The Bane of Video Uploader Identified

This is to all Users who upload videos and other material to XHamster.

The individual and his organization are as follows:

Nate Glass, CEO, he heads a group titled "Take Down Piracy". This outfit has carte blanche from all of the major Porn producing studios to represent their copyrights for their products.

If you've received DMCA issue notices from XH or any other sites you post to, now you know who to blame. You can find Mr. Glass widely getting notice via article all over Google and other sources. He and his organization are the source of all uploading Users woes having increased so greatly in the past year.

I doubt there's anything we can do to avoid contact with Mr. Glass and his group. I can only wish you all the luck in the World, and least you'll now know the source of your vexations.


I have now been informed that Mr. Glass has now placed a Screen Capture of this page to his Twitter feed! Talk about an arrogant weasel hiding behind a veneer of self-righteousness!
Publicerad av Gidney
8 år sedan
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Well, i am just sort of passing by, but maby go get your self a camera and ask some wonderful ladys on the street to help you use it? also, i have a similar problem, with what sounds like a similar group, though i do not create or upload content i do suffer the endless stalkers and traitors... hrmm
Another answer :

"xHamster has no rights to call us criminals, because we are not making a business of our uploads, the law about the copyright infringement is applied just if you make money selling the copies of an artwork, this is not our case so xhamster has no rights to send the warnings or at least he has to change the sentence, a lot."

XHamster is concerned just because is selling the videos, in this case the DMCA may act.
I never imagined your post was so delicate.
Someone sent a question to me so I had to answer :

"I mean :
if the video was erased withour the warning, I was calm and I don't care but now I have a warning about something I never did and about an organization of judges that doesn't know they are mentioned on this site.
If I send a forbidden photo, doesn't matter if the subject is 21 years old now, judges check the age of the subject when the photo was made.
So, I never did a copyright infringement, as the site where I found the video never did a copyright infringement.
xHamster has to think better before to write something on his site, because the most of the times, the bad people is not here but on the side of the complaints, because the complaints are not sent by the real copyright owners and it means DMCA is not involved in this situation.
In this case is clear the producer company is expired so the DMCA will never accept the copyright infringement.
If the complaint was sent by the actress, Lorelei Lee, xHamster has to erase thousands of videos and photos.
Support is just cheating us and the DMCA, it's dangerous!
We never do anything but other members called lawyers for smaller situations, so imagine what they will do if xham call them criminals,
without evidences and with a lot of evidences against xHamster."
A great example of the ignorance of xHamster about the DMCA :
Akira Lane, forbidden on the most important adult tubesites and forums in a video of Jim Weathers, owner of the Bondage Cafe site and able to erase all the copies of his videos even in the ex U.S.S.R.

nobody is using DMCA on this site, they are just erasing what they need to repost or sell, since a loooooooong time!
I read this blogpost sometime ago and I agree with you, for the uploaders DMCA is a problem, as for the sharing system, BUT
I had another idea about the behaviour of several adult tubesites.
Because there were strange situations, some videos are erased in a fast way and you can assume the DMCA as a role about
these deletions, because the sites have a list of forbidden producers and/or actors, cause often they are world wide sponsors
of the adult tubesites([email protected],etc.).
Anyway other videos are deleted after a very long time, sometime years.
So i was looking for an answer about this situation and I imagined the sites have a role as "copyright hunters" but in a very strange way.
Porn is a too big world with a lot of little producers, you can say the most of them are just fools, because they have not ideas about the market, the general and common market.
So even if they make good products they have no idea about how they can sell their products, so they fail.
Tubesites have members and some of them are producers, actors and...resellers.
Why I'm talking of resellers?
Because all the tubesites are resellers, xHmaster included.
If your a VIP member you can see or buy some "special" videos.
So when a video is interesting, especially if it's strange, the "copyright hunters" begin to work.
The question is :
Is this video copyrighted?
Why the video is here since a long time and nobody is sending a complain(t)?
So if the video was made by a failed producer, the resellers acquire the copyrights or at least the permission to resell the video.
The last month I had a warning on my uploads page, so I checked my last videos but no one of them was deleted.
I was surprised and with a lot of questions in my mind, then I discovered the reason of the complain(t).
An old video was erased, I swear, I uploaded it just for fun and because I like Lorelei Lee, the videos was strange but it had several followers, so I tried to discover who was the producer and I found this page

below the photo you can see a banner to visit the page of the producer and the banner open this page

site expired, probably the producer is expired.
So, who sent the complain(t)?
Surely not the DMCA.
Simple, is xHamster, because he(and some of his members) needs to acquire the copyrights to resell a strange video with a very famous actress protected by very important porn producers :
Br@zzers and Kink.
If the real producer of the video is "expired", surely somewhere is possible to buy the rights, to become the new owner of all the
videos of the "dead" producer .
DMCA concerns about the 20% of the deletion, the others are just the work of the tubesites owners :
sell, sell, sell especially because the cam are not a good business (xHamster is planning to move the cams elsewhere), meanwhile
the resellers are becoming a lot, all around the world.
Have fun and forgive my bad grammar.
till kalemcgrady : Everyone should be aware of this cocksucker's name and his shithead organization. Spread the word and raise Hell with him anywhere you find him.
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thanks for letting me know !
till st_john_green : What fries me most is that the term "Piracy" implies someone is receiving compensation for their efforts. How many individuals to you know who've ever been paid for posting videos to a Porn site?
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till FredoBaggins : This clown makes ambulance chasers look good! And other than some profit making avenue, I have no idea why he created his Org. or the insane pogrom he's indulging in.
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Thanks for the great information. What I do not understand about people like this guy is what he is doing will not stop piracy. Also re posting of this persons material is actually free advertisement for the person. Most porn sites get their members from sites just like this one.
Ah, so now we know the shrimp-dicked loser and his cronies. You've got to be pretty pathetic to actually hunt down videos on these sites and report them.
till Addla : This situation is worsening. This clown has chased me down on so many sites I've lost count. Anyone uploading Porn to sites like XH should be wary of him and his group of Trolls.
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The last few years have been the golden age of internet porn, it sucks that that may be ending. It won't stop the piracy though, just make it a little more of a pain in the ass for digital privateers with a taste for such entertainment. The moment the file sharing model was created the genie was out of the bottle and there is no getting that son of a bitch back in.
till basix : It maybe, I have a clue...Unfortunately this is not my first run in with Mr. Glass, or his TDP organization. He's considered a Troll of internet porn.
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till curiosityalive : It's organizations and individuals like this that may spell the doom of sites like XH.
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till ShitJustGotReal4U : I see nothing, I hear nothing....I KNOW NOTHING ! ! !
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Maybe this is why xH is taking so long to publish our uploads, they are waiting for approval from Mr Glass.
May the fleas from a thousand camels infest his pubic area :smile:
May his a.. itch and his arms be too short to scratch!
I think we will see these type or organisations growing after all, the digital streaming industry is the fastest growing sector, and with hat will come "copyright" issues. The only thing that will defeat it is the sheer numbers of uploaders who will keep the relentless flow and will overwhelm. Sex is a great driver, but we are definitely at a cross roads as far as large sites like Hamster are concerned. Alison xxx
Lol, Sam went on the hunt and found his target! If Mr. Glass turns up missing, we know who did it.