How it started... A massage.

Maybe it was from seeing a man changing his clothes in a gym lockerroom at a young age, years before. Innocent on his part, I am sure. However, seeing his hanging, soft cock move as he moved. Seeing his big, hairy balls hanging. It seemed to of sparked something in me. Somehow, I found it seductive and sexual and so alluring. Somehow, I had developed such a strong curiousity, maybe even a lust for gay sex.

Horny nights were spent secretly wishing a guy was there with me. Telling myself and imagining that I would do anything to please him. To please his cock. I imagined pleading for it, desperate for it. Just let me touch it! Just let me suck it! It wasn't long until I tasted my own cum, wishing it was some sexy guy's. It wasn't much longer after that when started to touch my opening. It was all just young, ,inky fantay, I thought, but those thoughts only got stronger. I didn't think I would ever act on them.

Going into a convenience store months before, I saw a row of newspaper stands. Inside them were not newspapers, however. Inside them, I saw folded folded papers with titles like, "For Swinger's Only," and headlines like, "Personal Sex Ad's Inside." I could not stop thinking about them. When I started to drive, that convenience store was one of the places I went to first. Early in the morning, and with no one else around, I fed quarters into the stands and nervoquickly ripped out every different issue I could.

Back home and alone, my cock throbbed as I went through every page of every issue I had bought. It was just such the most incredible turn on. It was a new and amazing world of sex, right before my eyes. Nude photos, kinky ads for swingers and professionals. One ad caught my attention in particular. It was an ad for "Male on male massage." The ad even said in the nude! I could barely believe it. My mind and pulse raced at the thought. It seemed the perfect way to fulfill a curiousity, a deep, unrelenting need that I seemed to have. Nerves and excitement filled my as I drove to the address, but never once did I think about turning around. I wanted to know a man's touch so badly. Truthfully, I wanted even more. I had to experience even more! I wanted to see him, touch him. I was filled with the desire to suck him.

I thought I would be more nervous. Even though I was young and it would be my first encounter with another guy, I just was not that nervous. I knocked on the door and a friendly, handsome man answered and invited me inside. There, in the middle of his apartment's living room, was a massage table. He told me to get undressed and to lay down. I could not help but steal glamces at him as he undressed too. I think if he had just asked me to get on my knees and suck him, I would have! I layed on my stomach, desperate to feel his hands on me. He first touched my feet, then my calves. As he leaned over me, he pressed his cock and balls against the sole of my left foot. It was the most erotic sensation of my young life! It took my breath away and sent a wave of electricity up through my entire body. I felt myself melt into the table and my cock stir. I felt like clay, ready for him to mold in anyway he wanted.

His hands rubbed my ass. Kneading and spreading my cheeks apart, he ran an oiled finger along my opening, touching my delicate, tight hole. My mouth gaped, trying to catch my breath. My head was absolutely swimming. He pushed a finger tip into me and I moaned out loud, without meaning to. It was as if he new that it would unlock my mental and physical boundaries. It felt incredible and made me want more. I knew I would take his cock if only he were to ask. I was so turned on! He moved his atttention to my lower back, then my shoulders. His hands rubbing me, he let out soft, sensual grunts. I felt his cock press against my arm, expertly heightening my arousal. He stood in front of me now, running his hands up and down me. I knew his cock would be just inches away, like he was offering it to me. I looked up, his sexy hanging cock was right there, right in front of my face. He looked so inviting! Without hesitation, I took it into my mouth.

Immediately, I felt struck by this amazing, unexplainably euphoric feeling. I could not believe how incredible the sensation of sucking cock felt. How it made me feel. I felt him get hard. I simply loved it. Unexplainable, maybe a feeling of completeness. My hands ran up his thighs and held his ass, making him moan, too. I pulled him closer and his cock's tip pressed against the back of my throat. I was so eager! Almost out of control, my lust for cock felt almost out of control! In a frenzy, I sucked him and gripped and squeezed his ass. It did not occur to me at the time, but maybe the urgency I felt as I sucked him was my subconcious need and desire for his cum. I wanted it, maybe I needed it? I sucked him, it felt like the most natural, most wonderful, sexual, thing in the world.

When he started to breath harder, so very close to orgasm, I never once thought about stopping. I think I even sucked his cock harder, faster, and squeezed and held his ass tighter. He moaned the most incredible moan and I felt the rush of his semen fill my young mouth. It had the most odd, yet wonderful taste. I swallowed some as more flooded in, spilling out the sides of my lips. It seemed to make me feel light headed, almost intoxicated. It was easily the best sexual experience of my young life and he had not even touched my cock, yet.

I was a raging, quivering mass of need and want when he had me roll onto my back. He knew it and thankfully moved quickly to encourage my release. Warm, oiled hands ran across my chest and over my nipples. I inhaled sharpely at the sensation. I just didn't know how good that could feel. His warm, slick fingers danced along my throbbing cock and cupped and caressed my balls. I was lost in it all. How could I love this so? I could I of lost all control, just from his touch? A man's touch. A man's cock.

He gripped my erection and stroked me slowly, rhythmically, as his other hands rubbed and pinched and pulled at my nipples. He seemed to know my body so well, better than I did. Absolute pleasure, absolute sexual pleasure and passion. I ran my hand over his ass. I wanted him to know how good he was making me feel. I wanted him to know how much this was beginning to mean to me. His soft moan told me he knew and appreciated it, too. Just completely lost in the pleasure and the joys lf his touch. I could barely breath as I felt him edge me closer to orgasm. Heavy, labored breathing. I knew I was going to cum so hard. I knew it, but it still surprised me. Slick, lubed fingers glided up and down my shaft until I shook and the first stream shot up my chest. He moaned out loud as another thick, white rope exploded out and splashed across my chest and his hand, then another. I shook, I moaned bucked my hips against his cock stroking hand. I looked down, there was so much cum! I was so unbelievably turned on! Under his breath, I heard a soft, "Mmmm," I heard a soft, "Wow."

I left feeling spent, my head still dizzy and light feeling, like I was floating. The experience filled my thoughts and fantasies. I wanted more, so much more. I wanted to experience more. Once back home and alone, I could not wait to touch myself and relive it all. His cum still lingering on my tongue, I pushed my finger into my asshole. Oh, how I wished it was his! I was already so hard again. I stroked my cock and wiggled on my bed, thinking of cock and cum and getting fucked. When I came, I called out his name. I felt so embarrashed, but it told me how much I longed for more.

It was weeks before I was able to go see him again. My urges, needs and desires had built up and were now overflowing. Once inside, once behind his closed door. I unashamedly kissed him. It was just a peck, but I had been thinking of it so. Maybe as a sign of appreciation. Maybe to let him know what seeing him again meant to me. It started out much the same, but this time my eyes washed over him greedily, lustfully taking in his cock. His slick, oiled hands once again ran over me. I could not help but arch my lower back, lifting my ass slight iinto the air, and encouraging him to touch my delicate, sensitive hole. I felt oil run down my ass crack. Well lubed, he traced circles around my opening. He ressed his cock against my arm as it dangled off the side of the table. He was already so hard! The urge was overwhelming. I wanted it so much! I slid off the table and onto my feet. I leaned on the massage table and bent over for him. I wanted hard dick inside me. I wanted him to fuck me. Gosh, the feeling of his cock sliding up and down my ass crack as he lubed himself up, teasing me. I could barely breath from the anticipation. I reached behind myself and grabbed my ass, spreading myself for him. I heard him exhale and grunt. The head of his cock felt impossibly huge, but there was no way I was stopping. There was no way I was not going to expereince this. I held myself open, I pulled myself open to accept his cock. Oh yes! I felt his tip! Slowly, he pushed into me deeper as my hole struggled to adapt. Then more of him! I felt so filled and painfully stretched open. It was amazing! I just felt so sexy!

I moaned as he slowly moved himself back and forth and in and out of me. I could feel myself dripping precum as my hole squeezed his shaft. His cock deep inside me, it made me so hard! Bearing down on it, it seemed to milk more pre cum out of me! Relaxing now, and letting myself get fucked, the motion and the force of his thrusts, it was liberating. Relaxing, letting him use me, accepting this role, it was thrilling! His hands gripped and squeezed my waist. Yes, yes, he was close! Thoughts rushed through my head, "Yes, yes, cum inside me, fill me with your hot cum!" It was so exciting and senual, his grunts, his need. I felt like he could just fuck me to orgasm. I felt so close to it, already. When he squeezed my hips, moamed and then held still. I imagined seeing his cock spurting out beautiful, thick strands of cum. I could just picture it as I felt it flow into me and fill me. More of that addictive, intoxicated feeling washed over me. Light headed, elated in the moment. My legs were weak when he pulled out of me and I turned towards him. I looked down, slightly embarrashed, I guess. Embarrashed at how easily I gave into my lusts and sissy style of role. I felt his cum begin to seep out of me as I stood. Funny, I never once thought about him wearing a condom or not. Subconsciouly, I guess, I knew I didn't want him to anyways.

Sensuously, he slowly kissed down my body and moved to his knees. I leaned back against the table and gripped it, supporting my shakey legs as he took my precum soaked cock bewteen his lips and sucked me. It felt like one long, intense, almost endless string of cumshots as he easily brought me to orgasm. Spent and dizzy, when he stood, I kissed him again. This time, I lingered and parted my lips, tasting my own cum on his tongue.
Publicerad av PaulMayer00
11 dagar sedan
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Paul you're right, it's an "unrelenting need"!