asked. "Is it okay to do this tonight?"

"Yeah," she said. "I don't think anybody can see much, so..."

Maybe the other neighbors couldn't see much, but I could see all the beautiful details, like Lori's big nipples being back to fully aroused, something she had no chance of hiding with that particular bikini.

"Oh yeah, this looks good," Robert said, joining us again on the patio. "Will your camera work when it's this dark?"

"Yeah, low light is no problem for these newer ones. The question is will there be enough light to see you properly."

"Oh yeah," he said. "Gotta see the goods, right?"

"Can we all talk quieter please?" Lori said.

"Oh, sure, hun. Evan, what's the plan?"

"Lori," I said, "can you walk out from between those two bushes there, stop right in front of the table, and turn slowly around?"

She nodded and walked into the darkness, around the back of one of the big arborvitaes. I pressed the video start button on my camera. Feeling my adrenaline surge, I thought about calling "Action!", but I kept things silent, the way Lori wanted it. It was definitely a thrill, though, when she emerged from the darkness, looking shy and sexy. My first porn girl! On my very own camera!

I could tell Lori was thinking about her posture. She stood straight as she walked, with her nicely rounded ass out proud and her big tits thrust forward. It was subtle, but noticeable, and it looked just great. Her sexy nipple bumps led the way.

"The sound doesn't matter," I said. "I'll be doing it with microphones when the time comes. These tests are just for the visuals. We can talk during them."

"Oh, okay," she said. "So just, in front of the table here?"

"Yup, that's perfect. Now turn, slowly, all the way around. I'll be looking for how the shadows look, and for any moire pattern problems with the bikini fabric."

"Moire pattern?" she asked as she slowly turned.

"It's something that happens with cameras; still pictures and video can both have it. It's when you get sort of a wavy vibrating look from certain fabrics, usually because the weave or the pattern has fine lines that are too close together. I doubt if that bikini does it, but other things might."

Lori completed her turn and looked at me. "Do you want me to change into something else now?"

"Did you want to get wet?" I asked. "I mean, you don't have to, but I'd kind of like to see what you look like down in that nice pool light."

She flashed me a sexy smirk as she walked to the pool's edge, stopping at the top of the steps that lead down into the shallow water. "Don't be so timid about asking," she said. "You're the director."

"Okay, wait," I said. "Go back over by the table and start again. I want to follow you with the camera. When we do this for real I'll be extra careful with the focusing, but for now we'll just wing it." I practiced the pan and tilt move I'd be using to rotate the camera on the tripod, and then we were ready. "Don't laugh at me," I said quietly. "I'm gonna call 'action,' okay?"

Lori smiled and nodded. Robert was silent behind me, watching.

"Action!" I said in a loud whisper.

Lori walked to the pool's edge again, and made her way gracefully down the steps. She was waist deep for a moment and I could tell the lighting was going to work beautifully — her nicely tanned skin and big breasts looked amazing, lit from below with the moving, shimmering light.

"Do you want me all wet? Hair and everything?"

"That's up to you," I said. "At least up to your shoulders. We'll be doing it a few times, so..."

There was a moment of silence. "Oh," she said. "I'm getting in the water in the other clothes, too?"

"I was thinking we would, yeah," I said. "Your idea of her just stripping and skinny dipping is good, but her getting wet while she's wearing something might be good, too, right?"

"Oh, I'm liking it," Robert said. "That stuff you picked out is perfect, hun."

I think Lori blushed, but she was underwater before I could be sure. She came up covered in goosebumps, standing waist deep again. The dousing had rendered her bikini even more transparent, its thin fabric clinging to her like red-white-and-blue glaze.

"Damn. You look sexy, honey," Robert said.

I quickly dismounted my camera from the tripod and I got down on the concrete, lying on my side at the pool's edge with the camera at my eye. I said, "This light's gonna be awesome, I think. Can you walk up the steps now?"

Lori nodded. She looked nervous again, maybe because of my angle, and my closeness, or maybe because of the way I'd be scrutinizing her ass, the one she thought was too big. I'd seen it plenty of times of course, garbed in various bathing suits at our Friday poolside drinking sessions, but never with a camera in my hands that was trained on it, and never when it was so thinly covered with such a provocative, clingy, somewhat see-through bikini. She seemed to put a little extra wiggle in it when she climbed the steps, and the shimmering light on the water dripping off of her was spectacular.

Rob's voice cut through the silence. "That's an ass. Am I right, Evan?"

"You look...fantastic," I said, still recording, with the camera to my eye. I felt the thrill again, the adrenaline, as my porn star made her way to her towel. I suddenly felt like I was in the zone, the way I feel when I'm wielding my TV camera at work.

"Are we done with this look?" Lori asked, drying her shoulders, keeping the towel in front of her in an attempt at modesty.

"Yeah, you can change," I said. I hauled myself up off the ground, went to the tripod and re-attached the camera. "I'll do Rob while you're changing."

"Oh, you need me to do it?" he said.

"You can just stand there and turn," I said, "and maybe walk around a little."

"Got it," he said. "You wanna see my cock?"

"Rob!" Lori said. "Jeeze!"

"What!" he said. "Did you forget what we're doing here?"

She shook her head and started to walk away. "I don't know about this," she said.

"Is she...okay?" I asked as she disappeared into the house. "We're not pushing her into this, are we? I wouldn't want to do that."

"Oh, no," Rob said. "Not unless she changed her mind all of a sudden. This was her idea you know."

I felt a strange tightness in my body and my throat. "Really?" I said.

"Yeah, she came up with it, that night after we were all talking about our bucket lists. We were in bed, and she said wouldn't it be fun to do this with you, and she got hornier than I've seen in a long while. Don't tell her, though. She'll be pissed at me for telling you."

"Oh, no, I won't say anything."

I was stunned by the new knowledge. For some reason I'd thought it was Robert who was behind the idea, not Lori. My camera was rolling and Rob was strolling around in front of it when she walked out of the house.

"That's what I'm talkin' about!" Robert said when he saw her.

"Quiet, Honey!" she said, glancing around to see if any new lights were on in the neighborhood.

Lori was wearing a lovely piece of underwear, a short, white slip that was made of satin; it caught the light beautifully, shimmering, looking almost like silver. With a wide, low V neck, and little spaghetti straps, it hung on her big nippley breasts like it was barely there, showing acres of cleavage, the silky fabric dr****g softly around her middle, casting vertical shadows. The way her thighs emerged from the short length of the little slip had my curious mind reeling — did she wear anything underneath?

"I thought maybe she'd sleep in something like this, and she snuck over, right out of bed, you know?" Lori was looking down at herself when she said it, and I wondered if she liked what she saw as much as I did.

"Yeah. For sure," I said, stupidly tongue-tied again.

When Lori's gaze shifted from her satin-sexy bosom to my watching eyes, she was clearly blushing. "How's my stud husband?" she said. "Is he camera worthy?"

"Oh. Yeah, he'll do," I said, smiling at her. "He's not gonna be the star, though, I can tell that already."

It was a killer line, and I was surprised it came out of my own mouth. Lori looked at me with a spark of excited happiness, but then it was gone. Reined in on purpose, maybe, or maybe it was that cute shyness of hers taking control again. I took a deep breath. She was getting to me, and I felt the blood heading toward my cock, plumping it, warming it. It felt dangerous, but I didn't hate it.

"You wanna do the walk out of the bushes thing again?" I asked.

"Direct me, director," she said, waiting for me to take better charge of things.

"Oh, right," I said, with half of my mind on her and half of it on my growing cock. "You'll walk out of the bushes, I'll track you, you'll stop and turn slowly, and then I want you in the water, fully wet. We'll see if that satin looks as good as I think it's going to."

Lori glanced at my problem. My cock was big and long and mostly hard under my bathing suit, not pitching a full tent, but very noticeable. Her eyes were back on mine when she nodded, and then she was out amongst the dark bushes, looking like a sexy ghost.

Robert was behind me again; I'm pretty sure he didn't see my boner problem, but it was right there for Lori to see as she did her walk, and her stop, and her slow twirl. Her mouth was acting all sexy, smiling a little and then not, over and over again, like she was fighting it. It was adorable. And did I mention that her big breasts, naked and unsupported under the wispy satin, moved like nothing that I'd ever seen? They brought to mind Playboy breasts, the classics from the 70s and 80s, when big and firm and natural was the thing. I was breathing louder than I wanted to, and I had a big ol' erection that was embarrassing. All I could do was stand there and work my camera. I was glad Lori would soon be in the water, not only because I knew she'd look stunning, but because I could sit cross legged at the poolside with my camera and hide my throbbing boner.

It all happened without any more direction. She walked down the pool steps and the satin slip floated up around her waist, surprising her. She quickly pushed it down, but not before I'd seen the bold choice she'd made in the dressing room — there was nothing on underneath it. The camera and I had a quick glimpse of the dark thatch of hair at her crotch. It looked neat and trim, and it was hidden again as quickly as it had appeared.

"Damn," Robert said. "She's goin' full sexy on us."

Lori must have heard him when she was going underwater; she came up slowly, with a full-on tease. Just her head, and then shoulders, and a sloooow rise that left me unable to breathe for a few wonderful moments. I was cross legged, just five or six feet from her. She stood there, waist deep, with satin plastered so thoroughly to her breasts and wildly aroused nipples I could see her goosebumps through it.

"Damn, honey," Robert said. "What the fffuck!"

Lori giggled, and I was so happy my camera was there to capture the moment. "This is crazy," she said. Her shy smile and her seductive eyes were making a mess of my thoughts.

"Crazy good, I'm thinking," Robert said. "What do you think, Ev? That's fucking hot, right?"

"Absolutely," I said, still filming the remarkable sight. "We may have our winner."

"You don't want to see the other outfit?" Lori asked.

"Let's do 'em all, hun," Robert said. "This is fun."

I wholeheartedly agreed and was glad Robert had said it.

"It's just one more outfit," Lori said. "A t-shirt and panties. It's something else she might sleep in, right?"

"You're the expert," I said.

"How many girls have you slept with," she asked me. "I'm talking about real sleep."

"Oh, wow. Just...two, I guess."

Lori nodded, like that was the number she'd guessed. She turned and climbed the steps out of the water without another word, with satin plastered to the smooth round curves of her surprisingly young looking ass. Robert's eyes and my eyes and my still rolling camera captured it all.

"You gotta put that in the movie," Robert said.

"Yup," I said.

Lori looked over her shoulder at us and she smiled.

She picked up her towel and was a bit less shy when she dried herself. There were nice glimpses — as fleeting as lightning strikes — of her pussy and her milky white ass cheeks. I tried not to stare. My camera was switched off and I was reattaching it to the tripod. My cock was still big, the long lump noticeable down the leg of my bathing suit, but it didn't bother me quite so much. I knew Lori was aware of it, and she didn't seem to mind, so why should I? Because her husband was there, that's why, but he didn't seem to mind either. I noticed his own bathing suit was lumped out more than usual, not that I looked at it much.

As Lori scurried away for a costume change, with tits jiggling and ass wiggling, Robert asked me if the lighting was going to work. Lori's sexiness was still muddling my thoughts, but then she was gone. I explained a little about a camera's exposure settings, ISO and F-stops, and he nodded like he sort of understood, and then Lori was back, wearing a white t-shirt that fit her snugly but perfectly, its low scoop neck showing lots of nice cleavage. A short, midriff baring shirt, it barely covered her belly button, and below it she wore white cotton panties, nicely shaped bikini-cut ones that were plain but sexy. She said, "Another sleeping outfit. This is what I wear, so she might wear it, too."

My cock rose with the news. I was surprised that was all it took, finding out what Lori wears to bed.

She looked a little bemused by what was happening inside my bathing suit, but truthfully, she looked smokin' hot right down the line — her sparkling eyes, her little smile, the perfection of her soft cleavage, and those sexy dark areolas of hers that were showing through the thin shirt, circling the exuberant bumps from her aroused nipples like holy halos. And then there was the supple, soft-looking flesh of her belly showing above her panties, and the dark mystery that showed through the thin cotton at the crotch. I sensed something new in her mood as she stood there, a slightly pluckier sparkle in her eyes, a new relaxation with letting it all hang out for her new neighbor.

"Same routine?" she asked, sounding more confident.

"Ask her to take the top off," Robert said.

"Rob!" she said. "Jeeze! Ev's the director!"

"Is it...late enough?" I asked, looking around the quiet, dark neighborhood.

I was surprised to see a shrug of Lori's shoulders and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Let's treat it like a rehearsal for the movie," I said, feeling bold. "Robert, you're in the pool, swimming quietly. Your neighbor comes out of the bushes. She says, 'Your wife's not home, is she?,' and you say 'no.' You can improvise some dialogue if you want, maybe ask her about her husband. She joins you in the pool, still dressed, you kiss, she takes off her top and tosses it up on the patio and you kiss some more. Sound good?"

"Got it," Robert said.

Lori nodded. She looked nervous and intense, like she was running it all through her mind.

I said, "I'll be hand-holding the camera the whole time, sort of moving around. It's important that you ignore me. Never look at me or the camera. Don't stop and ask me anything, just improvise. Pretend the situation is actually happening."

Robert was getting into the water when I looked at Lori. My eyes roamed down her body, the way she and I had gotten used to. The dark mystery at her crotch was punctuated with an unmistakable wet spot on the 'down under' part of her panties. I doubt if she knew it was there. Our eyes met for a few moments and I think maybe we gave each other confidence. "Now?" she asked. And then it was happening. She approached Rob...

"You're wife's not home, is she?"

"She's out of town. Is your husband sleeping?"

"Out like a light. He drank too much again."

Robert smirked. "Did you make his drinks?"

"Extra strong. Mind if I join you?"

"I'd love it."

Lori sashayed down the steps into the water. Her posture was perfect and her tits jiggled with each step down. She went underwater for a moment and came up dripping, standing waist deep, sweeping the cascading water out of her hair with her hands. Her tits looked amazing under the wet t-shirt — huge curves and pointy nipples and big dark areolas that were even more visible than when she had the American flag bikini on. She closed the gap to Robert and he reached for her, pulling her to him with lusty energy. They kissed. It was wildly passionate, both of them feeding off the horniness that had been building all evening. Robert turned her, so that her outward thrust tits were pointing right at me. He was behind her, tight to her body, and his hands were on them, squeezing the softness of those glorious breasts. I heard Lori moan through her open mouth. Her excited eyes looked at mine, just for a quick moment. Robert lifted her soaking wet shirt, her big tits tumbled out, and he tossed the shirt away, onto the patio. Her eyes were on mine when one of his hands claimed the massive flesh of her breasts again, and his other hand went lower, to her crotch. Everything was happening so quickly. Lori was spectacularly topless and her body had gone to what I think of as carnal posture— tits thrust wildly forward, hard against Rob's squeezing hand, and ass thrust forcefully against his certainly hard-cocked crotch. Lori's eyes closed, she moaned through her open mouth again and she looked overcome. It went on for a few moments, her moans deeper and more wondrous with each breath, and then I thought for sure she was fainting.

"Do you always cum that easily?" Robert asked her, staying in character. He was still holding her the same way, from behind, a tit in one hand, a pussy in the other, his mouth near her ear. "You should swim with me more often."

Lori, breathless, swooning, tried to get her bearings. She'd had an orgasm, and neither she nor I could believe it. My camera captured it all, thank God. I continued my slow, deliberate movements, with my cock hard and aching. Lori looked right into the camera as her mind got a grip on things. Both of Robert's hands were on her tits. Her head was leaning to the side and he was kissing her neck. "Jesus," she whispered.

"Cut," I said.

A few moments went by with nothing but the sounds of breathless lovers and my pounding heart. My astonished mind hadn't yet begun to worry again about the big embarrassing lump in my bathing suit when Robert said, "The water's nice, buddy. Want to hop in and cool things down?"

"Yeah?" I said.

"Don't be shy on my account," Lori said. She looked post-ogasmically beautiful, and a bit shell-shocked. She turned and hugged Robert, snuggling her head against his chest. I think she was shy again, trying to hide those stunning bare breasts of hers.

"What do you think?" Robert asked me, as I slipped into the comfort of the water. "Do we pass the screen test?"

"You both get an A+," I said. "That was...pretty awesome."

"I'm just along for the ride," Robert said. "My sweet wife's hair trigger makes everything happen."

"Hey!" she quietly scolded, head still sideways against his chest. Her smirk showed her inner delight. "That's not polite, in front of our neighbor."

"You're gonna be the perfect porn star, Honey," he said, holding her tight against him. His eyes looked my way. "Real live orgasms are what you're after, right Evan?"

I didn't answer. Lori face and her shoulders were flushed red, maybe from embarrassment, and I didn't want to add to it.

The next few days at work seemed interminably long. All I wanted to do was get home, gaze out my window at Lori by the pool, and work on the video files I shot Friday night. It was hot stuff. Lori looked amazing in every shot, and her endearing shyness made everything even hotter. And that orgasm! Oh my God! Topless and quietly explosive, I'd missed the subtleties of it in the heat of the moment. I played it back over and over, adjusting shadow highlights and correcting color...yeah, I know, those were just excuses to stay interactive with it. This porn hobby, I'm telling you, it's kind of awesome.

For real though, the way Robert turned her toward me, and the way the wet shirt came off of her, and the look on her face when Robert's hand took forceful hold of one her bare tits, squeezing his fingers into its softness; awesome is the only word for it all. I feel like I'm watching super hot porn, and yet I was the guy behind the camera. It's amazing. I think the hottest part is the way Lori's eyes found me, and the look in them when it was happening, just an instant before her orgasm. I can't help but think I was part of what got her there so quickly. The camera and me. A trigger, for the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life.

I kind of wish I'd left my camera running on the tripod to capture the way it all wound down. The three of us were in the pool, Lori's embarrassment faded, and she got more and more comfortable with the situation. The topless situation, I mean. I thought for sure she'd want to cover up, at least with the wet t-shirt that lay in a puddle next to the pool's edge, but she didn't. Robert brought all our drinks to us, and we stood there in the glowing light and talked about their k**s, my life growing up, and my failed love life. Lori's tits were there, and I looked at them, and Robert did, too, and we even joked about how awesome they are, but for a half hour or so we were just three good friends hanging out together, carefree and tranquil, in waist-deep water. It was so nice. I remember how some of the conversation went, after we'd relaxed and had more than a few sips from our drinks...

"You'd be a big hit at a wet t-shirt contest," Robert said.

"I'm too fat."

"No no no no," Robert said, shaking his head. "Bikers love women with some meat on their bones. And they're crazy about awesome tits."

"Keep your voice down!" Lori scolded.

"Are we, um...I was wondering what we're calling things," I said.

"Tits, you mean?" Lori said, eyes sparkling mischievously. She smiled at the look of boyish wonder on my face. "You're too cute, Evan. We're making a porn together and you don't even know if you should say dirty words around me."

"It's all new, that's all," I said. "We're still neighbors, after all."

"Yes. You're polite, and I like that," she said. "But it's tits and ass and...cock. When we get deeper into this I'm going to need to be immersed in it, otherwise I might..."

Robert finished the thought she'd left hanging. "She's fought shyness all her life, and she hates it."

"I do," she said. "It's a curse."

"I know all about it," I said. "Maybe not super bad, but it definitely hits me when I don't want it to."

"I know you understand," she said. "I don't think I'd do this with somebody who didn't understand that part of me."

There was comfort and understanding there that night, with the darkness surrounding us as we all stood in the warm embrace of the glowing, waist deep water. It was real, human connection. I thought about it when I looked out my window at Lori, sunbathing that day in her white bikini, with her big floppy-brimmed hat on and a good book in her hand. She was fascinating. And sexy. And lovely. She was also bigger than the girls I liked, and older than them, too. I wondered if the 'type' I'd longed for my whole life was all wrong. I could easily fall in love with a Lori, and maybe I already had.

"Thanks, buddy. You really got things stirred up here last week."

That was Robert's softly smiling friendly greeting to me Friday evening, when I walked over for our usual 'cocktail hour.'

"Oh, yeah, it was fun," I said.

"I'm talking about the part after you left," he said. "Holy cow, she was on fire in the bedroom."

"Hi Evan," Lori said, exiting the house wearing a bikini I hadn't seen before. It was a thin, satiny, aqua-colored one, with no nipple control and lots of bouncy action. I liked it. A lot. "How'd work go this week?"

"Pretty good," I said. "Same old grind."

"Are you used to those early hours?" she asked. "That seems like it'd be really hard to get used to."

"Yeah, I kind of like it. I love having summer afternoons off."

"Oh, right," she said. "I forget you're over there; you're so quiet."

"You should come over for a swim, buddy," Robert said. "The pool's yours, whenever you want to use it."

"Oh, thanks, but I wouldn't want to disturb Lori's reading."

"It wouldn't bother me any," she said. "The neighbors might start to talk, though."

She gave me a wink that raised the hairs on my arms. I'm sure there was nothing more than friendliness behind it, but my mind was lost again in her sexy little smile.

"We're in a rum mood tonight," Robert said. "What's your pleasure?"

"Yeah that sounds good."

There was a drink in my hand just a moment later. The three of us sat at the poolside table and I tried to take in all the little details of how the new bikini top cradled Lori's breasts, without her knowing I was doing it of course.

"So what's the verdict with the screen tests, or wardrobe test or whatever you call it?" Robert asked. "Did everything look okay?"

I reached into my camera bag and pulled out a small laptop computer. "We're making this movie for you guys, so you get to choose. To be honest with you, I like 'em all."

"Yeah, a sexy woman, all wet; I guess it doesn't matter what she wears, right?" Robert said.

"I've been wondering all week if I look like a cow," Lori said to me. "I was gonna walk over and knock on your door."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said. "I should have brought this over and showed you. I thought Rob should be here, and I'm in bed pretty early when I have to get up the next day."

"No, it's fine!" she said. "I'm just a worrier. So I look...okay?"

"Better than okay," I said.

The laptop was up and running and I cued up the first clip, the wardrobe test of the American flag bikini.

"Oh my God," Lori said. "My tits look huge! Do they always? Is that like of those lenses that make things bigger, like noses and things?"

"Nope. Straight normal lens. It's actually got really good curvature of field specs," I said, sounding extra geeky.

"You're a beautiful woman, hun. That's the answer," Rob said. "That bikini does a number on you, though. Damn, that's a good one. Oh, here we go," he said, watching the screen. "Gettin' wet."

The three of us watched as Lori doused herself in the pool and came up dripping.

"That's...really see-through!" she said.

"Awesome," Robert said. "The camera really picks it up. Wow, I like the way that watery light moves on her. Like a sexy acid trip."

The bikini scene ended, so I cued up the one with Lori wearing the satin slip.

"Oh, baby," Robert said. "You are photogenic! I'm liking this project. I'm liking it a lot."

We all sat silently, watching Lori dunk herself and rise up slowly from the shimmering water, with silvery satin plastered to her goosebumpy curves.

"Oh, you're killin' me," Robert said. "You're fuckin' killin' me! Evan, man, you've been looking at these all week, haven't you. You dirty dog!"

"Oh my God," Lori said quietly, watching herself.

As she watched I was watching her reactions, but I couldn't read her emotions. None of her comments had been positive. My lack of confidence ran away with my thoughts and I was sure she hated what she was seeing, sure she thought I'd taken advantage of the situation and overstepped my bounds. We were neighbors after all; we had to live amongst people that knew us, friendly old folks and innocent k**s.

"Oh my God," she said again. "I look good."

"Yeah you do," Robert said.

"Do you really think so?" I asked her. "I mean, I think so, but do you? Do you like it?"

She smiled that little smile that I'd grown to love. "I wanna do more," she said. "I wasn't sure until now. If looked fat I...wasn't sure. But you make me look...better than I think I do."

Her eyes looked at me like something special was happening. She looked back at the laptop and I watched her watch it. I clicked a few keys and the next clip started playing. Lori in white, t-shirt and panties, tits jiggling like a sex goddess as she walked into the water toward Robert, kissed him, and then...

"Oh my God," she whispered, her unblinking eyes staring at the laptop. She's there on the screen, turned toward the camera. Soaked shirt translucent over dark areolas. The tittiest, most exciting woman in the world at that moment. Robert's hands are there, squeezing, and then her shirt is off, her tits are out, his hands are busy up top and lower, and then...

"That's my wife," Robert said, quietly, reverently, eyes glued to the aftermath of the climax of the scene. "I still can't believe you came like that, hun. That was amazing."

"Oh my God," Lori giggled, still watching her own struggle to regain sanity. "That's...wild. I can't believe it's me."

"I think it's pretty great," I said. "You guys are...really good."

Lori looked at me. Her suntanned face was red, blushing, embarrassed but clearly excited. "I guess you want to set up cameras and watch me fuck, now, huh? When I first met you I never would have guessed what a dirty boy you are."

Robert looked happy. He said, "Evan, man, you got her on the ropes, and I'm horny too. Go grab some gear. Let's do something."

"Tonight? Right now?"

"Right now, brother," he said. "We're ready. We don't have to do it in order, right? Is it all right if we just jump right into bedroom scenes?"

"Oh, yeah. Sure. Can you come with me and help me carry a few things?"

"You got it, brother."

"What should I do?" Lori asked.

"Oh, let me think," I said. "So, the first scenes will be out here, and those will cut right to the bedroom scenes, so...your hair should be wet, and...what did you decide for wardrobe? I like the slip or the t-shirt and panties myself."

Lori nodded. "Yeah, t-shirt and panties I think. Rob?"

"Sounds good to me," he said. "Do we get to recreate that pool scene?"

"Yeah, I'll get microphones set up out here another night. So for now, upstairs, we need you in wet hair and wet white panties."

Lori nodded. Her eyes showed her nervous excitement.

"We'll be back, hun," Robert said, kissing her deeply but quickly. "Don't chicken out and run off on us."

"I won't."

Robert and I heard a soft splash when we were wending our way around the shrubbery, heading for my backyard. I wanted to see what the new aqua-colored satin bikini looked like all wet, but I didn't stop to look. I don't think what was about to happen had fully sunk in to my thick skull — I was going to see Lori suck a cock that very evening, and fuck a cock, too, if the shoot went smoothly and we got that far. Thinking back on it now, with the luxury of hindsight, I'm amazed that I went along with everything so easily, without questioning things more or just plain freaking out. The three of us were suddenly in the middle of some crazy stuff, but it all flowed with dreamlike ease. I guess none of us were overthinking things; we just let the sexy summer nights take us where they wanted to go.

Rob and Lori's bedroom is a lot bigger than mine, which was helpful for the camera and light set-ups. Lori had a bathrobe on when Rob and I got there, a pink one that looked soft and comfy. Barefoot, and with her hair toweled but wet, she looked plenty sexy, especially so since she most likely wore only panties under the robe, the loose top of it exposing deep cleavage that seemed to want to show off even more than usual.

I set up three lights on stands but I ended up using just one of them; I aimed it into a big gold colored umbrella reflector, with Rob and Lori's two bedside lamps switched on to supplement it. The soft lighting looked warm and natural, and it gave me lots of options for camera positions.

"I'm not really sure how this is gonna go," I warned. "It might be a stop and go process. Rob, are you a Viagra user? This might be a good time for it."

"I'm on it," he said, disappearing into the bathroom.

I asked Lori, "Are you guys serious about me calling the shots? I gotta warn you, I watch a lot of porn. I have...ideas."

I smiled and Lori did too, but her smile looked like a sort of nervous curiosity. She said, "Yeah...I mean...we can always say no, right?"

"Oh, that goes without saying. But really, you guys can just do what you normally do if you want, and I'll try and capture it."

"We kind of like the idea of you directing us," she said, looking adorably shy. "You tell us, and...we'll do it."

Her face reddened again and I'm pretty sure I could see the beat of her pulse on her neck; her heart must have really been pounding. I thought about what Robert had mentioned, about the whole endeavor being Lori's idea, and I wondered — when she said 'you tell us and we'll do it', did she really mean 'you tell me, and I'll do it'? She sort of had that look in her eyes. Just tell me what you want, Evan, I imagined her cooing, close to my ear. I'll do anything. Anything. My mind was a mess again when Robert returned from the bathroom. I took a deep breath and tried to say something that sounded professional.

"I'll warn you guys, doing this tonight is a bit rushed, so it may turn out great or it may end up being an extended rehearsal. But this is just one of quite a few nights anyway, so..."

"Really?" Lori said. "How many...sessions do you think?"

"I don't know, really. There'll be camera movements, and maybe some close ups. You guys will be in lots of different positions. If we want to end up with an hour or more of finished product it's going to take quite a few nights."

"Wow, I...guess I hadn't thought of all that," Lori said.

"You still up for it?" I asked, as I was attaching a microphone to a long boom stand.

Lori nodded and smirked. "I'm not as horny as I was down by the pool, but..."

"Take off your robe, hun," Robert said. "Maybe that'll do it."

Lori flashed him an odd little look, and then, in a quick moment that stilled me and stopped my breathing, she undid her robe and let it slide down her arms. She was wearing nothing but white panties, in her own bedroom, and I was there. It was fucking awesome.

I gathered my wits as best I could and adjusted the boom microphone so it was way up by the ceiling over the center of the bed, pointing down. I set up two more mics off to the sides, and connected all the cables to a small mixing console. I was perspiring and worried I was making mistakes because, you know, Lori's tits. If she wasn't horny I sure as hell was, and I felt like an idiot for not changing into pants when I was home getting the equipment. My cock was bonered up again, long and hard, lumping the leg of my bathing suit. Lori noticed, of course.

"Rob," I said, "can you put on that bathing suit you had on when we did the test? That one showed up nice in the pool light."

"It's in the laundry room," Lori said.

Robert nodded and headed for the door. "I'm on it."

Lori and I were suddenly alone, both of us topless, bare-legged, and aroused. She sat on the bed, glancing at various parts of my body while I adjusted the settings on my cameras. "So I guess we're making a porn together," she said, smirking. She looked surprisingly relaxed, but a quiet intensity in her roaming eyes gave away something different. "How long have you been doing video and stuff?" she asked.

"Since college. High school, really."

"Nothing dirty?"

"No. Like I said, guys like me just fantasize about this kind of thing. We never get to actually do it."

Lori smiled again, even more relaxed. "How come you don't have a girlfriend?"

"They avoid me."

"They do not," she said. "You probably just get it in your head that you think they do, and that ruins it."

"Oh, beautiful and smart, huh?"

"You don't really think I'm beautiful," she said, closing her body language a little, with a subtle arm and leg movement. The flush of pink was back, on her face and upper chest, and her nipples, already aroused, seemed to swell even firmer than before. "It's probably like Rob says — big tits mesmerize men."

"And boys. Don't forget boys," I said, smiling as I took a healthy glance at her naked tits. "Yeah they're...mesmerizing all right, but you're the whole package. Inside and out."

Lori squinted, her brow furrowing a little. "Do you like older women? Is that a thing for you?"

"I didn't used to, but I do now."


I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. She was sitting and I was standing, so her eyes were looking upward. Bedroom eyes. I held her gaze but thank God I have good peripheral vision, because Lori's astonishing tits and her dazzlingly suckable nipples seemed to glow with an inner light, and they heaved with her slow, deep breaths. I could feel my cock trying to lift — it was as hard and as long as it gets — and I watched Lori's eyes go there, to the big, prominent lump down the leg of my bathing suit, and then Robert's voice was in the hall, approaching.

"Found it," he said. "I put it on and jumped in the pool. I'm supposed to be wet, too, right?"

"Yeah, that looks good," I said, feeling the need for a calming deep breath of oxygen. "Lori, maybe you should wet yours some more. You could do it in the sink."

"Wet panties. That's pretty sexy, huh?" She got off the bed and winked at me when she passed.

"Damn," Robert said, watching her tits wobble as she walked past him. "Walking around topless with the neighbor here. Did you get your horny juice flowing, hun?"

"Oh yeah, I'm there," she said from the bathroom.

I could hear the water running and I pictured her standing there naked, rinsing her panties under the faucet. When she came back she was soaked from head to toe. She'd been in the shower.

"I should do that too," Robert said, "so we're even."

"Are we ready it?" she asked me.

I nodded and tried to keep my grin from looking too lecherous. "You look...perfect," I said. I wondered if she could see in my eyes that I really, really meant it.

"So where do we start?" Robert asked, dripping wet after a few quick seconds in the shower.

"That depends," I said. "Will there be a blowjob at the pool? Do you guys want to risk that, shooting it out in the open?"

"That's up to my dear wife," he said. "It'll be really late when we film it, right? Like three in the morning?"

"Yeah," I said. "I'm used to getting up at that hour, but you guys..."

"We can do it," Lori said. "Yeah, if that's the storyline we're going for, that's definitely what would happen. She'd blow him down there, and he'd pull her up here by the hand and fuck her really hard."

I must have looked surprised, because Lori's eyes got wide and she looked worried. "Is that...not...right?" she said.

"No! I just love how you're getting into this," I said. "Yeah, that's perfect. So we're at the getting down and dirty scene." I gathered my thoughts for a moment and tried to visualize it all. "Okay, here's what we're doing. Since you're all nice and wet, we'll do the doorway angle. I'll move my, and you guys will come up the stairs and down the hall and land on the bed. That'll be it. I'll call cut and then I'll move my camera for the bed scene. Pretend you're excited, and anxious, and horny and everything else. Giggles would be good. Don't forget all the sound is being recorded this time, and never look at me or the cameras, okay? We'll do it two or three times, and I'll use the best one."

"Got it," Robert said. He reached for Lori's hand. "Shall we make a movie, my dear?"

Lori nodded and her eyes looked excited. I'm sure mine did, too. I had a moment of ecstatic clarity when I realized it was actually happening — my sexy couple wasn't backing out! I was directing a porn!

I focused my thoughts, getting my mind in the game. We did the entry scene three times but, surprisingly, the first take was the best. I moved the camera and tried to picture my own movements, somehow getting myself from camera to camera during the scene without casting shadows or tripping over stands or cables. It all looked workable.

"The camera didn't see you guys tumble onto the bed, and I don't think I want you to. Oh, we fucked up didn't we. If there was a blowjob at the pool, Rob would be naked when you guys come up the stairs."

"You're right," he said. "Okay, here goes nothing."

He took off his wet bathing suit and he was kind of small and limp. Disappointingly so.

"I wouldn't look like this, either, would I," he said, looking down at his shrunken penis. "It's that clammy wet suit."

I nodded and acted like a real director. "Okay, well, you guys are porn stars now, so...Lori, fix that for him while I set up for the hallway shot again."

Lori sat on the side on the bed and Robert stood in front of her. I tried not to stare, but the sight of her morphing into a purely sexual woman was enough to stop me in my tracks. She had his cock in her mouth and her head was moving, slowly and sensually. Her hands caressed the backs of his thighs and his surprisingly good looking ass, and I heard her moan.

"Oh, baby," Robert said quietly, his hand rearranging Lori's messy wet hair. "Do you like showing off for another man?"

"Mm-hmm," she moaned.

"How hard should I be, Ev?" he asked me, sounding a little breathless. "It's happening fast."

"Hard is good. We'll just have to match it when we start the bed scene."

"I think I like this job," he said. "How about you, hun? Wanna be a horny slut for a living?"

"Mm-hmm," she said, nodding with her mouth full of hard cock. It was about as sexy a thing as I'd ever seen.

Rob's cock slid out of Lori's mouth and she breathed hard and deep, her face pink again with excitement, lust, and maybe a little embarrassment. She looked satisfied with her work. "You asked me if I was horny earlier? Now I am."

Robert's cock was big. Bigger than mine I'm unhappy to report, but it looked promising for the job at hand, and I was nearly trembling at the thought of watching it fuck Lori.

"All right — hallway scene before he loses it," I said.

It was a better take than the first three. Lori's horniness was written all over her. It was almost as if she'd broken though a mental barrier when she gave the nice blowjob. She'd let her inner slut out in front of me and I'm pretty sure she liked it. There was definitely a new energy in the air, and it all seemed to be radiating from her.

I moved the camera into position for the bed shot. Robert's cock was still hard. Lori stroked it slowly with her hand, with a magical look on her face, like it was the most awesome thing in the world to be doing it right in front of me.

"All right," I said. "When I call action, I want you to blow him some more. Sit yourself, so I can get a good angle on it. Remember, don't look at any of the cameras. They'll all be on. I'll wave my arms to signal you but don't look at me. When you see me wave, pull him down on the bed, on his back, take off your panties and sixty-nine him."

"Oh, wow," Lori said. "Do you know what that is, honey?"

"I do," Rob said. "Do you?"

Lori gave him a look. "How do you know about it?"

"Porn," he said. "I'm a guy, remember? I've tried to pull you onto me that way a couple of times, but you always chicken out."

"Really? Show me, so I know what I'm doing."

"Where do you want us to land, Ev?" Robert asked me.

"Let's try diagonal," I said. "While you guys are getting a feel for it I'll check my cameras and make sure it looks good."

Rob stretched out on his back and he reached for Lori. "Head to cock, pussy to mouth," he told her.

"I noticed you're calling it a pussy now," she said to him. "You're full of surprises."

"I need you to turn around, Rob," I said. "Your head down here. That'll give me better angles."

"Oh, yeah. Gotta get the juicy stuff. My sweetheart's a wet one, and I'm not talkin' pool water."

"Oh my God," Lori said. "Are we all going to be talking like sailors by the time we're done?"

"Throw a leg over my head, hun. See how it works?"

"Oh. I do remember you trying to get me this way," she said, mounting him awkwardly. She looked back over her shoulder. "Oh my God. Two cameras back there?"

Robert nuzzled his teeth against her panty-covered pussy, and all the breath went out of her. "Oh, Jesus!" she said, holding his cock in her hand.

"Can I make a few suggestions?" I said. "Arch your back downward, Lori. It's really important. Otherwise you'll look like a monkey fucking a football. It makes the back view better, too."

"Oh shit," she said. "This is for real. Are we going to be able to face each other again? Christ, I'm gonna blush beet red every time I see you from now on."

"That's okay," I said. "I'll be blushing, too. Maybe you should try the mount and dismount a few times, so it looks like you've done it before.

My cameras were set, so I watched, and I marveled at how amazing Lori's ass looks in that position, even with the plain white panties covering her. I walked around the side, just to see the way her big tits hung, and I wasn't disappointed. She looked at me with a smirking smile.

"You're loving this, aren't you," she said, reading my easily read mind. "Rob," she said, "our neighbor is thinking dirty thoughts about me."

"So am I, hun," he said. "Let's get this show on the road. I'm dying to eat some pussy."

"Oh-h-h," she moaned, when she felt his nibbling teeth there again. "Okay. I guess...let's do it."

"Do a quick water splash in the shower," I said, "but not too much. Keep that cock up if you can."

"The Viagra is working it's magic," Rob said.

He and Lori spent a few seconds in the shower, and when they returned and took their positions I called "action." I had a looking-straight-at-it view of the blowjob, unlike my timid, voyeuristic view the first time. Lori looks remarkably comfortable sucking a cock, happy even, which is the opposite of the way the girls had seemed the two times I'd had it done to me. I let her really get into it, mainly because I just wanted to watch. Rob was moaning and Lori was, too. She sat on the edge of the bed with her knees spread wide. Rob was standing close in between them. As she mouthed his cock her hands toyed with the base of his shaft and his balls. He was a surprisingly good looking guy down there, and it was easy to see Lori liked every bit of him. I nearly moaned myself when she held his cock up against his stomach, licked the veiny underside of his long shaft and then licked and mouthed his balls. Then she held those up, too, and her tongue reached way under them, tickling him there, and I think I did moan. She shifted back to blowjob mode with her mouth on his shaft and I could tell she was sucking it tight as she moved on it. Damn! It was good! And then I waved my arms.

Lori caught sight of my signal in her peripheral vision and she placed Rob on his back on the bed just like we'd practiced, and then she broke the rule, glancing at me when she whisked off her panties. I didn't mind. I was finally seeing her in all her naked glory. On my computer screen at home I'd freeze-framed the quick flash of her pussy in the pool the week before, and it sure looked like she'd trimmed things since then. There was still some soft dark hair decorating her pussy, but not much of it. She swung her leg over Rob's head, and it took her a moment to remember to arch her back downward, but damn! Her ass is fine! I mean porn-worthy fine! I mean dream-about-it-for-the-rest-of-my-days fine! I wanted to jump up and down, and call my friends, and post an Instagram, and change my Facebook status to 'Porn Maker.' I was so thrilled by the sight of her ass and her pussy, and Rob's mouth on it all, I hadn't even checked my cameras. Thankfully they were rolling along without me, but I tried to get my head in the game. I had three angles to cut between, so I was free to zoom and pan without worrying too much about smoothness; it would all edit together and look good in the end. I checked the soundboard and all was well. I was glad of it because Lori was making wonderful noises. She was taking to sixty-nine like a duck to water.

"Oh ffuuck!" she cried, clearly in the throes of it. She put a few breathless words together, asking Rob, "When does your wife come home?"

"Day after tomorrow," Rob mumbled, his mouth full of juicy pussy.

Lori sucked his cock for a moment and then, huffing through clenched teeth, she said, "God, you really know what you're doing!... I'm gonna cum!... Oh, shit!... I'm gonna cum! "

The quick orgasm in the pool that I'd watched a hundred times on my computer didn't prepare me for Lori's true sexuality. As she orgasmed, naked and spread open on top of Rob, her body spasmed and she ground her syrupy wet pussy hard across his moaning face. She tried to hold in her squeal at first but it howled free and sounded glorious. Her whole body moved with rhythmic energy. I glanced at the side-view camera and yes, Lori looked amazing — her back arched just enough to make her tits move against Rob's stomach. Her face looked so beautiful, rosy red and orgasmic, with half-lidded eyes and an open, huffing mouth. I was thinking I might call cut when it was over, but it wasn't over — the moment her orgasm waned she went at Rob's cock like she was ravenous for it. I'm sure she remembered that I was there, that I was watching her, but she was lost in something better. Rob was still eating her pussy, lapping up her bountiful juices, clit-tickling her with the tip of his tongue. She took his cock deeper in her mouth than I'd seen, flirting with throating the big thing, and then she did it, her head all the way down, her face red and her breath held, looking like she was going to burst, with a big, hard cock all the way up in her throat. She held it there, wiggling her nose from side to side on Rob's balls. He groaned loudly. I wanted to groan, too.

Lori gasped for breath like a drowning woman when she lifted her head, emptying her throat and mouth. Rob's cock was slippery with thick, shiny throat juice, and Lori's hand worked it, stroking the big shaft in a way that would have made me cum in an instant. And then she did it again — deep throat, easier this time, but still red-faced and all-in. She was wild. Beyond my dreams. Rob's mouth was relentless on her pussy and an orgasm convulsed her again, with her back arched deep and her head thrown back, her mumbled voice crying out, and I just about creamed my pants. I had to touch myself. Not inside my bathing suit but outside, on the hot, lumped surface of it, but it still felt like what I needed. I saw Lori sneak a peek at me out of the corner of her eye. She saw my hand kneading my hard lump like it was bread dough; she heard my breathy, nearly silent moans. Her head plunged downward again. She was a wild cock sucker. She ground her pussy on Rob's face again and in no time at all she was grunting like an a****l and winding up for orgasm number three. I could sense it, the energy of it. She was deep throating and pussy grinding at the same time, something I don't think I've ever seen before in all my days as a porn watcher. Her sneaky eye was on me again, on my hand. I had the fabric of my swimsuit wrapped around my cock and I was stroking it. I knew the end game was messy but I couldn't stop. Lori was cumming again, her body spasming. Her head lifted and she gasped for air. Rob's cock was huge and shiny and alive, spurting cum in rocketing gushes, and Lori's mouth went to it again. She took the swollen cockhead between her lips and drank its spewing essence, and I came, too, with breathy gasps and a whispered moan, my fast stroking hand milking every drop from deep within me.


I emerged sheepishly from the bathroom, my bathing suit freshly rinsed out, toweled to a state of dripless wetness. I'd overheard a low murmur of quiet conversation when I was in there, and I expected a razzing from Robert, or maybe from both of them, or, even worse, a declaration that everything had gone much too far and I was to pack up and leave. But there were just pleasant smiles. Rob and Lori were both in their robes, reclined against the pillows on their bed but not snuggling; they both had that glow about them that people get after good sex. Lori, though, looked shy again.

"You must be tired," she said, her voice soft. "It's way past your bedtime on a workday, isn't it?"

"We were just saying," Robert said, "why don't you leave the equipment set up."

"It'll be way easier than setting it up each time, right?" Lori said. "If you've got any openings in your schedule the next few nights maybe we could...keep at it."

"What my horny wife is saying is, can we do it again tomorrow night?"

I looked at Lori and she was blushing. Shy and adorable. It was me who should have been blushing, but it was clear that, even with my incredibly inappropriate behavior, Rob and Lori had enjoyed the experience.

"We were saying, you must have magic powers or something," Rob said. "You show up in the neighborhood and become our friend and we have the best sex we've ever had."

"No magic. You guys are...awesome." My eyes were on Lori when I said the word 'awesome', and I think she blushed even deeper. I meant it. I'd never seen a woman let herself go the way she did. None of my few girlfriends ever did, that's for sure. I wanted to praise her, and I just happened to be the director, so I did. "I think the footage is going to be amazing. I was surprised by how real you guys looked. You didn't look nervous or inhibited at all."

"I had it easy, down underneath," Rob said, smirking. "No acting involved. Did Lori look good? I mean, I know she does, but...natural, I mean?"

"Oh, yeah. Fantastic," I said. "I think it's gonna be great. So, you guys had never...?

"That position? Nope. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit it," Robert said. "With k**s around sex isn't a big recreational sport, and now, without them here, I guess we've been sort of complacent and boring."

"Three orgasms," I said, letting my mind drift back to it. "That was..."

"Awesome, right?" Rob said. "Lori's always had the gift. I call it a gift. My, shall we say, previous relationships had trouble getting there. With Lori it's never work; it's always fun."

"Yeah, that's what a girl wants to hear, a conversation about old flames' orgasms," Lori said, smirking. "Let's let this handsome young man go home to get some sleep before I get embarrassed again."

I packed up my cameras to take with me, and I moved a few minor things out of the way, but the bedroom looked like a porn studio when I left. It was weird, and wonderful. I was making porn. My crazy fantasy had come true.

The video on my computer — video I'd shot with my very own hands — was extraordinary. I'm a realist and I knew that I was seeing Lori through rose-colored glasses because I had feelings for her, but still, the sixty-nine scene was pretty awesome. Raw and natural. Those qualities are vital to good porn. I think so anyway. That and a female star who has real, beautiful orgasms, or at least can fake them in a convincing way. My star, Lori, doesn't fake anything. She's as real as it gets, a fifty-one-year-old who makes me hard as soon as I see even a single frame of video of her.

I spent the morning poring over the files, making adjustments, tweaking this and that, trying out some rough cuts from camera to camera to make the scene flow. I'm pretty good at it, if I do say so myself; I even won an award for one of my documentaries and went to New York City to receive a nice little trophy and some prize money, money that I used to buy some snow tires for my car.

Working on the Rob and Lori movie was way more fun than a documentary. I played with some different editing decisions, but the big ones would wait until I had all the different scene files on hand. Rob called me on the phone to see if I was interested in getting started in the early afternoon and working right into the evening. A full day of naked Lori, with me calling the shots. Yes please!

I cleaned myself up, readied my cameras, and walked over to the poolside patio, with my laptop tucked into one of my camera bags. "Do you guys want to see the dailies," I asked, "or would you rather wait for the finished product?"

They pondered the idea, talking to each other in the quiet, almost whispery way that they sometimes do. "Lets wait," Robert said to me. "We want to see your movie."

I smiled. It was the answer I was hoping for. Lori's pretty eyes looked my way. She was shy again. She wasn't a porn star; she was an architect's wife, a mother, a neighbor. Her shy eyes held secrets. They sparkled as she kept her gaze on me. She and I had had sex together, in a way. We were six feet apart when it happened, yes, but we'd orgasmed together, each of us feeding off of the energy of the other, just as real lovers do.

"Did you get rested?" she asked, sweet and motherly. "I hope we didn't keep you up too late."

"No, it was fine. I...sat up a while, going through each of the camera's files," I admitted.

Lori tried to keep her face neutral, but her eyes gave away her embarrassed happiness.

"We were dying to try some more sixty-nine this morning," Robert said, "but we wanted to save our energy for tonight. We really loved it, though. Lori says I go down easy that way."

Lori blushed. "It must have been invented by a woman," she said. "It's so...good."

It was just after lunchtime. We sat at the round table by the pool, in the shade of a big umbrella. Lori, maybe needing a quick break from the blushingly frank conversation, went to get me a cup of coffee. I watched her walk away, into the house. It was the first time I'd seen her in pants since the day she brought me cookies, the day after I moved into the neighborhood. Robert saw me looking at her.

"She's got a great ass, doesn't she?" he said. "She gets pissed at me when I say stuff like that, but we're guys, and anyway, you know what she looks like unwrapped."

"It's kind of...weird, isn't it? That I know that?" I said.

"You got that right," Rob said. "We were talking about it last night after you left. This is so out of character for us, and's happened in such a nice, comfortable way. We can't figure it out."

Rob looked mellow and untroubled, and I was glad of it. I watched Lori return with my coffee in her hand, her sleek but meaty thighs tightly packed in her capri length pants, her big bosom moving gently under her white cotton button-up shirt. Her feet were bare, the way I like them.

"It was so funny waking up surrounded by lights and wires and microphones," Rob said.

"I'm glad the cameras weren't there," Lori said. "I'm not a pretty sight in the morning. I did my makeup the same today; I should probably do that, right?"

"Oh, yeah," I said. "That's a good idea." It gave me a chance to look at her face a little more openly and blatantly. It makes me happy, Lori's face. It's pretty in a, dare I say, motherly kind of way. I guess that's what happens when you get to be fifty and beyond. Rob looks fatherly. He's fit, though; not at all heavy. A little soft, but not flabby. But Lori's face is special, to me anyway. I love how I can read it, and how her eyes sparkle, even in the shade of the big umbrella.

"You didn't wear your swimsuit," she said to me. "We'll be taking some breaks, right? I'm not going to be able to...go for hours on end."

Her readable face blushed again, the way I love. She was a shy porn star, and I was beginning to think that was the best kind.

"Speaking of going at it," Rob said, "what do you have planned for us today?"

"Oh. I was thinking doggy style. We should definitely get that in the mix. It's a classic, and cowgirl, too. We'll see how the time goes today. Maybe some other things."

"Nice," Rob said. "We're looking forward to all of it. We told you about the k**s, and how things have gotten a little routine. We've been just missionary and Lori on top for years now, with some oral to spice things up. Not wild oral like last night. I love what you call cowgirl, but Lori rarely sits up that way."

"Are we giving away all our secrets?" Lori asked, smiling softly like she was okay with it. "This is like sex counseling or something." She sipped her coffee and Rob went silent. "I'm not complaining," she said. "Go on. Tell him what you want to tell him."

"I was just going to say that doggy style was a position we used during Lori's two pregnancies," Rob said. "It's a way you can keep a bit of a sexlife going, but then, after the births, I guess we sort of associated it with that and stopped doing it. It's a classic, you say, huh?"

"Oh, yeah," I said. "Definitely. It's a porn favorite."

"Is it what you like, when you're watching porn?" Lori asked, looking genuinely curious.

I nodded and I felt myself blushing. Lori looked quietly happy when she saw it.

"Here I thought you were a tit man, and it turns out you're an ass man, too," Rob said, smirking. "No wonder last night was so good...for all of us."

It made me uncomfortable knowing that he knew that watching Lori had made me cum. I scolded myself, as I sat there, for being so unprofessional.

"Well, what do you think?" he said. "Is the production company ready to do some work?"

Lori laughed. "Work? It's the best job you've ever had, mister."

"I know!" he said, smiling. "Let's punch the clock and make a dirty movie!"

I followed them, into the house, up the stairs, to their bedroom. It surprised me when we walked in, how different it felt being there during the day, bright sunlight streaming in through the windows, the bed neatly made, with none of Rob and Lori's top-shelf alcohol in my system.

"There's a few things we need to do," I said, looking around. "I need you guys to pull the shades and the curtains and, if you have any dark colored blankets, hang them over the windows. We need to make it nighttime again, as best we can. While you're doing that I'll get the cameras set up and I'll use last night's files to get the room and the bed looking the same."

"We're on it," Robert said.

We all scurried around like a real crew, and as we got closer and closer to go-time I could feel the energy level rise in the room, the way it does in the TV studio. It was way different, though, because Lori, in her tight capris and her bare feet, was looking sexier and sexier to me, and I knew the time was coming when I was going to be able to tell Rob to put his big cock inside her.

"You guys both need wet hair," I said, "but you can towel off your bodies and get the hair so it's not dripping."

"Oh, right!" Rob said, smiling. "I almost forgot I've got a blowjob in my pool to look forward to, don't I. I've always wanted to get frisky out there. Maybe it'll start something."

"Yeah, we'll see, you old horn-dog," Lori said to him. She smiled and winked at me. Was it a clue, telling me to keep my eyes looking out my back window in the future? Maybe my horny mind was just imagining that kind of delightful voyeurism.

We all finished our preparations and then it was time. Lori and Rob emerged from the bathroom, Lori slipped out of her robe and I watched in awe as her naked body reacted. A blush pinkened her face and the upper part of her chest, and goosebumps rose on almost every bit of her. Her nipples came to life in that stunning way that they do, and her posture straightened, lifting her amazing goosebumpy breasts higher. All the breath went out of me, but I tried to maintain some composure. Lori didn't stare, but she watched me. I think she liked seeing how she befuddled me.

"We can get all fancy and try and make the scenes flow into one another," I said, "or I can just use editing to dissolve from one position to another. I think that'll be fine, and it's easier."

"It's your vision, Ev," Robert said, standing there naked like it was a normal thing to do. His cock was long, and half-hard already, aided by Viagra no doubt.

To keep visual continuity in all the scenes, I held the laptop in my hand and looked back and forth between it and both of them. "Is it all right if I...fix your hair."

Lori nodded, so I went to her. I couldn't help but think, and be embarrassed by the thought, that we probably should have done this when she'd still had her robe on. But here we were, inches away from each other, her fully nude. Touching her sent a jolt of electricity through me, and I think through her, too. I had to finger her hair pretty thoroughly to get the clumping similar to yesterday's look, and both of us seemed to enjoy it; Lori's eyes were all sparkly again. I thought of asking her to do Robert's hair, but I wanted to be the one to do hers each time, so I did his, too. It was awkward, with his big cock looming between us. I finished quickly.

"The energy level was high where we left off last night," I said, "so let's jump right into doggy style fucking. Lori, get yourself into position, and I'll see where you need to be for the cameras."

She got onto the bed silently, on her knees. She went down on all fours, hands and knees, and her big tits hung under her like a dream. My tight boxer-briefs and thick bluejeans started to do their work, holding my growing cock at bay. I made my way around to all the cameras to have a look-see, and asked her to move closer to the center of the bed and turn a little, diagonally.

"Good. Yeah, that's a good spot," I said. "Now, if you don't mind, I've got some more suggestions about your body position."

"Show me how it looks good," she said. "I asked Rob last night; he says you can adjust me."

There was a smoldering, quiet excitement in her voice and her eyes when she said it, and I heard it in her breathing. I looked at Rob.

"Go for it, brother," he said. "You're the expert."

It was an assignment I hadn't even dreamt of. Hands-on direction, with naked Lori. I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do, but I moved in anyway, slowly and tentatively. I put a knee on the bed next to her and I leaned in.

"The back arch is really important," I said, feeling the warmth of her skin as I pushed the curve of her spine downward. "I know it sounds dumb, but it makes all the difference. So, you probably know all this from when you used to use this position, but...there's three ways you can go — up on your hands, down on your elbows, and all the way down with your shoulders and head on the bed. They're all plenty hot looking, especially if your back's got a nice curve to it, like this. When you're up on all fours like this your...tits look amazing, and when you're down your ass does. We want to play to all your strengths, visually, so...equal time maybe, if you think of it."

" this?" she asked, settling herself with shoulders down on the bed, her head comfortably sideways, and her ass up proudly, beautifully ready for a doggy style entry. "Does my back look good?"

I pushed it down into an even lower arch.

"Oh, wow," she said. "Really? I feel like I'm all ass."

"That's the idea, hun," Robert said. "I'm pretty sure this is the ass lover's position, and I'm fuckin' loving it. You look unbelievably hot."

"What about my legs," she asked, looking up at me sideways, with sexy eyes.

"That's all variable," I said. "Knees tight together will make your...pussy look tighter, and then you can widen them as much as you want. You can even go prone, with legs together, or legs wide."

"Prone? Show me."

I put my hand on the side of her ass, round and smooth and warm, and I took hold of her leg near her knee and pulled it to spread her wider. She matched it with her other leg. We went wider, and wider, until she was flat on her belly with her knees out as wide as she could get them, with her feet and ankles up in the air. Her fantastically visible pussy glistened with wetness, begging for a cock.

"Oh my God," she said quietly. "A guy can...fuck me this way?"

I pushed down on her back and she got the idea, arching it down into the soft mattress, rotating her ass upward, beautifully fuckable.

"Wow!" she said quietly. "This is a position! "

"Oh, yeah," Rob said. "We're doin' that."

"Rob, I want you to think about those same things," I said to him. "Think about the line of your back. There's nothing uglier than a naked guy who's all hunched over like Quasimodo."

"Are you guys done looking at me," Lori said, smirking shyly. "Can I get up now?"

"I get to look at you every day, hun, but Ev might want another minute or two."

She wiggled her beautiful wide-spread ass as she got her knees back under her, and she sat up to let her blood redistribute. She was pink all over. Have I mentioned Lori's tan lines yet? She's beautifully two-tone; a deep tan from weeks in the sun, with the creamiest, milky-whitest breasts, punctuated with those big, dark areolas that make me crazy. Her bikini bottom area is milky white, too, and her pussy is dark fleshed and big lipped, with puffy mounds either side of it. I'll be dreaming about every inch of her for months and probably years.

I gave Rob some direction about the penetration. Slow, I said. Tease her. Lori looked bashful again, but ready. I told them we might need to do some pure penetration scenes, with closer-up cameras, and she moaned a little.

I called "action," and at long last I heard the beautiful noises Lori makes when a big cock fucks her. I had so much to think about I could barely keep up with the plain and simple watching I wanted to do. I wanted to soak it all in, the live event, the first real live fucking I'd ever seen in person. And it was my new favorite woman being fucked.

She was up on all fours at first, her moans escaping her mouth on warm breaths as the fucking commenced, her shoulders back and her back arched just like I'd instructed. Her neck was elongated like a fashion model and her face looked happily surprised. Maybe she'd forgotten how deep a man goes in that position, or maybe she was surprised by how much her tits were swinging, with a camera directly off to her side to capture the beauty of it. Or maybe she was surprised, yet again, to be doing it all with me standing there.

It was beautiful fucking; there's no more succinct way of putting it. Rob knows his stuff, and his big cock thrust into Lori's pussy deeply, with a smooth, mid-tempo rhythm. Lori responded the way I wish every woman would, letting her whole body in on the fun, her whole mind. When she gave herself over to it, she was there, floating on the lifting wave. Dropping to her elbows, her tits kept swinging, her big nipples grazing the bedsheet, and I imagined what she was feeling, the tingle of the friction that the cool cotton put into them. Nipples fascinate me, and Lori's are spectacular.

Rob's fucking reached a galloping pace, Lori's moans coming freer and freer, lovely and louder, and she began to gasp for breath. Her hands started to give away the intensity of the fire building inside her, fingers clutching at the bed sheet, knuckles whitening. Robert's moans joined with hers and I glanced at the microphones, glad they were there to capture it all. It was Lori I wanted to hear — her mouth sounds, and her pussy sounds; wet noises and squishy sounds; the sound of a big cock fucking her depths, and the beguiling whimpers of her building orgasm. She dropped lower, shoulders on the bed, head turned away from me, arms outstretched and white knuckles gripping. She fucked Robert as much as he was fucking her, her womanly hips swiveling under his holding hands, meeting his thrusts; her whole body was writhing as the orgasm rose up within her. She lifted her head and turned it and her amazed-looking face was there, breaking the rule again, her eyes looking right into mine. I reached for my hard, aching crotch again because I knew she wanted me to. Robert was fucking with full-bodied energy, his body slapping loudly against hers, and he saw where my hand was. He wasn't hidden underneath her this time, he was up, fucking and moaning, watching her watch me when her orgasm overtook her. It was a special one, an orgasm different than the ones she'd already shown me. Rob fucked her hard, with thudding energy, and she writhed with it, riding, floating, still fucking. Her hips had energy that wouldn't quit, and her breathy gurgles and gasping, inward screams sounded like she looked — wide eyed, darkly flaming, a lusty woman just learning how amazing it can be.

Lori's body quieted, her eyelids drooped, and Robert continued fucking her, slower, easing her down from her lofty peak. "You're amazing," he said to her, lovingly breathless. "I want to fuck you a thousand times."

I smiled. It was a perfect line and I wondered if he'd planned to say it. Lori saw me smile, still watching me with her half-lidded eyes, and she smiled, too.

"Cut," I said, lost in the beauty of her. She was getting to me again.

Lori moaned when Robert backed his cock out of her. It looked more like a porn cock than ever, slippery, and reddened, and even bigger than it'd been before, truly porn-worthy, and Lori's glistening pussy looked ever so succulent.

"You didn't cum," I said to Rob. "You're a better man than me."

Lori's eyes widened, still looking into mine. "Did you? " she asked.

"No!" I said, embarrassed. "I meant, if I'd been......I would have."

Her eyes flared and her smile changed. Happier, maybe. Her head was still down on the bed and her ass was still up. She looked like she was in a fuzzy dreamland, and Rob looked like he was there, too, stroking his slippery cock slowly with his hand.

"Rob, you good to go?" I asked, quickly moving one of my cameras.

"Always," he said, breathing deep.

"Get back in her, just like that, and fuck her until she's down prone, flat on her stomach like I showed her. Is it okay to cum inside her?"

He and Lori both nodded.

I said, "Do it, but not too deep, you know what I mean? And then, after you cum, pull out and move out of the way. Lori, as soon as Rob's out of the way, keep things spread open wide so there's a good view, and see if you can squeeze some of the cum out of you, with just your inside muscles. I'll be zoomed in. It's called a cream pie."

"A what? " she giggled.

"A cream pie. Trust me. It'll be great."

I called "action" and Lori moaned so gutturaly when Rob's hot cock bottomed out inside her I got goosebumps. The close quarters of our intimate little porn shoot felt warm with humidity and I could smell her sex. Soon Lori was down flat on her stomach, prone, with her thighs spread wide and her feet in the air. She grunted with each of Rob's thrusts, each time he bottomed. Her ass was turned up, so sexy and fuckable, and she was limp, with her arms at her sides, like a very happy ragdoll. I think Rob liked it. His moans matched her grunts and soon he was giving it to her hard, flexing the big mattress with each of his powerful thrusts, making the bed beg for mercy. Lori shrieked, "Oh!... God!... Oh!... God!..." over and over. The room felt overloaded with energy, and Rob kept at it, hard fucking that was wonderfully intense. Lori absorbed it beautifully as the energy built, and built, and built, but then she seemed like she was at the limit of what she could take. Rob bellowed loud and his quick thudding thrusts changed in rhythm. He wasn't as deep and he was cumming, letting Lori's squeezing pussy milk his pulsing cock. His face showed the ecstasy of it, and then he was out, and he moved away, and I zoomed in with my camera's lens, slowly, smoothly. The muscles in Lori's thighs twitched with lingering orgasmic energy; she'd cum again, maybe more than once. She moaned quietly, my microphones capturing the spine-tingling sound, my camera's frame nearly filled with her shining wet pussy and the tender flesh around it. It looked alive and raw, and then I saw it — Rob's cum, milky and oozing, leaking out of her.

I'm sure a psychiatrist would have had a fascinating time probing the minds of the three of us during that two week period in our lives. After the exuberant energy and wide-eyed thrill of the doggy style and prone position fucking scenes we'd just shot, two of the three of us went all bashful again. Robert was the one who didn't succumb to it. He walked tall, as usual, and his voice was the same confident one that I imagined him having in the boardroom at work when he was winning building contracts. He wasn't at all arrogant, but after the session he had the air of a man who'd just had great sex with his good woman. It was interesting how sharing it all with me seemed to suit him, and I wondered if I'd be anything like him if I was the married one and he was the camera-wielding neighbor.

Lori, on the other hand, turned bashful and reverted to her mothering instincts. She put on fuzzy slippers and a robe, and she cinched it tight. I was quietly fiddling with my cameras when she emerged from the bathroom with her makeup touched up and her hair brushed out. Her face and her upper chest were still blushed with inner heat, and her voice was quiet and soft and lovely.

"I'll make us some dinner," she said. "Evan, do you like chicken parmesan?"

Rob put on the clothes he'd started the day in, a pair of old shorts and a comfortable old polo shirt, and the three of us went downstairs. He and I chatted in the kitchen, about the colleges we went to, while Lori started her seemingly effortless food preparation. It took a while before she and I made solid eye contact with each other. It happened after Rob had drifted away, to the bar to make us drinks, leaving Lori and me alone in the kitchen.

"Did you have fun at college?" she asked, picking up on the conversation she'd been listening to. She was turned away from me, facing the two pans and one pot she had going on the stove.

"Oh, sure," I said. "Yeah, it was great."

"Did you lose your virginity there?"

I smiled. "I did, yeah. High school was a washout in that department."

"What was she like?" Lori asked, still facing her sizzling pans and bubbling pot.

"Really skinny, with glasses. A book reader, like you."

"Skinny's not like me."

I felt a flush of heat rush through me. "You're...a woman. She was a girl."

"You must have a lot of sex now," Lori said. "You know all the moves."

"No," I said. "It's been months, actually. Close to a year if I'm being honest. I told you, I watch a lot of porn."

"But the girls these days, they must know all the moves," she said, lifting and rearranging the pieces of chicken breast in the sizzling hot pan.

I smiled a little, shaking my head. "Not at all. I mean, I have hardly any experience with them, but...from everything I can tell you're already way more of an expert than most of them."

"Really?" she said, surprised, turning to look at me for the first time. "Why do you say that?"

Lori's eyes were on me in a way that turned me to jelly inside. Sparkling and beautiful, they're eyes that quite often seem to be searching for a way into me, and when they hit me with their magic I can't be anything but honest with her. They're truth-sucking eyes.

"None of them have wanted to do...okay, this is embarrassing," I said. "I guess I'll just tell you. I've never done doggy style, I've only had two laughably bad blowjobs, obviously never deep throat. Never done sixty-nine. Once cowgirl. That was fun."

I could tell Lori was astonished, and probably wanted to gasp 'Oh my God!' with giggling laughter, but her good-hearted politeness kept it reined in. She said, "Have you tried to do all those things and they say no?"

"I don't hardly get a chance to," I said, feeling embarrassed. "I guess maybe I've tried a little, but you can sort of tell what a girl will do."

She nodded like she understood. "It's good that you don't...force the issue, but some girls just...need...direction."

I wonder if some of the magic in her eyes at that moment was from the hormones still flowing in her blood from the deep orgasms that she'd had. She looked softly sexy in a way that would have melted the coldest man.

"Talking about movie making?" Robert said. He handed me, and then Lori, our drinks — amber colored manhattans in hi-ball glasses, garnished with twists of orange zest.

"We were talking about directing," Lori said. "Evan's good at it, don't you think?"

Rob nodded. "He knows what sexy is, that's for sure."

I looked at Lori the way she was looking at me, our mouths curled in faint smiles, our eyes sparkling, telling the truth.

We ate outside at the table by the pool. Lori was still in her robe, a comfortable every-day one, but she'd kicked off her slippers in the house, teasing me with her bare feet again. I don't know what it is about a woman with bare feet. So many of the porn girls wear high heels during sex, or sneakers if they're going for the 'school girl' thing, but I think it's way sexier when they're barefoot. I don't think female porn watchers want their male porn stars to wear shoes when they fuck, do they?

Lori's robe wasn't cinched tight anymore; it had loosened during the last half-hour as her bashfulness waned. More and more mischief settled into those softly sexy eyes of hers as more and more of her beautiful cleavage flirted with my glancing eyes. I could sense her slowly coming to grips with what she'd done upstairs — what she'd done in front of me — slowly taking pride in it. That's what it seemed like, anyway.

I was getting more comfortable with it, too. It helped that Rob was so good about it. He seemed really happy; confident, smiling and relaxed. He knew he was the alpha dog and I was the panting pup. The woman was his, and there was only one. He doesn't come across as a showoff, but he does wear a gold bracelet on one wrist and an expensive watch on the other. He drives an Audi A7, a sleek, wide, low-slung fastback, but it's gray, not flashy red. He's a polite, humble alpha dog, if you know what I mean.

Lori's cooking was amazing. In just half an hour's time she'd whipped up a batch of chicken parmesan, seemingly out of thin air, chopping and frying and boiling and sautéing. It was as good as any restaurant food I've ever had. We drank cold rosé wine with dinner, from plain glasses, like I always imagine the Italians doing. Lori relaxed even more at the table and got giggly, and her loose, jiggling cleavage made my cock hard. I don't want to overstate the 'love' angle, because I'm no expert when it comes to that word's many meanings, but oh boy did she get to me. There was a point, when we were almost finished with dinner, talking about sexy things, when her horny eyes searched my horny eyes and she said, "Are we doing more? Tonight?"

I tingled all over, from my toes to the hairs on my head. "Yeah, if you guys want to," I said. "It's up to you."

"I think we should swim first," she said, letting Robert and me know she was all in for another session. "There's a bathing suit upstairs you can wear."

"That's okay, I'll just run over to the house and get mine," I said. "It's not like it's far."

She shook her head. "I'll get you the one upstairs. I want you to wear it all night."

I looked at Robert and he shrugged his shoulders. "Sounds like the director is getting directed," he said.

After we cleared the dishes from the table, Lori slipped her feet into her fuzzy slippers again and shuffled off, heading upstairs. I followed Rob over to his bar and he made some after dinner manhattans for us all.

Lori came back a few minutes later, her robe even looser, barely closed. "Here you go," she said, tossing me a bathing suit that weighed about an ounce. "You can put it on in the bathroom there. Rob, wanna come up with me and change?"

"Uh oh, I know that one," Rob said, eyeing the tiny dark-red garment in my hand. I could tell he was thinking, wondering.

Rob's 'uh oh' echoed in my head as soon as I got a good look at the thin wisp of smooth satiny spandex that Lori expected me to wear. It was like something you'd see on a male stripper. I wondered if it was a gag gift that she'd given to Rob, or maybe something frisky for Valentine's Day. For a moment I'd thought it was a pair of women's panties, but there was a definite pouch on the front of it. I turned it around and the back wasn't a back at all. It was a thong.

By the time my slow-motion brain was halfway to figuring out what was happening, Lori was gone and Rob was following her. The only questions I could ask were inside my head. She wants me to wear this thing? In broad daylight? And she wants me to keep it on when we're doing the next scene? It was all clicking into gear in my mind and I knew one thing for certain: it was insane! I knew I'd be hard for every bit of it, probably even from the moment I saw her come back downstairs in her bikini. I was already getting hard just thinking about it all. I shook my head and said "no," out loud to the empty room. But Lori wanted it, and, as they used to say in the old movies, I'm a sucker for that dame. I decided my only chance at modesty was to put on the minuscule 'man thong' right away and be in the pool before she showed up. The cool water would temper things, keep me soft. Part two of the problem, the wearing-it-while-she's-being-fucked part, well, I'd just have to figure a way out of that when the time came.

It was a challenge getting into the thing. I was, shall we say, aroused, and I was in a hurry. I looked like a nearly naked horny dork when I jogged to the pool and jumped in.

The sun was still up but low in the sky, tinting the yard with yellowish light and warm looking shadows. Photographers call it 'the golden hour' because it makes everything beautiful. Into it walked Lori in her bare feet, her big breasts bouncy in her aqua-colored bikini, the one with no control over her already aroused nipples. God I love her nipples. The low sun actually cast shadows from them.

Robert was out the door a few moments later, dressed in one of his usual bathing suits. "You forgot your drink, hun," he said, handing it to her. He brought me mine, too. He's such a nice guy. I wondered if the topic of my ridiculous man thong had come up when the two of them were upstairs. It must have. Robert knows what it is, how it works. How can he be okay with me wearing it? It's not even made for swimming; it's underwear that's as gossamer thin as a coat of paint, telegraphing the terrain of a guy's manhood like a topographic map. He must think I've got some crazy fortitude to hold back an erection. Doesn't he know that's not possible for a guy like me when Lori's around?

She walked down the pool steps into the water and I realized I hadn't seen her swim in the aqua-colored bikini. She went under and came up, sweeping the water out of her shining hair with her hands, and big, magical, dark areolas showed through the fabric of the bikini top, perfectly circling her poking nipples. It was one of those suits they should label 'dangerous when wet.' I mumbled a few expletives under my breath, because the sight of her was worthy of them and because I was getting hard and the little man-thong I was wearing wasn't helping any. If anything, the feathery, easily stretching 'second skin' of its pouch was arousing me even more. As my erection grew inside its coddling embrace, the damned thing felt almost like a pussy.

"Oh, the water feels good tonight, doesn't it," Lori said. She took her drink in her hand and made her way toward me, a few moments in time that made me wish the pool water wasn't so confoundedly crystal clear. "Let's talk about skinny dipping," she said, all quietly happy looking.


"Because I want to," she said, hitting me with those sparkle eyes again. "You've done it, right?"

"I think I'm doing it right now," I said, smirking embarrassedly.

She looked down into the water at my barely clad hardness, and she said, "Take it off if you don't like it. Robert won't mind."

"No, I'm...good," I said.

Lori smiled. She had me on the ropes this time, and I could tell she was loving it.

"Robert had a boat when I first met him. What kind was it, hun?"

"Eighteen foot Cobalt," he said, sitting at the table not far from the pool's edge, with his drink in his hand. "Nice little ski boat."

"We skinny dipped all the time back then," Lori said. "We'd anchor all alone, and swim. But then we got so that, if another boat showed up, we'd just climb the ladder and dry ourselves with them looking. I still remember how exciting it was."

"Tell him about skiing, hun," Rob said.

"I was thinner before the k**s, but...still busty. He talked me into water skiing topless one day, and then he pulled me right past a bunch of fisherman."

"No way!" I said, smiling my surprise.

"I never told him, but...I loved it."

"I knew that," Rob said. "You never could hide your thoughts very well."

Lori blushed and looked at me with embarrassment, sparkle eyes, lust, and everything else in her arsenal. It was the moment I realized she wanted to fuck me. She glanced down at my problem between my legs, and up into my eyes. Desire was written all over her face.

I know what you're thinking, but here's the thing — I also knew it couldn't and wouldn't happen. But oh man, it sure was nice to think she wanted it as much as I did. There was something comforting about it, knowing we were on the same page.

"Would you ever ski topless again?" I asked. "I could buy a boat." I smiled and she did too, but her smile blew mine away. Ear to ear. So beautiful.

"Yeah, brother. Do it," Robert said. "She's loving having a director, and I'm loving her lovin' it; you know what I mean?"

I think I did know what he meant, and it reassured me. Not enough that I'd feel comfortable walking around with a boner in the stupid little man panties she'd given me to wear, but I was getting there.

We all chatted for a while and Rob refilled our drinks. Every once in a while Lori lowered herself shoulder deep in the water and stood up again, refreshing the bikini's see-through translucence and re-energizing her nipples. It was awesome. She smiled each time, looking down at herself to check on the magic of her sexiness. One time she said, "Not bad for an old gal, huh? Should I admit I feel better about myself than I have in years?"

"Why don't you tell him about it, hun," Robert said. "He's a kind soul."

Lori took a deep breath. "After the k**s both moved out...have you heard of empty nest syndrome?"

I nodded. "I've heard of it, but, what is it?"

"It's when c***dren grow up and move away," she said. "Parents, especially women, can get really depressed about it. Like really depressed. It doesn't happen to everybody, knocked me down good. They call it clinical depression."

"She was in a sorry state for many years," Robert said.

"He was my rock," Lori said, looking at him. "I couldn't ask for a better guy. We didn't even have sex for, what, two years?"


"See what I mean?" she said. "That's a good husband, to go through that. He stuck with me, even when I did my best to convince him I was butt ugly. I was certain I was. In my head it was like, my k**s ruined my body, the least they can do is live with me for the rest of my life. But, to give you the short version, our sex life was a non-entity. My ther****t thought worry about another pregnancy was part of it, so I had my tubes tied and Rob had a vasectomy. It seems strange that that would help, because I wanted k**s around the house, but Rob was done with that and I don't blame him. We've got two great k**s and that's enough. Our first grandc***d is on the way. We're blessed, really. Anyway, I've been coming out of the depression the last two years, finally feeling really good this spring and summer, and now you're here, and...I feel sexy and...just...excited about it. It goes way beyond even when I was younger. I've never felt as sexy as I have this past week."

"I feel like I should buy you a car or something, Ev," Robert said to me. "Her shrink got way more than that."

Lori looked at me like I was a true friend, and I hope she knew I felt that way about her, too. She went all the way under the water, arched backward like a baptism, and she swept the flowing water out of her shiny hair when she stood up, proud of posture, with her big tits gloriously there. "It sucks we have all these houses around," she said. "We could skinny dip, maybe every day."

"I told you, hun, we can do it anyway," Rob said. "I doubt if anybody'd grumble much."

Lori was looking at me when Rob said it, his words giving her that faint, curling smile that I love to see. She set her drink down on the pool's edge, and her sparkle eyes looked happy when she reached for the ties on her bikini top. Still looking at me, she said, "We've only got one neighbor who can see really good, and I don't think he'll mind. In the daytime maybe we should keep it to just topless."

The hopes I'd had of keeping my cock soft and inconspicuous were dashed in an instant. The sun's golden hour light beamed its glow on milky white breasts and tan lines galore. And those nipples, fully aroused, looked as though they were begging for a warm lick and a toothy nibble.

"You know," she said, settling into the water to float on her back, "when the creepy guy lived in your house I wanted to plant a tree. Rob said it would take too long. That's your bedroom up there, right?"

"Honey, have a little compassion," Rob said, shaking his head happily at his sexy wife. "You're gonna tease the poor guy to death. We men can only take so much, you know."

"Evan will tell me if it's too much, right Evan?"

"I can take it," I said, smiling.

Lori smiled and she went underwater. Big bubbles came out of her mouth and she squatted on the bottom of the pool, facing me. She didn't come any closer but I could see her quite clearly through the moving surface of the water. Her eyes were open, looking at my crotch, seeing how I looked in her husband's Valentine's Day wrapping. She came up smiling, with water cascading down her naked breasts, dripping off her nipples and the big fleshy curve below them. I was plenty hard, and I guess she liked it.


We went up to their bedroom a little while later, and yes, I was still wearing nothing but the little pouch-front underwear thingie. Here's how Lori got me to do it...

"Evan needs another drink, hun."

"I'm on it," Rob said to her.

And then that happened again.

So, now that we're up to speed, and you see that I wasn't k**ding when I said I don't hold my liquor like they do, the story resumes in their bedroom, for the evening session...

"I can't believe how cute you look in that," Lori said to me, as she stood casually by the bed.

"So why are you giggling?" I said. "And 'cute'? Is that really what a guy wants to hear?"

Lori giggled some more. Maybe she didn't hold her booze as well as I thought she did. Rob looked like he was buzzing pretty good, too. I think all of us downed our last two drinks faster than our usual drinking speed, eager to get back to 'work.'

Lori's giggling continued. I said, "I'm not cute. I'm soft and I'm pale. That's the first two lines of my college alma mater, by the way."

Lori laughed so hard she snorted. It was adorable.

She gathered herself and said, "You got a cute butt, though. For real."

She wasn't looking at my butt. Her eyes were lingering on the dark red spandex that was nearly as thin as a latex condom, watching as my cock grew, and grew, and grew, stretching the yielding pouch in a most indecent way. Now, I'm not huge, but for a moment I felt like a Greek god when I stood there in front of her, with my hard manhood barely swathed in the red color of life's blood. Did I mention Lori was still topless as she stood there? Yup, she got out of the pool that way, toweled off that way, sat at the table for a while that way, and climbed the stairs to her bedroom that way, with two horny men following close behind.

"Pale and soft, huh? I'll give you pale, but you're definitely not soft," she said, winking at me.

"Good one, hun," Rob said. "I swear to God, though, you're gonna make him crazy."

"I'm pret-ty sure he likes it," she said, smiling, making herself fully nude by taking off her bikini bottom with an ass-up bend at the waist even though she could have just untied it. Yup, we were all feeling the booze. She turned to me, twirling the still-warm bikini on her finger. "How do want my handsome husband to fuck me tonight? Hmm?"

"In the mouth," I said, without hesitation.

Lori's eyes opened wide, and she smiled with surprise. "Wow!" she said. "You've got a vision! "

I did, and my face told her it was a serious one. I'd been dying to see her on her back, with the soft flesh of her big tits spilling off her sides. I love seeing big tits that way, curvesome and bulging. I always want to lick that outer curve and feel the firmness of it against my tongue.

"Rob, wet your hair and towel it off," I said. "Get it like it was earlier. Lori, yours is about right, we just need to place it. Let me look on my camera monitor and see how it was."

"I'm on it," Rob said, disappearing into the bathroom.

"I wanna see," Lori said, scurrying over to where I was. She stood so close I could feel the heat radiating off of her naked body onto my virtually naked body, heat that carried her subtle perfume straight to the center of my brain. We both looked at the small screen on the back of the camera. I cued up a scene and fiddled with the buttons, but I jumped back in time a little too far, to when Lori was face down on the bed, being pummeled mercilessly by Rob's big cock. There was no sound, just a tiny little silent movie.

"Oh my God," she said, as we watched it for a few moments. "That whole thing was one big orgasm," she said quietly. "I swear to God."

I fiddled with the buttons and the video moved forward in time to the aftermath, with Lori dazed and happily dreamy looking. I paused it on a freeze-frame that showed her hair.

"I should try and have that look on my face when we start, right?" she said. "I guess that's where the acting comes in."

"It's not that important, but, yeah, if you want to."

"Fix my hair," she said. She straightened her posture and thrust her big tits out toward me, silently daring me to brush my arms across her aroused nipples as I worked. I did, of course, but only because I knew she wanted me to, and her beautiful nipples responded with even more vivacity. It was awesome, for both of us I think.

Robert appeared and she went to him, fixing his hair the way she'd seen it.

"So," she said to me, "you really want him to fuck my mouth? Is that a thing?"

"It is," I said. "I mean, it's just a figure of speech, but yeah, when your head is still and he's doing the thrusting, that's what it's called. But it's hottest when your head is against something, so you're, like, at his mercy. And when you can deep throat like you do, it's..."

"Oh, wow," she said, looking worried.

"We'll just see," I said. "Maybe it'll be good, or maybe you won't like it. There's no script. We'll do whatever you guys are into."

"Okay. I'm game," she said. "I want to try it."

I gave some more direction. "What maybe makes the throat part easier is...I want you on your back, on the bed, with your head hanging off the side of it. You've got a nice low bed, so maybe with a pillow on the floor, under Rob's knees..."

"Ohhh!" she said, getting the picture. "I see. Yeah, that does sound...interesting." She blushed nice and pink, for the first time in a while. "I don't know about the fucking part, but I think I can take him that way. Do you like the idea, Rob?"

"Are you k**ding?" he said. "Jesus. This is like sex camp."

I said, "Even if he just...goes in slow it'll be...plenty good."

Lori's gaze drifted down to the growing bulge in my man panties. I hardened so much the leg openings opened up a little, and my balls nearly tumbled out. She could clearly see how hairy I am down there. Her quietly restrained happiness was palpable, and that little smile of hers that I love gave me goosebumps. "It's like a barometer of how hot you think stuff is. I like it," she said, holding her gaze on my hardness for a moment before looking back up into my eyes. "Are you going to pose me?"

"There's not much to it...," I started to say, but Lori stopped me with her eyes, eyes that said, Pose me! Don't you want to?

I took her hand and she smiled softy, enjoying the fact that what we were doing was devilish and wonderful. "I'll have to move the cameras a little, after you're set," I said, "but I think if you lie here..."

I guided her onto the bed and she let go of my hand and scootched her butt toward the middle of the bed, and then she took hold of my hand again and she was flat on her back. My barely contained erection was only about a foot from her beautiful face. I think it's why she'd reached for my hand again. She wanted me there. Close.

"Like this?" she said. "Just...all of me out in the open? I don't think I have the body for this."

I wanted to tell her I'd been hoping to see her that way, with those amazing tits doing just what they were doing, but I didn't say it. I was glad Rob spoke up and said something similar.

"Jesus, hun. Your tits look incredible like that. All of you does."

"I' agreement," I said, sounding dorky.

I saw Lori's eyes look at the barometer between my legs; it was throbbingly, achingly hard, just a foot from her hanging-upside-down head. Her smirk looked funny the wrong way around, and her blood was rushing to her pinkening face. She lifted her head a little and looked up at me through upside-down eyes. "A girl needs to be serious to do this. Is this done? I mean, by real women? Or is it just a porn thing."

"You're asking the wrong guy," I said.

"So what do I do with my legs, and my arms?"

"Anything you want," I said. "Just be natural. There is one thing, maybe. For at least a little bit, maybe at the start, you could put your arms out to your sides, and have your legs down flat, maybe spread a little."

"You're supposed to be posing me, remember?"

I climbed onto the bed and felt pretty much naked. I looked at Robert but he looked unfazed by me touching his naked wife in my nearly naked state; he seemed more interested in the moviemaking aspect of what we were doing. Lori lowered her head and I could see her whole body relax, ready for me to mould her into my vision. I lifted her arm and laid it out perpendicular to her, along the edge of the bed, and then I leaned over those glorious tits and laid her other arm out the other way. I could hear her excitement in her breath, and I could see it on her flesh — goosebumps and beautifully aroused nipples and that I desperately wanted to ravish. I moved to her legs and I heard her sigh under her breath when I spread them, just two feet apart.

"Something like that," I said. "Rob will hold his hand behind your head, and..."

"And he'll feed me his cock," she said. "Wow, this is like total submission. I guess it doesn't surprise me that guys are into this."

"Let me put it this way," Robert said. "Evan better get those cameras started right now. I don't know if I've ever been hornier."

"Should we practice?" Lori asked, as I scrambled off the bed.

"Let's just film it," Rob said. "I'm ready."

Rob put a pillow on the floor for his knees and I switched on the big light, the sound mixing board, and the cameras. Rob's bathing suit was off and he was hard and ready. I was struck again by how porn-worthy his cock is. I said, "Don't forget your posture, Rob, but look natural. Just let yourself go and do what feels right. Are we ready? Action!"

Lori licked her lips and opened her upside-down mouth and Rob's cock went in it. He and Lori both moaned. In the other houses on the block, our neighbors sat in their easy chairs and on their couches, watching their Saturday TV shows. Dateline, 48 Hours, and 20/20 are all on at 9PM, telling sad stories about c***dren dying in fires, and fear mongering stories about a*****ions and unsolved murders. I make my living from television news, but I'll tell you, I like Robert and Lori's idea better. You don't have to capture it on video if you don't want to, but try this: all you ladies out there, fill your warm mouths with hard cock on Saturday night, and you men, get your drooling tongue on your woman's pussy. Fuck each other until your hearts sing. The world will be a better place if you do.

Lying there on her back, Lori looked picture perfect. Arms outstretched and limp on the bed, legs spread a bit, tits softly mountainous, bulging off the sides of her like a dream. Rob supported her hanging head with his hands and he moaned as her mouth took him the way a sloppy wet pussy would — he was the happiest man in the neighborhood for sure. I could hear the wet noises, and Lori was moaning, too, breathing loud out of her nose, her chest starting to heave her big tits, her back starting to arch upward.

"Ohhh fuck baby!" Robert huffed, fucking her mouth with slow, smooth strokes.

I did my best to keep busy. It was better that way, to not dwell on Lori. If I just stood there she overwhelmed me, so I moved silently, avoiding casting shadows, checking cameras one by one, checking sound levels, trying to think about editing, how it would all stitch together in post-production. But it was a lost cause. I had to watch her. There was no way to keep my eyes off of her.

After a nice long shot of Lori in total submission, she moved her hand to Robert's balls and the base of his hard shaft. She was moaning more, quicker. It was clear she was in a very happy place. She slowed him with her hand, guided him while she opened her throat, and he slid deep into where he wanted to be, and he groaned. He was all in, balls against her face, and her lips seemed to be trying to draw him in even deeper. Her other hand was up off the bed, fingers spread, moving, like she was squeezing an invisible ball or maybe a big soft tit. Or maybe her brain was overloaded and those fingers were on their own, the way her wiggling legs, her feet and her toes were, all of them moving u*********sly. Robert backed his long cock out of her to give her a moment of respite, but she wanted none of it.

"More!" she gasped, huffing for breath. "Oh ffuckk!"

Lori made a welcoming moan when Rob's cock filled her mouth, and then he was fucking her again, whimpering as his body moved smoothly, almost like the moves of a swimmer. He slowed and went all the way in again, deep, and his hips moved and I couldn't believe my eyes. She was doing it! He was fucking Lori's throat and she was taking it! It was just three deep strokes and he pulled out. Lori gasped in a high pitch, like a little girl. And then he was in again, making primitive primal noises of his own, and he fucked for a mind-boggling nine strokes that time. It sounded like a plunger in a sink. He pulled out and Lori sounded like a different woman, gasping girlishly, and she took him in again, deep. Her tits were high on her up-thrust chest, her nipples profound, and Robert's hands claimed them, squeezing the soft flesh of her milky-white orbs. He was deep in her throat when Lori's hand went to her pussy, squishing into it at first, and then her shiny, slickened middle finger found her clit and it was off to the orgasmic races.

"Ohh fffuck, baby!" Rob huffed. "Ohh fffuck!" His body was mostly still but you could see the orgasmic spasms wrack him. He was cumming, deep in Lori's throat.

Robert pulled out, and Lori coughed and gagged. He cradled her hanging head in his gentle hands and he held it, lifting it. Lori's face glistened with drool. Breathless and messy, she swallowed and coughed, trying to get her throat working and trying to get her bearings. Robert kissed her, their mouths each the wrong way around. Lori smiled an exhausted smile and Rob smiled, too. I waited in the deep breath silence, cameras still rolling, and then I called, "Cut."

"Ohh, that's dirty," Lori said, her voice gruff. Her sparkle eyes flared with excitement and she smiled a little, still breathing hard. Rob helped her sit up. He sat next to her and he kissed her. They embraced and melted into a passionate, open-mouthed kiss that was moaning and beautiful. I was glad the cameras were still rolling.

When their lusty fire was sufficiently simmered down, they both looked at me and I nodded my approval. I guess they'd gotten used to my achingly huge erection, because they didn't even look at the fully hard lump in my goofy little underwear. "That was good, right?" Lori said. "I can't believe I did it." She looked frazzled and shy and happy.

"It was awesome," I said. "I can't believe it, either."

"Maybe I'm...not too bad," she said, and she winked at me.

I was in a bit of a fog in the aftermath of that scene. I'd always thought the porn girls who did throat fucking were sort of, I don't know, freaks of nature, I guess. Awesome ones, for sure, but it always seemed like a pretty extreme kind of thing for a girl to do, kind of like anal sex. Maybe even more so, because there's real skill involved. The simple act of deep throat isn't all that simple. It takes practice, I imagine, and it blew my mind and still does to think that Lori had learned the basic skill years ago and then, with me watching, had taken it to the extreme. I was astonished, and more than a little high on manhattans and rosé wine.

"Ohhh," Lori said, sounding disappointed when she reached for Rob's cock and found softness. It was still swelled up from the Viagra, but, for the time being, it wasn't fuckable. "You're not gonna leave me hanging when I'm this horny, are you?"

"Don't worry," Rob said. He looked at me and said, "Ev, I don't think I've got a big showstopper scene left in me. Do you think we can finish the night with some improvisation?"

"Sure. Yeah, whatever you guys want. I could about if I leave the camera's rolling and go downstairs for a while; leave you guys alone. I can go for a swim while you..."

"While we what?" Lori said. "You've already seen it all. There's no real reason for you to leave."

Rob glanced at the look in Lori's eyes, and back at me. "No, we like you here," he said. "You make my horny girl even hornier. That's not a bad thing."

Lori smiled shyly, her sparkling eyes glancing at me. I was hit with a feeling not unlike being immersed in warm water. I melted a little inside, and my comfort level took another step upward.

"So, are we still rolling, or do you want to say 'action' again?" Rob said, smirking.

I smiled. "Yeah, we're rolling."

A long kiss began, with the two of them sitting in the middle of the bed, and their hands got quietly busy. They'd fallen right back into the carnal spirit of things, and I was struck by the naturalness and the willingness of their newly learned exhibitionism. Lori's hand moved slowly on Rob's cock, coaxing it back to hardness, and he played with her tits in a way I hadn't seen, with the casual sexiness of a couple who've been together forever. My eyes were there, on Lori's tits. The way Rob fondled them made them look even bigger, even weightier, even more worthy of a centerfold spread in a certain male magazine. Her nipples responded, back to full arousal again, and when Rob gave one a gentle pinching squeeze Lori moaned into the kiss. And then his mouth moved there, where mine wanted to be, kissing the crowning peak of her breast, licking the nubbin tip of it like it was a rubbery gummy bear candy. Lori looked right at me when his mouth was there, with her own mouth open, and she let out a sighing moan. The 'don't look at the director' rule was falling by the wayside, but I was way beyond caring.

Rob laid Lori down on her back and his instincts took over on those tits that he obviously loved. His hands squeezed, his tongue licked and his mouth nibbled and sucked. Lori's eyes closed and she moaned. Her face showed her happiness, and she let herself drift away on the feeling. Rob gave up on her tits sooner than I would have, kissing his way down Lori's soft belly, tonguing her bellybutton, making his way to her wet pussy. She sighed when he got there, when his tongue tickled its fleshy lips, and she opened her legs wider. When his mouth attacked her pussy more seriously, Lori's back arched upward, and all the breath came out of her open mouth in a sighing moan. She looked, and sounded, unbelievably beautiful.

Losing herself in the awesomeness, Lori's hips started moving, and her legs rose into the air. She angled one toward me and I didn't think much of it other than how sexy it is when a woman's legs are in the air. Once again she let herself go, fully into the throes of ecstasy, with her tits thrust upward, her hips and her whole lower body writhing, her pussy moving incessantly against Rob's eager tongue as hot breaths huffed from her open mouth. Her right leg was out wide, at a different angle than the left one. Her face was lusty and she looked at me out of the corners of her eyes, eyes that were rapturous but searching. I suddenly had the feeling she was reaching for me with her pretty little foot. Yes! She was! I broke the code of appropriateness again, stepping forward and reaching for it. Maybe it was the booze in me that made it happen so quickly. Lori moaned loudly and her writhing body writhed even more when she felt my hand take hold of her remarkably warm foot. Robert was aware of me, a quick glance, and then he was on her, missionary style, his big cock quickly thrust to her insides, deep in her pussy. Lori made loud, wonderful, happy noises as he started to fuck her. She tried to raise her leg higher and I understood. Robert was fucking her with smooth, mid-tempo energy when my mouth tasted her toes, my tongue flicking between them, my lips closing around them, sucking. Lori surprised me, her breathless voice saying, "Show me!... Show me your cock!"

My other hand went to my barely covered bulge. I moaned onto Lori's toes when I felt my own touch, my fingers releasing my achingly hard cock, all of it's throbbing length, out into the warm bliss of her bedroom's air, where she could see it. My hips started to move and I was masturbating, fucking my hand, and I was sucking her toes, and Rob was fucking her pussy with his big cock, and Lori started a low, crying, baritone moan that was as deeply carnal as anything I'd yet heard out of her. Rob said, "Oh ffuckk!" as he fucked her with a smooth, steady rhythm. Lori's foot insisted on leaving my mouth; it wanted to go down, and my hand holding it went with it. I used my two hands to hold the bottom of her foot tight against my throbbing cock and I fucked the full length of it, from her heel to her wiggling toes, and she was in the throes of an orgasm, an awesome, beautiful one that cried out of her mouth like deep, soulful music. My mind melted and I moaned as my cum gushed out, warm and lustrous against the sole of Lori's foot, my cock thrusting through the silken slipperiness like a new kind of dream. Rob came, too, deep inside her, his body moving slowly, like a man euphoric but exhausted. He'd done excellent work that day, especially for a man his age.

Work! Did I really just I call it that? Was I working when I stood there with Lori's warm cum-slickened foot against my happy cock, when neither of us wanted to pull away? Was I working when I'd sucked her little toes into my mouth, and when I'd tickled between them with my tongue? Was Lori working when she had yet another of her amazing orgasms? No, dear friends, it's all a big no. We were playing, all three of us, and the game was getting serious. I'd stepped into the camera's view, and if they wanted to leave it in I was part of their movie. All of our sex lives had taken a big step into the threeway zone, and, did I mention earlier that my mind was blown? You know how k**s these days put their fingers against both sides of their head and then open them quickly and make the explosion noise with their mouth? That was me.

It was a strangely calm and normal seeming wind-down. Robert handed Lori a tissue so she could wipe my cum off her foot, and he wiped the pussy wetness from his face and his softening cock.

"That was good, right," he asked me, breathing hard.

Lori giggled at the absurdity of the understatement, and pretty soon we were all giggling. Lori reached for the box of tissues and handed me one, and then another. "I should have known you'd get Rob's special undies all messy," she said, with a sexy look on her face that kept me speechlessly under her spell.

"They're Evan's now," Rob said. "I don't know how guys wear thongs like that."

"He looks good in it," Lori said, watching intently as I stuffed my balls and cock back under their stretchy cover, adjusting the pouchy bulge. "You looked good in it, too, Rob. Maybe I'll buy you another pair, one that's not a thong."

"Now you're talkin'," he said. "If they make you want a repeat of tonight, I'm all for it."

"Which part?" Lori asked, smirking.

"Hey, I'm not fussy," he said, leaning in to kiss her. "Whichever part you want."

Lori's sparkle eyes flared with curiosity. She had an 'I want to talk more about this later' look on her face, and then she looked at me and her smile softened and she turned shy. She pulled the rumpled sheet around herself, covering all her privates. "You guys are dirty," she said, like she'd just realized the extent of the things we'd all done. "Did anybody ever tell you that?"

"Dirty boys love dirty girls," Rob said, pulling on his bathing suit. "And that's a fact, right Evan?"

"Yup," I said. "I mean, I've never known one, but..."

"Never?" Lori said, her eyes sparkling like crazy. "I don't count?"

I wanted to jump on the bed and rip the sheet off of her and fuck her until we were both senseless. My cock swelled with warm life again and she watched the growing lump under the condom-thin dark red spandex. Her eyes were right on it.

"You two boys really know how to make a girl feel good about herself," she said.

I turned to my cameras, shutting things down, thinking about how what she'd said sounded like a perfect line that might be spoken by a glamorous actress in an old Bogart movie. As I switched off the microphone mixing board, my cock felt big and prominent between my legs. The dopamine from my orgasm lit my brain bright, and I thought of one of Bogart's most famous lines: I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Lori and Rob had plans the next day, Sunday, and in the evening they had dinner with friends from the neighborhood, fellow empty-nesters whose k**s had gone to school with theirs. That left me at loose ends, but I was happy to get to work on some of the video files we'd shot Saturday. I worked on them until I was bleary eyed and Lori's naked sexuality was burned into the back of my brain. I was in bed watching an old Deep Space Nine rerun when I heard a quiet splash in their pool. I got up and looked out my open window and Lori and Rob were there, back home after the dinner party. The underwater lights were off and the patio was dark, but the light from inside their house angled across the water, reflecting in my direction, letting me see the dark forms of the two of them, waist deep in the water. The dark silhouette of Lori told me she was topless, or maybe naked. I heard them giggle quietly, like they'd been drinking, and I watched them kiss. And then Lori bent at the waist with her hands on the pool's edge, and I could see the light reflecting off the rhythmic waves as Rob fucked her from behind.

The newsroom where I work has a high ratio of women to men. Most television newsrooms are that way. There's a steady influx of college interns, mostly young women, and there's the usual staff of producers and news reporters, also mostly young women. It's an industry that's attractive to girls when they're thinking about a career; and, of course, it's also attractive to geeks like me.

There's another thing about the TV news business that's widely known: it tends to reward beauty when it comes to the on-air talent. All you have to do is look at the big national news networks to see that pretty girls and handsome boys rise to the top of the on-air ranks, and it's the same here at News Channel 10. The off-camera guys I work with are quite often wide-eyed and tongue-tied when a newly hired female shows up. And don't tell the HR sexual harassment overlords, but we just love the constant parade of camera-worthy dresses that they wear every day, especially in the summertime, when the hems are a little higher and the necklines are a little lower. And sleeveless. Yes, please. I like sleeveless.

One of the cutest girls in our current roster, a young reporter I'd been working with named Christy, must have a closet full of sleeveless dresses. She was wearing one, a favorite of mine that's the color of a tangerine, when she asked me how my weekend was.

"Oh, you know, the usual," I said.

She squinted at me and said, "Okay. If you don't want to tell me..."

"What makes you think...?"

"I got women's intuition from my mother," she said. "Plus, you're a horrible liar. That's a good thing, though."

"Is it?" I said. "What about the times when lying keeps you out of trouble?"

"Are you in trouble?" she asked.

I should tell you that she and I had become friends, and we sometimes had drinks and talked about old relationships. One time, we even talked about sex. It was back when we worked the late evening news shift, when we were out at a bar afterward, drinking some tasty craft beer. All this is to tell you that she and I had sidestepped the sexual harassment at work thing and we were into the friendship phase. I'd often wished we were more than friends, but I'd gotten to the point where I knew 'friends' was our thing.

"In trouble? Maybe trouble's the wrong word for it," I said, referring to my wild weekend, "'s the kind of thing that...if I told you about it I'd have to kill you."

"Later," Christy said. "We'll talk later."

We were sent out in the satellite truck to cover a stand-off between the police and a man with a gun who was holed up in his house. Shots had been fired and things were tense. Christy and I sat there for the entire morning, keeping track of the situation, doing live cut-ins during the morning news, and biding our time until the noon news. It sounds exciting but it was dull and tiresome. We were both staring at our phones, catching up on emails, when Christy got curious again.

"So what was all that secrecy earlier about your weekend?" she asked. "If you need a partner in crime, I'm your girl. My weekends are booor-rrring."

"How come? Christ almighty Christy, you could date any guy you want to."

"Yeah, right," she said. "I'm no different than you, Evan. You know how it is."

I nodded, and we stared out the window at the police in the distance, all of them standing around, seemingly doing nothing.

"So, I know you like hypotheticals," I said. "Let's say, for instance, you're married, long term, and your k**s grow up and move out, and you've got a good husband but you're depressed and your life needs a kick in the ass. What do you do?"

"Are we retired?"

"No, your husband has a really good business of his own. Money's no problem."

"Hmm," she said. "Maybe that's the problem right there. That whole money buys you happiness thing is a bunch of shit."

"You think?"

"Yup. I've seen it," she said. "It's good to be comfortable, but real fun comes from other things. I don't know, I'd try some hobbies, I guess. Something new. Maybe something taboo. That always gets life stirred up."

"Hobbies? Would sex be one of them?"

"Evan!" she said, perking up. "What's gotten in to you? What's goin' on? Don't tell me you're having an affair with a married woman."

"No, it's not like that."

"Is it your parents?" Christy asked. "Are they doing something that bothers you?"

"No, not that either. I shouldn't have said anything."

"Oh, great, leave me hanging when we've got..." she looks at her watch, "...two more hours of staring out this windshield. Would sex be a hobby? What do you mean by that? You're going to have to tell me what you're talking about."

"I was asked by a married couple to make a porn. Of them." I blurted it out without too much thought, and Christy just sat there for a few moments, looking at me.

An odd smile brightened her face. "I bet you'd be good at it," she said.

"Why, because I'm a porn-hound with no life?"

"Evan! No! God, you're so hard on yourself sometimes. Maybe this'll be good for you. You never know where crazy ideas are going to lead."

"I can't believe you're not freaked out," I said, "or laughing or something."

"That's why you told me," she said. "Because you knew I wouldn't. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but...I never had a brother, and you'd make a good one."

"Wow," I said, hit with a jolt of genuine, moist-eyed emotion. "That's...awesome."

It was a geeky reply, but I could tell she got the gist of it.

"But, now that I've said that I get to make fun of you like you're my brother. What the fuck, Evan," she giggled. "You're making a porn?"

"Okay, here we go," I said, rolling my eyes.

"I'm k**ding! But seriously, now you gotta tell me about it."

"Oh, man, I really shouldn't," I said. "I should have asked you this part first. Will you promise me you won't say anything to anybody? "

"Cross my heart. You know I'm not into gossip."

I did know that. Christy is as trustworthy as anybody in the newsroom. I nodded and said, "I met this couple, and we just struck up a nice friendship."

"So they're older?"

"She's 51 and he's 59. They're both really awesomely nice. We hang out on Fridays and drink too much, and one thing led to another, and..."

"And now you're filming them fucking? That's wild! Is that what it is? Are they fucking?" Christy looked really interested. Her body language was open and her eyes were wide and she was ready for anything I wanted to tell her.

"Yeah," I said. "Plus...other stuff."

"So, how professional is this? Are you using lights and sound and everything?"

"Yeah. Their bedroom looks like a studio. It's all still set up in there. We're not done yet."

"Wow! That's...wild. So what do they look like? Are they old looking and gross, or..."

"No, not gross at all. She's...beautiful, and he's in good shape, too. I mean, she's...I don't want to say fat, but..."

"Why, because you're not supposed to these days? Curvy, is that it? Plus sized? Is that what she is?"

I nodded.

"You're a good guy, Evan. I totally love that you said she's beautiful."

"She is."

Christy looked deep into my eyes and said, "You've got a thing for her, don't you. I guess I can understand that, with you watching stuff. Is she good at it? The sex?"

Oh, yeah. Kind of fantastic."

"Really? Wow. So her husband, he must be good, too, right?"


"Are you learning anything?" she asked, smirking.

"I'm...teaching them."

As soon as I said it I wished I hadn't. It sounded ridiculous and unbelievable.

Christy chuckled. "For real? What do you mean?"

"Oh, Jeeze," I said. "This is going from bad to worse; now I have to admit to you I watch way too much porn."

"Evan, who the fuck doesn't these days? You're preachin' to the choir."

"Really? They don't. But I think maybe the husband does, at least some. He seems to catch on pretty quickly."

"So you're telling them what porn people do, and they do it? Oh my God, that's even wilder than I thought. How did it start? What got you all into it?"

"We were half drunk one night, talking about our goofiest bucket list items, and I told them mine was using my videographer skills to make a real porn. Not just some amateur crap, but something good, with good lighting and sound. It was just a funny thing to talk about, you know? And then a week later they told me they wanted to do it."

"Wow. I wish I could be that bold. They just trust you? I mean, it's not going to be for sale, is it?"

"Oh, no, never. I had to sign a legal thing. A contract."

"Oh, shit, really? So you really are in deep."

"What do you mean?" I said. "Do you think I shouldn't have?"

"Oh, I don't know. No, it sounds okay, if they're good people. It sounds like they are. They're interesting people, that's for sure."

A police officer knocked on the side of the truck as he walked up, startling me. "The guy's dead," he said to us. "Chief's doing a press conference at 12:02 for all you news folks."

"Can you tell us any more?" Christy asked him.

"Nope. Shot himself. That's all I know."

We thanked him and he walked away. Christy started making notes of questions to ask at the news conference.

"Do you ever think we've gotten way to used to this kind of shit?" she asked as she continued writing.

"Yeah, it's funny what you get used to, and how quick it can happen."

She stopped writing and she looked and me, smirking. "You're talking about watching people fuck, aren't you."

I nodded, blushing a little.

"I guess this is when I admit to watching way too much porn," she said, blushing right along with me. "Women aren't supposed to be visual when it comes to sex, but I sure am."

"Do I get to ask what kind you watch," I said, "or is that when you start slapping me?"

"It's a deep, dark rabbit hole, my friend, and slapping may or may not be part of it," she said. There was awkward silence as she scribbled some more notes. "Are you telling them kinky stuff to do?" she asked as she wrote.

"I don't know. Not really, no," I said, thinking about all the deeply kinky stuff out there in porn land.

"It's hard core though, right?" she said. "I mean, it's not like a Playboy video or something like that, is it?"

Christy was way more curious than I expected her to be. I don't know what I expected, but the conversation we were having wasn't it.

"You know about Playboy videos?"

"I was a nosy k**," she said. "I found my father's."

"Oh no! Really? Did it freak you out?"

"It made me wonder if my tits were going to grow bigger than my mother's. News flash, they didn't."

"Yeah, those Playboy girls back then had some big ones," I said, nodding my understanding. "So which video was it?"

"He had a whole box of them, hidden in his workshop," she said. "What are you, an expert? You got 'em all memorized?"

Christy's eyes were back on me again, and she was smirking. I was blushing, because, yes, I kind of do have them all memorized.

"I've got a box full, too," I said, "and I've got VCR's at home, if you ever want to reminisce."

"Ha!" she chuckled. "There's a pick-up line I haven't heard yet. Next thing you'll tell me we can be friends with benefits."

"Do guys ask for that?" I said. "Is that real?"

Christy chuckled some more. "Is it real? Yeah, it's real!"

I felt like my body temperature had risen to a thousand degrees. My face was blushed and it must have been beet red. Opportunity buzzed around me like a house fly, daring me to grab it. I knew it would elude me, but I had to take a swipe at it. "You're basically daring me to ask you this, so don't get mad," I said, taking way too tentative a swat at it. "Since neither one of us is in a relationship right now, we could do that. We could be friends with benefits."

Christy smiled, and chuckled through her nose. A few seconds went by, and every one of them gave me hope. "How old are you, Evan?" she asked.

I was shocked that 'No!' wasn't part of what she said. "Thirty-six," I said. "Thirty-seven in a few weeks."

A few more seconds went by. Silent. And then a few more. I didn't know what to think.

"If you get fuckin' weird about it at work I'll fuckin' kill you," she said, looking at me with a new kind of eyes. "Seriously."

"No! I wouldn't. You know that."

"There's gotta be nothing," she said. "No flirty flirt, no secret smiles. And no love shit. That's the whole point, right? Just to get our rocks off a little?"

I was stunned, right down to my core. I couldn't move a muscle.

"I had a friend in college, one year when I didn't have a boyfriend," she said. "It worked out okay. You're way more interesting than he was. Plus...I've always been curious about older guys. It probably goes back to my dad's box of videos and his magazines. He was about your age, that year that I found them, and those playboy girls are what, nineteen? Twenty? I always wondered if he'd actually make a move on girl a lot younger than him, if he had the chance. Some of my friends were hot. This is when we were...I guess we were s*******n. My best friend in high school had really big tits, totally like a Playboy girl's. Some of the dads got really weird when she was around. And there was another girl that actually got involved with a dad. One of the fathers, I guess I should say. We were all jealous."

I sat there with a goofy look on my face. Christy talks a lot when she gets nervous; I'd been aware of it ever since we started working together.

"Maybe it was you, too" I said. "If I was a dad, I would have gotten weird around you."

"Maybe. I used to think about that. It didn't bother me, when they got flirty with me. So what the fuck, Evan, are we doing this? Are you my first older man?"

I nearly choked on my saliva. I coughed and my face was red and I was nodding.

Christy giggled at me. "You're cute sometimes. I've noticed it before." She sat there, almost sideways in her seat, looking me over more thoroughly than she'd ever done before. She was smirking. "Did you plan this? Get me all horny with your porn story, and then..."

"No! I Didn't!"

"I know, I'm just k**ding," she said, smiling. "But seriously, what are we gonna do? You just moved into a house, right? I can come over today. Want me to bring some beer?"

And so, the two most astonishing days of my life happened in the same month of the same summer of the same year. I felt like there was hope for all the geeks of the world. Christy knocked on my door that afternoon. I'd seen her in her street clothes a few times; at work she wears dresses and lots of makeup and her hair is done, so she's ready to go on camera at a moment's notice, but in everyday life she's super casual. An 'old jeans and t-shirt' kind of girl. That's what she had on when I opened the door — faded jeans and a Dave Matthews Band t-shirt, and she had a six-pack of beer in her hand.

The first words out of her mouth were, "Remember this?" She held up the six-pack and I did remember. It was the same local craft brew that we'd been drinking at the bar the first time sex had ever entered into a conversation of ours. I remember it feeling risky that night; two co-workers — a cameraman/producer and his young reporter — bucking the trend of political correctness, flipping the bird at sexual harassment.

"I don't think I've had it since that night," she said. "Have you?"

We went to my kitchen, opened two bottles, clicked them together in a wordless toast and smiled at each other. The mood felt awkward but awesome. We both knew what the afternoon was all about, and, speaking for myself, the anticipation was muy delicioso.

"I love how different you look," I said, sipping my beer.

"Too casual? I wasn't sure. I thought about coming over with my work hair, and my dress on. I thought maybe you'd like that."

"No, you look great," I said, intrigued that she would have thought of such a thing. "Maybe we can could do that another time."

Christy gulped down some beer and smiled shyly. "Show me your house."

I gave her the tour, outside first. Lori was outside, too, sweeping the patio out by her pool, wearing her white bikini under an untied cover-up that wafted in the warm breeze. She smiled and waved when she saw Christy and me in my backyard. I was glad Lori wasn't trying out her new idea of daytime topless swimming.

"You met the neighbors already?" Christy said. "I should have known. You're friendly."

After a look at all the overgrown gardens in my yard -- a hobby I hadn't realized Christy was interested in -- we grabbed two fresh beers when we went back in the house, and the tour continued. The mood felt a little more electric when we climbed the stairs. Christy was regaling me with tales of the house she grew up in and I could barely get a word in edgewise. Like I said, she rambles on a bit when she's nervous.

So we're upstairs and there's not much to show her — a bathroom, two really small bedrooms and a bigger one. One small one is stuffed with junk I haven't unpacked yet, and the other one is, well, it's pretty much the same, stuffed with junk I haven't unpacked yet. Christy poked her head into each of them and looked around.

"God, Evan, you've got a lot of shit. You golf?"


"You probably like the little skirts the women wear. My roommate at college was on the girls' golf team. I always wondered why they didn't get more spectators. They were totally cute."

"See, now if a guy said that, he'd get cut down for it," I said.

"Yup," she said, moving on to the next room to be nosy in. It was my bedroom, bed tucked in the corner to make room for my big, multi-part desk, the top of it full to overflowing with huge video monitors, big studio style speakers, two keyboards, and various game controllers. Christy walked slowly and silently past it all, looking it all over, heading to the back window, like she was drawn to it. I wondered about what she'd said earlier in the day, about inheriting women's intuition from her mother. I stayed on the other side of the room, but I knew she was looking at Lori. Was she putting it all together? So soon? I guess that's what good reporters do. The clues were all there: Curvy, plus-sized, beautiful; Lori's friendly wave and nice smile.

Christy turned and walked to the desk. "What software are you running?"

"For video editing? Premier Pro and Final Cut Pro Ten," I said. "I'm more of a Final Cut guy, I guess."

"Yeah, I like it," she said. "I wish I was better at it. So...are you gonna show me, or is that unethical?"

"Show you what?" I said.

"Show me what? You're k**ding, right? Do you wanna get me horny, or what?"

I had a feeling she already was, and I should have just taken her in my arms and kissed her, but that's not the way of the geek. Switching on monitors and bringing a huge computer to life, that's the way of the geek!

I sat down at my desk chair and I fired everything up. I said, "Remember what you said about work? About me not getting weird about anything, and keeping this just between us? You gotta promise me that same thing, about seeing this. If you...ever see these people, you gotta be totally cool. They can't know you've seen this."

"You know I won't say anything," she said.

I shook my head and I marveled at the power of sex. It made me do crazy, inappropriate things, time and time again. I scrolled through the 'Lori and Rob' files and I clicked on one of the wardrobe tests, the one with Lori in the satin slip with the low V neck and the spaghetti straps, when she was emerging from the side yard shrubbery in the dark.

"I knew it was her," Christy said, standing right behind me. She put her hands on my shoulders and I almost melted.

"This was just a wardrobe test, to check lighting and stuff," I said. "This was the first night."

We watched as Lori descended the steps into the pool, fighting to keep the floating hem of her slip down, and then she went under water and came up, ever so slowly, with the satin plastered to her tits and big nipples

"Oh my God!" Christy said. "Those are Playboy tits!"

"They're kind of awesome, right?"

"Jesus!" she said. "You're not gonna like mine. I don't have...any of that."

"Yeah I will," I said. Feeling bold, I added, "Show me."

"Okay, already know I'm small, and...I'm not super nippley like that. My mom isn't either."

"That's good to know," I said, spinning the other way around in my chair so I could see her.

Christy giggled. "She'd kill me if she knew I just told you that."

"Show me," I repeated. Christy looked happy with my assertiveness; she had a different kind of look on her face than I'd seen. Maybe it was part of the 'older man' thing. Maybe it was a 'daddy' thing, or a 'my friend's dad' thing.

Or maybe it was magic, part of a sudden blur of temporal reality that broke the space/time continuum. I felt like we were suddenly floating weightless in the dream of it. Christy's clothes seemed to vanish in an instant, leaving her naked but for her panties. She straddled me on my desk chair, kissing me with an open, hungry mouth, and then she thrust her petite but flawless tits toward me and guided my newly wet lips to them. She moaned when she felt my mouth there, and her gyrating hips rubbed her panty-covered crotch against the hard lump in my pants. Her soft moan was as beautiful a sound as anything I could imagine.

"I should warn you," she said, already breathless. "I haven't had any in a while. I might be...enthusiastic."

Like a true geek I kept one hand and my mouth on her, and with the other hand I clicked on another file on my computer. It was random because I was too busy to look. Lori And Rob's sixty-nine scene started playing, and on my big monitor it looked like a cinema-scope movie with crystal clear full-range sound. I was lost in Christy's tits when she made a few comments...

"Oh my God! He's super handsome!" And, "God, she's got an ass, doesn't she!" And, "Oh my God!"

And then, on the big monitor just two feet away from us, Lori had an orgasm, a beautiful one, the Lori kind, and then she went crazy on Rob's big cock, deep-throating it over and over like a wild woman. Christy was sitting quietly in my lap, mesmerized. And then she was kissing me, intensely, trying to stick her tongue down my throat. She was crazy horny, and it was awesome.

"Let's fuck," she said, mincing no words. "Do you have condoms? I brought some nice super thin ones if you want."

I nodded, and then time blurred again and my cock was inside her, doggy style on my bed. Thank God the memory of burying my cock in her that way isn't a blur. It was my first time that way, doggy style, and watching and feeling my cock disappear into Christy's pussy was every bit as awesome as I'd hoped it would be. She was so different than Lori — different noises, different breathing, different shapes and sizes of every bit of her that I could see and touch. Christy's a thin girl. When she first started at the station I heard someone speculate that she might be anorexic, but after we got to know her it was clear she's just thin. Leggy, and small waisted. A real bean pole, but cute as all get out, with dark hair and big eyes and an easy smile. Twenty-three years old, she'd been at the station for two years if you count her college internship. Her adorable little ass is spoken of with reverence by all the guys at work who speak of such things, and I had the naked perfection of it in my hands, and my cock was having a freaking riot inside her tight little pussy. I was amazed that I held on as long as I did, my stamina probably due to the extraordinary amount of masturbation I'd done in the last week or two. I actually fucked her long enough and well enough to give her the orgasm that she craved, something I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do. I had a spine-tingling orgasm too, of course, and the fancy little condom did its job, intercepting all my warm cum.

"Okay, this is gonna be fun," Christy said, rolling onto her back with a satisfied, happy look on her face. "Sorry about the condom, but...we kinda have to."

"Oh, I know," I said, caressing her warm skin as I lay next to her.

"Not for oral though. You wanna do...what they were doing?" she asked, gesturing at the monitor's blank screen.

"Of course," I said, smiling.

Christy flattened me, pulled the sloppy condom off of my happy cock, and mounted me for some sixty-nine. It was another dream come true. My first sixty-nine! After looking close-up at the beauty of her pussy and her petite little ass, I mouthed anything and everything, and Christy whimpered and giggled her happiness. I felt her mouth take my half-hard cock and I moaned right into her slippery little pussy.

"I don't like the taste those condoms leave on you," she said. She was off of me, turning around, and she mounted me cowgirl style. "Are you hard enough to get it in me?" she asked. "I just want to clean off that taste."

I lined things up and she lowered herself onto me, moaning with a giggle behind it. "God that feels good," she said. "We fit, right?"

She smiled and I smiled. We did fit, and yes, it absolutely felt glorious enough to tell God about it. I was fully hard again, bareback in Christy Gethlowe's tight little pussy! Did you hear that, God? Me! Evan Puzman!

I could tell that she, too, liked the feel of it, because her eyes closed and she started to fuck me, but her mission for some sixty-nine was incomplete, so she lifted herself off of my happy cock again, spinning around and landing back on top of me, with her cute as a button little ass right there in my face and her slender thighs right there to hold and wrap my arms around. I guess she liked the flavor of her pussy better than the flavor of a condom because she went a little wild on my cock. And I, of course, went a little wild on her pussy. And it did in fact taste fantastic. Sweet almost. The nectar of a woman flower. It was a d**g in sweet syrup form, and it blurred time again, but even under the influence of it I knew that sixty-nine on a weekday afternoon was the best thing humanity had ever invented. Christy came twice that way, with her slender thighs trembling in my arms, and she made me cum again, too, which surprised me, her hungry mouth eking out a little more of my cream. She licked it up and seemed to really like it. We both savored each other's sex for a while, with quiet licks and gentle kisses, and then she rolled off of me. Both of us were on our backs on the bed, head to foot and foot to head.

"I have friends who would say this is totally nuts," she said, "but that was fun. I needed it. You too?"

"Totally," I said. It was a bit of a lie, because my sexlife was crazy full all of a sudden, in all kinds of different ways, but my need for a mind-melting fuck in a brand new position and an extra sweet first-time sixty-nine was no lie at all. And to do it in such a no-strings way, with News Channel Ten's cutest young star reporter, was just mindblowing.

"We should talk about how we're doing this, Evan," she said, staring at the ceiling. "You sort of know how it works, right? I mean, I might be dating, you might be dating, and what we're doing needs to stay clear of work. I don't even want to talk about it when we're there. Only if we're out on an assignment together alone or something, okay?"


Christy propped herself up on her elbows and looked at me. She was smiling. "You're really easygoing, aren't you."

"Aren't you? "

"Sometimes," she said, "but my career makes me nervous. One big slip-up and you're fucked. That's why I want us to be careful. It's nothing personal. I like hanging out with you."

"You're hanging out pretty good," I said, up on my elbows, looking at her sexy little tits.

She smiled. "I warned you. Tiny titties and little nips."

"Every bit as sexy as I imagined when I mentally undressed you every day for the past two years."

Her eyes widened and she smiled brighter. "You did? "

"Of course. I always thought you were the cutest."

"Wow. That's...nice. You're not so bad yourself. You should have told me you fuck good." She looked around at my geekazoid bedroom, with wires running every which-way and computer parts overflowing from boxes. "I should probably go, I've got stuff to do today," she said. "We should do this once a week at least, right?"

I smiled. "At least."

She got up and started dressing, a bra and panties first, the bra slightly padded, making her look a little bigger. She wiggled into her jeans, tight ones that showed off those amazing slender legs.

I said, "One of these times I want to undress you."

"Really? Yeah, okay. That's hot. You wanna do it when I'm in my work clothes? With the hair and everything?"

"Yes please," I said. "And also when you're in these clothes."

Christy smiled brightly, like a little k** at Christmas.

When Christy left, Lori wasn't out by the pool. It was dinner time, so she was probably inside fixing a meal, or out at a restaurant with Robert. I microwaved a burrito and shoveled it into my mouth while I worked at the computer, editing files from the weekend. It disappointed me to think it, but I decided that two more nights with Rob and Lori, or maybe one more longer session, would give me all I'd need to piece together a very hot movie. Maybe I could milk it and shoot some different close-up angles, but I didn't want to overstay my welcome. I was sure they were anxious to have their bedroom back to normal.

And then I opened the footsie file, the scene with my cum all over Lori's pretty little foot, and those memories flooded back to me. My morning and afternoon with Christy had sidetracked my one-track mind, but oh my God, what was I into with Rob and Lori? Things were definitely escalating, night by night.

Work that week was different. I was distracted, but I got things done. I spent a few days in one of the editing rooms working on a 'special feature' segment that was to air later in the week, and that meant Christy was paired up with another videographer for her daily reporting. It was probably just as well. I was trying to not fall in love with her and mess things up, and I knew it wasn't going to be easy. She made it clear that a friends with benefits relationship has to stay casual.

I was glad when Friday rolled around. Another evening with Lori and Rob. It was a perfect night for the pool; warm and humid, like a southern night. I wandered over in my bathing suit, the way we'd gotten used to.

"Hi Evan," Lori said. "How was your week?"

"Work was kind of a drag. Stuck in an editing room. It's over, though; next week should be better."

"I saw a celebrity in your yard Monday," she said.

Rob walked out of the house with a drink for me, jumping right into the conversation. "Yeah, Lori mentioned it," he said. "Christy Gethlowe."

"Rob thinks she's cute," Lori said.

"We work together a lot," I said. "I'm usually the one behind the camera when you see her on-air."

"So? Is she just as cute in person?" Lori asked.

I nodded.

"What's that look in your eye?" she asked. "Do you have a thing for her?"

I shrugged and didn't make eye contact. "I mean, what guy wouldn't, but..."

Lori smiled at my pitiful attempt at hiding the truth. She made me tell her all about Christy, and of course the talk turned sexual. The drink Rob had made for me was crazy strong and it went right to my head, and before I knew it I was telling her and Rob all about the wild friends-with-benefits afternoon, the things Christy and I had done, and all the firsts that had been chalked up on my sexual scorecard. They were things I shouldn't have told, but I told them. Lori said she was happy for me, but there was something else in her voice, something different in the look in her eyes. I was just starting to put two and two together when she said it, surprising me...

"I know as a married woman I shouldn't say this, but...I've got to admit I'm disappointed. I wanted to be your first. Rob and I talked about it. We've been watching some porn, and...I want to give you a blowjob while he fucks me. I thought it would be your first and it would be amazing, for all of us."

I was stunned, but then again, I wasn't. "You guys...want that?" I said. "Rob?"

"Yeah, brother," he said. "We're all in if you are."

"Yeah! I mean, why would I not? And it will be a first. Sixty-nine with Christy wasn't really a blowjob, right? It's different. And, a threeway, that's totally different, and..."

"Slow down. Take a breath," Lori said, happy that I was excited. "What I'm saying is just the oral part of a threeway." She glanced at Rob like maybe there was more in negotiation, or maybe I just saw it that way because I had hopes and dreams of being fully involved with her.

"Oh, yeah, no, I know that," I said, realizing I was spewing words as fast as my heart was beating. "I'll...I' you want."

Lori smiled. She looked to Rob to do the explaining. "We had a feeling you would," he said, "but we don't want to take advantage of the situation. Think about it before you answer, because we want it to be on camera. Part of our movie."

"I'm re-thinking it, now that you're in a relationship with Christie," Lori said. "Maybe it's...not the best idea."

She sounded, and looked, disappointed. I assured her that Christy was the one who said we'd both be dating on our own; my new relationship with her was strictly a casual friends with benefits thing.

"That's...hard to wrap my head around," Lori said. "I guess I'm old fashioned."

Rob flashed her a smirking smile and said, "Your bedroom doesn't look old fashioned, with all those lights and cables and microphones everywhere."

Lori chuckled and looked embarrassed. "No, it doesn't. I had a friend over Wednesday and I was scared she was going to go in there and see everything."

"You weren't scared," Rob said, shaking his head. "I'll bet you were wishing she did."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I think you're proud of this, and I know you think they're a sexy couple. I get it. I kind of wish they knew, too."

"You do? "

Rob shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, no, this needs more than a shrug," Lori said, smirking. "Explain."

"Hey, I'm just a guy. I want all sexy girls to think I'm sexy. It probably works the same with you girls, too, right?"

"You're always so logical," Lori said, pausing to think about the truth of Rob's words. "So we should just tell them? Tell them that we made a super hot porn with a professional crew?"

"It'd make a hell of a dinner conversation, wouldn't it?" Rob said. "Would you tell them about Evan?"

"That's up to him," Lori said, turning her eyes on me. "Ev, honey, do you mind people knowing about your new hobby? You could make a little business out of it. You could charge good money for this kind of a production, right?"

I couldn't think of a single thing to say. It was a crazy, insane idea, and my dumbfounded silence my mind was alive with it. Me, a part-time porn producer, making private movies for everyday couples. I'd get friendly waves on neighborhood streets from women I'd seen naked, women I'd seen horny, women I'd seen with a cock in them.

"It's a hell of an idea," Rob said. "You're the perfect man for it, Ev. Let me know if you need an assistant—I'm free most evenings."

Lori slapped him on the shoulder and he laughed, and I laughed, and Lori laughed. The absurdity of the idea was clear, but I couldn't help wondering — were there any other couples like Lori and Rob in West End Heights? It's a good sized suburb; lots of nice, older houses; lots of empty nests.

The idea was too much for me. My mind was overheating. I was muddled, and needed to get back to reality, even though, ironically, the very thing we were talking about was reality. "We can finish up shooting your movie this weekend if you guys have some time," I said.

"Ohhh," Lori said, sounding disappointed again. "Really?"

"Maybe one more double session upstairs," I said, "and don't forget we need to do the meet-and-greet scene with the blowjob out here in the pool. We were going to do that really late at night."

"Oh, fun," Lori said, smiling. "You know, I'm feeling better about that now. Maybe it doesn't have to be the wee hours of the morning. After midnight might be good enough."

"The weather's perfect for it tonight," I said. "Nice and warm. It's really muggy, too; that might give the light a nice quality."

"Don't forget, hun, the pool light has to be on," Rob said. "You're going to be stripped to your panties and I'll be just plain stripped."

"Oooo," she said, wiggling her shoulders. "I'm all tingly."

"See what you've done?" Rob said to me. "I'm married to a whole new woman."

"In the same beautiful body," I said. I let my eyes wander on her more than I would have a week ago, taking in her beautiful fleshy curves and the sexiness of another new bikini, a pink one with lots of strappy things going every which-way. It was another one with lots of bounce and no nipple control. I like that kind, and what a shame most women don't wear them.

The three of us swam, then we sat by the pool and talked for a while, drinking green appletinis, one of Lori's favorite drinks. Rob had made a pitcher of them, and then he made a second. And then, in one of those blurs of time that takes you by surprise, Lori and Rob were naked on their bed and she was fucking him cowgirl style. Down by the pool she'd realized that their hair was at the correct level of dampness for continuity in the movie, and WHAM, there we were, in the bedroom, with an orgasm rising in her and those big tits bouncing in a way I hadn't yet seen.

She was breaking the rule, looking at me again, so I pointed at my eyes and shook my head but she shook her head in defiance, smiling, and she laughed a little, and then she laughed right through the entirety of a tits-bouncing orgasm. It was stunningly beautiful, joyous and thrilling, and I was breathless from doing nothing but watching her. She sat on Rob with her hips moving slowly as she gathered her wits. She moaned softly and looked fuzzy of mind and said, "That's what a few good appletinis do to a girl." She lifted herself off of Rob, letting his big wet cock flop onto his belly. It looked like it was still fully hard.

"Did you cum, Rob?" I asked.

"No. I'm getting better at it."

"I want you to hold it, for the pool scene," I said. "I just had a vision of it. You're sitting on the pool's edge and Lori's blowing you, and you cum all over her face and she smiles and goes underwater to clean it off."

"You're a dirty boy," Lori said. "I love it." She was still a bit breathless from her big orgasm, and she'd turned a little bit shy again, especially when she asked me a question. "We noticed, when we were watching some porn, that cumming on faces seems to be a big thing. Has it always been? Do you like it?"

"It hasn't always been, no," I said. "I don't know when it started. I've got mixed feelings about it. Sometimes you can tell it's sort of degrading to the girl, but other girls look like they're really into it. I guess all facets of sex are sort of like that. Anyway, it was just an idea. We'll only do it if you want to."

"We?" she said, looking adorably flirtatious, her voice quietly soft and sexy. "Do you want to cum on my face, Evan?" Her eyes sparkled and her mouth was a faint smile. She said, "It might make our threeway scene extra special, don't you think?"

I was speechless.

"Go easy, Hun," Rob said, noticing the stupefied look on my face. "You don't understand your powers."

I smiled, thinking of Super Woman, with her super powers and her big tits just like Lori's. Leave it to a geek to think of a comic book at a moment like that. Lori smiled, too; happy with those new powers of hers, I think.

"So," I said, trying to gather my spinning thoughts, "Let's do some oral. It'll look really good with Rob hard. Lori, let's start with you on hands and knees and Rob's face in your ass. Rob, don't be noticeable about it, but if you think of it try and keep your cock in the shot."

Lori gasped a nervous giggle. "You say all that so easily now. I know I make fun of you being a dirty boy, really are a dirty boy."

"That's what happens to a guy when girls aren't interested."

"Yeah, and what did I tell you about that?" she said. "You just get it in your head that you think they're not, and that ruins it. Look what happened with your reporter friend. You were open and honest and..."

"Best looking girl on the news," Rob said.

"Rob's right, even though he's much too old for her," Lori said, throwing him a sly look. "Anyway, stop being so hard on yourself."

My super sexy 'other mother' spoke the truth, as usual, but I was dying to see her on her hands and knees again, or even better, shoulders and knees. I placed her how I wanted her, feeling the warmth of her soft flesh again, and she stayed there, alone on the bed while I repositioned two of the cameras. She looked content and quietly happy to be on display like that, ass-up naked. I think it was because she was appletini mellow.

"Rob," I said, "when your face is in there, make her cum if you can."

Lori purred, "I don't think that'll be a problem."

"And open up her cheeks for the camera," I said. "I've got a good angle, I think. I wanna see your tongue in there. But like I said, don't be too blatant about it. Just spread her once in a while, and then just go nuts on her the way you want to."

Lori closed her eyes and moaned at the thought of it, with her head down comfortably on the bed and her beautiful round ass in the air. Did she know it was me who wanted to go nuts on her? I think she probably did.

I called "action" and Rob spread her cheeks and licked, his tongue moving slowly upward through Lori's slippery pussy lips and onward to her little asshole, the lingering lick continuing through the entirety of her opened up ass crack. She moaned as it happened, an earthy, guttural moan that made the hairs on my arms stand up. Rob's mouth went back to her pussy and she breathed out some quiet words..."Ohhh yesss...I like this...I like everything about this."

Lori was beautifully into it, so I let the scene play out for a while as Rob's tongue took her higher. Happy expressions tumbled from her mouth, floating on whispery laughter. Rob was having fun, too, on his knees with his face buried between the warm cheeks of her awesome ass. His long, hard cock hung under him, nicely visible. I'd forgotten to tell Lori I wanted to see her tits at some point — I'd left a camera in position for them — so I waited for her to look at me the way she seemed to like to do, and when she did I held my hands at my chest like they were holding big tits and I pointed at the camera. She was deep in the throes of things and she giggled under her breathlessness, and then she was up on hands and knees and her big tits started swinging like the pendulum of a clock, with the rhythm of her writhing hips. Her back had a lovely downward arch and the curve of her ass was startlingly erotic. I wondered if Rob wanted to start fucking her. I sure as hell wanted to.

I watched in awe as Lori fired her orgasmic rockets again. She climbed to the edge of that cliff and jumped off so freely, with such expression on her face. It was clear that she'd become surprisingly comfortable with the cameras, and with me. I hated to call "Cut!" when it was over, but her orgasm had been a deep, lingering one, and she looked like she needed a breather.

"Wow!" she said, back down on knees and shoulders, with her juiced-up pussy and ass still proudly on display. Her head was sideways on the bed, looking at me. "These orgasms are wild! "

I wanted to ask her what she meant. Better than they used to be? Better than ever? Was it the cameras? Was it me?

"I'll say they are!" Rob said, his face smiling and glistening. "You're positively dripping."

Lori looked embarrassed when she heard it, like it was unnatural. "I didn't pee," she said, looking at me while she sat up. "Some women just...get that way."

"It's good," I said. "It's totally good. The light picks up the shine. It's kind of awesome."

"You have a good bedside manner," she said, smirking. "I'm telling you, you're really good at this. You know how to make people comfortable."

Rob wiped his mouth and chin with a tissue and handed Lori the box. I probably shouldn't have, but I stood there and watched her as she cleaned herself up, wiping the wetness from her inner thighs and her pussy. She kept glancing at me, with that sexy little smirk on her face. "I told Rob, the other night when we were watching porn girls, I want to trim some more." She was wiping the wetness out of her pubic hair. "I guess waxing is an option. Do you like that look?"

"Yeah, sure," I said. "Sometimes it looks a little too girlish, but I think you'd look good."

"Why, because I'm old?" she said, tossing the used tissues on the floor on the other side of the bed.


"Why, then?" she asked, smiling mischievously. "Tell me."

"It's your...the shape of you," I said, suddenly blushing and shy.

"Explain, young man," she pressed, sounding like a teacher I had in elementary school.

"Your pussy, it'," I stammered. "It's the...lips. They sort of look like they want to show off."

Lori's eyes sparkled. She looked quietly thrilled that she had me on the ropes again. "It's not ugly?" she asked, looking like she knew my answer.

"It's beautiful."

Rob was silent. He'd become used to things and I could tell he enjoyed watching the way Lori was blossoming; enjoyed watching her tease me.

She smiled, so softly and so beautifully, and asked me, "Are we done, or do you want more?"

"One more scene," I said. "and then we'll take a break and set things up outside."

She nodded, still smiling. "How do you want me this time?"

"Let's do the opposite of last week," I said. "Rob'll be on his back, with his head hanging off the side of the bed, and you'll be on your knees on some cushions on the floor, fucking his face. You'll be able to lean over him and play with his cock some, but don't make him cum; we want to save that for the big cum-shot out at the pool. Mostly I want you upright, with good posture."

"Cripes!" Lori said. "You're like an encyclopedia of positions! When we're done with all this maybe you can...keep us informed...when you're over here on Fridays."

She winked at me and it hit me with a jolt. Had they talked about that, I wondered? Some kind of a continuation?

I set up two cameras in positions across the bed from her, envisioning dissolving from one shot to the other, probably a number of times when I pieced things together in post production. Rob stretched out on his back, looking remarkably muscular and virile in that position. I planted myself right between the two cameras, with a full frontal view of Lori that was the best seat in the house. She was already in position, already making happy noises as Rob's mouth got a feel for things. "Ooo, I like this one, too," she said.

"Are we ready? Action. And don't look at me this time," I scolded.

"Hey!" Rob said, down between her thighs. "Have you been breaking Evan's rules?"

"I can't seem to help it," Lori said embarrassedly. "I had no idea I was such a show-off."

"None of us are disliking it," Rob said, playfully biting her pussy.

He moaned as his mouth got back to work in earnest. It turned out to be a really good position; the cameras had a fantastic view of his tongue on Lori's clit because of the way his mouth was sort of upside down on her. Rob's oral skills took over, and Lori let her mind drift away from reality again. It thrilled me to see her hands go to her tits, pleasuring herself in a way that I hadn't seen before. The gentle and not so gentle fondling and squeezing made the glorious things look huge and incredibly delicious. That's the best word I can think of to describe her nipply tits. Delicious.

Rob moaned into Lori's crotch as he feasted on her pussy. Her hips force-fed him, grinding her electrified clit against his mouth and tongue. She held her tits in her hands, just cupped there, like she enjoyed the warm, weighty feeling of them, and she threw her head back, huffing hot breath toward the ceiling. I could tell an orgasm was coming; I'd learned to read all her signals, but her quick, huffing breaths made it as clear as day. She slowed the movement of her hips and let Rob's happily hard-working tongue take her there, to that beautiful place where she wanted to be. She went there freely, maybe more freely than ever before. Her hips moved differently — jerking, almost trembly — and her hands squeezed her big tits so hard the soft flesh of them bulged between her fingers. Her head was still tipped back and I couldn't see her eyes very well; they may have been closed, or maybe they were rolling back, under dark-mascara lashes and fluttering eyelids. I wished I could have seen them, her beautiful eyes, but I had plenty to look at. Her body was on full and glorious display, muscles spasming and tightening and trembling, a stunning spectacle of sumptuous tits, silken pussy, and tan-lined, sun-browned skin. Facing me, fully head-on as she was, I was hit hard with a feeling that the blatant display was all for me, a gift to me of the new sexuality that I'd, through some magical twist of fate, helped her find. The mighty orgasm consumed her as I watched, and a groaning moan lifted from her open mouth, aimed at the ceiling. The beautiful sound was a d**g, a transfusion through my ears, and the hair on my arms stood up again. I felt a shudder all through me and almost made another cum-soaked mess of my bathing suit, this time without a single touch of my hand.

Lori's happy mind came back to earth. With her tits still cupped in her hands, she slowly lifted her head upright, and her eyes searched for reality. She found it, first in my unblinking eyes and then in Rob's cock, big and hard and moving with twitching life on his belly; she lowered herself to it, slowly, like it was the most important thing in the world. His mouth was still on her pussy and his hands held her hips. She moaned softly when her hand guided the big cock to her mouth, and she took it in and she mouthed it and tongued it like it was ever so special, and then moaning breath came out of her nose and within a moment she was wild on the big thing, sucking and playfully biting and taking it deep. So deep. All the way down in her moaning, gurgling throat.

My hand went to my crotch but I needed more, so I pushed my bathing suit down, just enough, and my hot cock was out in my warm hand and I stroked it. Lori, an unapologetic cock sucker at that point in time, kept her sparkling eyes on me while her throat engulfed the full length of Rob's powerfully hard shaft, over and over again. I stroked myself steadily, moving my hips to her rhythms, and she stopped the blowjob and watched me, breathlessly, with her hand on Rob's wet cock, matching my movements, as if she was hand-jobbing me instead of her husband. Rob was lost in the wet feast of her pussy, taking her with his nibbles and his tongue the way he does, and Lori orgasmed again, with her wild eyes on me, and her mouth happily crying, and I spurted my cum, and I spurted my cum, and I spurted my cum, all over the rumpled sheets on their bed.

I had just enough presence of mind to know I wanted a quiet ending to Rob and Lori's scene, so I stood there silently with my cock in my hand, cum dripping from it, and after a few moments I said, "Cut."

And then I said, "I'm sorry," and the blood rushed back to my brain, where I wished it had been all the time, and I pulled up my bathing suit and stuffed my cock into it. "I shouldn't have. I'm so sorry."

"No, Honey!" Lori said, with loving kindness in her voice. "We don't mind. Really."

She let Rob's head out from between her thighs and he sat up, red-faced from having his head upside-down for so long. He looked a little dizzy.

"Evan helped me again," she said to him, like it was something they'd talked about. "The sheets are a little messy."

"Oh!" Rob said. "Yeah, no need to be sorry, Ev. I know she's just too hot to take sometimes. That's one of the reasons why I married her."

Embarrassed, I reached for the tissue box, wiping up all the cum that I could see. It was soaking in, making dark spots on the sheets. "But...I really shouldn't have," I said. "She didn't...ask me this time."

"You didn't see my eyes, Honey?" Lori said. "I was asking."

"Really, Evan, it's cool," Rob said. "We're all cool about everything, right?"

The bed was littered with five wadded up tissues that were wet with my cum. I collected them and got them out of sight, on the floor next to one of my gear bags.

"That was rough," Rob said. "I thought for sure I was gonna pop. I kept thinking about garbage."

"Eww!" Lori said.

"You didn't cum?" I said. I was amazed at his fortitude. I would have cum three times if I was the one in Lori's throat.

"So, this face cum thing we're doing later," Lori said. "I have a feeling it's going to be messy." She started giggling and she shook her head, blushing and looking shy again. "I can't believe I said that," she said. "I can't believe...any of this."

"It's pretty crazy, that's for sure," Rob said. "I can't wait to see the movie."

Lori giggled again, and then we all did.


Back in our bathing suits again, out by the pool, I marveled at how warm and heavy the nighttime air felt, so muggy that I wondered if cigarette smoke blown into it would just hang there and not go away, like it does in the old movies. Rob poured appletinis that glowed green from the light of the pool. They looked muggy, too, in a liquid sort of way.

"Do you like my new bikini?" Lori asked. "It's cheekier than my others. Rob says it's good to show my ass more, but...I don't know."

"He's a wise and intelligent man," I said. "I'm in absolute agreement with him."

Lori smiled. "Sometimes you sound like that Spock guy, from Star Trek."

"Hmmm," I said. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It's cute. Are you a Treker? Is that what they call it?"

"A Trekkie. I am, and it doesn't make me a chick magnet."

Lori smiled. "Well, I like it. Say something Spock-like."

"Change is the essential process of all existence."

"Ha!" she laughed. "Are you saying I should start flaunting more of my ass on the beach?"

"It's not me, it's Spock," I said, smiling. "I'm pretty sure he'd think so. Leonard Nemoy, the guy who played him, one of his hobbies was photographing nude women."


"Yeah, he was a real artist. Nice black-and-white photos."

"Models, you mean?"

"Yeah, some of them, but a lot of them are just regular people."

"Huh," Lori said, pondering the thought. "You learn something new every day."

"He did some of mothers and their daughters that are kind of awesome," I said.

"Oh, wow," Lori said. "Nudes?"

"Yeah, just sort of standing there, the way they would if they had clothes on, but they don't."

Lori squinted at me. "Don't get any ideas, mister. I know how your dirty mind works. My daughter is not doing this."

"Ha!" Rob laughed. "Me thinks you're jumping to conclusions, hun."

"Yeah," I said. "I would never..."

"I saw you looking at the pictures of her in the living room," Lori said. "She wears bikinis that are... Oh, God, she'll be here visiting in a couple weeks. Evan, you need to be really good about this. You can't act funny or say anything about what we've been doing. Okay? Will you promise me?"

"Of course! I'll stay completely away if you want."

"No. You're our friend. I've already told her how nice you are and that we've been having drinks. She's really happy that the asshole moved out of your house. I'm sure she'll want to meet you."

"Don't worry, honey," Rob said to her. "Everything will be fine."

The conversation veered off in other directions and we drank some more and got giggly. Midnight suck up on us. I'd been awake since the wee hours of the morning, but adrenaline kicked in when we started bringing tripods, cameras and microphones down to the pool patio. It was probably crazy; it was a warm night and the neighbors without air-conditioning almost certainly had their windows wide open, but we weren't thinking that way. We were three half-drunk horny people, zeroed in on a hot blowjob and a facial.

"Lori, you need to fix your hair. Make it look like you haven't been swimming. Maybe slightly messed up because you're coming over in your sleeping clothes."

"Oh, right," she said. "Okay, I'll fix my hair and put on the t-shirt and panties."

While she was inside I went home, nearly tripping over the shrubs, and came back with my handheld microphone boom. I wired it up, using gaffers tape to secure the cable, and I checked my camera's view to see how close I could hold a mic over the top of the action. I wanted all the blowjob sounds to be nice and audible, but it was going to be a challenge. I decided to lay two microphones on the concrete right at the pools edge, on either side of where Rob would end up sitting. It would be extra work to digitally edit them out in post-production, but it would be worth it — they would disappear and Lori's beautiful blowjob noises would be crystal clear.

Rob and I heard a car pull in at a neighboring house. The heavy night air was quiet, and sounds seemed louder than usual. I looked at him and he shrugged. I assumed that meant 'Don't tell Lori.' She rejoined us a few minutes later, looking ever so titty and awesome in her braless t-shirt and her little white cotton panties. We all spoke quietly...

"Let's keep our voices down," I said, "but when we're rolling you'll need to speak in a normal volume so the mics pick you up. I'll have a boom mic over your heads for some of it."

Lori looked surprised. "Oh my God. Really?"

She looked around at all the gear and then she looked out through the dark trees, probably wondering which neighbors could see what. Rob spoke up to get her mind on business. "Can we run through it? Like a dry run?"

I guided them, Lori in the bushes, walking out, Lori to the pool's edge, the dialog about husbands and wives. I didn't want her wet yet, so I just explained the rest, the way she goes into the pool and then fully underwater to get soaked, and then the rest of it. I showed her the mics where Rob had to sit, and I told her to be nice and vocal during the sexy action; it would set the tone for everything that followed in the bedroom scenes. I wanted to relax her, so I said...

"There's no pressure to be perfect. If something doesn't look good I'll probably be able to edit around it, or we can set up again another night and try it again. No big deal."

She nodded. We were ready.

The next ten minutes were so sexy I almost whipped out my cock to jerk off again. Lori strutted into the scene with a kind of confidence I hadn't seen in her before. She played the part of a sexy, horny, wobbly-breasted neighbor perfectly, just the way I'd imagined it. Rob did pretty well, too, speaking his lines in a reasonably natural way, but it was clear Lori was the star. Into the water she went, and up she came with nipples blazing. She tossed off her wet shirt with a casual vivacity that made me tingle, and she kissed Rob with everything she had. She pushed his bathing suit down while she was kissing him and she played with his big hard cock under the crystal-clear water with her hands. And the kiss burned on. I had the boom mic right over their heads when she said, "I wanna suck your cock."

Rob lifted himself and sat on the pool's edge, right between my microphones, and Lori's mouth went at him like she was dying to give a blowjob, like she was the horniest woman in the world. I backed away, turned the boom mic off and I quietly picked up one of the tripod mounted cameras and repositioned it, zooming in perfectly, and then I did the same on the other side, with the other camera. It was game on. I went to the soundboard, put on my headphones, and I listened while I watched. Either Lori was putting her best blowjob technique out there for the cameras or she was just lost in the horny moment. It was all there — the slow but hungry start, the playful licking, the deep-throating, the beautiful moaning, the smiling breathlessness when she stroked the slippery cock energetically with both her hands. She was on fire, lost in her man's happiness, taking him deep in her throat again. Rob held on way way longer than I could have. He looked like the king of the world as he sat there, leaning back, supporting himself with his arms, his eyes watching his beautiful, sexy wife work his hard cock for all it was worth. He started whimpering when he was deep in her throat again, and his hands went to her head, holding her there. She backed off, gasping, her eyes wild with lust. "Cum for me!" she demanded, her voice wild and gruff. "Cum all over my face." Her head plunged downward again and moved up and down, just enough to fuck him. Through the headphones I heard all her noises — loud gurgles and muffled gags, the sounds of a throat fucking a big cock. She was relentless. Rob's body spasmed. He was at the end of his rope, barely holding back a gusher when his sexy wife, her eyes watering and her face red, released him from her throat. Rob's big cock, majestically hard and resolute, shining with muculent slime, spurted hot cum in splattering gushes that splashed—with a force that made her flinch—all over Lori's surprised-looking face. In a nearly silent whisper I said to myself, "Oh my God!," and I watched the remarkable silence between Rob and Lori, and the luminous sparkle in their eyes. Lori's face dripped with a breathtaking amount of warm cum, and her tongue emerged from her sexy smile, licking all the dribbling drips of it she could get.

It was a blowjob for the ages.

I texted Christy the next day. Maybe I shouldn't have, but I wanted to. She didn't seem to mind, and we had a quick little text conversation that was nice. It ended with, Big BJ scene last night. Mind if I drink your beer while I edit it? She replied, No fair! I wanna see!

I did work on editing it, but truthfully, I was lost in anticipation. If Lori and Rob were still game, I was about to become a porn star myself for one night, the front half of a spit-roast, with my cock in Lori's very special mouth. The thought of it scrambled my thinking. I was pretty much worthless all day.

I looked out my window at least twenty times that morning and afternoon, hoping to catch a glimpse of Lori, but their house was quiet and seemingly empty. I wished for a friendly wave, or, even better, a phone call—Rob's friendly voice asking, 'Hey, brother, want to come over and fuck my sexy wife's throat?'

What does deep throat feel like, I wondered? Like a pussy? Different? Would she even go that far with me? Just a plain old blowjob would be awesome enough, or even, for that matter, a simple handjob. And then I wondered if I'd dreamt it all, or if maybe she or Rob or both of them had changed their mind.

I was sitting at my desk when my phone rang. It was Rob. "Hi, Ev," he said. "We're over at Sinickah Lake doing a winery tour, and we wanted to check in about tonight."

"Hi Evan," Lori said. They were on speakerphone and I could hear the noises of a restaurant. "Are you with us tonight?" she asked. "I'm really looking forward to it. I hope you don't have other plans."

"Oh, no, yeah...I'm...with you!" I said, sounding like an over-excited dork.

"Excellent," Rob said. "Yeah, we'll make some magic, right? Is that what they say in the biz?"

"How would he know?" Lori said. "We're his first."

"Oh, no, I just meant biz," Rob said.

"Yeah," I said, thinking of nothing better to say. A smooth ladies man I'm not.

Lori asked me, "Will you come for dinner and a swim before, um, we get started, honey?" I could sense her blushing shyness, right through the phone. "I may not be able to keep my mind on my cooking," she said, "but, I'll make something for us, okay?"

I nodded as if they could see me. "Sure, that'd be great."

"Six o'clock, then?" she said. "Wear your suit."

"Later, brother," Rob said.

I put my phone down and looked at the lump in my shorts. Just the sound of Lori's voice had made me hard.

I'd thought a lot about her touch, and her mouth, and how they would affect me, if and when something happened, but I hadn't thought about the movie and how my presence in it would be explained. As I sat there at my desk I brainstormed a few scenarios, and the one that made the most sense was a father/son angle. Out at the pool the horny neighbor woman had only asked about Rob's wife being away; she was unaware that his son was visiting. I would play the son of course, and it would mean I would have to say a line or two, maybe something like, "Oh my God! Dad! What are you doing!" And then the two of them would buy my silence with sex. Rob would say, "Don't tell your mother, son. Come on in. Help me with this beautiful woman."


A simmering excitement livened my mind as the evening drew near, and then I was there, with Rob and Lori again, a quick swim with them and then the warmth of their kitchen. Lori worked on her food prep at her cutting board next to the stove. I sipped my drink and explained my idea to them, the one about the son being home. Lori turned, facing me, with a different kind of look on her face. Her aqua colored bikini, still damp, clung to her, and her nipples weren't the least bit shy.

"Oh my God," she said. "That's...really sexy. 'Help me with this beautiful woman'? How much...'help' is the son willing to give?"

I watched her face redden, nearly to the color of the tomato that was in her hand. Her eyes had a new kind of soft intensity.

Rob took a sip of his drink and spoke softly and calmly. "Sounds like the father's ready to share her completely. That really would make a smokin' hot movie, wouldn't it? But what if we take it even further. If the son is staying at the house, maybe his girlfriend is with him. Do you think his girlfriend would be into something like that? What do you call it, a swap? A fourway?"

Lori breathed out loudly through her nostrils, and back in again, and then she did it again. She looked stuck, standing there, like she couldn't think how to make herself move. Rob moved in to stir the sizzling, nearly burning onions in the sauté pan behind her, and she got back to work, looking a little dazed and confused as she cut up the tomato and added it to the salad.

I stood there in my plain old bathing suit, glad it was damp from our quick swim; the cool clamminess of it kept my cock from heating up and embarrassing me. Rob's idea ricocheted around inside my head. Lori seemed to be in on it. She was nervous and fidgety, but she wasn't questioning him. She knew what he meant and it was clear they'd already discussed it. I had a feeling her nervousness was from having the new idea said out loud; having it out in the open.

"There'd have to be a girl," I said, stating the obvious, like a dork. I knew Christy was the one, the one on Rob's mind. It had to be her, and really, who else would there be?

Rob said, "I guess there's two different ways we could do it. One is, the father lets his son in on a nice blowjob from the sexy neighbor, in order to keep him from telling his mother about things. That'd be good. It'd make a plenty hot movie and we could definitely do that. But Lori and I have been watching some more porn and so many of them blow up into these amazing group sex situations, with way more than blowjobs. We've been fascinated by it all, and we thought our little movie might be a chance to, you know, try something that's...bigger and...a little more equitable. We'd both get to try out a big fantasy."

"Yeah, I mean, that'd be totally hot," I said. Then, as I excitedly tried to unravel the threads of all the ideas, I was hit with the awful thought that maybe they had another couple in mind. Maybe they'd gotten drunk with some friends and talked about it, and I'd be the odd man out, standing behind the cameras, watching it all. I needed clarity, so I said, "If you guys want to bring in another couple it's fine with me."

Rob smiled. Lori was still stirring her sauté, with her back to me. I could tell she was nervous. "It's you, brother, either way," he said. "We didn't know if...your friend Christy might be interested. I know it's a longshot, but...Lori has this idea of fairness. It's one of the things I love about her." He looked at her and said, "Do you want to tell him about it, hun?"

Lori turned, facing me, and she leaned back against the counter. She crossed her arms in front of her, still red-faced and nervous. "We'd go further with this," she said, as her face reddened even more, "but I want it to be fair, and equal. I know it's probably crazy to think your friend Christy would be at all interested, but Rob's a handsome guy. Would you even want to ask her, though?"

Lori said the last part with hope in her voice, and on her face. She was nervous and embarrassed but it was pretty obvious she wanted to fuck me, and this was her way in. I had a funny feeling it was all her idea, the way the movie had been.

There was nothing I wanted more, at that moment, than to make it all happen, to finally get to fuck Lori, in the middle of a wild fourway no less. I texted Christy, asking her to call me. She was home alone and she got back to me right away. I wandered outside to the table by the pool to take the call.

"What's the matter, are you okay?" she said. "You sound funny."

"No, yeah, I'm okay," I said. "I' the neighbors. We're going to shoot a big scene tonight."

"You pervert!" she said, her voice sounding like it was smiling. "What are you calling me for? You like teasing me, don't you."

"I do, but no, it's not that," I said. I took a deep breath. "Remember I told you the husband, Rob, thinks you're hot?"

"Yeah. The handsome older guy," she said, with a smile in her voice. "Did you tell him I think he is, too?"

"No. Would you like to tell him in person?"

"What do you mean?" she said.

"All right, this is going to sound crazy, but...they want me and you to be in their movie. With them. All of us together."

"Oh my God," Christy said. "For real? They said that?"

I told her about the direction the movie was going in, the son at home angle, and the possibility of him having a girlfriend, and...

"So it'd be, like, real orgy sex?" she said.

"Yeah. All of us on their bed. I think that's what they have in mind. It's crazy, I know."

"Fffuucck!" she said. "Me with that good looking old guy? And his hot wife? And you, too? Oh my God. I mean, I wanna say yes. Will you think I'm a sleaze?"

"A sleaze? No. A slut maybe.


"I'm k**ding, obviously," I said. "I mean, look at what I'm into."

"Yeah, you're pretty much a slut," she said, sounding like she was smiling again. "So, the old guy...oh, God, he knows who I am, though, right?"

"I don't think he'd like you calling him the old guy. His name's Rob. And yes, he knows who you are. Back when they first knew that I knew you, he said you were the best looking girl on the news. He meant it, I could tell."

"Really? I love that! I'm vain, I know, but that's one of the cool things about my job; I get to feel like a sex symbol even though I'm not one. In a bigger market I'd just be the skinny girl, and nobody'd care."

"Yeah, I wouldn't do well if I was on-air," I said. "I'd be way too self-conscious."

"Trust me, there'd be girls and women after you. There's all kinds of tastes."

"Maybe. You and Lori have both helped a lot. I feel way better about myself these days," I said. "So wait a minute. I didn't call just to shoot the shit. Did you say you might actually want to try this?"

"Yeah, I'll try it. I've been jealous of you, with this whole thing you're doing with them. And you said there's a legal contract and everything, so I feel a tiny bit safe at least. Yeah, I want to be in on it."

I couldn't believe my ears. "For real?"

"Yeah. Just let me know when. I've always wanted to try orgy sex."

"You cannot be this casual about it. Are you?"

"Of course not," she said. "It's crazy's just crazy. But...I'm not going to say no. You really trust these people, right? It seems like it's the perfect way to try it."

"Yeah, that's...right I guess," I said, a little stunned. "Can you come over right now? We're going to eat dinner in a few minutes, so you don't need to rush. You can park at my house and walk through the bushes in the back. We'll be out by the pool."

"Oh my God, right now? Yeah, I guess."

"Bring a bathing suit," I said. "We usually swim a little."

I felt like I was dreaming when I went back inside and told Rob and Lori that Christy was on her way. It was the strangest feeling, like I was living someone else's life, walking around in someone else's body. Rob and Lori looked a little stunned. Their quietly happy but boring marriage had transitioned, in two weeks time, from traditional to decidedly untraditional, with the sexual freedoms that they'd previously only fantasized about suddenly wrapped up like easily opened gifts on each of their laps. And they were opening them.

We ate dinner while we waited for Christy, nearly making it through two bottles of wine from the two cases they'd brought home from the winery tour that afternoon. As we ate they told me all about the place, and they told me, in great detail, all about the lunch waitress, a young woman my age who's into Star Trek, gaming, and photography.

"She's perfect for you!" Lori said. "So cute with her blue hair."

Rob added, "She'd look pretty good in a bathing suit, but she needs some sun. White as a ghost."

We'd cleared the table and were sitting there, quietly talking, sipping wine, when Christy walked toward us across the backyards. I felt a warm rush of adrenaline in my blood when I made the introductions.

"We love you on the news," Lori said, with nervousness in her voice.

"Yes, you're wonderful," Rob said.

Rob, usually a confident conversationalist, was nearly speechless. Maybe it was because he was in his bathing suit, with his handsome hairy legs and chest showing, and Christy was fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Thank god Christy talks a lot when she's nervous. She kept the moment from being silently awkward, although I could tell she was feeling it, too.

"Oh my god, I like your pool. I'd love to have a nice pool someday, but it's so hard to really settle down in a nice house when you're in the news business. I know people that have moved to a new city every two years or so. There's always condos, some of them have nice pools, but there's always people there. That can be kind of fun, too. It'd be different though. This is such a nice neighborhood. How long have you guys lived here?"

"We raised our k**s here," Lori said. "They went to West End High School."

"Oh, I did a story there," Christy said. "The shop class, the teacher had the k**s build a sports car and they raffled it off for charity. It was red, I think. A snake, or something like that. A Cobra? Is that a car?"

"It is," Rob said, his eyes sparkling with delight at Christy's youthful charm. "I bought ten tickets for that raffle, but...some old bald guy won it."

"You would have looked good in it," Christy said, suddenly flirty, and then she blushed a little. "Can I get a glass of wine? I think I need one. My friend said I could probably live on wine. She said I'd still look the same but my skin would be purple."

Lori chuckled and Rob did, too. They had plenty of wine in them already, so their nervousness was different, sort of wide-eyed and happy looking, like they were staring into the unknown. It was a good kind of stare, though, like what they were seeing was enjoyable.

Christy went with Rob into the house. Lori and I sat quietly, unsure of what to say to each other. A minute or two passed. Rob and Christy didn't come back immediately with a drink in her hand, the way we thought they would.

"She's cute," Lori said. "I was never that skinny."

"Women seem to spend a lot of time thinking about that kind of thing," I said.

"I know," she said. She looked down at her bikini clad body, eyeing the way her belly looked as she sat there in the chair, its soft flesh folded with a far from unpleasant crease. "It's unhealthy to dwell on it,'s hard not to. The whole world's full of it. Fat this, fat that. Truthfully, I just want to feel good about myself, and...lately, I do."

I smiled. "Well there you go then. That means you're on the right path. Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

"Oh, I like that one," Lori said, smiling. "Is that Spock?"

I nodded. "Sherlock Holmes said it, too."

"Wow, two wise men," Lori said, suddenly blushing a little and looking shy. "So the truth must be I want to be a slutty wife, with a husband who lets me."

We heard Christy's nervous giggle coming from inside the house. Lori and I looked in that direction, but we couldn't see them yet. I was about to ask Lori if she was sure about everything, if she really wanted to go down the road she and Rob were on, when she said, "I'm really looking forward to this." She looked at me, straight into my eyes, and hers were sparkling. "I don't know what it is about you. I've wanted fuck you, ever since I met you. Are you sure you want to? I'm just an old fat girl."

I smiled and looked as deeply into her eyes as I could. "I thought you said you've been feeling good about yourself."

"Feeling good and being honest are sort of the same thing, right?"

"Yeah," I said, "'re not fat. You look like a model. sized."

Lori's eyes were still sparkling. "A model? That's how you see me?"

"Yeah. A beautiful one."

"What did you think when you first met me, at your side door that day."

"You looked beautiful," I said. "You had a button-up shirt on, and what do you call those pants? Capris?"

"You remember that? Those are my favorites. Rob likes the way my big ass looks in them."

"It's not big. It's perfect. I watched you walk away. And I'd already seen you in a bikini; you were wearing one, out here by the pool, the day I moved in."

"Really? Yeah, I guess you snuck up on me. If I'd known someone was moving in that day I wouldn't have been out here."

"My friend saw you before I did. He's pretty crude about girls and women. He liked you."

"Oh my god, you guys were all looking?"

"Yup. If he ever comes by and sees you topless he's gonna beg to move in with me."

Lori's didn't say anything but I could see her mind working, happily, it seemed. That's when Rob and Christy walked out of the house. Christy had a very full wine glass in her hand, and she wore a little bikini that she must have had in her purse; she looked svelte and leggy, and standing next to Rob's handsome bathing-suit-clad maturity, she looked very, very young.

"I love your house," she said to Lori. "Rob showed me the downstairs. It's all so nice. I love houses that look like they're lived in, with books and nice things all around. And pictures. I've got pictures on my walls, too. My friend helped me frame them and hang them. They'll be a pain to move some day, but I like them. Your k**s look really nice. Your son's handsome like his dad."

Christy and Rob sat down with us at the poolside table. Daylight was fading. The underwater lights were on and the pool was starting to glow the way it does at night. Lori's face gave away some emotion, but I couldn't quite read it. I think the mention of her k**s had triggered it, and I wondered if it was because Christy was younger than both of them, younger than Rob's own daughter.

Christy looked at me and said, "Rob said I can't swim 'till after, because my hair needs to be dry? Is that right, Mr. Director?"

"Oh. Yeah, that's...good." I tried to get a grip on what was happening, but my mind was fumbling. It was crazy to think we were almost ready to fuck each other, upstairs on the big bed. "Do you want to finish your wine before we...?"

"Yeah!" Christy said. "This and some more! You guys are all loose already and used to...everything."

"Let's all just relax for a while," Lori said.

We talked about the news business and the architecture business. Rob kept the wine flowing. We talked about the movie and how unexpected it was, and Christy relaxed more and more, happy to hear about all the nervousness we'd all gone through to get the movie as far along as it was. She was fascinated by the description of the blowjob scene.

"You did it right outside here?" she said, her eyes wide. "At night, with the lights on?"

Lori nodded sheepishly. "I've gotten very used to things. I don't know why."

"No, I mean...I think it's great," Christy said. "I'd love like that."

"She's topless out here during the day sometimes now," Rob said. "That's all new." He looked proud, with a twinkle in his eye.

"Wow, really?" Christy looked around at the filtered view of the neighbors, and up at the clear view of my bedroom window.

"I tell myself the others can't see much," Lori said. "Those big trees, you can only see through them a little this time of year."

"I told her I don't think anyone will squawk much," Rob said. "I suppose a wife or a boy's mother might, but...nothing so far, so I think we're good."

"There's no k**s close by anymore," Lori said, defending her actions. "I wouldn't do it if there was."

"Yeah, no, I think it's awesome," Christy said. "That's something you can't do at a condo pool."

"You're more than welcome to join me anytime," Lori said. "I just sit here and read, mostly, but it's nice to be able to jump in the water and cool off."

"Oh, wow, that's so nice of you!" Christy said. "Yeah, I'd love to! I went to Europe one summer, when I was in college. That's the only time I've been topless in the sun. It felt so good. I kinda loved it."

"France?" Rob asked. "Lori and I are going next spring. We've been before, but Lori wasn't brave enough to go topless. The local girls and women seem really relaxed about it. Maybe this time, hun?"

"Maybe," Lori said, with a smirk and a twinkle that complimented Rob's.

"I definitely would if I were you," Christy said. "God, if I had your body I'd want to show it off all the time. You'll have French guys following you around. There's worse things, trust me."

"Did you have a romance when you were there?" Rob asked.

"Yup. It was like fate, or destiny, or whatever you want to call it," Christy said. "I mean, us girls, we're basically naked on the beach, right? Just a little thong thing on. And the guys are super handsome, and they're French! With that accent! It's totally a recipe for being horny all the time. I went a little wild."

Rob asked for details and Christy downed another glass of wine as she told us about giving a blowjob on the beach, and all-out fucking another guy on another beach while her friend took on a guy standing up in the water. "It's the closest I've ever come to orgy sex," she said, with a flirtatious smile and a sparkle in her eyes. "It was so fun."

That's when we all knew we were ready. The four of us went upstairs and Christy giggled when she saw all the gear set up in the bedroom. "Oh my God, this is hilarious! You're not messing around, Evan."

"I think living amongst all this has altered my brain chemistry," Lori k**ded. "Before this I was happy with once a week, or less. Now I wanna screw all the time."

"Really? Wow," Christy said. "The journalist in me wants to do a story about that."

"Do it!" Rob said. "Would you put it on at six, or eleven?"

He smiled and Christy chuckled. "Definitely eleven," she said.

"Christy, did you wear panties today?" I asked.

Her nervous smile loosened a little. It was bright and lovely, closer to her natural self. "I beg your pardon! " she said. "Is that a question you ask your co-worker?"

"Well, sorta. Today it is. Did you?"

"I did."

"As much as I love seeing you in that bikini," I said, "I need you to put on the panties, and the t-shirt you had on when you got here. It'll look like you're in your sleeping clothes, and I'll be in my underwear. We want it to look like we were sleeping when we heard my father with the neighbor woman. We'll confront them and then..."

Christy smiled. It was a soft smile, with some devil in it. "And then...?"

"I...uh...I'll say something like, 'Dad! What are you doing!' and Rob'll say, 'Oh shit! Don't tell your mother.' "


Christy had gotten to the heart of the matter. Her eyes were wide and darkly intense, but still twinkling with a c***dlike innocence. I could tell she was horny, in a way I'd seen a few times before.

I said, "He'll say something like, 'Come and join us. It'll be our little secret. No one needs to know.' We shouldn't need any more dialog after that."

For a few moments, silence overtook the four of us. What we were about to do was becoming real. Our little secret, indeed.

"My clothes are downstairs," Christy said. "I'll be right back."

When she left, my nervous energy carried me to my equipment. I switched on microphones and moved tripods so my cameras could see the entire bed and its surroundings. I planned on doing some camera movements during the action, as best I could.

Rob and Lori were just standing there, unsure of what to do. I said, "You guys should get just a little dampness in your hair and towel it nearly dry."

"One of the last things we did was the footsie scene, right?" Rob asked. "Is that going to work into this somehow?"

"Oh, right," I said. A strong hit of embarrassment blushed my face when I remembered it all. "No, that doesn't really fit in. I guess I could add it at the end, like the porn DVDs do it, like an extra."

"Don't cut anything out," Lori said, a little sheepishly. "Especially not that."

I nodded, happy that she'd liked it as much as I did. "So," I said, "what would the action be when the son sees you guys?"

"It should be serious," Rob said, "like doggy style or something like that, where we're both up and can be seen."

"Okay, yeah, that's good," I said. "We haven't done doggy with Lori upright yet, sort of standing on her knees, with you behind her, fucking her, with your hands on her tits maybe."

"Wow, sounds dirty," Christy said, quietly entering the bedroom from the hallway. "I guess I came to the right place. I messed up my hair, Evan, like it'd be if I was sleeping. Is it okay?"

"If I was the director I'd say you look perfect," Rob said, letting his eyes roam freely over her panty and t-shirt clad body. Her little nipples poked at the shrunken shirt, attracting his gaze like a shiny lure attracts a hungry fish.

"Evan, can you show us?" Lori said. "I don't understand the position."

Lori and Rob got on the bed, still in their bathing suits, and I had them simulate doggy style. "You'll take your time and get nicely into it, and then at some point Rob will pull at your arms from behind and lift you."

"I think I get it," Rob said, "but why don't you jump in here and demonstrate."

Rob moved off the bed quickly, leaving Lori there on her hands and knees, with her bikini top barely supporting the weight of her huge hanging breasts. Her back was arched downward, accentuating the carnal curve of her ass the way she knew I liked it, and her shy, sparkling eyes hit me like a d**g.

I climbed onto the bed on my knees and positioned myself behind her, and I lost all my breath when the hard lump of my bathing suit-covered cock pressed up against her ass. Her cheeky bikini left acres of her beautiful butt cheeks bare, and my lump pressed right in between them. Lori's breath went out of her the same way mine did.

"So," I said, "'ll be fucking, like this, and Lori, you'll be all hot and into it, and then Rob will reach for your arms, and..."

Her shoulders dropped to the bed and she let me take her arms. She moaned, and I realized my hips were moving, dry humping her. I glanced at Rob and Christy, both of them watching closely, and I felt the heat of another blush on my face. I spoke, but my voice was breathier, giving away the feelings inside me. "Yeah, that's good, down like that, but then..."

I pulled on her arms and her upper body rose, and her ass pressed even harder against me, moving like she was fucking. Her voice was a sigh when she said, "Oh wow!"

Christy and Rob looked a little like c***dren who'd caught Santa Claus, their eyes wide with wonder. There was a new energy in the room and I seized it; without too much thought, my hands moved to Lori's soft, warm sides, feeling the structure of her body for the first time, her ribcage and the swell of her suddenly heavy-breathing lungs. And then my hands were where they longed to be, on her tits, with the smoothness of the bikini's fabric letting them glide there, as if it was meant to be.

Lori tipped her head back next to mine and moaned next to my ear, and her whole body dry humped me, her ass grinding hard against my throbbing erection. "I like this," she said, breathy and quiet near my ear. "You know all the good positions, don't you."

Rob's voice brought me back to earth. "So, we'll be like that when you and Christy appear at the door. Yeah, that's perfect. There's no denying what's going on with Lori looking like that."

"Your tits are amazing." Christy said, looking a little awestruck.

"Take off her top, Evan," Rob said, with a hint of a smile and a twinkle in his eye. "Let's see how it's really going to look."

I didn't need to be asked twice. There was a thought in my head that I shouldn't take advantage of the situation and put my hands on Lori's bare tits, but it evaporated when I untied her bikini. Lori helped me, ridding herself of the aqua-colored covering like she was eager. She tipped her head back again, her soft hair on my shoulder, her ass moving firmly against my hard lump. My hands went to the biggest, softest, firmest tits I've ever felt, so warm and weighty and womanly. Lori was moaning. I'm pretty sure her eyes were closed. I moved my fingers across her hardened nipples. The two of us could have been lost there for a while if I'd closed my eyes, and I'm certain I would have had to rinse out my bathing suit again, but Rob's calm voice brought us back to earth once more.

"I can't wait to see this movie."

Christy giggled. I could tell she was nervous.

Lori was breathing hard. "Wow!" she said quietly as my hands left her and we parted. "I'm all worked up now."

"So's our director," Christy said, looking at my tented bathing suit. I saw her glance at Rob's lump, too, but she did it quickly, without him noticing.

"You guys should do your hair," I said. "I'll get one of the cameras angled at the doorway for the son and girlfriend's entry.

"Right," Rob said. "Time to get naked in front of our favorite newsgirl." He ducked into the bathroom and Lori followed. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in their heads.

Christy watched me work. "This is quite the set-up," she said, trying to corral her nervous energy. "Want some help?"

"There's just that one cable there that's in the shot. Can you unplug that mic and reroute it under the bed?"

A couple minutes later, Rob emerged from the bathroom, naked, with every bit of his middle-aged handsomeness on display. His big cock was half hard and hanging low, but it grew even more and started an upward trajectory when he saw Christy down on the floor, on her hands and knees, with her adorable little ass pointed at him. A nice hint of her pussy showed through the thin fabric of her plain-looking panties.

"Wow," he said when he saw her. "Oh, shit, now I'm in trouble. Oh well, you're gonna see it eventually."

Lori walked out of the bathroom, equally naked. "You dog," she said when she saw his cock rising. "I told you we should wear robes."

Christy, mostly done with the cable rerouting, still down on hands and knees, turned so she could see Rob. She wasn't shy about looking at him, and judging by her face she was happy about what she was seeing. She'd watched him in the videos on my computer, of course, but in person his cock is pretty impressive, the kind that gives me penis envy every once in a while. And as far as the 'old guy' angle goes, I have no idea what was going on in her head. He may look just like her dad or her uncle for all I know.

I went into the bathroom and put on the boxer-briefs I'd brought with me for the 'son confronts father' scene, and we were ready.

"Are we all cool?" I asked. "Does everybody still want to be doing this?"

"Let's fire this thing up, porn boy," Christy said. "You know you've got a new nickname now, right?"

"Oh, great. Not at work, please."

She smiled and winked at me. I could tell she was nervous and wanted to let her mouth run to compensate, but she held her tongue and let her dark, expressive eyes tell the story. Lori's eyes were talking, too, big and excited looking, with a smoldering something that was new.

"Let's do it," Rob said, sounding a little nervous himself. "I can't wait to see this movie."

I switched the equipment on, did a quick mic check, and called "action." Christy and I stood back in the shadows and I felt her hand on mine; she squeezed it tight when Rob's cock entered Lori and he started fucking her doggy style. It was beautiful from the get-go, husband and wife making sexy noises, breathy and moaning. A lovely energy filled the room, making me tingle. I wanted to look at Christy and say, 'See? I told you this was real!'

I got so caught up in the fucking and the handholding, I just stood there, watching, so Christy ended up directing me. She tugged at my hand and gestured toward the door, and she led me, silently, out into the hallway. We watched from the new angle, a front view. Lori's weighty tits swung pendulously under her, and Rob's blissfully happy face glanced at us, or more likely, at Christy.

Christy whispered in my ear, "This is crazy. I love it."

"Oh shit!" Lori exclaimed. She looked as if she was discovering a new reality, a naked, fucked-in-front-of-a-newsgirl intoxication that really ticked all the boxes. "That feels...amazing! God you fuck good!"

"Be quiet!" Rob said, breathlessly improvising as he fucked her, his cock thrusting smoothly and deeply. "You'll wake my son!"

"Your son is here? You should have told me!"

Christy squeezed my hand again. She looked excited.

And then it was happening. Rob reached for Lori's arms and she went down at first, from hands and knees to shoulders and knees, her back arched downward, her ass up, taking the steadily rhythmic thrusts of Rob's smooth fucking. He pulled at her arms and lifted her up and she rose like a goddess, big tits moving with the rhythm, and then his hands were there, on them, and I heard Christy's breathing, heavy and uneven, and her hand squeezed mine tightly. For some reason I was calm. Zen. Almost Vulcan. I whispered in her ear, "You'll follow me, sort of by my side so the camera can see you."

Lori was cumming when we stepped forward to the doorway. I said, "Oh my God! Dad! What are you doing? "

It was a stunning moment, as perfect as can be. Lori was deep in the throes of an unexpected orgasm, embarrassed for real, I think, which made the scene work beautifully.

"Oh, shit," Rob said, pulling his red-hot cock out of his orgasming 'neighbor'. "Don't tell your mother, son! Please!"

"Oh...God!" Lori said. She collapsed back to all-fours and rolled onto her back, looking like she was delirious.

"Oh, you're both there," Rob said, noticing Christy. "Shit."

"It's okay," Christy said, surprising me with her improvisation. "We don't have to tell, do we?"

"No, you don't," Rob said to me. "Have you met our new neighbor? She's horny enough for us both, son. Almost too horny to satisfy, but you can help me with that. Your mother doesn't need to know."

Christy held my hand tightly when we walked to the bed, and then it was an all-out tit orgy, the two of us and Rob going wild on Lori's magnificent breasts as she lay writhing on her back. It was incredibly hot seeing Christy go at Lori's tits with the same enthusiasm we men had, and Lori seemed amazed and wonderfully overwhelmed by it all.

I'm happy to say my mouth loved Lori's amazing nipples, and her nipples seemed to truly love my mouth. Our eyes connected often when I was there, loving them, licking them, teasing their tender firmness with my gentle teeth. I could have kept my mouth on those big, glorious tits forever, but I let Christy and Rob have them and I moved down between Lori's legs, licking her wet pussy and tasting her freshly fucked juices. With my arms wrapped around her beautiful thighs and my mouth firmly on her warm wetness, she moaned so deeply I could feel her whole body vibrate. She had her second orgasm almost immediately, crying out as the three of us gave her a full body assault. Her raw sexuality stunned me. It was better than anything I'd dreamt. I stayed right where I was, eating her pussy more and more, licking her asshole, making her go wild. With my mouth and tongue moving eagerly against her clit, another orgasm came to her, a deep one that rocked her to her core. The waking dream I was in the middle of was so very real, Lori's flavor sublime on my tongue, her luscious wetness nearly dripping from my face and chin.

Christy and Rob melted into each other, just a moment later. It was a suddenly passionate kiss, and I knew the camera would love it — the young, partially dressed girl kissing the handsome, naked older man. Rob tugged at Christy's shirt and pulled it off over her head, tousling her already messy hair, and then I watched her suck Rob's cock. A real man's cock. I knew her technique because she'd sucked my cock more than once, but seeing her with Rob's big one in her mouth was amazing. Thrilling. Christy Gethlowe, News Channel Ten, every bit as sexy as all us guys from the newsroom dreamed she'd be.

Lori saw me watching them and she watched, too, seeing her husband with another woman for the first time. I could tell it was a big moment for her. I worried that it would shock her and she'd yell, "Stop," but she didn't. Happily, for me anyway, it fueled her lust.

"Take these off," she said, tugging at my undershorts. "Do something different to me."

I stripped and my cock was so hard, as hard as it's ever been, as big as it's ever been, as long as it's ever been, and I moaned my pleasure when Lori's hand took gentle hold of it. The look of magical excitement on her face made me tingly. Or maybe her stroking hand made me feel that way. I think it was both.

Lori wanted 'different', so I pushed her down and went to my hands and knees on top of her, man-on-top sixty-nine position, but not fully down on her yet. I watched underneath me as my cock hung over her face. "Ohhh yeahhh," she sighed, smiling as she took hold of my hard shaft again, sending goosebumps all through me.

Lori lifted her head and tasted me for the first time, moaning so beautifully. I watched her tongue and her lips tease me, and I saw her sparkling lusty eyes glance at me. I spread my knees a little, lowering my cock into her hungry mouth. That's when I remembered the cameras. I said to myself, Straighten your back, you fool! You look like a monkey fucking a football! I tried to make myself look like all the pornstar men I'd seen, but Lori's sucking mouth and her happy hands distracted me, and the cameras were gone from my mind again. Her hands moved from the base of my cock and my balls to my hips, and she pulled me down. It was happening! So quickly! She was eager! I heard her gurgling moan and I felt the velvety tightness of her throat. Her hands on my hips guided my movements and I knew what she wanted; I fucked her throat for four glorious slow thrusts. She pushed me out of her, gurgling and gasping for air, seizing a quick moment of sanity and then tossing it away.

"More!" Lori growled. "All the way! Eat me while you do it!"

I heard Christy's breathy, ecstatic voice, right next to us, say, "Oh, God yeah! Your cock's so fuckin' big! "

I didn't look directly at her because I was on a mission with my Lori, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Christy riding Rob like a cowgirl, and I heard his happy groans as she fucked him with her tight little pussy.

Lori's hands on my hips pulled me down again, and my throbbing cock found her open mouth and entered it all on its own. I felt the warmth and I heard the tell-tale gurgle. Her throat opened and I slid deep. I dropped to my elbows and I mouthed the entirety of her shining wet pussy, spread wide just for me. My tongue found the nub of her clit, she guided my hips with her hands, and I fucked her throat again. This time it was epic: she came while her throat was full, her pussy writhing against my mouth, her hands holding my cock deep in her throat and then pushing me out, letting free a gasping coughing cry from her mouth that was wild like an a****l. My lips and my tongue stayed locked on her pussy and her electrified clit, and she kept cumming, like I'd never seen before. When it was over she took my cock in her mouth again and she devoured it, and then she held my throbbing hardness in her hand, sucked my balls into her mouth and devoured them, too.

She was breathless and dazed but she knew what she wanted. She pushed me off of her and she offered herself to me doggy style. I went to my knees and my mouth went to her ass. I ate every inch of it with my nibbling teeth and my licking tongue.

"You know what she wants," Rob said to me. "Fuck her, son, and don't tell your mother."

Lori giggled and she rolled onto her back. She tried to hide her amusement from the cameras but they were all around her, and the giggle grew into a laugh. It was beautiful, and it made her tits jiggle. She got it under control, and her face radiated joy in the happy silence. Her thighs opened wide and she reached for me. She wanted me, just like that, on her back, missionary position.

It wasn't what I expected. It's so close, so intimate. Face-to-face. It's so...loving. I went to her reaching arms and my cock found its way into her as if by magic. I was fucking her, with her arms wrapped around me, and we looked at each other with love in our eyes. It was breathtaking. It was wondrous.

"Kiss her, but don't fall in love with her," Rob said.

Too late, I wanted to say! I kissed Lori's moaning, open mouth and she kissed me back, and my hips thrust my cock at a smooth, steady pace. I just wanted to fuck her, and fuck her, and fuck her. It was better than any dream, better than any fantasy.

She felt so warm under me, so soft. Like a woman-cloud. I got a hand on one of her luscious tits and I was able to contort myself and fuck her while I got my mouth on it, a dream-like nipple on my tongue, between my lips, between my nibbling teeth, all while my hand squeezed the wonder of her soft tit flesh. My cock was fucking her at a new angle, with my pelvic bone rubbing her clit. She liked it, and she let everyone know.

"Oh, God yes. God yyyesss!"

There was no way I was letting her breast out of my mouth. I could see her face out of the corner of my eye, and I was glad of it. She was releasing herself, floating into the experience, eyes fluttering just before the happy storm of orgasm, and then her body told me she was gone, lost in that place she loves. I kept her there, my hips thrusting smoothly, my cock fucking steadily, deeply. The muscles in her pussy squeezed me, contractions that had a loving mind of their own, and I melted away with her, feeling an overwhelming inner heat as I came deep inside her, both of us whimpering and holding breath, sharing our loving orgasms in the most intimate of ways. Face-to-face again. With Rob watching.

"Damn!" he said quietly. "Babe, you're as sexy as it gets."

Lori's voice floated into the air, feathery and soft. "You like watching me?" she asked him. "I like it when you watch me."

Rob was still on his back, giving Christy a long, luxurious ride that she looked lost in; her lithe, slender body was moving like a dancer, her satiny skin shining with a sheen of sweat.

"Eat her pussy again," Rob said to me. "Nobody likes it more than she does."

Lori was already moaning when I kissed my way there, down her soft belly to the closely trimmed fur that was always hidden from me under her bikinis. I could smell the womanly scent of her, hot and extra wet from our fucking. My mouth engulfed her raw, fleshy pussy again and words started to tumble out of her.

"Oh, yeah!...Eat me, Evan!...Fuckin' eat me!"

She tasted so rich and womanly it overwhelmed my senses. I kissed and licked all the tender flesh between her widespread thighs.

"Ohhh, you're a tease!" she said, smiling in a half gone, drunken way. She watched my mouth playfully biting at her tender inner thigh, inches away from her begging pussy. "I guess I deserve it."

I did what she wanted and mouthed her pussy and clit again, and she shrieked with joy. She looked over at Rob, watching as his hips revved up under Christy, driving his big cock into the cute young newsgirl's pussy, making her squeal with delight.

"Don't you dare tell me this is a one time thing," Lori said to him.

I looked at her face and her sparkle eyes were on lusty fire. She caught sight of my gaze and her hips moved more, grinding her pussy against my mouth.

"Make me cum, Evan! Oh, God, make me cum!"

I was happy to obey her loud, gruff command. Happily, I knew I could easily make her orgasm again, so I took my time and teased her some more, licking down below her pussy, down near her asshole, then assaulting her clit again, then taking on her asshole in full. She howled with joy at each move.

"Dirty boy!...You like licking my ass, dirty boy?....Oh yeah! Stick your tongue in it!...Taste your dirty girl!"

Her words and her voice had gone completely free. She was all in. My mouth took her clit with gentle force and she launched. On her back on her soft marital bed, with her tits thrust upward, her whole body writhed with orgasm.

Rob was just above her at her side, newly positioned after tossing Christy onto hands and knees for some doggy style. He cried out when his big cock sunk into the girl's tight pussy again, nearly splitting her sweet little ass in two, and Christy cried in joy right along with him as he thrust his way deep.

Rob did the arm pulling move and Christy's upper body rose up, her eyes showing happy surprise, looking like she hadn't ever tried that position before. His cock thrust upward into her from behind as his hands claimed her pretty little tits. Whimpering moans floated from her excited looking mouth and her eyes were wide and wild. Christy looked spectacular that way, naked and sweaty, nipples blazing and muscles firing, fucking an energetic man, heading for orgasm number three. That's when Lori's hand reached for Christy's pussy, surprising everyone.

I gently nibbled at Lori's pussy, keeping her floating between her easy orgasms, halfway between reality and a dream. She lay there, close enough to the younger woman's leg to feel the warmth of it, using her massaging fingertips on Christy's clit while Rob's steady upward thrusts fucked the young girl into an orgasmic dream of her own. Christy looked blissfully delirious, like she was d**gged and floating in buoyant air. She said things, happy things, but I couldn't understand her and I don't think anyone else could either. It looked and sounded like a long, endless orgasm, and it was so beautiful. Lori's eyes sparkled like diamonds as she watched it, and the tips of her fingers were barely there on Christy's little clit. Just enough. Just enough.

Christy collapsed in a heap, and Rob, fortified with Viagra, gave me the nod. Lori was his, and he wanted her. He reclined on his back and pulled her to him. Lori mounted him cowgirl style, and I went to her side, on my knees. I caressed her big tits and I took one in my mouth, moaning again at the wonderfulness of the feel of one of her perfect nipples between my teeth.

I rose to my feet on the bed, next to Lori, and she smiled. She reached for my re-hardening cock and moaned when she experienced a cock in her pussy and a cock in her mouth for the first time. Christy smiled, too, on her hands and knees like a cat, moving to Rob's side, kissing him deeply. The moaning, easeful energy in the room was intoxicating.

Christy, giggling when she threw a leg over Rob's head, lowered her pussy to his mouth, she and Lori facing each other. They both giggled as they shared me, two sexy mouths alternating on my hard-again cock. And then both of their mouths were on it together, and my happy mind was happier still. Rob was happy, too, down underneath, with his everlasting cock being ridden to slow perfection by his beautiful Lori, and his smiling mouth lost in the youth of Christy's pussy. The fourway he'd imagined — or was it Lori who'd imagined it first? — was as real as the cum that gushed from my cock into his loving wife's mouth.

We got lucky — the cameras were angled well enough to make beautiful sense of it all once I cut things together, with some digital zooms and lots of fading dissolves to blend one camera angle into another. It was a lot of work putting it all together, but it was fun work. There's a nice arc to the movie, and the long, extended fourway scene makes a perfect highpoint. I had a feeling I'd be pretty good at making a porn, and I was right. Lori and Rob were thrilled with the end result. They said I could keep a copy, and it's a movie I can't stop watching.

My work friend Nico stopped by one day, to help me move a heavy bookcase into my bedroom. After we'd put it in place he looked out my window and saw Lori.

"Hey, the old spunker's out in the sun again! She's prolly gettin' all leathery and shit. Man, she looks like she's been hittin' the cheeseburgers."

I hoped to God she wasn't topless; if she was I'd never hear the end of it. It turned out she was, but she was flat on her stomach, tanning her back, wearing just the bottom piece of her cheeky aqua-colored bikini. "No cheeseburgers, man. She's beautiful. And super nice, too."

Nico looked surprised. "You met her? Was she wearin' the bikini?"

"Yeah, I've seen her in it."

"Old spunker!" he said, looking out at her again. "Yeah, man, she's all right. It's a big ass but it's pretty fuckin' hot. I usually like the little tight ones, but..."

"Like Christy?" I asked, smirking, gloating a little, even though he didn't have a clue.

"Gethlowe, you mean?" he said. "Fuck yeah. She's got the tightest little ass I ever seen. You're lucky as shit gettin' to work with her all the time. So, your backyard spunker, I remember she's got big tits, right? So is she like divorced or somethin'? Lonely and horny and shit?"

"Happily married. Her husband's really nice, too. They let me swim in their pool."

"No fuckin' way! So you really have seen those big tits up close." He looked out the window at her again, grinning. "She's one of those curvy girls. I been with a few. She's like Mama's age, though. Definitely old spunker material. Fuck yeah, that sweet ass is growin' on me. I wouldn't mind hittin' that."

The computer that held all the scenes I'd shot of Lori — and the finished movie with Christy's guest appearance — was on my desk about three feet away from him. I thought about switching it on and blowing his mind with it, but I knew I wouldn't, not unless Lori and Christy asked me to. Both of them are still in my life in a big way, and their wish, as they say, is my command.

I'm a lucky guy; that's the only way I can figure it. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but in my high school yearbook I was voted 'Most likely to drop his phone in the toilet.' Cruel, right? But yeah, it made me laugh. Still does, but mostly I laugh out of sheer joy these days, usually on Friday nights, standing waist-deep in the pool with Rob and Lori and Christy, the women topless and all of us with drinks in our hands, all of us with the next hour or two in Rob and Lori's bed on our minds. They're a fun bunch to hang with, and sometimes we laugh so much it hurts.

And oh yeah, I bought some more gear — some LED lights to replace my old heavy ones, and some better microphones. I don't know if I'll need them any time soon, but Lori's friend Melanie who lives a few blocks away knows a little bit about the movie story. I guess the topic came up after too much wine one night, she and Lori drinking and talking, when Rob wasn't around. Lori keeps telling me there's a chance something might come of it, because Melanie is lonely, and bored. That doesn't seem like it's enough of a reason to make a porn, but I can't claim to know what goes on in the minds of middle aged women. Lori also told me Melanie's worried she's not pretty enough. But hey, I think blue alien women with fish scale skin are sexy, so who am I to judge? For now though, we're in a nice holding pattern, and life is good. Tomorrow, I'm happy to say, is Friday.
Publicerad av canadianbbw
1 år sedan
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Another awsome story
That's has to be the best story I have read on here or else where, Thanks! 
Wow! Honestly, one of the best stories I've read. Consistent all the way through and unbelievably hot! Thank you!
Great Story!!
Long read but well worth it. Thanks
Wow that was a great story 