Found a New Love

Ever since my wife died I haven't dated or had sex with any woman. So for nearly four years I've been celibate . But this year 2024 I began seeing a old classmate whom I had a thing during High School. We began as just having breakfast and dinners together every now and then .Even going on a trail walk together. I notice that after the trail walk she mention how she really enjoyed it a spending the day with me. So I suggested that we do an overnight stay soon. And she replied "That would be great,I'd love to do that.
Now I was not expecting her to say that,seeing that she has always been very religious. This has been her way since high school. No kissing, sex or anything before marriage. So I started seeing jst to have some companionship until a different woman came along.
After the trail we came home to her apartment and I stayed there for awhile. Now we'll sitting on her couch and she began touching me. Then I say to myself "Go for it and kiss her'' .Just to see if she'd let me and Maaaan did she let me. So for the next 20 minutes we kissed and groped each other. I began to feel like I was a kid again. I ran my hand up her shirt and try to get under her bra. She stood up and took off her shirt and bra, revealing her near 40 d Cups. With this I see her tiny nipples and began to wonder why they were so small. Then I remember, She never has kids. But I began sucking her nipples ,She began moaning and pulling me into them. At the moment I put my hand down her yoga pants to play his her clit. Her pussy was soaking wet. As my finger stroked her clit ,she began to moan even harder and we both began sweating like crazy. At this point I'm thinking go for and eat her cunt. But she said, "No, no ,no. Not here. Wait till we take that trip. So i continued to kiss, she played with my cock. This when on for another hour. Then around ten I left for the night. But as we kissed goodnight ,I went into her pant and tickled her clit one last time and she orgasmed right into me hands. Then I left.
Sunday Afternoon after Church I get home with no plan for the evening. So I put my shorts and night robe to kick back a watch some Cartoons. Only to get a call from my Girl saying she wanted to come over to my house and sit for awhile. So I got dressed ,went and got her and we spent the evening together. Watched some sermon videos on YouTube. Well it seems that Preaching turns this woman on. Next thing I know we in my bed going at it like we were in our 20's again. Now I was worried that I'm in my 60's now, But so is she. But I managed to get it up to a good hardon . But first I sucked her nipples, even taking a good part of her breasts into my mouth.
Then suck that super wet pussy like there was no tomorrow.
Now having been married for 28 years, I knew all kinds of ways to make woman cum and used every one of them. So when my tongue flicker her clit , I could feel her legs began to vibrate as she trusted her pelvic forward. Then she lifted my head up and started deep kissing me. So I finger fucked her, getting my middle finger all the way up to her cervix. When I finger her cervix she scream out and hugged me so tight I nearly farted.LOL. Finally I put my cock inside her surprisingly tight pussy. She moan so loudly I thought neighbors might hear. Now seeing I haven't had sex in five years , I was able to fuck her for a good 20 minutes. I could feel her cunt muscles tighten around my cock as if it had mind of it's own. It was practically sucking my dick. Finally after 20 minutes or so I blew the biggest of my life. She scream in ecstasy a very loud OH MY GOOOOOD! At the same squirting all over my dick ,balls and my bed. she left everything soaking wet with her "shecum". We laid in each others' arms for a while, then drifted off the sleep.
Now for the strange part. The next morning as she taking a shower, I make the bed and noticed a smear of blood on the sheets. Then I realized that I had deflowered a 64 year old virgin. Who would have ever thought that would happen in this day.
THE END.....For now
Publicerad av OldSchoolVHS01
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