Boy Virgin.

Just before Christmas I took the virginity of a 17 year old boy. The sex was beautiful. What made it more special was that we met by chance rather than hooking up online. I have to be honest and admit that he looked younger than 17. But my doubts were erased when he showed me proof of his birthday; he was born in 2005. We certainly were nicely matched physically. I'm petite: 5.6 and slim; he was 5.5 and even slimmer. His body was boyishly beautiful. Despite his youth and inexperience, he was very adventurous. He wanted to try everything. His rim-hole was very enticing. I couldn't resist tasting it with my lips and tongue. The truth be told, I devoured it. His whole body was delicious. We mutually made love in the missionary position. I went first. He was an anal virgin when it came to an actual cock, but he had played with plugs and dildos. I was relieved, as penetration was smoother for both of us. We used lots of lube. I insisted on using condoms. The sex was beautiful, but I have to admit that I'm not interested in pursuing a relationship. We last had sex two weeks ago. I'm trying to end things in a way that won't hurt him emotionally. He is quite immature. This is one reason why I prefer older men. But I don't regret making love to a beautiful young boy. I didn't go looking for him, fate brought us together. We met, their was a spark, we were mutually attracted to each other, and we made love. It was a refreshing experience after the ritual of online hook-ups. I have treated him with love and respect. But It cannot continue. I see my future with an older man.
Publicerad av ButtonboyGB
1 år sedan
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thanks for sharing
I so miss being that age!