Very short post about misogyny

What's with all the apparent hatred of women? I'm guessing that it turns some men on to be so angry at women, probably because they feel marginalized or excluded. I just can't believe the incredibly negative tones people title these videos with. Just about every other video is screaming Slut Whore Stupid Bitch then there's Trollope and Salope, the latter I had to translate.äs mer

Publicerat av Alec_Smart 8 år sedan 1

Video titles. I guess you CAN make this stuff up.

I was perusing videos today when I start to notice that I often come across the same clips with different titles. Then there are titles like these that don't make much sense in the way of English language usage, but they got all the right buzz-words in so I guess it's effective. This is apparently somebody's "wife", maybe the wife of the aforementioned "BBC", but that doesn't really play into the "wife" fantasy, so for oh, 5:56 minutes, she can't be his wife. http:/… Läs mer

Publicerat av Alec_Smart 8 år sedan

Black Man Fetish

Here's a bit about the exploitation of black-white interracial relationships, specifically between black men and white women.  There's no question that it is possible for black and white people to truly love each other, but people who fetishize black people, especially black males will forever be on my shit list. Although interracial is supposed to mean “involving different races” however in pornography it is code word for black-white porn, sometimes going as far to just to mean black man/men and white woman porn. O… Läs mer

Publicerat av Alec_Smart 8 år sedan 5


<p></p> When I was a k** we had NINE planets! Just another banality left over from the education system is the mnemonic "My Very Eccentric Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas" but since Pluto has been booted back down to the farm team new ones had to be made such as these two I found on a brief web search: "My Violent Evil Monster Just Scared Us Nuts" and "Moral Vacuum Eventually May Just Suck Up Neocons". Obviously people have strong feelings about things these days. With the data being received from t… Läs mer

Publicerat av Alec_Smart 8 år sedan 2

So there IS a blog post section.

I was thinking of suggesting this. I have plenty to say. Just not yet.… Läs mer

Publicerat av Alec_Smart 8 år sedan